P PWB934 Conditions 305802106

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^mJ-~r : n[a^mfm PART – B: DEFINITIONS

Bg nm°{bgr ‘| à¶wº$ nm[a^m{fH$ eãX/eãXm| H$s n[a^mfmE§ {ZåZ àH$ma h¢: The definitions of terms/words used in the policy documents are as
1. Am¶w nm°{bgr Ho$ àma§^ hmoZo Ho$ g‘¶ ~r{‘V ì¶{º$ Ho$ {ZH$Q>V‘ OÝ‘ {Xdg na 1. Age is the age nearer birthday of the Proposer, on whose life this
CgH$s Am¶w h¡& bo{H$Z 18 df© H$s Am¶w Ho$ {bE ¶h nyU© dm{f©H$ df© ‘| hmoJr& Rider cover has been taken, at the time of commencement of the
2. ‘yb nm°{bgr, nm°{bgr H$m dh ^mJ h¡, {Og‘| ‘yb {hVbm^m| H$m C„oI {H$¶m J¶m policy except for age 18 years for which the age is in completed
h¡, Am¡a {OgHo$ gmW ¶h AZwd¥{Õ g§b¾ h¡&
2. Base Policy is that part of the Policy referring to basic benefit to
3. AZwd¥{Õ àma§^ hmoZo H$s VmarI Bg AZwd¥{Õ H$s àma§^-VmarI h¡& which this rider is attached.
4. AZwd¥{Õ Ho$ {bE Omo{I‘ àma§^ hmoZo H$s VmarI dh VmarI h¡, {Og na {ZJ‘, ~r‘m 3. Date of commencement of rider is the start date of this rider.
(gwajm) Ho$ {bE Omo{I‘ H$mo ñdrH¥$V H$aVm h¡, O¡gm {H$ Bg AZwd¥{Õ H$s AZwgyMr 4. Date of commencement of risk for rider is the date on which the
‘| Xem©¶m J¶m h¡& Corporation accepts the risk for insurance (cover) as evidenced
in the Schedule of the rider.
5. ‘¥Ë¶w {hVbm^ dh {hVbm^ h¡, Omo ~r{‘V ì¶{º$ H$s ‘¥Ë¶w na Xo¶ hmoVm h, O¡gm{H$ 5. Death Benefit means the benefit, which is payable on death, as
Bg nm°{bgr XñVmdoO Ho$ ^mJ 'gr' H$s eV© 1.H$ ‘| {d{Z{X©ï> h¡& specified in Condition 1. A of Part C of this Rider.
6. AZwd¥{Õ dh A{V[aº$ gwajm h¡ {OgH$m M¶Z ‘yb ¶moOZm Ho$ gmW {H$¶m Om gH$Vm 6. Rider is an additional cover which can be opted for along with
h¡& base policy.
7. Rider Term is the Outstanding Premium Paying Term of the Base
7. AZwd¥{Õ Ad{Y H$m AW© dh Ad{Y h¡, Omo Bg AZwd¥{Õ H$mo MwZZo H$s {V{W na ‘yb
Policy as on the date of opting this rider or (25 minus age of the
nm°{bgr H$s eof àr{‘¶‘ ^wJVmZ Ad{Y ¶m (25 go Bg AZwd¥{Õ H$mo MwZZo H$s {V{W minor as on date of opting this rider), whichever is lower, subject
na Vm~m{bJ Ho$ Am¶w KQ>mH$a {‘bZodmbr Ad{Y), Bg‘| go Omo H$‘ hmo, ~eV] H$s to minimum outstanding term of this rider is 5 years. The Death
Bg AZwd¥{Õ H$s ݶyZV‘ eof Ad{Y 5 gmb hmo& Bg AZwd¥{Õ Ho$ A§Xa, AZwd¥{Õ H$s benefit under this Rider shall be provided till the date of Expiry
g‘má hmoZo H$s {V{W VH$, AWm©V Cg nm°{bgr df©Jm§R> {Og ‘| ‘yb nm°{bgr ({Og of Rider i.e, Policy Anniversary on which the Life Assured under
Ho$ gmW Bg AZwd¥{Õ g§b¾ h¡) ‘| Cëbo{IV ~r{‘V ì¶{º$ 25 df© H$s C‘« H$m hmo the Base Policy, to which this Rider is attached, attains age of
25 years (last birthday/ nearer birthday as applicable under the
OmVm h¡ ({nN>br OÝ‘{V{W/{ZH$Q>V‘ OÝ‘{V{W, Omo ‘yb nm°{bgr ‘| à¶moÁ¶ h¡)
Base Policy)
‘¥Ë¶w {hVbm^ CnbãY h¡&
Note: For definitions of other terms/words used anywhere in this
ZmoQ>: Bg n¥ð>m§H$Z ‘| H$ht ^r Cn¶moJ {H$E JE Aݶ eãXm| / eãXm| H$s n[a^mfm Ho$ {bE, endorsement, the definitions given in the Base Policy may be
‘yb nm°{bgr ‘| Xr JB© n[a^mfmAm| H$mo g§X{^©V {H$¶m Om gH$Vm h¡& referred to.

