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Scene to be Shot & Presented

Brief description of the demography of Lala Land- Launch of Highway 69- Skyrocketing Sales and
Orders- Tensed owners due to decreasing revenue/sales.
Scene 1 (Meeting Room of the Headquarters of AoR)
LJ: Nayana
Imaginary Owners
A large conference room filled with restaurant owners, and members of the Association of
Restaurants (AOR), anxiously awaiting the arrival of LJ, the President of the AOR. The atmosphere
is tense.

LJ, a determined and confident individual, enters the room and takes his place at the head of the
table. He calls the meeting to order.

(looking around the room)
Thank you all for being here today. As you know, our businesses have been suffering lately, and we
need to address the issues we're facing with Highway 69. I propose we open a dialogue with their
founders to find a solution.
The room fills with murmurs of agreement.

Scene 2 (Meeting at the Headquarters of Highway 69)

Eric: Manuel
John: Jash
Elvis: Adam
LJ: Nayana
Eric, John, and Elvis, the founders of Highway 69, are sitting across from LJ. The tension is palpable.

(getting straight to the point)
Gentlemen, thank you for joining us today. We've seen a significant decline in our delivery business,
and we want to understand why. Additionally, there are concerns regarding the lack of representation
from Cafe Cardigan and Hotel California in our meetings. We need answers.

(slightly defensive)
Firstly, I want to assure you that we value the partnership with all the restaurants listed on Highway
69. As for Cafe Cardigan and Hotel California, they have chosen not to participate in these meetings.
It's entirely their decision.

Understood. But why have these two restaurants seen a surge in popularity while others are
struggling? Is there something we're missing?

JOHN (explaining)
During our analysis, we discovered that Cafe Cardigan and Hotel California consistently received
positive reviews from customers. They excelled in parameters like taste, conversion time, and
presentation, which contributed to their success. However, as per our contract, we provide cumulative
stars instead of individual customer reviews to protect their privacy.

Furthermore, we have been working closely with Cafe Cardigan and Hotel California to optimize
their presence on Highway 69. We offer additional marketing support, special promotions, and
exclusive discounts to attract more customers to their establishments.

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(slightly frustrated)
I understand the need for customer privacy, but without access to individual reviews, how can the
rest of us improve our services? We are all struggling, and transparency is essential for us to make
necessary changes and survive.

(considering LJ's point)
You make a valid argument, LJ. We didn't anticipate this situation, and we apologize for any
inconvenience caused. We will reconsider our approach and find a solution that benefits both parties.

Thank you for acknowledging our concerns. We're all in this together, and it's crucial for our
businesses to thrive. Let's work towards finding a fair resolution.

Scene 3 (LJ Coming Back to the Headquarters of AoR)

LJ returns to the AOR meeting room with a renewed sense of hope. The restaurant owners await his

I had a productive meeting with the founders of Highway 69. They've agreed to reassess the contract
terms and explore options for providing individual customer reviews without compromising privacy.
They understand the importance of transparency and are willing to work with us to improve our
businesses collectively.
The room fills with relieved and hopeful murmurs.

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(raising his voice)
We must remember that Highway 69 has been a valuable platform for us, connecting us with a wider
clientele base. Let's approach this mediation with a positive mindset and trust that we can find a
solution that benefits us all.
The room erupts in applause as LJ concludes


Mediator: Sivadath
LJ: Nayana
Eric: Manual
Counsel for AoR: Adam
Counsel for Highway 69: Jash


M: Good morning, everyone. Thank you for being here today. We have gathered to address the
concerns raised by the Association of Restaurants regarding their partnership with Highway 69. LJ,
as the President of AOR, could you please start by summarizing the issues you'd like to discuss?

LJ: Thank you, Mediator. First of all, we have noticed a significant decline in our delivery business,
and we believe there might be some discrepancies in the way Highway 69 is operating. Additionally,
there are concerns regarding the monthly enlistment fee and the lack of transparency in customer
reviews. We request Highway 69 to address these issues and provide solutions that benefit both

M: Thank you, LJ. Eric, as a representative of Highway 69, could you please respond to these

E: Certainly, Mediator. We understand the challenges faced by the AOR and acknowledge the
declining business. However, it is important to note that the decrease in orders is not exclusive to

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AOR's restaurants but is a market-wide effect caused by the pandemic. We have been working
closely with restaurants, including AOR members, to mitigate the impact.

