A Conceptual Review of Panchavidha Kashaya Kalpana

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Dr Prasad Krishna Padekar 2Dr Akanksha Dixit, 3Dr Dhan Raj Bairwa, 4Dr Sakhitha K. S.
Dr. V. Nageswara Rao
PG Scholars Lecturer 5Professor, Department of Rasashastra and

Bhaishajya Kalpana, National Institute of Ayurveda Jaipur-Rajasthan

In Ayurveda, there are five basic kalpanas i.e. Swarasa (juice), Kalka (paste of herbs),
Kwatha (decoction), Hima (cold infusion) and Phanta (hot infusion) known as Panchavidha
Kashaya Kalpana. Acharya Charak was the first one who mentioned Panchavidha Kashaya
Kalpana but, Acharya Sharangadhar mentioned broadly regarding these Kalpanas like its
method of preparation, dose, prakshepa dravya, anupana etc. in Sharangadhar Samhita.
While prescribing Kashaya Kalpana guruta and laghuta should be considered because
Swarasa contains all sara of drug and also the Kalka and becomes much heavier for
digestion and these cannot be prescribed to all in all conditions, it should be given with due
regard to the strength of the patient and severity of the disease. In this article there is
summarisation of the basic information regarding Panchavidha Kashaya Kalpana.
KEYWORDS: Kalpana, Sharangadhar Samhita, Panchavidha Kashaya Kalpana.

INTRODUCTION the potency and the shelf life of the

The entire science of Ayurveda has been particular preparation. Kashaya mean’s the
framed on Trisutra (Hetu, Linga, Aushada). one which irritates the throat and Kashaya
Among them Aushada is very important as it here irritate the disease condition and drove
is responsible for alleviation of disease as them away from body and according to
well as the safeguarding and endorsing Acharya Chakrapani Kalpana means
wellbeing. The vivid formulations explained “Kalpanam upyogartha prakalpanam
in classics are for the purpose of making the sanskaranmiti” is the
blend compatible and efficient without procedure/modification through which a
losing its potency. It has been described substance/raw drug is transformed into a
considering all the aspects like Desha, Kala, range of medicinal forms. Ayurvedic
Bala etc. In Charaka Samhita, Samskaras pharmaceutics gives an important role in
are adopted for a drug to enhance its processing of drugs.
qualities for better therapeutic activity. The Kalpana is a method / process of preparation
importance of various forms of Aushada is of medicines by using either single drug or a
to make it attuned and palatable. Preparing combination of several drugs. Any drug to
different forms of Aushada helps to enhance be used as medicine cannot be taken as it is
in its raw form, it has to be converted into

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Prasad Krishna Padekar et. al; A Conceptual Review of Panchavidha Kashaya Kalpana

that form by which it would be absence of fresh herbs the dried drug coarse
therapeutically fit for use. The Panchavidha powder should be mixed with double
Kashaya Kalpana though these possess quantity of water and kept overnight, next
medicinal value still cannot be used in all day it should be rubbed and filtered through
cases/diseases because they have different cloth and used as swarasa. In case of very
potency in different forms. “Athatah hard drugs the dried drug coarse powder
swarasah kalkah kwatha cha hima boiled with eight times of water and reduced
phantakou| gyeyaha kashayaaha panchaiteh to 1/4th part may be used as swarasa. In case
lagavaha syuhu yathottaram”.2 i.e. the of fibrous drug it is prepared by Putapaka
magnitude of the preceding formulation is method. eg. Vasa swarasa, Nimba swarasa,
intense than the succeeding one. This Dadima swarasa etc.
difference in its property is because of the Prakshepa dravyas of swarasa and their
diverse method of preparation. quantity:-5 Madhu, Shweta, Guda, Kshar,
 swarasa kalpana Jiraka, Lavana, Ghrita, Taila and Churna
It has been considered as the guru or strong (drug powder) each one in 1 Kola i.e. 6 g.
or highly concentrated than the other four quantity.
Kalpanas. That is why it has been placed in These adjuvants are vehicles which
the first place. In modern pharmaceutical increases the palatability of swarasa. The
science it is known as expressed juice and selection of one of the above has to be done
included in expression group. Expression is basing on the disease or the temperament of
the process in which the liquid is separated the individual.
from the solid by force; this juice may be Dose of Swarasa is half pala (24 g.) for
plant juice, fruit juice and the oils separated Anagni siddha and one pala (48 g.) for Agni
from seeds, nuts and oil containing siddha.6 All Swarasa preparations are meant
materials. only for instant use. They are used soon
Synonyms are Rasa, Niryasa. Swarasa can after they prepared. Swarasa can be used as
be of two types Anagni siddha, Agni siddha. a medicine (eg. Aadrak Swarasa in Shwas,
Swarasa is prepared by, “Vastranishpidito Kasa) or as anupana along with other forms
yaha sa rasaha swarasa uchyathe”.3 of medication (eg. Sanjivani Vati given
Swarasa is one which is procured by along with Adraka Swarasa) or can be used
Vastranishpidana of dravya. The fresh herb in shodhana & marana of rasa dravyas (eg.
is cleaned well, pounded and the resultant - Makshika shodhana in matulunga, kadli-
paste is rolled into a bolus, squeezed through kanda Swarasa) or as bhavna dravya in
a cloth and the expressed fresh juice is different preparations (e.g. Matulunga &
collected in a clean container. Fresh juice of Dadima swarasa in Chitrakadi Vati).
herbs is easy to absorb and maximum effect  kalka kalpana:-
is achieved in short period. Kalka kalpana occupies second position in
Acharya Sharangadhar also mentioned this group on the basis of its guruta that
alternative methods of swarasa4 as in means in this whole plant is used but its

