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Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

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Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

English Foundation Batch #15
Open Study
699/ 249/-
English Foundation Recorded 699/ 249/-
English Foundation Batch #12 699/ 249/-
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Maths Foundation Batch 599/ 249/-

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

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Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

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Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -
(CHSL Tier – I 2020)
1. To play with fire
a) To act in a dangerous and risky way
b) To hold a revenge against someone
c) To fight fires like a fireman
d) To pour oil on a burning fire

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -
(CHSL Tier – I 2020)
2. To cut corners
a) Cut something easily without spoiling it
b) Cut something into pieces
c) Be able to do a job effortlessly
d) Not do a thing well in order to save money or effort

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -
(CHSL Tier – I 2020)
3. Cooks the books
a) To falsify financial records
b) To be a good writer
c) To write books on cooking
d) To be a good editor

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -
(CHSL Tier – I 2020)
4. Poke one’s nose
a) Not be careful about one’s health
b) Interfere or meddle
c) Do unhygienic things
d) Tease or irritate

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -

5. A fire in someone’s belly (CHSL Tier – I 2020)

a) One who is energetic and enthusiastic about something

b) One who is rich and powerful and exploits the poor
c) One who comes from a middle class background
d) One who continues to work without wanting a reward

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -
(CHSL Tier – I 2020)
6. A blessing in disguise
a) Something good that isn’t recognized at first
b) Someone who comes disguised
c) A person who blesses others quietly
d) An event that is unknown

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -
(CHSL Tier – I 2020)
7. Needle is a haystack
a) Someone having vast opportunities
b) Someone in trouble
c) Something impossible to find
d) Something very trivial

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -
(CHSL Tier – I 2020)
8. Rank and file
a) The manager of a personnel department
b) Ordinary workers in a company
c) Financial activities in a firm
d) A very well – organised company

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -

9. My brother has decided to settle in London for good.

a) Forever (CHSL Tier – I 2020)
b) Briefly
c) For a better income
d) For a promotion

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -
(CHSL Tier – I 2020)
10. Burn the midnight oil
a) Burn things using oil
b) Work many nights at a stretch
c) Create problems in the night
d) Work late into the night

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -
(CHSL Tier – I 2020)
11. To come around
a) To meet someone by chance
b) To spend a lot of time with someone
c) To go round and round
d) To become conscious again

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -
(CHSL Tier – I 2020)
12. Break the ice
a) Make a beginning or start something
b) Cool the room for everyone
c) Arrange for a skating show
d) Make things available for a party

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -
(CHSL Tier – I 2020)
13. A lean patch
a) Cloth that is beginning to tear
b) A part of hair that is thin
c) Friendship that has ended
d) A period of poor performance

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -
(CHSL Tier – I 2020)
14. Off and on
a) Again and again
b) Every day
c) Sometimes but not regularly
d) Not soon

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -
(CHSL Tier – I 2020)
15. Hang on every word
a) Speak very slowly
b) Listen very carefully
c) Stop after hearing one word
d) Stammer while speaking

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -
(CHSL Tier – I 2020)
16. To fish in troubled waters
a) To take advantage of a difficult situation
b) To try to find a big catch in the deep sea
c) To try to do something that is very difficult
d) To catch fish in stormy weather in the sea

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -
(CHSL Tier – I 2020)
17. At a stone’s throw
a) Beat someone with a stone
b) Throw a stone at someone
c) At a very short distance
d) Like throwing a stone

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -
(CHSL Tier – I 2020)
18. A dime a dozen
a) Common and so of little value
b) In great demand as not easily available
c) Available only in bulk mil
d) Not available everywhere

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -
(CHSL Tier – I 2020)
19. A red letter day
a) A day of fun and enjoyment
b) A day of horror
c) The worst day
d) A memorable day

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -
(CHSL Tier – I 2020)
20. Full of beans
a) Happy and energetic
b) Sad and dull
c) Being foolish
d) Have crazy ideas

