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2) Explain how to save a new project

Saving a new project in AutoCAD Electrical involves saving both the project files and
any associated drawings. Here's a step-by-step guide:

1. **Create or Open a Project:**

- If you haven't already, create a new project or open an existing one using the Project

2. **Set Project Properties:**

- Ensure that you have set up the necessary project properties, including the project
name, location, units, and other relevant settings.
3. **Create or Open a Drawing:**
- Within your project, create a new drawing or open an existing one that you want to
include in the project.
4. **Save the Drawing:**
- Before saving the entire project, it's a good practice to save the individual drawing
first. Use the "Save" ( ) or "Save As" ( ) option from the AutoCAD Electrical menu ( ) or

- Choose a location and provide a name for the drawing file. Save the drawing with a
.dwg extension.
5. **Save the Project:**
- After saving the drawing, go back to the Project Manager.
- Right-click on the project name or a relevant node in the Project Manager that
represents the drawing or project. Select "Save Project" or a similar option.
6. **Specify Project Folder:**
- If prompted, specify the location where you want to save the project files. This is the
main project folder that will contain all associated drawings and documents.

7. **Confirm and Save:**

- Confirm the settings and click "Save" to save the project. This action creates a
project file (with a .wdp or .wdd extension) that stores information about the project
structure, settings, and references to the drawings.

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