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1. b. Prokaryotes are single-celled organisms that lack a nucleus.

2. d. all of the above

3. a. Bacteria

4. c. the hyperthermophiles, which live in a very hot environment.

5. a. Cyanobacteria are photosynthetic bacteria that contributed oxygen to early Earth.

6. b. helices, spheres, and rods.

7. b. The mRNA, which is made in the cytoplasm, is translated on ribosomes.

8. d. all of the above

9. a. they get energy from chemical compounds and carbon from other living things.

10. c. more than 16 million cells.

11. d. all of the above

12. c. 2, 3, and 4

13. False. The prokaryote domains are Bacteria and Archaea.

14. False. Bacteria are actually the most diverse and abundant group of organisms on Earth. Archaea,
however, can live in extreme environments such as high salt, high heat, or high acid environments.

15. False. Prokaryotic cells lack a nucleus and a cytoskeleton.

16. True. Plasmids are small, circular, extrachromosomal DNA molecules that can be found in prokaryotic

17. False. Both bacteria and archaea lack a nucleus. Neither of them have a membrane-bound nucleus
like eukaryotic cells do.


1. b. eukaryotes.

2. a. mitochondria and chloroplasts have no DNA, just like bacteria have no DNA.

3. c. cyanobacteria that were engulfed by larger prokaryotes.

4. d. simple eukaryotes that are neither plants, animals, nor fungi.

5. d. all of the above.

6. d. all of the above.

7. a. cilia.
8. c. asexual or sexual reproduction.

9. c. an algae.

10. b. two haploid cells.

11. a. to help the organism survive in unfavorable environmental conditions.

12. c. four haploid cells.

13. True

14. False. Both mitochondria and chloroplasts contain DNA.

15. False. Many protists thrive and survive in water.

16. False. Pseudopodia are temporary extensions of the cell membrane used for movement and feeding,
not reproductive cells.

17. False. Spirogyra is a type of algae, specifically a filamentous green algae. It is not an animal-like


1. b. a photosynthesizer.

2. a. amoeba.

3. c. a sporozoan.

4. d. they have chloroplasts and carry out photosynthesis.

5. d. all of the above.

6. a. production of gametes by meiosis.

7. a. doesn't increase genetic variation.

8. d. none of the above.

9. c. slime molds.

10. d. all of the above.

11. b. consist of a single cell.

12. d. algae.

13. False. Kelp are actually a type of brown algae, which are plant-like protists.

14. True. Protozoa are animal-like protists, as they exhibit characteristics similar to animals.

15. True. Diatoms are a type of algae, specifically a type of photosynthetic microalgae.

16. False. Slime molds are not a type of algae. They are considered fungus-like protists.
17. True. Protists are often classified based on their similarities to animals, fungi, or plants, as they can
exhibit characteristics of all three kingdoms.


1. d. heterotrophs, get their food by ingesting organisms or organic matter.

2. b. saprotrophs.

3. b. cellulose, lignin.

4. d. They are the dead portions of a fungus.

5. a. parasitic.

6. d. mycorrhizae.

7. a. a mutualistic relationship between a fungus and a photosynthetic organism.

8. b. penicillin.

9. d. all of the above.

10. a. yeast.

11. d. all of the above.

12. c. mycorrhizae.

13. False. Fungi are heterotrophs, not autotrophs.

14. False. Most fungi are decomposers and consume decaying organic matter, not live organisms.

15. True. Fungi secrete enzymes from the tips of their hyphae to break down organic matter.

16. False. A mycorrhizae is a mutualistic relationship between a fungus and the roots of a plant, not a
photosynthetic organism.

17. False. Lichens can be found on rocks as well as on other substrates such as trees and soil.

Protists, Fungi, and Human Disease

1. c. contaminated water.

1. c. contaminated water.

2. a. Norway.

3. d. are highly toxic, even though they look similar to edible mushrooms.

4. b. the mouth or vagina.

5. c. ringworm.

6. a. mold allergy.
7. a. are very common in humans.