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -

21. Their marriage wasn’t working but they kept up

appearances. (CHSL Tier – I 2020)
a) Maintained an expression of well being
b) Maintained peace and harmony
c) Kept throwing parties
d) Revealed the truth

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -
(CHSL Tier – I 2020)
22. Method to one’s madness
a) Being very neat and particular about details
b) Seeming disorderly yet having a structure.
c) Always behaving like a mad person
d) Not following rules and conventions

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -
(CHSL Tier – I 2020)
23. Get out of land
a) To get irritated
b) To become difficult to control
c) To be able to complete a task
d) To be anxious

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -
(CHSL Tier – I 2020)
24. Not one’s cup of tea
a) Not absolutely true
b) Not according to one’s interest
c) Beyond one’s comprehension
d) Of no concern for someone

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -
(CHSL Tier – I 2020)
25. To cross one’s mind
a) To forget something
b) To put a thought away from one’s mind
c) To move from one idea to another
d) To think of something

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -

26. Whenever I meet him he pulls a long face.

a) Looks cheerful
b) Looks angry
c) Looks indifferent
d) Looks gloomy

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -

27. I have warned him now and then not to take to

a) frequently
b) repeatedly
c) occasionally
d) consistently
Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (c)
Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -

28. Their attitude towards each other only tended to

create bad blood between the brothers.
a) distrust
b) angry feeling
c) misunderstanding
d) jealousy
Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (b)
Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -

29. People usually take promises made on the eve of

elections with a grain of salt.
a) With total disbelief
b) Whole heartedly
c) With some reservation
d) Seriously
Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (b)
Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -

30. Let’s listen to him, he seems to be having

something up his sleeve.
a) A secret plan
b) A grand idea
c) Something important
d) A profitable plan
Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (a)
Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -

31. To set the people by ears:

a) To punish heavily
b) To insult and disgrace people
c) To box the people
d) To excite people to a quarrel

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -

32. To be lost in the clouds:

a) To be perplexed
b) To find oneself in very uncomfortable position
c) To be concealed from the view
d) To fly deep in the clouds

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -

33. To be vacant in upper storey:

a) To be feeble minded
b) To indulge in meaningless imaginative flights
c) To have the upper portion of the house untenanted
d) Not keeping anything in the upper storey of the house

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -

34. To beat the air:

a) To act foolishly
b) To move vigorously
c) To move sluggishly
d) To make efforts that are useless or vain

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -

35. To fight to the bitter end:

a) To fight to the last point of enemy position
b) To die fighting
c) To carry on a contest careless of consequences
d) To fight with poison tipped edges

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -

36. To give up the ghost:

a) To make false appearance
b) To terrify others by acting in a suspicious manners
c) To die
d) To leave useless pursuits

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -

37. To show the white feathers:

a) To be fashionable
b) To assume royal airs
c) To show signs of cowardice
d) To capitulate

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -

38. To smell a rat:

a) To smell had smell
b) To suspect a trick or deceit
c) Misunderstand
d) To see hidden meaning

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -

39. To wash one’s dirty linen in public:

a) To quarrel in the open
b) To do some ugly work in public
c) To discuss dirty and scandalous matters of
personal nature in the presence of strangers
d) To wash one’s clothes in the open
Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (c)
Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -

40. To wrangle over an ass’s shadow:

a) Quarrel over trifles
b) To quarrel like fools
c) To fight unnecessary battles
d) To do unnecessary work

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -

41. Will ‘O’ the wisp:

a) To act in a childish way
b) Acting in a foolish way
c) To have desires unbacked by effort
d) Anything which eludes or deceives

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -

42. A snake in the grass:

a) A secret or hidden enemy
b) Not reliable person
c) Very ferocious snake
d) Unrecognizable danger

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -

43. To look down one’s nose at:

a) To show angel”
b) To backbite
c) To insult in the presence of others.
d) To regard with half – hidden displeasure or concept