^mJ-'gr' : {hVbm^ PART – C : BENEFITS

1. EH$ à^mdr nm°{bgr Ho$ A§VJ©V {ZåZ{bpIV {hVbm^ Xo¶ h¢: 1. The following benefits are payable under an in-force rider:
(H$) ‘¥Ë¶y {hVbm^: A. Death Benefit:
On death of Proposer before the stipulated date of expiry of this
Bg AZwd¥{Õ H$s g‘m{á H$s {ZYm©[aV {V{W go nhbo àñVmdH$ H$s ‘¥Ë¶w hmoZo na, ‘yb rider, premiums payable under the Base Policy falling due on and
nm°{bgr Ho$ VhV Xo¶ àr{‘¶‘m| ‘|, Omo àñVmdH$ H$s ‘¥Ë¶w na Am¡a àñVmdH$ H$s ‘¥Ë¶w after the date of death of Proposer till the expiry of Rider Term
Ho$ ~mX Xo¶ h¡, CZna AZwd¥{Õ Ad{Y H$s g‘m{á VH$ Ny>Q> Xr OmEJr& hmbm§{H$, {H$gr shall be waived. However, premiums in respect of any riders, if
^r AZwd¥{Õ Ho$ g§~§Y ‘| àr{‘¶‘, AJa MwZr OmVr h¡, Vmo ‘yb nm°{bgr Ho$ VhV Bg opted for, other than this rider under the Base Policy shall not
be waived and continued to be paid as per respective rider
AZwd¥{Õ Ho$ Abmdm Aݶ AZwd¥{Õ¶m| Ho$ àr{‘¶‘m| H$mo ‘m’$ Zht {H$¶m OmEJm Am¡a conditions.
g§~§{YV AZwd¥{Õ Ho$ eVm] Ho$ AZwgma ^wJVmZ Omar aIm OmEJm& Further, if premium paying term of the Base Policy exceeds the
BgHo$ Abmdm, ¶{X ‘yb nm°{bgr H$s àr{‘¶‘ ^wJVmZ Ad{Y AZwd¥{Õ go A{YH$ h¡, Rider Term, all the premiums due under the Base Policy from
Vmo Bg àr{‘¶‘ Ny>Q> bm^ AZwd¥{Õ H$s g‘m{á H$s VmarI go ‘yb nm°{bgr Ho$ VhV the date of expiry of this Premium Waiver Benefit Rider shall be
payable by the Life Assured as per the terms and conditions of
g^r àr{‘¶‘ ‘yb nm°{bgr Ho$ {Z¶‘m| Am¡a eVm] Ho$ AZwgma Xo¶ hm|Jo& the Base Policy.
(I) n[an¹$Vm bm^: Bg AZwd¥{Õ Ho$ VhV H$moB© n[an¹$Vm bm^ Xo¶ Zht h¡& B. Maturity Benefit: No maturity benefit is payable under this rider.
2. àr{‘¶‘ H$m ^wJVmZ: 2. Payment of premiums:
a. The LIC's Premium Waiver Benefit Rider premium, including
(H$) EbAmB©gr H$m àr{‘¶‘ Ny>Q> bm^ AZwd¥{Õ àr{‘¶‘, g‘¶-g‘¶ na bmJy H$am| the applicable taxes from time to time, is payable only along
g{hV, Ho$db ‘yb nm°{bgr Ho$ {bE àr{‘¶‘ Ho$ gmW Xo¶ h¡ Am¡a BgH$m AbJ with the premium for the Base Policy and cannot be paid
go ^wJVmZ Zht {H$¶m Om gH$Vm h¡& separately.
