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CS408 Assignment 1 Solution Fall 2022/23

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Question No 1 Solution:

1. Reflective cognition involves thinking, comparing, and decision-

making. This kind of cognition is what leads to new ideas and
creativity. Examples include designing, learning, and writing a
book. ( Part A Answer)
2. Experiential Cognition: It is the state of mind in which we
perceive, act, and react to events around us effectively and
effortlessly. for example driving a car, reading a book, Preece,
Rogers. (Part b Answer)

Question No 2 Solution:
Column A Column B (Category)
Yellow Primary
Yellow-Green Tertiary Colors
Orange and Secondary
Green Secondary
Yellow-Orange, Tertiary
Question No 3 Solution:

Figure 1: In figure one diagram design was very good because of in this
there is forgotten password option where a person can forget his
password easily and it is very helpful option.

Figure 2: In figure two diagram design was not good because of in this
there is no option of forgotten password where a person cannot reset
his password once once he forget his login password.

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