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1 re Te Ene Momentum Raton cts: acta — WHAT IS RELATIVITY 2 st te concep of lati, We Wl ake advange of te alow see Sr sir anal Ser omputerand our immediate suroundings Burien siting is whan sre fhe earth at beter than 1,000 miles por ene Tn comparison tothe come span = zovng faster than the speed of sound. The centre of thy “Shing ative to the centre ofthe galaxy, the galaxy say. hich travelling atthe speed of light relative to other super galaxies. In of r ovata increible speeds relative to something. We jus do no ateet hear ee concen on “nei savoundings. Tn this way, we can say that motion i relative one ah conn ‘Een co-ontinate system, known as frame of reference. Not only this theme he eeiene ae tt, ar also relative ones. ey which deals with the relativity of motion and resis cae the theory fret and Eto two pans, vz. special theory of relativity and general theory of relativity, The ncn ae iuthobiects and systems which are moving at constant speed with espectto each eer ears Eo deals with objects and systems which are aceleraing or decelerating with ropes or in, = 32 Sem Talon 2. Cay kay et nme rn toa a Ti. 10 Aaa 4 Ee Potten, “it” Frames of Reference SSrgE tind ttt motion oe aly en egestas wis eae Sled Coordinate system. This coordinate system is commonly inva eo ens tee ttence is selected in such a way that the las of fate may econ single in Hint we two types of frames of reference—(i) inetal fran ohne Sa ees — © scanned with OKEN Scanner mo of Reference Mh, sative to which a ory in motion has eon Newton's first kn can be state pre, therefore we have 43.4.2. Inertia Frat cider any coon fs 2 , ab Br 9 PY and eee which gives = te TP =a ang a Oe ae > : wee compna hey oe eo a a an ew che applieton of Fre 8 body ig pg, sy Srna ng ie which Nevin a Ths yyy > man it ec hich ibd isa oF oN on An ota frame referene Wi fester exssa frame of ference with respect to which yea Mah? sect any exer iy thai these 0 bch hey ya moving with se mn inertia ame a ference fn rie may Jeisone in hich ods obey Newton's aw of inert and other laws of Nevion y the action of f 4134.3. Non-nertial Frames of Reference ofrteancei side non-inetal frame when a body, no ated upon tera Newton's tors ar noapic era, eee er two fames of reference Sand S’ where Sis moving tase toaffame withanaceleration a’ (Fg. 13.0). Now ‘Teale moving with constant elocty it espect tan observer iituneofefeenee wil appear tbe moving with an acelraion ieiroan obsrverin 5” Therefore, the observer in will measure a face cat on price, m being the mas of the particle. Ths force ie nown a he fictitious fore as itis observed duc to motion of S” tee § Ley relative accleraton, This, the frame of reference S tor inerial as the Newton's law doesnot hod in it. Suppose the parcleismovingwithanaceleationainframe ofreference then "2 J the observed acelertion nS willbea=a'Ductothis acceleration, Fg 434. pessoa the force onthe patil in "willbe m(a~) ct pontonsning” F=ma-ma'=ma+(-ma) =Real force in $+ titious fore in The force F is known as apparent force in S'. Because of this fictitious comy a 8 7 icttious component, « manne ‘the lift when moving up with a uniform acceleration) feels more weight than his real weight andj less weight when lif is moving down with uniform acceleration. 13.2. GALILEAN TRANSFORMATIONS ‘These transformations are used to transform the coordinates of bain nine omnia nee toes ote eis Lets consider vo fame of ference Sand nearest, sy ander sty moving wth constan speed, with espe o Sin postive dein of ani Now supose that thee are wo observers observing the event point P from S and respectively. For convenience, lewis ‘The earth snot aie of reference! © scanned with OKEN Scanner eer f de ead with espe to otigin Oe a ee namo wit rept jae en is Hanenine mPa any tint a the sevaion a le by both d si sovions re know as Galilean’ tranyfrseanay ey ete the observations of poston end ign eo observers in to different inertial frames np i we llconsider the case when the frame of referer Nowe along a straight line rel isn 132), Suppose iy direction with velocity lative t0 $ along any ‘moving with respect to § seh that i eet) thn se vey and ¥, A COMPONEN'S of velocity ¥ along x,y Ty eaxesrespectively. When fame S"is seperated from frame fy aditane Wi. yf and along the three anes respectively, ae Ssonearinbrehieltelonagecey: ME Mette =v and = y (2) Ths ae the Galean’s transformation equations which relate the oseition of postion ond sncmae by 49 observers in wo diferent inertial frames. Equations (I) nd Crane pendent Gaileans transformations, uations ‘ndfeenating eqn. (2), we have dived, dy"= dy—vyd, dds —y,dt, di’ = dt (vg ¥yand v, are constant) woe vd « dt de de at ) (= de'= any {Est uo ty and u, are the velocity components ofthe particle Pin system Sand wand u are in S* ‘sem along x, y and z axes respectively. In general, eqn. (3) ean be written as a) “hich is Galilean’s transformation of velocity of particle P. Now differentiating eqn. (4), we get ‘du’ = du ( visconstant) ‘Therefore, the change in velocity as observed from frame of reference Sis equal to the change in ‘elociy as observed in system S. Aso i | which gives | Similarly, © scanned with OKEN Scanner 13.3.1 Michelson-Morley Experiment We are aware that ether was supposed @ be the mem for Propagation oF lige yy Of Tight ¢ is a constant independent of the direetion