b. The premiums under the rider are payable till the stipulated
(I) AZwd¥{Õ Ho$ VhV àr{‘¶‘, EbAmB©gr H$s àr{‘¶‘ Ny>Q> bm^ AZwd¥{Õ H$s date of payment of last premium for LIC's Premium Waiver
A§{V‘ àr{‘¶‘ Ho$ ^wJVmZ H$s {ZYm©[aV {V{W ¶m Cggo nyd© àñVmdH$ H$s ‘¥Ë¶y Benefit Rider or earlier death of the Proposer.
hmoZo VH$ Xo¶ h¢& c. Once a claim under LIC's Premium Waiver Benefit has been
(J) EbAmB©gr Ho$ àr{‘¶‘ Ny>Q> bm^ Ho$ VhV Xmdm ñdrH$ma {H$E OmZo Ho$ ~mX, Bg admitted, no subsequent premium towards this rider shall be
AZwd¥{Õ Ho$ {bE ~mX ‘| H$moB© àr{‘¶‘ Zht {b¶m OmEJm& d. The additional premium paid in respect of this rider shall not
(K) Bg AZwd¥{Õ Ho$ g§~§Y ‘| ^wJVmZ {H$¶m J¶m A{V[aº$ àr{‘¶‘ ‘yb nm°{bgr Ho$ be taken into account for determination of Death Benefit of
‘¥Ë¶w bm^ Ho$ {ZYm©aU Am¡a ‘yb nm°{bgr Ho$ Aä¶n©U ‘yë¶ H$s JUZm Ho$ {bE the Base Policy and in calculating the surrender value of the
Base Policy.
{dMma ‘| Zht aIm OmEJm&
3. Grace period:
3. AZwJ«h Ad{Y: Same as Base policy
^mJ - 'S>r' : godm nhby go g§~§{YV eV]
1. Proof of Age: The premiums having been calculated on the age of
1. Am¶w H$m à‘mU : My§{H$ àr{‘¶‘m| H$s JUZm, àñVmd nÌ ‘| ~r{‘V ì¶{º$ H$s Kmo{fV the Proposer as declared in the Proposal, in case the age is found
higher than such age, without prejudice to the Corporation's
Am¶w Ho$ ‘yb na H$s JB© h¡, Bg{bE ¶{X Am¶w Eogr Kmo{fV Am¶w go A{YH$ nmB© OmVr other rights and remedies, including those under the Insurance
h¡ Vmo g‘¶-g‘¶ na g§emo{YV ~r‘m A{Y{Z¶‘, 1938 Ho$ A§VJ©V àmá A{YH$mam| Act, 1938, as amended from time to time, the premiums shall
Am¡a Cnm¶m| g{hV, {ZJ‘ Ho$ Aݶ A{YH$mam| VWm Cnm¶m| na H$moB© à{VHy$b à^md be payable in such case at the rate calculated for the correct
age at entry, and the accumulated difference between the
S>mbo {~Zm, àdoe Ho$ g‘¶ H$s ghr Am¶w Ho$ g‘¶ nm°{bgr H$s pñW{V Ho$ AZwgma premiums for the correct age and the original premiums, from
g§~§{YV ~r‘m am{e na VWm AZwd¥{Õ ~r‘m am{e (¶{X H$moB© hmo) na JUZm H$s Xa go the commencement of the Rider upto the date of such payment
shall be paid to the Corporation with interest at such rate as
àr{‘¶‘ Xo¶ hmoJm Am¡a AZwd¥{Õ àma§^ hmoZo go boH$a, Eogo ^wJVmZ H$s VmarI VH$ fixed by the Corporation from time to time. However, in case
ghr Am¶w Ho$ àr{‘¶‘m| Am¡a ‘m¡{bH$ àr{‘¶‘m| Ho$ g§{MV A§Va H$m ^wJVmZ {ZJ‘ H$mo the Proposer continues to pay the premiums at the rates shown
ã¶mO g{hV Cg Xa na Xo¶ hmoJm, {OgH$m {ZYm©aU {ZJ‘ g‘¶-g‘¶ na H$aoJm& herein, and also does not pay the above mentioned accumulated
debt, the accumulated difference between the premiums for the
VWm{n, ¶{X àñVmdH$ ¶hm§ {bpIV Xam| na àr{‘¶‘m| H$m ^wJVmZ Omar aIVm h¡ correct age and the original premiums from the commencement
Am¡a Cn¶w©º$ g§{MV F$U H$m ^wJVmZ Zht H$aVm h¡ Vmo Bg AZwd¥{Õ àma§^ hmoZo go of this rider up to the date on which this rider becomes a claim,
with interest on each instalment of such difference at such
nm°{bgr Ho$ Xmdo ‘| n[ad{V©V hmoZo VH$, R>rH$ Am¶w Ho$ àr{‘¶‘m| Am¡a ‘m¡{bH$ àr{‘¶‘m| rate as may be fixed by the Corporation from time to time,
H$m g§{MV A§Va, Eogo A§Va H$s à˶oH$ {H$íV na {ZJ‘ Ûmam g‘¶-g‘¶ na {Z¶V shall accrue and be treated as a debt due by the Life Assured/

LIC's Premium Waiver Benefit Rider Page 2 of 4

Xa na ã¶mO g{hV Cn{MV hmo OmEJm, Omo Cg AZwd¥{Õ na àñVmdH$ Ûmam Xo¶ F$U Proposer against the said Rider and shall be deducted from the
‘mZm OmEJm Am¡a CgH$s am{e, ‘yb nm°{bgr Ho$ Xmdo ‘| n[ad{V©V hmoZo na Xo¶ nm°{bgr Policy moneys payable under the Base Policy on the Base Policy
becoming a claim.