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -

44. Hobson’s choice:

a) Excellent choice
b) No choice at all because there is only thing to take or do
c) Choice to live or die
d) Bigman’s choice

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -

45. To have a chip on one’s shoulder:

a) To have dead – cut wound on the shoulder
b) To be deserving of praise
c) To have a defiant air
d) To be boastful

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -

46. To meet one’s Waterloo:

a) To die fighting
b) To die an ignoble death
c) To meet one’s final defeat
d) To meet a strong adversary

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -

47. To flog a dead horse:

a) To do a vain thing
b) To try to take work from a weak horse
c) To beat a horse that is dead
d) To revive interest in a subject which is out of date

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -

48. To be lost in the clouds:

a) To be concealed from the view
b) To find one – self in a very uncomfortable position
c) To be perplexed
d) To fly deep in the clouds

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -

49. To fish in troubled waters:

a) To indulge in evil conspiracies
b) To aggravate the situation
c) To make a profit out of a disturbance
d) To catch fish in disturbed waters

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -

50. To take the wind out of another's’ sails:

a) To defeat the motives of another
b) To cause harm to another
c) To anticipate another and to gain advantage over him
d) To manoeuvre to mislead another on the high seas

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

English Foundation Batch #15
Open Study
699/ 249/-
English Foundation Recorded 699/ 249/-
English Foundation Batch #12 699/ 249/-
Gurukul Fees 10% Off
Maths Foundation Batch 599/ 249/-

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Enquiry No.
Open Study


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Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -

51. To wrangle over an ass’s shadow:

a) To do something funny
b) To quarrel over the pretty things
c) To waste time on pretty things
d) To quarrel over trifles

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -

52. To fly of the handle:

a) To dislocate
b) To be indifferent
c) To lose one’s temper
d) To be air borne

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -

53. To bring one’s eggs (hogs) to a bad market.

a) To fail in one’s plans because one goes to the wrong people for help
b) To bring one’s commodities to a market where there is no demand
for them
c) To show one’s talents before an audience which is incapable of
appreciating them
d) To face a humiliating situation
Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (a)
Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -

54. To fight tooth and nail:

a) Making every possible effort to win
b) To fight cowardly
c) To fight bravely
d) To fight a losing battle

Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Idioms & Phrases: -

55. To let the grass grow under one’s feet:

a) To miss the opportunity
b) To let things go on in their natural way
c) To be indolent and let others take advantage of
one’s indolence
d) To idle away the time; to delay the linger
Anil_Jadon_English Ans. (a)
Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

56. Pig in a poke

(CHSL – TIER - I, 10/03/23 (2nd Shift)

1. Something that is bought without examining properly

2. A brave man amongst all the cowards
3. To bring something to an end
4. To obstruct someone’s work

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (1)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

57. Slack off

(CHSL – TIER - I, 10/03/23 (2nd Shift)

1. To make most effort

2. To ease pressure on something
3. To understand a hidden meaning
4. To be very rude

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (2)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

58. Over and above

(CHSL – TIER - I, 10/03/23 (3rd Shift)

1. In addition to
2. Above all
3. To sum up the conversation
4. Highest rank

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (1)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

59. Ace in the hole

(CHSL – TIER - I, 10/03/23 (3rd Shift)

1. To suffer an injury on the lower body.

2. To create noisy disturbances so that competitors are unable
to work.
3. To attempt to do the impossible.
4. A major advantage that one keeps hidden until an ideal time.