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Prasad Krishna Padekar et. al; A Conceptual Review of Panchavidha Kashaya Kalpana

concentration is comparatively less than definite quantity of water and reduced to

swarasa as it contains cell debris and other 1/4th or 1/8th part then filtered. In this drugs
indigestible parts which make it less comes in contact of liquid and fire for
concentrated. In this preparation whole drug certain period to dissolve water soluble
is used reduced to fineness and no portion of fraction of the drug. Kwatha is prepared by,
the drug is discarded. “Vahnou tu kwathitam dravyam shrutam
Synonyms are Prakshep, Avapa, Pinda. aahuhu chikitsikaha”10 Kwatha is prepared
“Yaha pindo rasapishtana sa kalkaha by boiling 1 part of herb with 16 parts of
parikirtitha”, 7 A fresh drug or a dry drug is water in an open vessel on mild fire till it
converted into a pinda or paste by rubbing it reduces to one-eighth of the original
on a stone with little quantity of water. Fresh quantity.
or dry drugs are first cleaned with water. In Synonyms are Shruta, Kashaya, Niryuha.
case of dry drug, it is powdered first and The quantity of water may be four times,
filtered with a cloth and mixed with eight times or sixteen times the quantity of
appropriate quantity of water and then the part of the plant. This variation in the
rubbed in pestle and mortar and made into a amount of water depends on the hardness of
paste. In case of fresh drugs, they are first the drug used. Like, it may be simply four
chopped into fine pieces, pounded and times in soft herbs (herbs whose leaves and
macerated in mortar and pestle until the flowers are used), eight times for medium
paste becomes fine. hardness (includes soft barks of plants, roots
Prakshepa dravyas of kalka and their of shrubs and plants, soft roots, tubers and
quantity:-8 Madhu, Ghrita and Taila should medium tubers), while sixteen times in case
be added in double quantity whereas Sita, where the plant material to be used for
Guda in equal quantity and Drava four preparing decoction is too hard (Hard barks
times to kalka dravyas. Dose of the Kalka is of trees, root bark of trees and creeper).
one karsha9 (12 g.). They should be Supachita kwatha11 is best means “gandha
immediately used. Kalka can be used both varna rasanvitam” i.e. the well prepared
internally and externally. It can be given in decoction should possess smell, color and
the form of medicine (as Rasona kalka in taste as per the ingredient/s used. Decoction
Vatavyadhi, Visham-jwara) or for the is the process in which the water soluble and
purpose of sneha murchana and sneha paka. heat stable constituent of hard and woody
(eg. Dashamoola kalka during preparation crude drugs are extracted out. Here water is
of Dashamoola taila.) used as menstrum for the stated time. Haarit
Upkalpanas: - Churna, Vati are the Samhita12 has mentioned total 7 types of
upkalpanas of Kalka. Kwatha viz. Pachana, Dipana, Shodhana,
 kwatha kalpana:- Shamana, Tarpana, Kledana and Shoshana.
It is the third type of Kashaya kalpana. It is Prakshepa dravyas of Kwatha and their
less concentrated than swarasa and kalka. In quantity:-13 Sita should be added in
this coarsely powdered drugs are boiled with kwatha either in 1/4th, 1/8th or in 1/16th part