a³H$‘ ‘| go H$mQ> br OmEJr&
Provided further that if the Proposer's correct age at entry is
BgHo$ A{V[aº$ ¶h ^r eV© h¡ {H$ ¶{X àdoe Ho$ g‘¶ ~r{‘V ì¶{º$ H$s ghr Am¶w such as would have made him/her uninsurable under the class
Eogr h¡ {Oggo {H$ Cn¶w©º$ AZwgyMr ‘| {d{Z{X©ï> dJ© ¶m ~r‘m eVm] Ho$ A§VJ©V ~r‘o Ho$ or terms of assurance specified in the said Schedule hereto
A¶mo½¶ hmo OmVm Vmo AZwd¥{Õ {ZañV H$a Xr OmEJr& otherwise the rider will be cancelled.
2 μOãVr Am¡a J¡a-μOãVr {d{Z¶‘: 2. Forfeiture and Non-forfeiture Regulations:
Hw$N> Aݶ KQ>ZmAm| ‘| OãVr: Forfeiture in Certain Other Events:
‘wb nm°{bgr Ho$ Vah Same as Base policy
J¡a-μOãVr {d{Z¶‘: ¶h àmdYmZ Bg AZwd¥{Õ na bmJy Zht hmoVo h¢ Š¶m|{H$ ¶h {H$gr Non-forfeiture Regulations: These provisions do not apply to
this rider as it does not acquire any paid up value and the rider
^r ^wJVmZ {H$E JE ‘yë¶ H$m AO©Z Zht H$aVm h¡ Am¡a AJa nm°{bgr H$mbmVrV / benefit ceases to apply, if policy is in lapsed/ paid-up condition.
àXÎm H$s pñW{V ‘| h¡, Vmo AZwd¥{Õ {hVbm^ bmJw hmoZm aÔ hmo OmVm h¡& 3. Revival of lapsed Policies:
3. H$mbmVrV nm°{bgr¶m| H$m nwZM©bZ: The revival of the Rider will be considered along with the
AZwd¥{Õ Ho$ nwZM©bZ H$m ‘yb nm°{bgr Ho$ nwZM©bZ Ho$ gmW {dMma {H$¶m OmEJm revival of the Base Policy and shall be revived in accordance
Am¡a {ZJ‘ H$s ~r‘m boIZ Zr{V Ho$ AZwgma nwZM©{bV {H$¶m OmEJm& ‘yb nm°{bgr with the Underwriting policy of the Corporation. The terms and
conditions are as mentioned under ''Revival of Lapsed Policies''
XñVmdoμO Ho$ ^mJ S>r ‘| H$mbmVrV nm°{bgr¶m| Ho$ nwZM©bZ Ho$ VhV {Z¶‘ Am¡a eVm] in Part D of the Base Policy Document.
