AutoCAD Electrical Part3

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3) How to start new project

Starting a new project in AutoCAD Electrical involves creating a project structure,

specifying project settings, and organizing your drawings. Here's a step-by-step guide:

1. **Launch AutoCAD Electrical:**

- Open AutoCAD Electrical on your computer.

2. **Access the Project Manager:**

- The Project Manager is a central tool for managing projects in AutoCAD Electrical.
You can usually find it on the ribbon or in the menu bar. Look for options like "Project
Manager," "Electrical," or "Schematic.

3. **Create a New Project:**

- In the Project Manager, you'll typically find an option to create a new project. This
might be labeled as "New Project," "Create Project," or similar.
- Click on this option to initiate the project creation process.

4. **Specify Project Name and Location:**

- Enter a name for your new project. This name is used to identify the project within
the Project Manager.
- Specify the location where you want to save the project files. It's common to create a
dedicated folder for each project.
5. **Choose a Project Template:**
- AutoCAD Electrical provides project templates based on different electrical
standards. Select the template that matches the standards you'll be following for your
- Templates help set up the initial drawing settings, layers, and other parameters
according to the chosen standards.
6. **Set Project Units:**
- Specify the units for your project, such as inches or millimeters. This setting ensures
that measurements in your electrical drawings are accurate.

7. **Configure Project Settings:**

- Depending on your project requirements, configure additional project settings. This
may include drawing settings, plot styles, and other preferences.
- Look for options like "Project Properties" or "Drawing Properties" to access and
modify these settings.
8. **Create a Project Folder:**
- AutoCAD Electrical will likely ask you to create a project folder for storing project-
related files. Choose or create a folder for your project and confirm the selection.
9. **Add Drawings to the Project:**
- After setting up the project, you can add drawings to it. Right-click on the "Drawings"
node in the Project Manager and select "New Drawing" or a similar option.
- Specify the drawing name and any additional details.

10. **Save the Project:**

- Once you've added drawings and configured the project settings, save the project.
Look for options like "Save Project" or "Save As Project" in the Project Manager.

11. **Begin Working on Drawings:**

- With the project set up, you can start working on your electrical drawings. Open the
individual drawings within the project and use AutoCAD Electrical tools to design and
document your electrical systems.

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