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Prasad Krishna Padekar et. al; A Conceptual Review of Panchavidha Kashaya Kalpana

depending upon Vata, Pitta and Kapha type  hima kalpana:-

of disease. If Madhu is to be added then its It occupies the fourth place in Panchavidha
quantity should be 1/4th for Kaphaja, 1/8th Kasaya Kalpana. Hima is prepared by,
for Pittaj and 1/16th for Vataja diseases. “Dravyaath aapothittathoye pratapthe nishi
Jiraka, Guggulu, Kshara, Lavana, Shilajatu, samstitaan | Kashayo yo abhiniryati sa
Hingu and Trikatu should be added in 1 sheetah samudahrutah”||14 Fragrant herbs
Shana (3 g.) quantiy. Kshira, Ghrita, Guda, may lose their active components by heating
Taila, Mutra, Drava, Kalka, Churna etc. or boiling, hence for such drugs, Hima
should be added in 1 Karsha (12 g.) kalpana is described, by which active
quantity. ingredients can be collected in cold infusion
Dose of Kwatha according to Acharya form.
Sushruta is 1 anjali (4 pala), Acharya 1 part of the drug is immersed in 6 parts of
Sharangdhara is 2 pala, and Acharya water for 10-12 hours and then filtered and
Yadavji Trikamji is 1 pala. Expiry of administered. An Infusion process is
Kashaya is one day only. Kashaya can be applicable to those drugs which are light
used as a medicine. Eg. Maharasnadi structures without containing dense tissues
Kwatha in Vata vyadhi, or as a Niruha basti and constituents of which are soluble in
e.g. Dashamoola Kwatha or as an Anupana water. Drugs having volatile contents may
e.g. Triphala Kwatha for Kankayana Gutika lose their active principles by heating, hence
or to prepare other drugs. eg. Arjun twaka for such type of drugs Hima Kalpana is
Kwatha to prepare Arjunarishta or as a mentioned by which active ingredients can
Shodhana dravya Eg. Triphala Kwatha for be collected in cold infusion form.
Abhraka Shodhana or as a Marana dravya. Synonyms are Sheeta kashaya, Sheeta.
E.g. Triphala Kwatha for loha marana. Maceration is the process of steeping
Upkalpanas:-Pramathya, Ushnodak, substance in alcohol or some similar solvent
Kshirpaka, Viilepi, Peya, Bhakta, Manda, without the application of heat in order to
Yusha, Yavagu, Laksharas, Mansarasa, dissolve out its soluble matters. Dose of
Sharkar are the upkalpanas of Kashaya Hima according to Sharangdhar Samhita is
kalpana. 2 pala and Yadavji Trikamaji is 1 pala. It
Some precautions while preparing Kwatha should be used immediately. Hima is the
are coarse powder of crude drug is cold infusion of fragrant or cold potency
necessary, use earthen or stainless steel wear herbs which are proposed to be used for
to prepare kwatha, kwatha should be prepare Pitta disorders.
on mild to moderate fire, the vessel should Upkalpanas:-Mantha, Tandulodak and
be kept open throughout the boiling process, Panaka are the upkalpanas of Hima.
intermittently use the ladle to stir the  phanta kalpana:-
kwatha. It is the last medicinal preparation included
in Panchavidha Kasaya Kalpana. Phanta is
prepared by, “kshiptoshna thoye mruditam

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Prasad Krishna Padekar et. al; A Conceptual Review of Panchavidha Kashaya Kalpana