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (4)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

60. For old time’s sake

(CHSL – TIER - I, 10/03/23 (4th Shift)

1. Deliberately stop someone

2. To be friends with an old person
3. To consider the options
4. Because of sentimental memories of the past

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (4)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

61. Dead ringer

(CHSL – TIER - I, 10/03/23 (4th Shift)

1. Detailed information
2. In writing
3. An exact duplicate
4. Game of race

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (3)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

62. Water under the bridge

(CHSL – TIER - I, 13/03/23 (1st Shift)

1. Anything from the past that isn't significant or important

2. A paranormal sense that allows you to communicate with the
3. To be very sick.
4. Someone else who takes the blame.

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (1)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

63. To keep an eye on

(CHSL – TIER - I, 13/03/23 (1st Shift)

1. To be able to understand everything

2. To watch over closely
3. To see someone in a bad light
4. To keep distance from

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (2)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

64. All and sundry

(CHSL – TIER - I, 13/03/23 (2nd Shift)

1. Advantages and disadvantages

2. Everyone without distinction
3. Holidays
4. Full moon

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (2)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

65. Green light

(CHSL – TIER - I, 13/03/23 (2nd Shift)

1. To always compare
2. To permit something to proceed
3. To misunderstand
4. To be lost and confused

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (2)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

66. Slap on the wrist

(CHSL – TIER - I, 09/03/23 (1st Shift)

1. Misunderstand each other

2. Criticize someone strongly and angrily
3. A mild punishment
4. Wild with excitement

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (3)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

67. A shot in the dark

(CHSL – TIER - I, 09/03/23 (2nd Shift)

1. Randomly doing something, the outcome of which is

2. A blind man's cane
3. Shooting in the night
4. Looking at the stars

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (1)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

68. A bull market

(CHSL – TIER - I, 09/03/23 (3rd Shift)

1. A fertile field
2. Market where prices are rising
3. To boast
4. A market where cattle is traded

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (2)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

69. To shake in one’s shoes

(CHSL – TIER - I, 09/03/23 (4th Shift)

1. To be afraid
2. To leave no remark
3. An unpleasant scenario
4. To fail to understand

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (1)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

70. To meet one’s water loo

(CHSL – TIER - I, 10/03/23 (1st Shift)

1. To realize one’s mistake

2. To be badly defeated in a contest
3. To meet one’s look alike
4. To face the reality

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (2)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

71. To bridge the gap

(CHSL – TIER - I, 15/03/23 (1st Shift)

1. To push people apart

2. To mend a broken bridge
3. To slander someone
4. To reduce differences and reconcile

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (4)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

72. In black and white

(CHSL – TIER - I, 15/03/23 (2nd Shift)

1. In brief
2. In suspense
3. In writing
4. In trouble

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (3)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

73. Bite the dust

(CHSL – TIER - I, 15/03/23 (2nd Shift)

1. To lose a fight
2. To die
3. To grieve over
4. To hate

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (1)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

74. Pedal to the metal

(CHSL – TIER - I, 15/03/23 (3rd Shift)

1. To enjoy yourself by going out.

2. Avoid responsibility by giving it to someone else.
3. To go full speed, especially while driving a vehicle.
4. Very excessive.

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (3)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

75. Blessing in disguise

(CHSL – TIER - I, 15/03/23 (3rd Shift)

1. A good deed rewards as a blessing

2. Something that happens very rarely
3. Bad thing that turns out to be good
4. A good thing introduced into your life as a blessing

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (3)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

76. High and dry

(CHSL – TIER - I, 15/03/23 (4th Shift)

1. Perplexed
2. Abandoned
3. Failed
4. Occasionally

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (2)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

77. The whole ball of wax

(CHSL – TIER - I, 15/03/23 (4th Shift)

1. Meagre
2. Complete disaster
3. Everything
4. Sagacious

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (3)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

78. Dead lock

(CHSL – TIER - I, 16/03/23 (1st Shift)

1. A state in which progress is impossible

2. To be anxious
3. To attract
4. To lose an important asset

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (1)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

79. Method to my madness

(CHSL – TIER - I, 16/03/23 (1st Shift)

1. Strange or crazy actions that appear meaningless but in the end

are done for a good reason.
2. To state a fact so that there are no doubts or objections.
3. Someone who is unpredictable and can cause damage if not kept
in check.
4. To get someone drunk.