of propagation of light Funes! , that the earth is moving throngh ether without producing any disturbance. So ify oh” CLO ether ft is correct then it is essential to determine the velocity of the earth with resp a is considered to be invisible, massless, perfectly transparent and perfectly non-resistive. For this Purpose, A.A. Michelson and E,W. Morley carried ‘out an experiment which led to the experimental foundations of theory of relativity. The experimental arrangement (Fig. 13.3) comprises 2 monochromatic light source S, the light from which falls on half silvered glass plate P inclined at angle 45° to the incident beam. The arrangement also has two highly silvered mirrors My and M; on their front surfaces just to avoid multiple internal reffections. The plates P and Q are of equal thickness and of same material, mounted parallel to each other. The plate P divides the incident light beam into ‘two parts, reflected as well as transmitted beam. The reflected beam moves towards M, and falls normally hence it will be reflected back to P and after being transmitted through P enters the telescope atA on M,, T- The transmitted beam moves towards M, and falls normally at B after passing through the plat . ‘Therefore, itis reflected by micror M, and goes back to plate P where itis reflected and enters the teessire ig. 13.3. Arrangement of Michelson More xxines © scanned with OKEN Scanner . 565 or reaching the telescope giVe Hse to phenomenon of aan fis experiment, the plate Mice FAME equalize the optical paths re em TO a My lerference, producing the vec rte oot retin tea eas wos ake cal ‘ms pte Pt cally the re Bouin slg. withthe cath aie that esas secon of the ial he of ill ae sion of the cath, the optical pas ree ys ae not the same, The Sag apne ston fle nt poion of plate Pst PTs 1s gen by the (Wo rays 0 travel othe mirrors ee notte eal in seas, Hs Mt he oct of igh nd tht ofthe earth or aparatus respectively is he distance safety, be theSme taken by the beam reflected at and moving from PtoAand hen fate etme taken bythe beam ansmited at P and mang fom Po Band then Bo P= amet APR, weave ilirection of motion of Fig. 13.4 Arangoment of Wieheson- Morey axparmant (hole apparatusis movie) PA? = PO +40? = AA +410? as PC ‘Now re the time taken by the beam to travel PA’, then PA'= ct, and AA’ sec ofthe apparatus PA® = Ad? + 4'0? becomes eeaveeP Now we wil evaluate the time f. Since along PB’, the relative velocity ofthe light is ev the time ea by he "the ray to travel a distance towards PB? willbe —. similarly the time taken by the eam PAN *Gistance Howards 'P* willbe where e+ v bei 1 B'P* will be where c+ being relative velocity ofthe beam of ight along © scanned with OKEN Scanner ence. the path difference between the two beams is given by w eu w If be the wavelength of light used, the path difference “> will corespond toa shit é ‘nab w imeterence finges given by N= ‘Therefore, according tothe above relation the interference fringes should be: w oh on Michelson and Morley performed the experiment at different poin seasons of the year but they could not detect any measurable shift, hich suggests that itis impossible to measure the speed of th 40 the concept thatthe speed of light in vacuum is the same in a ‘uniform relative motion and the concept of ether was ruled Ww (_ a rection, therefore, the fringes will then be displaced by = 4 arth and ira null or negara to ether. Tico es of reference which ait TRAD Evnlanatinn cesta = © scanned with OKEN Scanner “7 sok th andes vew e joes the CONT Naa Asc on which is meastrae, has nen perce ym a tte of ea diem ¢ special he sD 1s of re pee 2 I space fs meaningless was arn in Tog geet Fe ee a Seenee 1 88 Petiment has no mean ne. This, the concept apes? iy theory of relativity why presented in 1911, Tye anh mcr moving at constant velocity with ae et a frames “2 ntl es of erence. On he een either ry ge ee 4 feated motion of objects in the accelerated frames of sep ene" MEOEY oF relativity deste wu sn tieMichelson and Morley's experiment, we havesean Fenced by the movement ofthe earth through op si ery of reli the behaviour of ight waves cond net {The fundamental laws of physics have the * Kinstein gave the following postulates same form in fare moving with constant velocity relative sans tal to cach oth inertial frames of reference which Fr fromesofreferonceinaniorn nee a ofthe reference frame in which the measurement is maga) ‘The first postulate is the extension of the conclusion drawn: sso absolute, rather itis relative which i a fact drawn from te velocity of earth with respect to ether. Also we know th Galilean transformation and it is only second postulate whic resent f reference 1905 an i theory deals wit “Ci the gener Vacuum is independent from Newtonian mechanics since velocity the failure ofthe experiment to determine atthe speed of light is not constant under " his responsible to differentiate the classical teary and Einstein's theory of relativity. According to Einstein, the theory of relativity is applicable 12 inwsof optics, thus for the constancy of velocity of light we will have to introduce the new transformation ‘uations (Lorentz. Transformations) which fulfil the following requirements: (i) the spped of light must have the same value in every inertial frame of reference (i) the transformation must be linear and for v<

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