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10 MAT (STD) SET 01

KVS Chennai Region

Marking Scheme for Second Pre-Board Exams: 2023-2024
Subject : Mathematics (Standard) – (041)
Q Answer Marks
1 b 1
2 c 1
3 d 1
4 a 1
5 b 1
6 a 1
7 c 1
8 d 1
9 b 1
10 b 1
11 c 1
12 b 1
13 a 1
14 d 1
15 c 1
16 c 1
17 a 1
18 c 1
19 d 1
20 a 1
21 𝑘 −4 3 1
= =
6 −12 9
k=2 1

22 Finding equation A + B = 60 and A – B = 30 1

Solving and getting A = 45 and B = 15 1
Getting 𝜃 = 30
1 1
Finding 𝑐𝑜𝑠2𝜃 = 2
23 Drawing correct diagram 1
Proof 1

24 Drawing diagram, applying lengths of the tangents 1

Applying properties of parallelogram and getting proof 1
Drawing correct diagram 1
Proof 1

25 45 22 1
𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 = × × 28 × 28
360 7
Simplifying and getting 308 cm2. 1

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26 Let us assume that √5 be rational number
p/q = 5 where p and q are co-prime
p2 = 5 q2 ------------(1) 1
5 divides p2
By theorem, 5 divides p also
Let p = 5r for some integer r,
Put p in (1), 5q2 = 25r2
⇨ 5 divides q2 1
By theorem, 5 divides q also
∴5 is common factor of both p and q
Which is contradiction to the fact that p and q are coprime
∴Our assumption is wrong
Hence √5 is irrational ½
27 Finding zeroes √3 and – √3 1
Sum of the zeroes = 0 and product of the zeroes = - 3 1
And verification 1

28 Adding both equation and getting x + y = 5 1

Subtracting both equation and getting x – y =1 1
Now solving and getting x = 3 and y = 2 1

Length and Breadth of rectangle be l and b.
(l - 5) (b + 2) = lb - 80
i.e., 2l – 5b + 70 = 0----- ( 1 ) 1
(l + 10) (b - 5) - lb = 50
5l + 10b = 100
Divide both side by 5
l + 2b = 20 1
l – 2b +20 = 0---------- ( 2 )
Solving (1) and (2) and getting b = 30 and l=40 ½

Length = 40 units and Breadth = 30 units . ½

29 tanθ+sinθ=m
tanθ-sinθ=n (given)
∴, m+n=tanθ+sinθ+tanθ-sinθ=2tanθ
∴, m²-n² 1
=2tanθ.2sinθ ½
=tan²θ-sin²θ ½

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=4sinθ√(1-cos²θ)/cos²θ 1
=4sinθ/cosθ√sin²θ [∵, sin²θ+cos²θ=1]
∴, LHS=RHS (proved)
AD = AF ( lengths of the tangents) ------- (1)
DB = BE (lengths of the tangents ) ------- (2)
FC = EC (lengths of the tangents ) ------- (3)
But AB = AC (given)
AD + DB = AF + FC
AF + DB = AF + FC ( by (1) ) 1
DB = FC -------------------------- (4)
From (2), (3) and (4) BE = EC 1


Given, Diagram, To prove and construction 1½

Correct proof 1½

31 No. of possible outcomes = 36 1

6 1 1
P( a doublet ) = or
36 6
3 1
P(a sum 10 ) = 36 or 12 1
32 Let the number of articles produced in one day be x. ½
Therefore, the cost (in rupees) of each article will be (3 + 2x) ½
The total cost of production = Cost of each article × Total number of
(3 + 2x) ( x) = 90
3x + 2x2 = 90 1
2x2 + 3x - 90 = 0
Solving and getting x = -15/2 (rejected) and x = 6 1
Therefore, x = 6 ½
Cost of each article is Rs.15. ½
Number of articles produced is 6.

Let the speed of the train be x km/hr ½
Distance covered = 300km ½
300 300
− =2 1
𝑥 𝑥+5
Simplifying and getting x2 + 5x – 750 = 0

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⇒(x+30)(x−25) =0 ⇒ x=25 or x=−30
But x cannot be negative. Therefore x=25
Hence, the original speed of the train is 25km/hr
33 Draw correct diagram, given, to prove and construction 1½
Correct proof 1½

Correct diagram and proof 2

34 Volume of water in the vessel = Volume of the conical vessel
Volume of all lead shots dropped into the vessel = 1/4 × Volume of the water in
the vessel 1
Number of lead shots = 1/4 × volume of the water in the vessel ÷ volume of each
lead shot 1
= 1 /4 × (1/3) πR2h × 3/4 πr3
= πR2h/12 × 3/4πr3 1½
= R2h / 16r3
= (5cm × 5 cm × 8 cm) / (16 × 0.5 cm × 0.5 cm × 0.5 cm) 1
= 100
Thus, the number of lead shots dropped in the vessel is 100 ½


Slant height of the cone, l = √[r2 + h2]

l = √[(0.7 cm)2 + (2.4 cm)2]
= √[0.49 cm2 + 5.76 cm2] 1
= √[6.25 cm2]
= 2.5 cm 1
TSA of the remaining solid = CSA of the cylindrical part + CSA of conical part +
Area of one cylindrical base 1
= 2πrh + πrl + πr2
= πr (2h + l + r) 1
= 22/7 × 0.7 cm × (2 × 2.4 cm + 2.5 cm + 0.7 cm)
= 2.2 cm × 8 cm ½
= 17.6 cm2
Hence, the total surface area of the remaining solid to the nearest cm2 is 18 cm2. ½

Class Frequency Cumulative frequency
interval (f) (cf)
0-100 2 2
100-200 5 7
200-300 x 7+x
300-400 12 19+x

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400-500 17 36+x
500-600 20 56+x
600-700 y 56+x+y
700-800 9 65+x+y
800-900 7 72+x + y
900-1000 4 76+x + y
1 (table)
Total = 100

76+x+y=100 ½
⇒x+y=24 ½
Since median is 525, median class is 500−600
∴l=500, h=100, f=20, cf=36+x and n=100
Median= l + 2 𝑓 ×h
⇒x=9 ½
Putting x=9 in x+y=24, we get y=15. ½
Hence, x=9and y=15.

36 i) 250 1
ii) 1020 1
iii) 3150 (OR) n = 11 2
37 i) A(-2, 2) 1
ii) OA = 2√2 1
iii) AB = √17 (OR) BC = 2√5 2

38 i) AB = 8√3 m 1
ii) AC = 24 m 1
iii) PC= 24√2 m (OR) PB = 16√3 m 2

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