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (1)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

80. To make one’s mark

(CHSL – TIER - I, 16/03/23 (2nd Shift)

1. To attain success
2. To prove a point
3. To be indifferent
4. To make no effort

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (1)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

81. To lay someone by the heels

(CHSL – TIER - I, 16/03/23 (2nd Shift)

1. To confine somebody in prison

2. To force someone for something
3. To gain support
4. To praise someone

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (1)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

82. Sea change

(CHSL – TIER - I, 13/03/23 (3rd Shift)

1. Major transformation
2. Hatred
3. To pursue
4. Jealousy

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (1)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

83. Wear your heart on your sleeve

(CHSL – TIER - I, 13/03/23 (3rd Shift)

1. To suspect a trick
2. To go through a heart break
3. To understand
4. To openly display one's emotions

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (4)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

84. Give cold shoulder

(CHSL – TIER - I, 13/03/23 (4th Shift)

1. Be guiltless
2. Ignore, avoid or be unfriendly towards someone
3. Think only of one thing
4. Start doing something before the appropriate time

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (2)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

85. To twiddle one’s thumbs

(CHSL – TIER - I, 13/03/23 (4th Shift)

1. To waste one’s resources

2. To show no mercy
3. To be idle
4. To play safe

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (3)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

86. Armed to the teeth

(CHSL – TIER - I, 14/03/23 (1st Shift)

1. Different attacking techniques

2. Safeguard oneself in every possible way
3. To have no weapon to fight
4. Fully armed, having many weapons

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (4)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

87. To sleep like a dog

(CHSL – TIER - I, 14/03/23 (1st Shift)

1. To be less mindful
2. To make noise while sleeping
3. To be insomniac
4. To sleep soundly

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (4)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

88. Apropos of nothing

(CHSL – TIER - I, 14/03/23 (2nd Shift)

1. Any difficult situation or obstacle

2. Almost everything and anything has been included
3. Having no relevance to any previous discussion or
4. To be enraged

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (3)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

89. A bolt from the blue

(CHSL – TIER - I, 14/03/23 (3rd Shift)

1. An unexpected event
2. To get hold of someone
3. A sudden run
4. An electric shock

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (1)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

90. Lion’s mouth

(CHSL – TIER - I, 14/03/23 (3rd Shift)

1. Very talkative
2. A large share
3. Having no sense
4. A dangerous situation

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (4)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

91. At daggers drawn with

(CHSL – TIER - I, 14/03/23 (4th Shift)

1. To accept someone
2. At the lowest estimate
3. To help someone in time of need
4. To be bitterly hostile towards each other

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (4)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

92. Neck of the woods

(CHSL – TIER - I, 14/03/23 (4th Shift)

1. Valley
2. Highways
3. Neighbourhood
4. Barren land

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (3)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

93. Get into hot water

(CHSL – TIER - I, 17/03/23 (2nd Shift)

1. To get into trouble

2. A private end to serve
3. To get a costly gift
4. To reach nowhere

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (1)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

94. Appeal to Caesar

(CHSL – TIER - I, 17/03/23 (3rd Shift)

1. To expect good from a wrong person

2. Appeal to the highest possible authority
3. An authority given to a foolish person
4. To live in a false reality

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (2)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

95. All bark and no bite

(CHSL – TIER - I, 17/03/23 (3rd Shift)

1. Not being able to understand anything

2. Someone who sticks to his words
3. Full of talk, but low on action
4. Actions are stronger than mere words

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (3)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

96. A bite at the cherry

(CHSL – TIER - I, 17/03/23 (4th Shift)

1. An attempt or opportunity to do something

2. A wrong move
3. A dog bite
4. To have a leverage over someone

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (1)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

97. To make a mountain of a mole hill

(CHSL – TIER - I, 17/03/23 (4th Shift)

1. To make unnecessary comments

2. To achieve big success
3. To violate the rules
4. To give great importance to trifles

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (4)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

98. Save your breath

(CHSL – TIER - I, 20/03/23 (1st Shift)

1. To be resentful
2. To work hard
3. To make an effort that will be futile
4. To hold one’s anger

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (3)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

99. Backseat driver

(CHSL – TIER - I, 21/03/23 (3rd Shift)

1. To conclude proceedings.
2. A person who offers unsolicited advice.
3. Attempt to get control over someone.
4. To miss an appointed meeting.

