Recycle Man !!

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My prestigious comrades, world environment day is not solely about the Earth but rather
about your participation in the conservation of its natural resources. As such I implore that we
all take the time to recycle waste materials. Admittedly, recycling gives people the sense that
they’re doing all they need to do on behalf of the environment. However, these people also argue
that this process takes too much energy, is costly and leads to pollution ?..... Clearly, recycling
assists in preventing diseases, stopping pollution and reducing global warming. Help me educate
their illiterate minds, help me remove their lackadaisical behaviour and help me recycle as we
can make any rubbish into something new.

Primarily, it takes 50, 1000 and over 2000 years for aluminium cans, plastic bottles and
glass jars to decay respectively. The same aluminium cans and plastic bottles that murdered
100,000 marine animals yearly from suffocation and indigestion. The same glass jars that
housed over 2000 generations of rats and flies which incurred the deaths of more than 400 000
children annually. “The rats were in the trees, in the staffroom, the drawers and there's always
that threat of leptospirosis." said the principal during a rat infestation at the Calabar Highschool.
My sisters, do you really want this embarrassment on you?

Additionally, those vegetable peelings and batteries you throw away can be used to
generate a sufficient amount of energy. The breakdown of organic matter produces biogas and
connecting used batteries creates a system where power storage can be established. Students, if
your parents simply discard newspapers and other materials, remind them that 18.35 million
tons of paper are dumped in landfill sites. According to the WHO, these polluted lands are
health hazards where vector-borne diseases are hosted

Finally, to the simple-minded beings that decided burning garbage is easier than recycling,
listen well. Incarcerating waste releases toxic gases into the atmosphere. These greenhouse gases
trap heat causing droughts, food insecurity, tropical monsoons and deadly diseases.
To conclude, theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking’s last work predicted how our planet
will turn into a giant ball of fire by 2600 and our universe would eventually fade to darkness as
the stars run out of energy. I for one do not want this to happen, so if it means we recycle what is
used daily then it is a start. Let us all do better than the millennials, generation x and the
previous ones who failed to make recycling a norm. Let us, Gen Zs, be the change that will
prove this theory wrong. To prevent diseases, stop pollution and reduce global warming, let us

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