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Thing of Beauty Extra Questions and Answers Short Answer Type

Question 1.

List Hie things of beauty mentioned in the poem.


The sun, the moon, the trees, daffodils, simple sheep, clear rills, the mid forest brake, musk
roses and the mighty dead are some of the things of beauty mentioned in the poem.

Question 2.

List the things that cause suffering and pain.


The things that cause suffering and pain are gloomy days. There is general depression among
human beings. There is lack of noble nature. But without the beautiful things, our lives on this
earth would have become impossible.

Question 3.

What does the line, ‘Therefore, are we wreathing a flowery band to bind us to earth’ suggest to


There is so much disappointment and sadness on this earth. There is lack of noble souls. But
we are still living on this earth. The poet says that our existence on the earth is possible only
due to some things of beauty.

Question 4.

What makes human beings love life in spite of troubles and sufferings ?


On this earth, man’s life is full of depression and disappointment. There is general lack of truly
noble people. The shroud of disappointment is spread over human souls. But a thing of beauty
makes human beings love life in spite of trouble and sufferings.

Question 5.

Why is ‘grandeur’ associated with the ‘mighty dead’ ?

‘Mighty dead’ are those people who sacrificed their lives for the sake of general good of
mankind. Now they are lying in their graves. The poet says that on the day of judgement, they
will be rewarded by God Himself for their noble deeds. It is this grandeur or dignity that is
associated with ’mighty dead’.

Question 6.

Do we experience things of beauty only for short moments or do they make a lasting impression
on us ?


As the title of the poem suggests that a thing of beauty is a joy forever. The poet says that a
thing of beauty leaves a lasting impression on our minds. It never passes into nothingness.
Whenever we are sad or disappointed, it is a thing of beauty that gives us some sort of joy.

Question 7.

What image does the poet use to describe the beautiful bounty of the earth ?


The poet says that there are a number of things that make the earth beautiful. These things are
like a fountain of immortal drink which is pouring unto us from the heaven’s brink.

Question 8.

Mention any four things of beauty that add joy to our life.


The things of beauty that add joy to our life are the sun, the moon, the trees, daffodils, simple
sheep, clear rills, the mid forest brake

Question 9.

Which objects of nature does Keats mention as a thing of beauty ?


The things of nature that Keats mentions as things of beauty are the sun, the moon, trees,
simple sheep, flowers like daffodils, clear rills and musk roses.

Question 10

What does a thing of beauty do for us ?

It is only because of things of beauty that we are able to live on this earth. Otherwise there is so
much grief on this earth that it would have become impossible without things of beauty.

Question 11

How do beautiful things help us to live life ?


The poet says that there is so much pain and suffering on this earth. There is air of general
disappointment. The poet says it is only because of things of beauty that we can live on this
earth. Otherwise the life on this earth would have become impossible.

Question 12

What does Keats consider an endless fountain of immortal drink and why does he call its drink
immortal ?


Keats considers all things of beauty,an endless fountain of immortality. The poet says that there
is so much despondence and grief on this earth that but without a thing of beauty our stay on
this earth would have become impossible.

Question 13

According to Keats, what spreads the pall of despondence over our dark spirits ? How is it


Keats says that there is general grief on this earth. Man’s life is full of disappointment and
sadness. It appears as if a shroud of disappointment is spread over our dark spirits. It is only
some or the other things of beauty that removes this pall of despondence.

Question 14

How can ‘mighty dead’ be things of beauty ?


The ‘mighty dead’ are those people who lay their lives for the betterment of mankind. We read
their stories and it gives us immense joy. The poet says that these mighty dead be rewarded by
God Himself on the day of judgement.

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