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (2)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

100. The whys and wherefores

(CHSL – TIER - I, 21/03/23 (4th Shift)

1. References
2. Circumstances
3. Reasons
4. Requirements

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (3)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

101. As hard as nails

(CHSL – TIER - I, 21/03/23 (4th Shift)

1. To feel no pain
2. Physically or mentally tough
3. To be stubborn
4. Hard working

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (2)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

102. Burn your bridges

(CHSL – TIER - I, 20/03/23 (1st Shift)

1. To be puzzled
2. To eliminate the possibility of return or retreat
3. To disclose a secret
4. To have a fight

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (2)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

103. To lose one’s head

(CHSL – TIER - I, 20/03/23 (2nd Shift)

1. To lose the track of time

2. To lose one’s self-control
3. To have bad memory
4. To reach nowhere

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (2)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

104. A beast of burden

(CHSL – TIER - I, 20/03/23 (2nd Shift)

1. An animal that carries luggage

2. A person who works hardly
3. A liability
4. A violent man

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (1)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

105. Cast someone adrift

(CHSL – TIER - I, 20/03/23 (3rd Shift)

1. Call someone repeatedly

2. To blame someone for one’s mistakes
3. To leave someone without any support or purpose
4. To change plan suddenly

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (3)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

106. New kid on the block

(CHSL – TIER - I, 20/03/23 (3rd Shift)

1. Don't hurt anyone that helps you.

2. Nonsense or meaningless speech.
3. Savings set aside for future use.
4. Someone new to the group or area

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (4)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

107. To take the veil

(CHSL – TIER - I, 20/03/23 (4th Shift)

1. To help someone
2. To show interest
3. To become a nun
4. To take a responsibility

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (3)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

108. To the manner born

(CHSL – TIER - I, 20/03/23 (4th Shift)

1. To do something as though it is coming naturally

2. To give a ride to someone
3. To be sophisticated
4. To have high manners

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (1)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

109. Be my guest
(CHSL – TIER - I, 21/03/23 (1st Shift)

1. Come with me
2. Be with me
3. Please do it
4. Stop, don't go ahead

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (3)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

110. Buy a lemon

(CHSL – TIER - I, 21/03/23 (1st Shift)

1. To lose foundation
2. To buy something that is of much less value.
3. To give importance to little things
4. To work through the day and shop in the evening

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (2)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

111. To miss the bus

(CHSL – TIER - I, 21/03/23 (2nd Shift)

1. Escape by a thin margin

2. A problem in a situation
3. Short lived glory
4. To lose an opportunity

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (4)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

112. To have a nodding acquaintance

(CHSL – TIER - I, 21/03/23 (2nd Shift)

1. Know somebody/something slightly

2. To neglect all the parameters
3. To have nothing in common
4. To have a great experience

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (1)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

113. In the flesh

(CHSL – TIER - I, 16/03/23 (3rd Shift)

1. To get a tattoo
2. In bodily form
3. To be near death
4. To talk

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (2)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

114. Have people rolling in the aisles

(CHSL – TIER - I, 16/03/23 (3rd Shift)

1. Make an audience laugh uncontrollably

2. To have a dispute with someone
3. Willing to do something immediately
4. To use false promises to pull people on one’s side

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (1)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

115. Piece of cake

(CHSL – TIER - I, 16/03/23 (4th Shift)

1. Something which is very simple

2. Invitation for birthday
3. Intuition for something dangerous
4. Extremely difficult

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (1)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