tath phantom parikeertitam |”15 In this and indigestible part also so less
preparation drugs are put in hot water and concentrated than Swarasa. Kwatha in
rubbed properly and on filtration, the filtrate which the water soluble and heat stable
is known as Phanta. constituent of hard and woody crude drugs
Synonym is Churnadrava. It is also done for are extracted out and the amount of water
the drugs which are fragrant in nature and depends on the hardness of the drug used.
light in structure, free from dense tissue. Supachita kwatha is best means “gandha
Their virya (active principles) may not be varna rasanvitam” should possess smell,
thermo stable. Hence boiling should be color and taste as per the ingredient/s used.
avoided in this preparation. In modern Basic concept for Hima kalpana is that
science it is known as hot infusion. drugs having sheeta virya and volatile
Particular measure of drug in coarse powder principles lose their active ingredients by
form is immersed in hot water and then heating so for them this kalpana is
vessel is removed from fire. When it cools mentioned. Phanta is the last and laghutam
down to room temperature, then it should be among Panchavidha Kashaya Kalpana and
rubbed with hands and filtered with cloth method of green tea preparation resembles
and administered. Phanta is beneficial for with Phanta. Prakshepa dravya are vehicles
Kapha and Vata disorders. Prakshepa which increases the palatability of Kashaya
dravyas of Phanta and their quantity are Kalpana. The selection of them has to be
same as Kwatha.16 Dose of Phanta done basing on the disease or the
according to Sharangdhar Samhita is 2 pala temperament of the individual.
(96 g.) and should be used immediately. “Yatho Bheshaja Matra Vyadhi Atura
DISCUSSION Balapekshini Vaktavya”.17 Prescription of
Panchavidha Kashaya Kalpana are basic Kashaya Kalpana will be on the basis of
kalpanas of Ayurveda all other kalpanas are Bala of Vyadhi (strength of disease) as well
derivatives of these kalpanas. Due to the as Atura (strength of patient). While
difference in method of preparation, the prescribing them Guruta and Laghuta
Panchavidha Kashaya Kalpana differs from should be considered because Swarasa
each other. Swarasa is one which is contains all Sara (essence) of drug also the
procured by Vastranishpidana of dravya Kalka and becomes much heavier for
with this Acharya Sharangadhar also digestion. It should be given to person
mentioned different methods of preparation possessing Pravara Bala and having
of swarasa. The Swarasa possess more Pravara Vyadhi, if not, then it produces the
Gurutva (heavy for digestion) than Kalka effect similar to the effects produced by
followed by Kwatha, Hima and Phanta Atiyoga of Bheshaja (effects caused by
which means the magnitude of the medicine administration of excess medicine). Vyadhi
of the preceding form is greater than Bala can be assessed by examining strength
succeeding one. Kalka is the one which of Hetu, Dosha, Dushya, Prakriti, Desa,
contains whole plant, contains cell debris Kala and symptoms.18 Since, many

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Prasad Krishna Padekar et. al; A Conceptual Review of Panchavidha Kashaya Kalpana

permutation and combination might occur in consideration as Guru Dravya needs more
between the Bala of Vyadhi and Atura so time compared with Laghu Dravya for
selection of Kalpana also varies. All digestion. Also Agni is one such factor
Kalpanas cannot be given to all Atura in all which gets influenced by Guru and Laghu
diseased condition because the criteria for Dravya and to be given after examining
giving Kalpana for disease is based on Agni of person. Hence Panchavidha
Vyadhi-Atura Bala.19 Use of Kalpana also Kashaya Kalpana cannot be prescribed in all
depends upon the Dravya. As it is said in conditions to all and to be given by Yukti of
context of Medhya Rasayana – “yatho Vaidya and assessing Bala of Atura and
dravya niyamena kalpana niyamam Vyadhi as well.
vakshyati, mandukaparnyah swarasah REFERENCES
prayojyah ksheerena yastimdhukasya 1. Acharya YT, Chakrapani, Sutrasthana –
churnam | Raso guduchyastu Chapter 4/7, Caraka Samhita, Reprint,
samulapushpyah kalkah prayojyah khalu Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surabharati
shankapushpyah”||20 It is clearly mentioned Prakashan; 2011. p.31
that Swarasa of Mandookaparni should be 2. Tripathi B., Sharangadhara, Madhyama
used, Yastimadhu works as Medhya Khanda - Chapter 1/1, Sharangadhara
Rasayana when used in powder form along Samhita, Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharti
with milk, Guduchi in form of swarasa Prakashan; 2012. p.125
works as Medhya Rasayana and Kalka of 3. Tripathi B., Sharangadhara, Madhyama
Sankhapushpi is ideal for Rasayana Karma. Khanda – Chapter 1/2, Sharangadhara
CONCLUSION Samhita, Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharti
Kashaya mean’s the one which irritates the Prakashan Seereeja; 2012. p.125
throat and Kashaya here irritate the disease 4. Tripathi B., Sharangadhara, Madhyama
condition and drove them away from body Khanda - Chapter 1/3-4, Sharangadhara
and according to Acharya Chakrapani Samhita, Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharti
Kalpana means “Kalpanam upyogartha Prakashan Seereeja; 2012. p.125
prakalpanam sanskaranmiti” Kalpana is the 5. Tripathi B., Sharangadhara, Madhyama
procedure/modification through which a Khanda – Chapter 1/6, Sharangadhara
substance/raw drug is transformed into a Samhita, Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharti
range of medicinal forms. Swarasa possess Prakashan Seereeja; 2012. p.126
more Gurutva (heavy for digestion) than 6. Tripathi B., Sharangadhara, Madhyama
Kalka followed by Kwatha, Hima and Khanda – Chapter 1/5, Sharangadhara
Phanta which means the magnitude of the Samhita, Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharti
medicine of the preceding form is greater Prakashan Seereeja; 2012. p.126
than succeeding one. While prescribing any 7. Acharya YT, Agnivesa, Sutrasthana –
of the Panchavidha Kashaya Kalpana Chapter 4/7, Caraka Samhita, Reprint,
certain factors like Guruta and Laghuta of Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surabharati
the medicine should be taken into Prakashan; 2011. p.31