H$m C„oI {H$¶m J¶m h¡&
4. Surrender Value: No surrender value will be available under this
4 g‘n©U ‘yë¶: Bg AZwd¥{Õ Ho$ VhV H$moB© Aä¶n©U ‘yë¶ CnbãY Zht hmoJm rider
5. F$U: Bg AZwd¥{Õ Ho$ VhV H$moB© F$U Zht {X¶m OmEJm 5. Loan: No loan will be granted under this rider
6. EbAmB©gr H$s àr{‘¶‘ Ny>Q> bm^ AZwd¥{Õ H$s g‘m{á: 6. Termination of LIC's Premium Waiver Benefit Rider:
The LIC's Premium Waiver Benefit Rider will terminate on the
EbAmB©gr H$s àr{‘¶‘ Ny>Q> bm^ AZwd¥{Õ BZ‘o go {H$gr Ho$ ^r nhbo hmoZo na g‘má earliest of:
H$a Xr OmEJr&
a) On the event of death of Proposer
H$) àñVmdH$ H$s ‘¥Ë¶w na b) The date of expiry of the Rider (as mentioned in the Schedule)
I) AZwd¥{Õ H$s g‘m{á H$s {V{W (AZwgyMr ‘| O¡go Cëbo{IV {H$¶m J¶m) c) T he date on which the Base Policy to which the Rider is
J) dh VmarI, {Og na ‘yb nm°{bgr, {Oggo AZwd¥{Õ g§b¾ h¡ g‘má hmo OmVr attached terminates or is converted into a paid up policy.
¶m àXÎm nm°{bgr ‘| n[ad{V©V hmo OmVr h¡& d) The date of surrender/ cancellation of rider or Base Policy
K) AZwd¥{Õ ¶m ‘yb nm°{bgr Ho$ Aä¶n©U / aÔ H$aZo H$s VmarI e) O n payment of free look cancellation amount.
M) {Z…ewëH$ AdbmoH$Z {ZañVrH$aU am{e Ho$ ^wJVmZ na& Under an in-force policy this rider can be cancelled at any time by
EH$ Mmbw nm°{bgr Ho$ VhV AZwd¥{Õ Ad{Y Ho$ Xm¡amZ nm°{bgrYmaH$ Ûmam {H$gr ^r the policyholder during the Rider Term. Nothing shall be payable
g‘¶ Bg AZwd¥{Õ H$mo aÔ {H$¶m Om gH$Vm h¡& Bg AZwd¥{Õ H$mo aÔ H$aZo na Hw$N> on cancellation of this rider. The rider once cancelled cannot be
re-opted during the Rider Term.
^r Xo¶ Zht hmoJm& EH$ ~ma aÔ {H$E JE AZwd¥{Õ H$mo AZwd¥{Õ Ad{Y Ho$ Xm¡amZ Xmo~mam
7. Free look period:
Zht MwZm Om gH$Vm h¡&
During the Free Look period, if the Policyholder is not satisfied
7. {Z…ewëH$ AdbmoH$Z Ad{Y : with the Terms or Conditions of the rider, he/she may return the
¶{X nm°{bgrYmaH$ nm°{bgr Ho$ {Z¶‘ Ed§ eVm] go g§Vwï> Zht h¡ Vmo nm°{bgrYmaH$ rider within 15 days (30 days if the policy is purchased online)
Ûmam nm°{bgr XñVmdoO àmá H$aZo H$s VmarI go 15 {XZ (B§Q>aZoQ> Ho$ ‘mܶ‘ from date of receipt of the policy bond stating the reason of
go nm°{bgr IarXZo na 30 {XZ) H$s {Z…ewëH$ AdbmoH$Z Ad{Y Ho$ Xm¡amZ dh objections. On receipt of the same the Corporation shall cancel
the rider and return the amount of premium deposited for
Amn{Îm¶m| H$m H$maU ~VmVo hþE nm°{bgr {ZJ‘ H$mo bm¡Q>m gH$Vm h¡ & nm°{bgr àmá
this rider after deducting the proportionate risk premium (for
hmoZo na, {ZJ‘ nm°{bgr H$mo {ZañV H$a XoJm Am¡a gwajm Ad{Y Ho$ {bE g‘mZwnmVr Premium Waiver Benefit) for the period of cover, charges for
Omo{I‘ àr{‘¶‘ (àr{‘¶‘ Nw>Q> {hVbm^ Ho$ {bE) VWm {M{H$Ëgm Om§M, {deof stamp duty and charge for medical examination, special reports,
[anmoQ>m] Am¡a ñQ>m§n ewëH$ Ho$ à^ma H$mQ>H$a O‘m {H$E JE àr{‘¶‘ H$s am{e bm¡Q>m if any. In case of cancellation of Base Policy, this rider stands
XoJm & automatically cancelled.