116. To breast the tape

(CHSL – TIER - I, 16/03/23 (4th Shift)

1. To bring joy
2. To win a race
3. To create problems
4. To shut someone’s mouth

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (2)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

117. To jump out of one’s skin

(CHSL – TIER - I, 17/03/23 (1st Shift)

1. To show one’s real side

2. To argue with someone
3. To be extremely surprised
4. To feel immense pain

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (3)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

118. Good grief

(CHSL – TIER - I, 17/03/23 (1st Shift)

1. To try everything possible

2. To be very systematic
3. An expression of surprise or frustration
4. To dig a hole

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (3)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

119. Penny wise and pound foolish

(CHSL – TIER - I, 17/03/23 (2nd Shift)

1. An intelligent person who behaves foolishly

2. Careless with large amounts, but not small
3. Dissipating money without caring about consequences
4. To act like a fool

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (2)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

120. To play with fire

(CHSL – TIER - I, 21/03/23 (3rd Shift)

1. Show disappointment
2. Feel sick
3. To take foolish risk
4. To abuse

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (3)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

121. The young boy was born with a silver spoon in his

1. born with a spoon that was not of gold

2. born to not so rich parents
3. born to riches and luxury
4. born with a spoon stuck in his mouth

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (3) (CGL, 06/12/22 (4th Shift)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

122. Nobody in the conference seemed to believe the

cock and bull story about such a major movie star.
1. Factual story
2. Interesting story
3. Secretive story
4. Wildly exaggerated or falsified story

(CGL, 07/12/22 (1st Shift)

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (4)
Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

123. The game is now in full swing.

1. very active
2. playing on the swings
3. very passive
4. very uninteresting
Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (1) (CGL, 07/12/22 (1st Shift)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

124. The MD of the company let the cat out of the bag by
telling her secretary, who got the much coveted promotion.
1. secretly confide
2. openly confess
3. To allow a secret to be known, usually without intending to
4. Creating a false story

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (3) (CGL, 07/12/22 (2nd Shift)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -
125. Take something at face value
1. Not laugh or change your expression even though you want to laugh
2. Accept something as it looks without thinking about whether it
might, in fact, not be
quite what it appears
3. Show that you do not like something by making an unpleasant
4. According to the appearance of something

(CGL, 07/12/22 (2nd Shift)

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (2)
Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

126. Turn over a new leaf

1. To stop finally
2. To plant a tree
3. To take a break
4. To begin again

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (4) (CGL, 07/12/22 (3rd Shift)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

127. A fair-weather friend can never be trusted in the

times of exigency.

1. A close friend
2. A pen friend
3. A selfish friend
4. An old acquaintance

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (3) (CGL, 07/12/22 (3rd Shift)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

128. Cudgel one’s brain

1. Thinking about a debate

2. Not to think
3. To think hard
4. To overthink

(CGL, 08/12/22 (1st Shift)

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (3)
Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

129. Play it by ear

1. To improve
2. To listen carefully
3. To do something without special preparation
4. To plan

(CGL, 08/12/22 (2nd Shift)

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (3)
Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

130. I bought some extra copies from the stationery

shop. These may come in handy during exams.

1. Be sold
2. Bring luck
3. Cause trouble
4. Be useful

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (4) (CGL, 08/12/22 (2nd Shift)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

131. On cloud nine

1. Dreaming
2. Flying
3. Very happy
4. Floating

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (3) (CGL, 08/12/22 (3rd Shift)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -
132. Someone’s heart is in the right place
1. Share secret worries with someone else
2. Someone is good even if they sometimes behave in a wrong
3. Change your opinion or the way you feel
4. Suddenly feel so excited or frightened that your heart
beats faster

(CGL, 08/12/22 (3rd Shift)

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (2)
Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

133. Down the tubes

1. Minting money
2. Being informal
3. Going to swim
4. Failing completely

(CGL, 08/12/22 (4rd Shift)

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (4)
Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -
134. I begged him to reconsider my application, but he put his
foot down.

