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Gnostic Astrology – Some Astrological Correspondences

Zodiacal and Planetary Correspondences

Cancer Leo
(6/22 - 7/22) Moon | Sun (7/23 - 8/22)

Gemini Virgo
3 Mercury 6
(5/22 - 6/21) (8/23 - 9/23)

2 Venus Libra
(4/21 - 5/21) 7
(9/24 - 10/23)
Saturn +
1 Mars Scorpio
(3/21 - 4/20) 8
(10/24 - 11/22)
Pluto +
Jupiter Sagittarius 9
Pisces (11/23 - 12/21)
(2/20 - 3/20)
+ Neptune
Aquarius Saturn 10
11 (12/22 - 1/20)
(1/21 - 2/19)
+ Uranus

Huiracocha’s Astrological Associations in the

Human Organism
The Planets and Zodiacal Constellations not only act on the exclusively
identified parts, but also have secondary influences and direct their
powerful action onto other parts as well.
Matter is nothing but Crystallized Spirit, and since all Matter radiates,
then that radiation is the Cosmic Force. Upon entering this current (or
stream of Cosmic Forces) we can prepare the way for Solar spiritual
activity. In every Human Being there are two currents or streams of
energy which influence them. We have to differentiate between the two
1. One of these currents comes from above, from heaven, from the
invisible world, from the heights of the Cosmos
2. The other one from below, from the Earth, from what is solid
These currents, both from above and from below, pass through the body
which is full of 'screens' or 'filters' (in one sense or another) in each
region of our organism until they meet in the Heart... The currents
(which oppose one another) also encounter each other in our organism
which has the most perfect laboratory for transmutation: this laboratory
is the Heart. Thus the Disciples should consciously approach this
moment by looking for Initiation within themselves, because it is the
Sun (within ourselves) that offers this to us.
The Zodiacal Houses and Associations According to Huiracocha
Associated Aspect(s)
Sign Planet or Description/ Notes
of the Body
Head; Epiphysis or Pineal gland The House of Ascent, house of "Self";
1 Aries and the Hypophysis Willpower, the impulse,
(+ Fire)
or Pituitary gland the action that excites everything
Neck and throat; House of "Yours" (Possessions or Values),
2 Taurus Thyroid and Epithelial Bodies or the possibilities of fortune,
+ Earth
Parathyroid Glands sentiments and character
the entrance of the Lungs into the Mercury encourages Imagination; Relationship
3 Gemini
neck and arms; Stomach + Air with siblings, short voyages with relatives
Lymphatic system; the Thymus
the realm of Inspiration; Relationship
gland; mammary glands; Moon
4 Cancer with parents, the homeland
all the liquid aspects + Water
and the end of life
correspond to the Moon
the center of Intuition; Redemption; the
Heart [and therefore Blood]; Sun
5 Leo odds in gambling, the number of our
Diseases of the spleen + Fire
children and their welfare
the whole Belly/Abdomen;
"Life is prepared in Virgo";
the Adrenal Glands;
the assimilation and dis-assimilation of
the Intestines; the left side of the
Mercury food (i.e. metabolism); also related with
6 Virgo Liver, the Spleen and the whole
(+ Earth) Insulin; suspected or imagined diseases,
Grand Sympathetic Nervous
the helpers or assistants,
system; the Islets of Langerhans;
and clothes (dress)
the Pancreas
the waist; the Kidneys, Bladder, "Libra is the great equalizer, it is the
and the whole Vasomotor System Scales"; Measures things that have to
and Plexuses; thick liquids such penetrate into the body; Prepares the
as Bile, as well as bodily terrestrial current, before the work of
7 Libra [also Saturn]
secretions; everything that has a nutrition and elimination; "low tone of
(+ Air)
disinfecting action; Venus"; Relationships with our associates,
influences all the Skin; Diseases, with partners, public rivals
of the urinary tract and nerves. and luck in general
the action and function of the
Mars the House of Death; the sexual forces;
Sexual Organs; the eliminating
8 Scorpio [also Pluto] the Key of Magnetization; inheritances,
organs (such as the Nose, the
(+ Water) testament of wills, destiny
Throat and the Colon, etc)
travel, education and everything that is
Thighs (femurs), but also the related with Religion & Philosophy;
9 Sagittarius Waist, Lungs, and Forearms; where our own Magnetism results from
(+ Fire)
Diseases of the legs and fevers the mixture of the superior
and inferior currents
the Knee, the Synovial Fluid; the honors that await us,
10 Capricorn Bones and Marrow; Rheumatic our profession, and relationships with
(+ Earth)
diseases and of the arms & legs our chiefs/superiors
the Calves; the Blood; the Saturn
the Belly of the Leg; here we get to know
11 Aquarius Nervous System; also cardiac [also Uranus]
our successes, and our protectors
diseases and diseases of sight (+ Air)
[also points out our enemies, possibilities of
12 Pisces Blood and the Feet
Neptune] entering into prison and also into hospitals
(+ Water)

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