CA: If I may interject, Mediator. Our concern is not only about the decrease in orders but also the
lack of transparency. Highway 69 never shared individual customer reviews with the restaurants,
which made it difficult for us to improve our services. Can Highway 69 address this issue?

E: I understand your concern, but our platform was designed to provide aggregated feedback rather
than individual reviews. This approach helps maintain customer privacy and prevents potential
biases. However, we are open to finding a solution that ensures transparency while respecting
customer privacy.

CH: If I may add, Mediator. Highway 69 has provided a cost-effective platform for restaurants to
expand their reach and increase their customer base. The 20% commission and enlistment fee help
cover the operational costs of maintaining the platform and ensuring a smooth user experience for
both restaurants and customers.

LJ: While we acknowledge the benefits Highway 69 brings, the decline in business coupled with the
enlistment fee has put a strain on many of our restaurants, especially during the pandemic. We would
appreciate some flexibility or alternative solutions to alleviate this burden.

M: Thank you for expressing your concerns. It's evident that both parties have valid points. LJ, could
you elaborate on the discovery that some restaurants, Cafe Cardigan and Hotel California, have seen
growth despite the overall decline?

LJ: Yes, Mediator. It has come to our attention that these two restaurants, which are listed on
Highway 69, have seen an unexpected increase in popularity. We find it unusual that they haven't
attended any AOR meetings and seek clarification regarding their exceptional performance.

E: I understand your concerns, but I assure you that Cafe Cardigan and Hotel California have
complied with all the terms of our agreement. The popularity they have gained may be attributed to
their unique offerings or promotional efforts outside of AOR's influence.

M: Thank you both for sharing your perspectives. It's evident that there are multiple factors at play
here. To reach a resolution, I suggest exploring potential solutions that address the concerns raised by
the AOR while considering the operational requirements and limitations of Highway 69. This might

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involve revisiting the commission structure, finding a balance between customer privacy and
transparency, and fostering better communication between the platform and restaurants.

CA: We appreciate the mediator's suggestion, and we believe that a mutually beneficial solution can
be reached. We urge Highway 69 to work with us in finding common ground that supports the
growth and sustainability of all participating restaurants.

CH: We value the input of the AOR and understand the challenges they face. Highway 69 is
committed to the success of all our partner restaurants. We are open to exploring alternative
approaches that address their concerns without compromising the platform's functionality and

M: Excellent. It's promising to see both parties willing to collaborate and find a middle ground. I
suggest further discussions and negotiations between the AOR and Highway 69 to develop a revised
agreement that addresses the concerns raised today. As the mediator, I will be available to assist
throughout the process. It seems progress is being made towards finding a resolution. Finally,
regarding the success of Cafe Cardigan and Hotel California, would it be possible for them to share
their strategies and best practices with the rest of the AOR?

E: We understand the value of sharing insights and fostering collaboration among the restaurants.
Cafe Cardigan and Hotel California are willing to conduct workshops or sessions to share their
experiences and strategies with other AOR members.

M: That is a commendable initiative. LJ, what do you think about the proposal for knowledge

LJ: We appreciate Cafe Cardigan and Hotel California for offering to share their success strategies.
This collaboration could prove beneficial for all restaurants, and we would gladly accept their

M: It's encouraging to see both parties working towards a resolution and finding common ground. As
the mediator, I suggest we establish a working group comprising representatives from the AOR and
Highway 69 to further discuss and implement the agreed-upon actions. This group can also serve as a
platform for ongoing communication and addressing any future concerns.


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In conclusion, the AOR and Highway 69 have acknowledged the challenges faced by the restaurant
industry during the pandemic. Both parties have expressed their willingness to work together towards
a mutually beneficial solution. With open communication, flexibility, and a focus on transparency, it
is possible to find a revised agreement that supports the interests of the restaurants while ensuring the
continued success of Highway 69 as a food service aggregator platform.

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