1. agreed to reconsider
2. refused to yield
3. did not run
4. stamped his foot down

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (2) (CGL, 09/12/22 (1st Shift)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

135. Fair-weather friends

1. A person who is friends with you every day
2. A person who is friends with you during the night
3. A person who is friends with you in difficult times
4. A person whose friendship cannot be relied on in times

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (4) (CGL, 09/12/22 (2nd Shift)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

136 Select the sentence that uses the idiom correctly.

1. Walking bare feet on grass gave him cold feet.
2. Ranita was not selected for the job as she got cold feet.
3. After too much cycling Arun got cold feet.
4. One can swim easily with cold feet.

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (2) (CGL, 09/12/22 (2nd Shift)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

137. The new intern is a greenhorn and thus his

superiors take advantage of him.

1. Overenthusiastic
2. Inexperienced
3. Sick
4. Jealous

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (2) (CGL, 09/12/22 (3rd Shift)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

138. After several years of cheating on his PhD work, the

candidate finally had to face the music and lose the opportunity.

1. Accept ignorance
2. To accept unpleasant consequences
3. Choose another alternative that is uninteresting
4. Be exposed

(CGL, 09/12/22 (4th Shift)

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (2)
Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

139. Lose your marbles

1. To handle stress
2. To be patient
3. To go insane
4. To lower down anger

(CGL, 09/12/22 (4th Shift)

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (3)
Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

140. He's sitting on the fence

1. He can't hide himself
2. He can't stop trying
3. He can't take a decision
4. He can't do anything seriously

(CGL, 12/12/22 (1st Shift)

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (3)
Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

141. The anxious duke was found strolling in the

garden to and fro.
1. Upward and downward
2. From west to east
3. Forward and backward
4. From north to south

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (3) (CGL, 12/12/22 (2nd Shift)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

142. The sailor tells great tales of adventure that

you should take with a grain of salt.
1. Great patriotism
2. Not take too seriously
3. Be afraid to refrain from
4. Great admiration
(CGL, 12/12/22 (2nd Shift)
Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (2)
Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

143. After the government interventions, the enrolment and

retention of female students have increased by leaps and
1. Swiftly
2. Systematically
3. Gradually
4. Intermittently

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (1) (CGL, 12/12/22 (3rd Shift)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

144. Eat humble pie

1. To live a life of humility
2. To live in penury
3. To enjoy life to the fullest
4. To apologise humbly

(CGL, 12/12/22 (3rd Shift)

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (4)
Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

145. Let us know what you think in black and


1. in black and white paint

2. in writing
3. Verbally
4. in darkness and light
Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (2) (CGL, 12/12/22 (4th Shift)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -
146. Red tape
1. Catch someone at the moment they are doing something wrong
2. Official rules and bureaucracy that make it difficult to do
3. Something unimportant that takes attention away from the main
4. Have a negative amount in your bank balance

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (2) (CGL, 12/12/22 (4th Shift)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

147. Steer clear of

1. Show someone how to do a job or activity
2. Be mentally and physically exhausted
3. Be very easy
4. Avoid someone or something because it is dangerous for you

(CGL, 13/12/22 (1st Shift)

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (4)
Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

148. Hold water

1. Appear to be of no value
2. A diluted argument
3. Appear to be valid or reasonable
4. Stop emphasizing a point

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (3) (CGL, 13/12/22 (2nd Shift)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

149. The intern aspired to understand the ins and

outs of the operating systems of the institution.
1. Elaborate theories
2. Detailed description
3. Stern regulations
4. Prior conditions

Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (2) (CGL, 13/12/22 (3rd Shift)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Choose the correct Idiom & Phrase: -

150. My mother said, “Make consistent progress

for success.”

1. do’s and don’ts

2. make a habit
3. slow and steady
4. in and outs
(CGL, 13/12/22 (3rd Shift)
Anil_Jadon_English ANS. (3)
Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
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Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

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Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

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Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

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