^mJ - B©
Not Applicable.
bmJw Zht

1. eV] Am¡a à{V~§Y: 1. Conditions and restrictions:

EbAmB©gr H$s àr{‘¶‘ Ny>Q> {hVbm^ AZwd¥{Õ A{V[aº$ àr{‘¶‘ Ho$ ^wJVmZ na LIC's Premium Waiver Benefit Rider is available to the eligible
Proposer (aged between 18 years (last birthday) to 55 years
¶mo½¶ àñVmdH$, {OgH$s C‘« Bg AZwd¥{Õ H$mo MwZZo H$s {V{W na 18 gmb ({dJV (nearest birthday) as on the date on which this rider is opted) on
OÝ‘{XZ) go 55 gmb ({ZH$Q>V‘ OÝ‘{XZ) hmo, Ho$ {bE CnbãY h¡& payment of additional premium
hmbm§{H$ ¶h AZwd¥{Õ ewéAmV ‘| CnbãY h¡, BgH$mo ‘yb nm°{bgr Ho$ àr{‘¶‘ ^wJVmZ While this rider is available at inception, it can also be opted for
Ad{YH$ Ho$ Xm¡amZ, AJa nm°{bgr Mmbw hmo, {H$gr ^r nm°{bgr dm{f©H$s na MwZm Om under an in-force policy, at any time coinciding with the policy
anniversary during the premium paying term of the Base Policy
gH$Vm h¡, ~eV] H$s ‘wb nm°{bgr H$s eof Ad{YH$ Ed§ AZwd¥{Õ Ad{Y ݶwZV‘ 5 provided the minimum outstanding premium paying term of the
gmb hmo& Eogo {dH$ën H$mo Zr{‘V ì¶p³V ñd¶§ Ûmam {b{IV én ‘| MwZm OmZm Mm{hE Base Policy and Rider Term is at least 5 years. Such option for
Am¡a Bg‘| BgHo$ {bE {ZJ‘ H$s Va’$ go H$moB© gyMZm ¶m AZwñ‘maH$ XoZm Oê$ar Zhr§ this rider is to be exercised by the proposer on his own in writing
hmoJm& without need of any intimation or reminder for the same from
the Corporation.
‘o{S>H$b [anmoQ>© Am¡a {deof [anmoQ>©, ¶{X Amdí¶H$ hmo, àñVmd MaU ‘| ¶m nwZM©bZ The medical report and special reports, if required, at proposal
na, àñVmdH$ Ho$ ñd¶§ Ho$ IM© na {ZJ‘ H$s hm‘rXmar nm°{bgr Ho$ AZwgma hmoJ|& stage or on revival, shall be in accordance with the Underwriting
2. g‘ZwXoeZ Am¡a Zm‘m§H$Z : ‘wb nm°{bgr Ho$ ~am~a& Policy of the Corporation at the own expense of the proposer.
2. Assignments and Nominations : Same as Base Policy
3. AmË‘h˶m g§~§Yr AndO©Z : Bg nm°{bgr XñVmdoµO ‘| H$ht ^r CëbopIV ‘¥Ë¶w
3. Suicide Exclusion : Notwithstanding the provision of benefits
na Xo¶ bm^m| Ho$ àmdYmZ Ho$ ~mdOyX, AmË‘h˶m Ho$ H$maU hþB© ‘¥Ë¶w Ho$ ‘m‘bo ‘| payable on death mentioned anywhere in this Policy Document,
Xmdm ^wJVmZ go g§~pÝYV àmdYmZ Bg eV© Ho$ AYrZ hm|Jo, O¡gm H$s ¶hm± na the provisions related to claim payment in case of death due
{Z{X©ï> {H$¶m J¶m h¡ … to suicide shall be subject to the conditions as specified herein
under :
¶{X àñVmdH$ (Mmho ñdñW ¶m {d{jßV) Bg AZwd¥{Õ Ho$ VhV Omo{I‘ Ho$ ewê$
If the Proposer (whether sane or insane) commits suicide
hmoZo H$s VmarI go 12 ‘hrZo Ho$ ^rVa ¶m nwZM©bZ H$s VmarI go 12 ‘hrZo Ho$ anytime within 12 months from the date of commencement of
^rVa H$^r ^r AmË‘h˶m H$a bo, Vmo Bg Vah H$s pñW{V ‘|, {ZJ‘ Bg AZwd¥{Õ the risk under this rider or within 12 months from the date of
H$s VhV {H$gr ^r Xmdo H$mo ñdrH$ma Zht H$aoJm (¶mZr ‘yb nm°{bgr Ho$ VhV Xo¶ revival the Corporation will not entertain any claim under this
rider (i.e. premiums payable under the base policy shall not be
àr{‘¶‘ ‘m’$ Zht {H$¶m OmEJm), hmbm§{H$, EbAmB©gr Ho$ Ny>Q> bm^ AZwd¥{Õ Ho$ waived), however, 80% of the premiums paid for LIC's Premium
{bE ^wJVmZ {H$E JE àr{‘¶‘ (H$am| Am¡a A{V[aº$ àr{‘¶‘ H$mo N>mo‹S>H$a, ¶{X Waiver Benefit Rider (excluding taxes and extra premiums, if any)
H$moB© hmo) H$m 80% dmng H$a {X¶m OmEJm, ~eV} {H$ nm°{bgr Mmby pñW{V ‘| hmo& shall be refunded provided the policy is in-force.