8. b. athlete's foot.

9. b. cause kidney or liver failure.

10. a. making toxins.

11. d. Plasmodium protozoa.

12. c. Mosquitoes

13. True

14. True

15. True

16. True

17. False

Introduction to the Plant Kingdom

1. d. all of the above.

2. Answer: d. all of the above.

3. Answer: a. aquatic green algae.

4.Answer: b. bacteria

5. c. In the ocean

6. Answer: a. xylem

7. Answer: b. phloem

8. ________ is a hydrophobic molecule that gives structural support to vascular tissues and helps protect
vascular plants from herbivores because it cannot be digested by them.

a. chloroplasts

b. carbon dioxide

c. lignin

d. radicle

Answer: c. lignin.

9. Plants transfer large volumes of water from the soil into the air by

a. sepals.
b. red-eyed tree frogs.

c. transpiration.

d. using bacteria.

Answer: c. transpiration.

10. The dominant generation in a typical fern is the

a. gametophyte.

b. prothallus.

c. mature sporophyte.

d. spore.

Answer: c. mature sporophyte.

11. Pollen contains

a. the egg.

b. the female reproductive cell.

c. the seed coat.

d. the male gametophyte.

Answer: d. the male gametophyte.

12. In seed plants, sperm can be transferred directly from the pollen grain to the egg cell via a

a. pollen tube.

b. chloroplast.

c. rhizoid.

d. none of the above.

Answer: a. pollen tube.

True or False

_______ 13. Early vascular plants needed to live near a source of sufficient water to reproduce sexually.


_______ 14. In spermatophytes, the plant embryo is encased in a seed.


_______ 15. Many types of seeds do not germinate until conditions are favorable.


_______ 16. In seed plants, the female gametophyte produces an egg cell.


_______ 17. Pollen can be spread by wind and by animals.


Types of modern plants

1. An example of a nonvascular plant is a

d. all of the above (moss, hornwort, liverwort)

2. Which of the following is not a vascular plant?

d. liverwort

3. The water-absorbing structure in nonvascular plants is the

c. rhizoid.

4. Most bryophytes are

c. small in size compared to trees.

5. In bryophytes, sperm are produced by the

b. male gametophyte.

6. When plants living in a moist environment lack vascular tissue, they cannot easily

a. grow very tall.

7. __________ is a series of living cells arranged end to end and connected by end perforations in the
plant cell walls.

c. Xylem

8. A unique feature of xylem is that

a. functional xylem is made of dead cells.

9. __________ are the type of photosynthetic structure capable of collecting the greatest amount of

d. Broad, flat maple leaves

10. __________ seeds are surrounded by an ovary.

c. Angiosperm

11. An adaptation of gymnosperms to reduce water loss is

a. a waxy cuticle on their leaves.

12. The __________ depend most on abundant water for fertilization of the egg by the sperm.

b. gymnosperms

_______ 13. False. Seed plants evolved before the Age of the Dinosaurs ended.

_______ 14. False. Liverworts are adapted to living in moist environments, but not necessarily water-
abundant climates.

_______ 15. False. The first leaf of a plant, which develops inside the seed, is called a cotyledon. The
radicle is the embryonic root of the plant.

_______ 16. False. Cycads are not a class of bryophytes. They are a group of gymnosperms.

_______ 17. False. Sepals are not the main way flowers attract pollinators. Sepals are usually green leaf-
like structures that protect the flower bud. The main structures for attracting pollinators are the petals.

Overview of Animals

1. Animal cells and bacterial cells both have all of the following cell structures except:

d. a cell wall. (Animal cells lack a cell wall, while bacterial cells have a cell wall.)

2. Which of the following are animals?

d. all of the above. (Gorilla, jellyfish, and coral are all animals.)

3. Which of the following is not a characteristic shared by almost all animals?

a. the ability to swim. (Not all animals have the ability to swim.)

4. An example of an animal cell that has long extensions called axons, which help the cell transmit signals
is a:
c. nerve cell.

