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Misc. Case No. _________ / 2024

(Information petition U/s 39 of Cr.P.C)

[Chapter IV Sub Section-V,II,Va,IX]

EHTESHAMUL HAQUE, aged about 63 yrs

S/O Late Abdul Majeed

Address:-City Colony,Near City School,By Pass Road

P.S-Bhuli (O.P)

Dhanbad. Adhar No-325894787870

Phone No.-9304626611

…… Informant

First Party

-V e r s u s-

1) Unknown Miscreants

2) Any Unknown Woman/Person with

Connivance of Opp. Party ….. Opposite Parties

Second Parties

pg. 1
The humble petition on behalf of the First Party /

Most Respectfully Sheweth:-

1. That, the Informant is a retired Govt.Servent having very good reputation in

society as the important member of the Locality.
2. That, informant is Purchased the Chunk of Land for making the house for living
the Retired life and the details as per
Mouza No-04
Khata No-54
Plot No-1362 and 1363(old)
Rakba-01 Khatta 13(1/2)Chattak Or 3.04 Dismal

3. That, Petitioner Constructed the home and living with family peacefully on that
4. That Petitioner with his friend purchased the adjoining land and constructed the
house adjacent to his house.
5. That,at the time of Registry all clear cut term conditions mentioned in, As per term
the petitioner paid the cost of entire mentioned area but the adjoining persons not
paid the cost of way.
6. That for the wellness and Air the petitioner left the 11 feet way in front of his
7. That, on dated 28.01.2024 when the petitioner try to construct the pallor in his
private property in his 11 feet left his space some unknown persons gathers and
threaten and ready to face the dare consequence if not stopped the construction.
8. That,some not know persons came and said the dead owner of neighbour sold the
part of house to me and you not be constructed without my permission.

pg. 2
9. That respondents has came with malafied intentions, Threatening to reveal

embarrassing or damaging family members or the property if they do not

comply with demands.

10.That in this situation all the family members of informant get afraid and they feel
danger in this situation.
11.That, the Respondents may take the Law in their hands and use the muscular force
to fulfill their demands.
12. That, petitioner want to live his private property with peace full enjoyment but

second party said no police or public will save you. We have no value all law

enforcement agency save you. Fear of injury is extended with an intent to induce

the petitioner put to fear impelling to deliver property.

13.That, on dated 28.01.2024 the family members of petitioner got so afraid and if
anything may be happen to petitioner or his any family members all responsibility
goes to the second party.
14.That this information is on Bonofide reason and for emergency purpose.
15.That, the informant is giving aforesaid information to your honours court so that
the same may be used in the future.
It is therefore respectfully prayed that keep this
information on record for any future reference.

And for this act of kindness, your petitioner shall ever pray

pg. 3

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