LIC's Premium Waiver Benefit Rider Page 3 of 4

hmbm§{H$, ‘yb nm°{bgr Ed§ Aݶ AZwd¥{Õ¶m±, AJa H$moB© hmo, CZgo g§~§{YV eV] However, the Base Policy and other Rider(s), if any, can be
Am¡a {Z¶‘m| Ho$ AZwgma àr{‘¶‘ ^wJVmZ Ûmam Omar aIm Om gH$Vr h¡, CZ continued by payment of premiums as per their respective
terms and conditions in a manner similar to the policies where
nm°{bgrO Ho$ O¡go, Ohm± EbAmB©gr H$s àr{‘¶‘ Ny>Q> {hVbm^ AZwd¥{Õ Zht MwZr no LIC's Premium Waiver Benefit Rider is opted for.
JB© hmo& 4. Tax: Statutory Taxes, if any, imposed on such insurance riders by
4. Q>¡Šg: d¡Ym{ZH$ H$a, ¶{X H$moB© hmo, ^maV gaH$ma Ûmam Eogo ~r‘m AZwd¥{Õ na bJm¶m the Govt. of India or any other constitutional tax Authority of
India shall be as per the Tax laws and the rate of tax as applicable
OmVm h¡ ¶m {H$gr ^r Aݶ g§d¡Ym{ZH$ H$a àm{YH$aU Ho$ ê$n ‘| g‘¶-g‘¶ na
from time to time.
bmJy hmoZo dmbo H$a H$mZyZm| Am¡a H$a H$s Xa Ho$ AZwgma hmoJm&
The amount of applicable taxes payable as per the prevailing
àM{bV Xam| Ho$ AZwgma Xo¶ bmJy H$am| H$s am{e, nm°{bgrYmaH$ Ûmam A{V[aº$ rates, shall be payable by the policyholder on premiums
àr{‘¶‘ g{hV àr{‘¶‘ na Xo¶ hmoJr, {Ogo nm°{bgrYmaH$ Ûmam Xo¶ àr{‘¶‘ Ho$ including extra premiums, which shall be collected separately
over and above in addition to the premiums payable by the
A{V[aº$ Am¡a AbJ go {b¶m OmEJm& ^wJVmZ H$s JB© H$a H$s am{e H$mo AZwd¥{Õ Ho$ policyholder. The amount of Tax paid shall not be considered for
VhV Xo¶ bm^m| H$s JUZm Ho$ {bE {dMma ‘| Zhr {b¶m OmEJm& the calculation of benefits payable under the rider.
5. Xmdo Ho$ {bE g‘mݶo AnojmE§ : àñVmdH$ H$s ‘¥Ë¶w H$s pñW{V ‘| Xmdm XmpIb 5. Normal requirements for a claim: The normal documents
H$aVo hþE, XmdmH$Vm© Ûmam Xm{Ib {H$E OmZo dmbo gm‘mݶ XñVmdoO {ZåZmZwgma which the claimant shall submit while lodging the claim in case
of death of the Proposer shall be claim forms, as prescribed by
hm|Jo… ‘yb nm°{bgr XñVmdoO Ho$ gmW {ZJ‘ Ûmam {ZYm©[aV Xmdm ànÌmo, ‘¥Ë¶w the Corporation, accompanied with original policy document,
H$m à‘mU, ‘¥Ë¶w go nhbo ¶{X H$moB© BbmO hþAm hmo, Vmo dh XñVmdoO, ñHy$b/ proof of death, medical treatment prior to the death (if any),
H$m°boO/{Z¶moº$m H$m à‘mU, (Omo ^r bmJy hmoVo hm|&) Omo {ZJ‘ Ho$ g§VwpîQ> Ho$ school/college/employer's certificate, whichever is applicable,
to the satisfaction of the Corporation. If the age is not admitted
AZwgma hmoZm Mm{hE& ¶{X nm°{bgr Ho$ A§VJ©V Am¶w ñdrH¥$V Zht h¡ Vmo ~r{‘V under the policy, the proof of age of the Proposer shall also be
ì¶{º$ H$s Am¶w H$m à‘mU ^r XmpIb {H$¶m OmZm h¡ & submitted.