5. In general, reproduction in animals is most often:

a. sexual reproduction.

6. A zygote is:

c. a diploid stage that results from fusion of an egg cell and a sperm cell.

7. Which group of animals belongs to the phylum Annelida?

b. earthworms.

8. Which group of animals belongs to the phylum Arthropoda?

d. all of the above. (Crustaceans, spiders, and insects all belong to the phylum Arthropoda.)

9. Vertebrates include:

a. mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, and amphibians.

10. Some scientists hypothesize that early animals evolved from:

b. colonial protists that lived in the ocean.

11. ________ typically have an exoskeleton.

d. arthropods.

12. Which of the following is not a typical characteristic of a chordate?

a. an asymmetrical body. (Chordates typically have a symmetrical body plan.)

_______ 13. Almost all animals are autotrophs. (False, most animals are heterotrophs, relying on
external sources for nutrition.)

_______ 14. Animals can reproduce sexually. (True, sexual reproduction is common among animals.)

_______ 15. All animal phyla contain only invertebrates. (False, some animal phyla contain both
invertebrates and vertebrates.)

_______ 16. Animals likely evolved from multicellular colonial protists. (True, this is one hypothesis
regarding the origin of animals.)

_______ 17. Arthropods have an exoskeleton. (True, arthropods have an external skeleton or

Introduction to Animals

1. All animals are

d. all of the above. (eukaryotic, heterotrophic, multicellular)

2. What can animals do that most other living things cannot?

d. all of the above. (sense stimuli, absorb nutrients, fight pathogens)

3. Which animal phylum includes insects?

c. Arthropoda

4. The first animals to colonize the land were

d. invertebrates.

5. All animals that produce eggs with internal membranes are called

a. amniotes.

6. The majority of animals today are

c. invertebrates.

7. A complete digestive system has a separate mouth, digestive cavity, and

a. anus.

8. Which of the following traits evolved first in animals?

d. multicellularity

9. Invertebrates with a true coelom include

d. earthworms.

10. All of the following animals have a brain except

d. roundworms.

11. False. Animal cells do not have a cell wall. They have a plasma membrane.

12. True. All animals are capable of movement at some stage of life.

13. False. Most animals reproduce sexually, not asexually.

14. False. The phylum Chordata includes both vertebrates and some invertebrates.

15. True. Some invertebrates have a complete digestive system.

16. True. Amphibians are believed to have evolved from lobe-finned fish.

17. False. Invertebrates also have a nervous system, although it may be less complex than in vertebrates.

18. True. A symmetrical organism can be divided into two identical halves.

19. False. The coelom is a body cavity, not a digestive cavity.

20. False. The first step in the evolution of the brain was not segmentation. Segmentation is a different
evolutionary feature.

Sponges and Cnidarians

1. b. osculum.

2. d. sexual reproduction, often with the same individual producing both male and female gametes.

3. c. trap and digest food.

4. d. all of the above

5. a. is a digestive cavity in jellyfish.

6. d. all of the above

Evidence for Evolution

1. b. distinct and direct evidence of evolution.

2. a. the wings of a bat and bird.

3. a. the wings of a bat and bird.

4. c. the pelvic bone of a whale.

5. d. chimpanzees.

6. d. all of the above.

7. a. has taught us the migration patterns of certain species.

8. a. paleontologists.

9. a. lots of evidence to show that evolution had taken place.

10. b. describes the reasons for finch evolution in the Galápagos.

11. d. all of the above.

12. b. 1 and 2.

_______ 13. True

_______ 14. True

_______ 15. False

_______ 16. False

_______ 17. False

The Theory of Evolution

1. c. evolution.

2. b. Jean Baptiste Lamarck.

3. c. similarities and differences in the structures of different species.

4. a. homologous structure.
5. b. adaptive radiation.

6. c. microevolution.

7. b. population.

8. d. gradualism.

9. d. none of the above.

10. d. allopatric speciation.

11. False

12. True

13. False

14. True

15. False

16. True

17. False

18. False

19. True

20. False

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