1145 www.ayurpub.com Nov-Dec2018 Vol III, Issue 6

Prasad Krishna Padekar et. al; A Conceptual Review of Panchavidha Kashaya Kalpana

8. Tripathi B., Sharangadhara, Madhyama 16. Tripathi B., Sharangadhara, Madhyama

Khanda – Chapter 5/1, Sharangadhara Khanda – Chapter 3/2, Sharangadhara
Samhita, Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharti Samhita, Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharti
Prakashan Seereeja; 2012.p.167 Prakashan Seereeja; 2012. p.162
9. Tripathi B., Sharangadhara, Madhyama 17. Acharya YT, Agnivesa, Vimanasthana –
Khanda – Chapter 5/1, Sharangadhara Chapter 8/101, Caraka Samhita, Reprint,
Samhita, Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharti Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surabharati
Prakashan Seereeja; 2012.p.167 Prakashan; 2011. p.278
10. Acharya YT, Agnivesa, Sutrasthana – 18. Acharya YT, Chakrapani, Chikitsasthana
Chapter 4/7, Caraka Samhita, Reprint, - Chapter 1/3/30-31, Caraka Samhita of
Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surabharati Agnivesa, Reprint, Varanasi: Chaukhamba
Prakashan; 2011. p.31 Surabharati Prakashan; 2011. p.29
11. Tripathi B., Sharangadhara, Madhyama 19. Acharya YT, Chakrapani, Sutrasthana -
Khanda - Chapter 2/3, Sharangadhara Chapter 4/7, Caraka Samhita of Agnivesa,
Samhita, Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharti Reprint, Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surabharati
Prakashan Seereeja; 2012. p.133 Prakashan; 2011. p.31
12. Pandit Tripathi H., Harita, Tritiya Sthana 20. Sharma PV, Agnivesa, Vimanasthana -
– Chapter 1/47, Harita Samhita, Second Chapter 8/94, Caraka Samhita, Reprint,
Edition, Varanasi: Chaukhamba Krishnadas Varanasi: Chaukhamba Orientalia; 2008.
Academy; 2009. p. 171 p.375
13. Tripathi B., Sharangadhara, Madhyama
Khanda – Chapter 2/4-6, Sharangadhara CORRESPONDING AUTHOR
Samhita, Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharti Dr Prasad Krishna Padekar
Prakashan Seereeja; 2012. p.133, 134 PG scholar, Dept. of Rasashastra &
14. Acharya YT, Agnivesa, Sutrasthana - Bhaishajya Kalpana
National Institute of Ayurveda Jaipur-
Chapter 4/7, Caraka Samhita, Reprint,
Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surabharati E-mail: drprasad.padekar@gmail.com
Prakashan; 2011.p.31
15. Acharya YT, Chakrapani, Sutrasthana - Source of support: Nil,
Chapter 4/7, Caraka Samhita of Agnivesa, Conflict of interest: None Declared
Reprint, Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surabharati Cite this article as
Prakashan; 2011. p.31 Prasad Krishna Padekar: A Conceptual
Review of Panchavidha Kashaya Kalpana;
III(6): 1140-1146

1146 www.ayurpub.com Nov-Dec2018 Vol III, Issue 6

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