H$moB© ^r Xmdm ñdrH$m¶© hmoZo Ho$ {bE ‘¥Ë¶w H$s VmarI go 90 {XZ Ho$ A§Xa, ‘¥Ë¶w H$s Within 90 days from the date of death, intimation of death along
gyMZm ‘¥Ë¶w à‘mUnÌ Ho$ gmW {ZJ‘ Ho$ Cg H$m¶m©b¶ ‘| A{Ygy{MV H$s OmZr Mm{hE, with death certificate must be notified in writing to the office of
the Corporation where the policy is serviced for any claims to be
Ohm§ nm°{bgr go g§~§{YV godmE§ Xr OmVr h¢ & VWm{n, XmdmH$Vm© Ho$ Ûmam gƒo Xmdm| admissible. However, delay in intimation of the genuine claim by
H$s gyMZm ‘| hþB© Xoar H$mo, {ZJ‘ Ho$ Ûmam JwU-Xmof H$s ¶mo½¶Vm na VWm XmdmH$Vm© Ho$ the claimant, may be condoned by the Corporation, on merit,
{Z¶§ÌU go ~mha Ho$ H$maUm| go hþB© Xoar à‘m{UV hmoZo na ‘m’$ {H$¶m Om gH$Vm h¡ & and where delay is proved to be for the reasons beyond his/her
Cn¶w©³V Ho$ Abmdm, H$moB© ^r Amdí¶H$VmE± Omo {H$gr gm§{d{YH$ àmdYmZ Ho$ VhV
In addition to above, any requirement mandated under any
Wm H$mZyZ Ho$ AZwgma A{Zdm¶© h¡, CZH$mo ^r Xm{Ib H$aZm n‹S>oJm& statutory provision or as may be required as per law shall also be
6. d¡Ym{ZH$ n[adV©Z: Bg AZwd¥{Õ Ho$ VhV Xo¶ àr{‘¶‘ Am¡a {hVbm^mo g{hV {Z¶‘ required to be submitted.
Am¡a eV] àmg§{JH$ {dYmZ Am¡a {d{Z¶‘m| Ho$ AZwgma {^ÞVm Ho$ AYrZ h¢& 6. Legislative Changes: The Terms and Conditions including the
premiums and benefits payable under this rider are subject to
variation in accordance with the relevant Legislation Regulations.
^mJ - Or : d¡Ym{ZH$ àmdYmZ
~r‘m A{Y{Z`‘ 1938 H$s Ymam 45: ‘yb nm°{bgr Ho$ O¡gr
Section 45 of Insurance Act, 1938: Same as Base Policy
{eH$m`V {ZamH$aU àUmbr: ‘yb nm°{bgr Ho$ ~am~a Grievance Redressal Mechanism: Same as Base Policy
{Q>ßnUr>:• B Z {Z`‘m| Am¡a eVm] Am¡a {deof àmdYmZm| / eVm] H$s ì`m»`m Ho$ g§~§Y ‘| Note:• In case of dispute in respect of interpretation of these terms
{ddmX Ho$ ‘m‘bo ‘| A§J«oOr g§ñH$aU ‘mÝ` hmoJm& and conditions and special provisions/conditions the English
version shall stand valid.
• BZ g§b½ZH$ ‘| Cëbo{IV eVm] H$mo AbJ go Zht n‹T>Zm Mm{hE, ~pëH$ ‘yb
• T he conditions mentioned in this endorsement are not to
nm°{bgr ‘| Cëbo{IV eVm] Ho$ gmW AZw~§Y ‘| n‹T>m OmZm Mm{hE&
be read in isolation but in agreement with the conditions
H¥$n`m Bg nm°{bgr XñVmdoμO H$mo Amn AÀN>r Vah Om±M b| Am¡a H$moB© ^r ÌwQ>r nm`| Vmo h‘mao mentioned in the base policy

LIC's Premium Waiver Benefit Rider Page 4 of 4

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