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Tugas 3


Nim : 859664256

1. Risky :good mornig ,how are you today?

Rahma :good morning, im doing well. How about you?
Risky :im great, i was wondering if you like to go the park with me
Rahma :that sound nice . how can we get there?
Risky :we can take a bus or walk, which one do you profer?
Rahma :i think walking would be nice, its a beautiful day
Risky :i agree!lets meet at the park extrance 30 minutes then
Rahma :perfect. I`ll see you there, have a good day!
Risky :you too! See you at the park!, goodbye!

2. A. next to
B. a cross from
C. Neas
D. Opposite
E. On
F. Walking distance
G. Between

3. A. Walk a long the violet streat. Take first turrling on the right. Go straight on. Its on your left
betwen the restaurant and the hospital.
B. walk a long the lily streat . turn left into daisy streat go straight on. Take the second tumik on
the left. Its you left between the amusument park and grandgocer
C. Certainly, walk a long the violet streat. Take the first turning on the left. Its on your right
opposite the park.
D. Walk a long the lily street. Take first turning on the left its on your right next to the bank
E. Walk a long the violet street. Take the second turning on the left. Its on yoour left.
F. Wal a long thhe lily street, turn left into daily street cao straight on. Take the first turning on
thr right, walk a long the rose street turn left into dailsy street. Its on you right opposite the
assumnt park.
G. Walk a long the violet street, take the first turning on the right, walk a long the rose street
turn left into daisy street. Its on you right opposite the assument park
H. Walk a long the violet street, take the first turning on the right. Its on the opposite the

4. What i do when i spend my freetime is cleaning the house, reading books, playimg with friends,
playing games and during sports.

5. my activities in my spare time are sometimes me time, sometimes maliing goods to sell

6. The recreational place that I ofben visit is the beach

7. 1.B .people are free frem work.

2. C.They do not have much money

3.C.they are more expensive.

4.C.when buying a gift for someone.

5.B. yes with the quality and description of the item.

8. Supermarket Shopping

Shopping in supermarkets is something we do every week. It is a quick and easy way to buy
the food and other goods that we need. In larger stores we can buy food, televisions, kettles,
clothing and products used for gardening.

People go to supermarkets because of the guarantee that the food is fresh. There is a great
variety of choice. It can also be good value as supermarkets buy in bulk and so can reduce
the price of products.

Stores can be meeting places for friends. On a cold day you can shop in a warm environment.
A number of stores have a cafe adjacent to the food hall. Customers can get a snack, hot
drinks or enjoy a hot meal. The customer toilet facilities are excellent and they have special
toilets for the disabled.

The different products that are sold can be kept in freezers, cool cabinets, stacked on
shelves or covered with see through plastic to protect the produce. Fresh fish is displayed on
cold slabs. An assistant will weigh and wrap the fish that you want to buy. At the cheese
counter and deli section again an assistant will serve you.

Outside, many supermarkets sell petrol and diesel. This is often the cheapest in the area,
and so the filling stations are well patronised. Supermarkets can buy in large quantities and
often pass on the savings to the customer, and so try to make the customer return
frequently to their particular store.

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