Laboratory Equipments

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Rizki Lukman Sungkar

Chemistry Education
Sebelas Maret University



A. Background
A laboratory is a facility that provides controlled conditions in which
scientific or technological research, experiments, and measurement may be
performed. Scientific laboratories can be found in schools and universities, in
industry, in government or military facilities, and even aboard ships and
As a student of chemistry education, we will conduct laboratory
experiments. We will learn a variety of lab work with a variety of tools.
Therefore we as a people will work using laboratory equipment must be
familiar with the various tools available in the laboratory. Laboratory
equipment or lab equipment is an important part of chemistry and science in
In this world there are a lot of equipment in chemical laboratories, each
tool has a different function. It is important for us as a student of chemistry
education to know each function lab equipment. So we can to take an
appropriately. In addition, knowing the function of each tool will help us to be
more careful and avoid the use of workplace accidents.
A number of items you will be using in the laboratory are shown in this
paper. Not all of the equipment we will describe in this paper. There are
laboratory equipment which often we see and use, there are never seen but
have not been used, and there is that we have never seen and have never
been used.

B. Problem Formulation
1. What are 5 tools that have been seen and have been used in the
2. What are 5 tools that have ever been seen but never used?
3. What are 5 tools that have never seen and have never been used?
C. Purpose 1
Rizki Lukman Sungkar
Chemistry Education
Sebelas Maret University

1. To know 5 tools who has ever seen and has already been used in the
2. To know 5 tools who had ever seen but had never used.
3. To know the 5 tools that have never seen and have never been used. 2
Rizki Lukman Sungkar
Chemistry Education
Sebelas Maret University



A. Five tools that have been seen and have been used in the laboratory.
1. Erlenmeyer Flask

Erlenmeyer Flasks
Erlenmeyer flasks are equipment glass which use to analysis in the
laboratory. Erlenmeyer flasks form of circle and cone on the top.
Erlenmeyer Flask has many different size volume among others are 50
mL, 125 mL, 250 mL, 1000mL. Erlenmeyer flask not for measuring.
The function of erlenmeyer flask among others :
a. To quantified and mixed up material analysis
b. To absorb solution
c. To place kultivasi microba
d. To titration place
2. Pippet

Pippet form of small pipe which made from plastic or glass. Under
pippets are pointed and on the top closed of rubber. Pippet transfers
relatively small amounts of liquid. In the most commonly used pipettes,
experimenters draw liquid into one end of a glass or plastic cylinder by the
prior squeezing of the rubber or plastic ball at the opposite end. The
amount of liquid able to be drawn into the pipette is usually fixed, to 3
Rizki Lukman Sungkar
Chemistry Education
Sebelas Maret University

enable accuracy in measurement. The function of pippets are to displace

solution from one place to other place with small quantity.
3. Test tube

Test tube
Test tube is a tube which made from plastic or glass that which can
arrest conversion temperature and hold out to chemical reaction. Should
be held with tongs, clamps or a ring-stand clamp never with your hands
The function of test tube among others :
a. The place to reaction of chemical material.
b. To reaction within small quantity.
c. The plece to propagation microba in liquid media.
4. Glass Funnel

Glass Funnel
A glass funnel is a pipe with a wide, often conical mouth and a
narrow stem. It is used to channel liquid or fine-grained substances into
containers with a small opening. Without a funnel, spillage would occur.
The material used in its construction should be sturdy enough to
withstand the weight of the substance being transferred, and it should not
react with the substance.
The function of glass funnel are :
1. A funnel is used to aid in the transfer of liquids from one vessel
to another,
2. will hold filter paper while filtering. 4
Rizki Lukman Sungkar
Chemistry Education
Sebelas Maret University

5. Lab Coat

Lab coat / White Coat

White coat or laboratory coat (often abbreviated to lab coat) is a
knee-length overcoat/smock worn by professionals in the medical field or
by those involved in laboratory work
When used in the laboratory, they protect against accidental spills,
e.g., acids. In this case they usually have long sleeves and are made of
an absorbent material, such as cotton, so that the user can be protected
from the chemical. Some lab coats have buttons at the end of the sleeves,
to secure them around the wrist so that they do not hang into beakers of
chemicals. Short-sleeved lab coats also exist where protection from
substances such as acid is not necessary, and are favoured by certain
scientists, such as microbiologists, avoiding the problem of hanging
sleeves altogether, combined with the ease of washing the forearms (an
important consideration in microbiology).

B. Five the laboratory equipments which ever seen but never used
1. Safety googles

Safety googles
Goggles or safety glasses are forms of protective eyewear that usually
enclose or protect the area surrounding the eye.

The function of safety googles are :

1. in order to prevent particulates, water or chemicals from
striking the eyes. 5
Rizki Lukman Sungkar
Chemistry Education
Sebelas Maret University

2. In chemistry laboratories to prevent flying particles from

damaging the eyes (like sparks, metal vapor, pollen, dust and
2. Bunsen Burner

Bunsen Burner
A Bunsen burner provides concentrated and adjustable heat for
experiments. A tube connects the burner to the laboratory gas supply.
When the Bunsen burner is lit, the flame can be adjusted using the air
hole. Closing the air hole produces an easily visible, luminous flame is
produced that is not good for heating. It should be opened when the
Bunsen burner is used to heat chemicals.
A typical Bunsen burner, according to Practical Chemistry,
employs a tube in which a gas (such as methane) mixes with air.
Once that gas is lit, an air hole in the tube allows the user to adjust the
size of the flame. Never put glassware into the flame, as the glass will
weaken and then melt.
The function are :
1. for the heating of nonvolatile liquids and solids
2. to provide a ready source of heat in the laboratory
3. Spatula

