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Affordable Mobile Virtual Reality Earthquake

1st Peter Liuwandy 2nd Suryasari 3rd Wella*
Information System Department Information System Department Information System Department
Universitas Multimedia Nusantara Universitas Multimedia Nusantara Universitas Multimedia Nusantara
Tangerang, Indonesia Tangerang, Indonesia Tangerang, Indonesia

Abstract—Earthquake is one of the natural disasters that on" method [8]-[10]. The drop means moves to a safe spot
often occurs in Indonesia. Recorded data from 1779 to 2010, from falling objects as fast as possible. Cover means
earthquakes that occurred in Indonesia were more than 48,000 protecting essential body regions with arms or hands or even
with strength greater than four on the Richter Scale. Therefore, hide under a sturdy table and hold means to take hold onto
earthquake simulations are carried out in offices such as something until the earthquake is gone. From this technique,
schools, offices, and so on. This research focuses on using virtual this simulation will cover the holding part. There are also
reality as an earthquake simulation drill to give a better traditional methods of earthquake safety training include
experience to the user. This research also tries to reach as many conducts earthquake drills [2], [11], [12], reading manuals of
people as possible so that it's built on Android and doesn't need
earthquake safety [10]-[13], and also watching videos of
any additional tools, just VR glasses, with the help of Google VR
earthquake safety training. The goals of those pieces of
prefab. The results show that the earthquake simulation drill
through virtual reality is more familiar and save time than the
training are to increase people's preparedness and behavior, so
traditional earthquake simulation drill used by the when an earthquake occurs, they can respond immediately and
comprehensive institution. know what they are going to do [11].
Virtual reality is a simulation of real life. Virtual reality
Keywords—earthquake, google VR, unity, virtual reality can clearly describe the real environment and make people
I. INTRODUCTION who see it feel that the immersive virtual environment
interacts with them [14]. Virtual reality can also be interpreted
Safety during an earthquake becomes a big problem in as a "virtual" reality. That means, in principle, anything that
various parts of the world. In areas that have a large enough can happen can be programmed to occur but "virtually" [15].
earthquake frequency, each individual needs to know how to On another reference, virtual reality is also interpreted as the
protect themselves in an emergency [1]. Traditionally, safety use of a computer graphics system that is combined with a
during an earthquake has been taught through a simulation variety of displays and interface devices to provide an
exercise, which is often required in schools located in areas immersion effect on 3D interactive environments generated
that are at high risk of a shock. However, a study found that by computers [16]. The usage of virtual reality is increasingly
this method has a problem in the form of no standardization, widespread it's potential in various ways, such as for medical
which causes simulations carried out by schools that are often [17]-[19] and safety training purposes, such as firefighter
ineffective in increasing students' readiness to deal with training and simulation [20]-[22]. This discussion also tries to
emergencies such as earthquakes [2]. explore more about the potential of virtual reality in
The Indonesian archipelago lies on the border of three earthquake safety training drill simulation [23]. By using
main tectonic plates, the Indo-Australian plate, the Pacific virtual reality, the user will not receive physical hazards when
Plate, and the Eurasian plate, stretching from Sumatra in the using virtual reality also allow scenarios that are considered
west to Papua in the east. Indonesia itself is also at the dangerous if done during a live earthquake simulation.
collision point of the three tectonic plates. The high seismicity Making this virtual reality earthquake simulation application
associated with subduction in Indonesian territory reflects the has a focus to help people know what steps are appropriate to
high likelihood of earthquake and tsunami hazards. Indonesia take when an earthquake occurs when they are at home
has approximately 17,504 islands. A land area of 1.92 x 106 effectively and certainly does not jeopardize their safety. In
km2 and a sea area of 3.26 x 106 km2, has experienced many this application, users get points according to the actions they
earthquakes in the past. Based on data from 1779 to 2010, took when the earthquake occurred. The maximum marks are
earthquakes that have occurred in Indonesia amounted to more earned if the user manages to save themselves as fast as
than 48,000 with earthquake strength more significant than possible. The application also doesn't need any other devices
four on the Richter Scale [3]. Most of the major earthquakes except VR glasses worth IDR 56.300,- and an Android (above
that happened in Indonesia caused massive damage [4]-[6]. 4.4 version) mobile phone.
One example of the most famous earthquake in Indonesia is The main reason why this research happens because of the
the Banda Aceh earthquake in 2004. It caused Tsunami and increase in earthquakes occurrence here in Indonesia.
resulted in around a million people homeless and a hundred Daryono, Head Division of Earthquake and Tsunami of
thousand deaths [7]. BMKG (Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika) in
This simulation discussion focuses on indoor space Indonesia stated that in the period of 2008-2018, Indonesia has
because studies found that the most severe case when an averaged 5.000-6.000 earthquakes. In 2013, there are 4.234
earthquake approaches is people in a room getting hit by earthquakes and increased to 6.929 in 2017. In 2018, it
falling or flying objects [8], [9]. Studies [8], [10] also found increased almost two times from 2017, around 11.920
that the possibility of someone getting injuries from the falling earthquakes. And even 2019 not even ended yet when he gave
object is higher than killed in a collapsing building. There's the statements, already more than 10.300 earthquakes
also a technique to apply during the earthquake to minimize occurred. Before 2019, the average of destructive earthquakes
the chances of wounds; it's called the "drop, cover, and hold is around 8-10 times, but in 2019 15 destructive earthquakes

