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District D.G.Khan, Mana Ahmedani - 03346766084

Name: Roll #: Subject: Physics-12 Test #: 1880674

Test Detail: Type 13 - Short Test (No Choice) - Marks=60 Time: 2h
Syllabus: U-21, Date: 29-Jan-2024

1- Circle the correct answer. (12x1=12)

i. The quantity of U235 in the naturally occuring uranium is:
(A) 0.2 % (B) 0.3 % (C) 0.7 % (D) 0.4 %
ii. Nuclear fission chain reaction is controlled by using:
(A) Cadmium rods (B) Iron rods (C) Platinum rods (D) Steel rods
iii. In nuclear fission reaction, when the products are 140X and 94​​Sr , the number of neutrons emitted are:
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
iv. Hydrogen bomb is an example of:
(A) Nuclear fission (B) Nuclear fusion
(C) Chain reation (D) Chemical reaction
v. The temperature of the core of the sun is about:
(A) 5 MoC (B) 10 MoC (C) 20 MoC (D) 40 MoC
vi. 2
H+ H⟶ H + X + 4.0 MeV . The particle X is:
2 3
1 1 1
(A) 20
n (B) 11H (C) 21H (D) Electron
vii. 1 gray (Gy) is equal to:
(A) 1 Jkg −1 (B) 1 kgJ −1 (C) 1 Jkg (D) 1 Jkg

viii. The SI unit of radiation dose is:

(A) Roentgen (B) Curie (C) Grey (D) Rem
ix. Iodine-131 is used for the treatment of:
(A) Bones (B) Eyes (C) Thyroid glands (D) Lungs
x. Various types of cancer are treated by:
(A) Carbon-14 (B) Nickel-63 (C) Cobalt-60 (D) Strontium-90
xi. The typical nuclei have diameter less than:
(A) 10-14 m (B) 10-12 m (C) 10-10 m (D) 10-8 m

xii. The force which is responsible for the breaking up of the radioactive elements is:
(A) Strong nuclear force (B) Gravitational force
(C) Electromagnetic force (D) Weak nuclear force
2- Write short answers of the following questions. (8x2=16)
(i) Differentiate between controlled and un-controlled chain (ii) What is the use of nuclear reactor and draw its diagram?
(iii) Write names of two main types of nuclear reactors. (iv) What is fusion reaction?
(v) What factors make a fusion reaction difficult to achieve? (vi) State the advantages and disadvantages of fusion power
from the point of safety pollution and resources.
(vii) Define: a. Absorbed dose b. Gray. (viii) Which radiation does would deposit more energy to your
body? a) 10 mGy to your hand or 1 m Gy dose to your entire
3- Write short answers of the following questions. (8x2=16)
(i) Which of α, β and γ radiation would you advise and why (ii) What is meant by absorbed dose, also write down the units of
for? absorbed dose?
(iii) What is radioactive tracer? Describe one application in (iv) Write any two uses of radiography.
(v) What is a radioactive trace? Describe one application in (vi) How can radioactivity help in the treatment of cancer?
each case of medicine and agriculture.
(vii) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear (viii) Write a short note on basic forces of nature.
power compare to the use of fossil fuel generated power.
Attempt the following long questions. (2x8=16)
4(a) Define and explain the fusion reaction with examples.
5(a) How much energy is absorbed by a man of mass 80 kg, who receives a lethal whole body equivalent dose of 400 rem in the form
of low energy neutrons for which RBE factor U 10?

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