Spatula like a long spoon with a flat top edge, made of stainless
steel or aluminium.
The function of spatula among others :
1. To take chemicals in the form of solids
2. Used stir the Solutions 6
Rizki Lukman Sungkar
Chemistry Education
Sebelas Maret University

4. Wash bottle

Wash Bottle
Most wash bottles are made up of polyethylene, which is a flexible
solvent-resistant petroleum-based plastic. Most bottles contain an internal
dip tube allowing upright use. Wash bottles may be filled with a range of
common laboratory solvents and reagents, according to the work carried
out in that lab. These include: deionized water, detergent solutions and
rinse solvents such as acetone, isopropanol or ethanol.
The function of wash bottle are :
1. for a container for water and other liquids
2. used to rinse various pieces of laboratory glassware, such as test
tubes and round bottom flasks.
3. to keep sodium hypochlorite solution in a wash bottle to
conveniently disinfect unneeded cultures. (in biology lab).
5. Hot Hands

Hot hands
Hot hands made of rubber. The function of hot hands is to hold
utility glass which still hot. 7
Rizki Lukman Sungkar
Chemistry Education
Sebelas Maret University

C. Five tools that have never seen and have never been used
1. Triple-Beam Balance

The Triple Beam Balance is a typical mechanical balance. It has a

beam which is supported by a fulcrum. On one side is a pan on which the
object is placed. On the other side, the beam is split into three parallel
beams , each supporting one weight. In measuring the weight of an
object, rather than adding additional weights, each of the three weights
can be slid along the beam to increase their lever arm. It works just like a
tetter-totter. If you have two people of unequal weight, the heavier person
sits closer to the fulcrum to decrease their lever arm.
The function of triple-beam balance are :
1. Used to measure mass
2. Moving the weight farther from the pan increases the leverage.
3. Be sure to zero the balance for each mass.
4. Use paper to keep materials from sticking to the balance pan.
2. Buchner Funnel

Bucher Funnel
Bucher funnel is traditionally made of porcelain, but glass and
plastic funnels are also available. The main advantage in using this type
of filtration is that it proceeds much more quickly (several orders of
magnitude) than simply allowing the solvent to drain through the filter 8
Rizki Lukman Sungkar
Chemistry Education
Sebelas Maret University

medium via the force of gravity. It is essential that the amount of solvent
being used be limited to less than what would overflow the flask,
otherwise the solvent will be drawn into the vacuum equipment. If the
vacuum is provided by a water flow device, an overflow of the solvent
could result in the spilling of a hazardous solvent into the wastewater
stream, a potential violation of the law, depending on the solvent. The
potential for overflow and the potential for water to be drawn back into the
flask can be reduced by using a trap between the flask and the vacuum
The function of bucher funnel are :
1. To filtration sample.
2. To assist in collecting recrystallized compounds (in organic
3. Clay triangle

Clay triangle
A pipeclay triangle is made of wires strung in an equilateral triangle on
which are strung hollow catlinite or ceramic tubes. The triangle is usually
supported on a tripod or iron ring. Unlike wire gauze, which primarily
supports glassware such as beakers, flasks, or evaporating dishes and
provides indirect heat transfer to the glassware, the pipeclay triangle
normally supports a crucible and allows the flame to heat the crucible
The function of clay triangle are :
1. used as a support for crucibles when being heated over a lab
2. used to support a funnel when filtering. 9
Rizki Lukman Sungkar
Chemistry Education
Sebelas Maret University

4. Test Tube Clamp Or Tongs

Test tube clamp or tongs

It has a handle in which two fingers can fit into and a clamp at the
tip. The function of clay triangle are :
1. used as a support for crucibles when being heated over a lab
2. used to support a funnel when filtering

Crucible and cover

A crucible is a container that can withstand very high temperatures
and is used for metal, glass, and pigment production as well as a number
of modern laboratory processes. While crucibles historically were usually
made from clay, they can be made from any material that withstands
temperatures high enough to melt or otherwise alter its contents.
The function of Crucible and cover are :
1. For heating small amounts at high temperatures.
2. For metal, glass, and pigment production as well as a number
of modern laboratory processes. 10
Rizki Lukman Sungkar
Chemistry Education
Sebelas Maret University



A. Conclusion
1. Five tools that have been seen and have been used in the laboratory are :
Erlenmeyer flasks, pippet, test tube, glass funnel, and lab coat
2. Five tools that have ever been seen but never used are : safety googles,
Bunsen burner, spatula, wash bottle, and hot hands.
3. Five tools that have never been seen and never used are : triple-beam
balance, bucher funnel, clay triangle, test tube clamp or tongs, and
crucible and cover.

B. Suggestion
1. With known tools mentioned above, should the knowledge of students to
laboratory equipment .
2. With increasing knowledge of laboratory equipment above, students
should be able to use as its functions.
3. Students should care for and maintain laboratory equipment with either. 11
Rizki Lukman Sungkar
Chemistry Education
Sebelas Maret University


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Arbyputra, F. (2013). Pengenalan alat dan penggunaannya (praktikum kimia

dasar). Diperoleh 16 Maret 2014, dari

Kimia empat. (2012). Teknik laboratorium 4. Diperoleh 16 Maret 2014, dari

Tim dosen praktikum kimia dasar 1. (2013). Petunjuk praktikum kimia dasar 1.
Surakarta : UNS Press. 12

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