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occurred. Based on these statements, this research will D. Determination of Interactive Assets and Script Making
hopefully help the public to learn how to anticipate in case the After creating a scenario, then proceed by selecting assets
earthquake is occurred, especially here in Indonesia, so that it based on the scene that can interact with users. After that, the
can help to minimize the total of the victim. assets will also be given a script that makes the assets of these
II. RESEARCH METHOD goods can interact. Interaction can be done by looking at the
item, and within 0.5 seconds, there will be a specific response
A. Literature Studies from the issue. This can be done with the help of a prefab from
In the initial process of doing this research, much research Google VR in the form of GvrReticlePointer. The script was
was done on things that would help in the process of designing created in the Visual Studio Code with the C # programming
and making this virtual reality mobile application. This language. Items that can interact are items or places that were
research better understands the concept of developing mobile mentioned earlier in the scenario as a scenario of the
applications with virtual reality that do not use any controller, earthquake simulation. The goods or locations include doors,
relying only on the gaze of users in VR glasses. After studying cabinets, the center of the room, and also the corner of the
various resources, the solution is using Google VR references room.
called GvrReticlePointer. GvrReticlePointer was made for E. Making a Script to Run an Earthquake
Google VR Cardboard, one of Google VR product which not
The script to run the earthquake was created to try to
using any controller [24].
simulate the earthquake. The script was built in the Visual
B. Assets Making Studio Code with the C# programming language.
In collaboration with Visual Communication University F. Calculation of Results
(VCD) major in this earthquake simulation VR mobile
Calculation of the results of the time to save themselves is
application project, the VCD has a stake in making three-
done as a form of gamification of the earthquake simulation
dimensional assets of this earthquake simulation VR
VR mobile application. The estimate will have a range of
application. The assets are in the form of a room and also the
values 0-10 with a left limit, which means the player failed to
items contained in the room.
save himself during the earthquake simulation, and a right
C. Making Scenarios of the Game limit, which means the player managed to save himself with a
Making a scenario is the first thing done after getting fast time.
assets. The creation of scenarios is done after the III. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS
establishment of assets because the existing scripts must be
adapted to existing assets. Scripts are first made by themselves A. Assets Making
and then discussed with related parties, as previously Fig. 1, Fig. 2, and Fig. 3 are the assets that have been made
mentioned. After conducting the discussion, finally, the final by the VCD team.
results in the form of scenarios to be made in this game consist
of 3 plots, namely the safest situation, worse, and the worst.

