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Assignment of Unit-IV Date: 30-Oct 2023

(1) What is an Interaction?

(2) What is the use of interaction?
(3) What is message?
(4) What is link?
(5) Explain kind of actions that could be used in an interaction.
(6) Which are the interaction diagrams?
(7) Explain Sequence diagram in detail and with example.
(8) What is object life line?
(9) What is focus of control?
(10) Explain Collaboration diagram in detail with suitable example.
(11) Differentiate collaboration and sequence diagram.
(12) Explain the common uses of interaction diagram.
(13) What is use case?
(14) What is actor?
(15) By which relationship, actor and usecases can be connected?
(16) Explain include and extend stereotypes in the context of usecase.
(17) State the static and dynamic diagrams in UML.
(18) What is usecase diagram? Explain it in detail also explain the components of use
case diagram. Give example of use case diagram.
(19) State the common uses of use case diagram.
(20) What is activity?
(21) What is action?
(22) What is action state and activity state?
(23) What is forking and joining? explain it with suitable example.
(24) What is branching?
(25) What is transition?
(26) Explain the use of swimlanes in activity diagram.
(27) Explain how we can show the flow of object in activity diagram.
(28) Explain the common uses of activity diagram.
(29) Explain activity diagram in detail with suitable example.
(30) Explain notations and symbols used in activity diagram.
(31) What is collaboration? How it can be represented in UML?

Object Oriented Analysis and Design with UML | Prepared by: Dr. Jignesh A. Chauhan 1

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