Fig. 1. Whole room view

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Fig. 2. Items in the room

Fig. 3. Room foundation


In the safest scenario, the user will move towards the Points Criteria
corner of the wall that has a strong foundation or choose to run
0 Failed
forward. In an adverse scene, the user decides to stand in the
middle of the room because it is considered to be far from 1 Survived on the time range of 27-29 seconds
falling objects, but the light above can fall. Worst case 2 Survived on the time range of 24-26 seconds
scenario, the user chooses to save the items in the closet but 3 Survived on the time range of 21-23 seconds
instead is crushed by the rubble.
4 Survived on the time range of 18-20 seconds
C. Calculation of Results 5 Survived on the time range of 15-17 seconds
Calculation of the results of the time to save themselves is
6 Survived on the time range of 12-14 seconds
done as a form of gamification of this earthquake simulation
VR mobile application. The count will have a range of values 7 Survived on the time range of 9-11 seconds
0-10 with a left limit, which means the player failed to save 8 Survived on the time range of 6-8 seconds
themselves during the earthquake simulation, and a right limit, 9 Survived on the time range of 3-5 seconds
which means the player managed to keep themselves with a
fast time. The points will be specified, such as in Table 1. 10 Survived on the time range of 1-2 seconds

D. User Acceptance Test

The user acceptance test was conducted for 25 users. For
this, UAT itself does not have specific user criteria, because
the application has a purpose to be used by all Indonesian

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people. Due to the condition of Indonesia, which is issuing an TABLE IV. ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION RESULTS
outbreak of the Coronavirus, the UAT is limited to only a few No Information Before After
people who live not too far away and spend it to visit. Do not
1 Do the Earthquake Users must wait to Users can do
forget when conducting visits and simulations still agree to
health protocols that have been approved to support the virus Simulation drill be organized by earthquake
that spreads. Users will ask to use VR that has been made to institutions, both simulations
then answer questions about the application for earthquake schools, and offices whenever they
relief using the VR. Items are requested using the Google
Form provided, and the user responds with an option which is
then verified to be the number specified in Table 2 as the 2 Knowing the steps Users usually Users can find out
weight to be used for the calculation of Mean Opinion Score that must be taken search for what to do during
(MOS). when an information an earthquake by

TABLE II. MEAN OPINION SCORING [25] earthquake occurs through Google or trying to get the
just general highest points on
No Information
1 Strongly disagree knowledge the application
2 Disagree
3 Neutral
4 Agree
5 Strongly Agree Based on the final UAT results, the use of virtual reality is
a bit of a headache for some users. This study still proves that
earthquake simulations using virtual reality applications can
In Table 3, there are results from the UAT that have been
help people become more familiar and save time in earthquake
asked directly to users who have used earthquake simulation
simulations and know essential things that need to be done if
applications using VR.
the earthquake occurred while they were at home. Users can
also easily understand the use of earthquake simulation virtual
reality applications without having to study first. The existing
No Questions 1 2 3 4 5 display has also been said to be quite interesting for an
1 Is the earthquake simulation 0 0 1 16 8 earthquake simulation virtual reality application. For further
application using VR easy to
studies, it's highly recommended to make more interaction
into the simulation, such as take some essential items, giving
understand? more room simulation or even outdoor simulation, and also
2 Does the earthquake 0 0 0 23 2 some butterfly effects to any decision the user decides.
simulation application use VR
help you in knowing what
In the journey of this research, there are some limitations
steps need to be taken in the
and also recommendations. As for the limitations itself,
event of an earthquake? there’s a problem in finding the respondents. It is caused by
3 Does the earthquake 0 0 2 9 14 the social distancing policy condition here in Indonesia
(because of the COVID-19 virus outbreak). Also, there also a
simulation application use VR
bit problem in finding the most accurate data, because the
to make you more familiar and government sources are quite a different one from another. For
save time (in studying) when the recommendations, it would be great if there’s more than
compared to earthquake one room to choose to do the earthquake simulations. Adding
more rooms will improve the user experience for every
simulations at school or the
environment they’re in. Another recommendation is
office? implementing a more interactive environment for the
4 Does the earthquake 0 1 10 9 5 gamification part so that the user will be more entertained with
simulation application use VR the VR. Also for future research, try to work together with the
government so that the data will be more accurate and reliable.
not to cause dizziness?
5 Does the earthquake 0 0 4 16 5 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
simulation application using Thank you to Aditya Satyagraha, S.Sn., M.Ds. And
VR have an attractive Thomas Simpson, S.Ds for making three-dimensional assets
of this earthquake simulation VR application. The assets are
in the form of a room and also the items contained in the room.
The results before and after the earthquake simulation
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