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Vasant Kunj
Science VIII
Sample paper
General instructions:
Read the questions carefully.
There is internal choice in questions.
Section A is Objective and Section B is subjective.
QI MCQ – Choose the most appropriate answer
1, When a sperm containing Y chromosome fertilizes an egg with X
chromosome, the zygote develops into a _____ child
(a) Female
(b) Either a male or female
(c) Male
(d) No child
2. Tap water is a good conductor of electricity while distilled water is not
(a) Tap water contain salts, Distilled water do not have salt.
(b) Distilled water contain salt, Tap water do not contain salt.
(c) Both tap water and distilled water have salt in them.
(d) Both tap and distilled water do not have salt in them
3. In LEDs, the longer lead (wire) is always connected to the _______ terminal
(a) negative
(b) neutral
(c) positive
(d) Any terminal
4. Which one of the following statements is correct regarding rods and cones in
the human eye?
(a) Cones are sensitive to dim light
(b) Cones are sensitive to colour
(c) Rods are sensitive to bright light
(d) Rods can sense colour
5 Statement 1: Sweat glands, salivary glands and oil glands do not release their
secretions directly into the blood.
Statement 2: These glands do not have ducts.
A. Both the statements are correct.
B. Only statement 2 is correct.
C. Both the statements are incorrect.
D. Only statement 1 is correct.
6. The process of transfer of charges from a charged object to the earth is called
(a) lightning
(b) oscillation
(c) earthing
(d) electron movement
7. The number of images formed when two mirror strips are used and the angle
formed between them is 60 degree
8 When electrodes are immersed in water and electricity is passed, the bubbles
formed on the positive terminal is actually _______ gas.
(a) Hydrogen
(b) Carbon dioxide
(c) Oxygen
(d) Nitrogen
9. If two charged objects are brought close to each other then
(a) they will attract each other.
(b) they will repel each other.
(c) they may attract or repel depending on the charges they carry.
(d) there will be no effect between them.
10. Rakhi switched on a torch light and pointed it towards a mirror. She
calculated the angle formed between the incident ray and the mirror was 60º
What is the angle of reflection?

Q II Answer the following questions in short:

1.How is the sex of the baby determined in case of human beings
What is menstruation ?
2. Explain Any two methods of charging an object.
3. Give an activity to prove liquids conduct electricity.
Draw a LED and show its terminals. Give its use.
QIII Answer the following in detail:
1 Give reason for the following:
i Cleanliness is very important for teenagers.
ii We should not use an umbrella during a thunderstorm.
iii We should squat low during thunder storm, if in open
2. Draw reflection of light from a smooth ,polished surface and label 6 parts.
3. How can people prepare themselves in areas where earthquakes are more
likely to occur.
QIV Answer the following in detail
A. Give the terminology for the following:
i The upright position of image
ii Change of side of image (left becomes right and right becomes left)
iii image that can not be obtained on a screen
iv Bouncing back of light.
v The Instrument for measuring the intensity of an earthquakes.
B (i) Why is chromium used for electroplating
ii) Draw the set up to show current passing through water.

QV Case based 5
Growing up is a natural process. The period of life ,when the body undergoes
changes, leading to reproductive maturity. Human body undergoes several
changes during this process.
(A) What is this particular period talked about.
(a) Maturity
(b) Adults
(c) Adolescence
(d) Puberty
(B) The changes that take place at this time are: choose the false
(a) Increase in height
(b) Change in body shape
(c) Wisdom tooth comes
(d) Development of sex organs
(C ) A change seen only in case of males is
(a) Increase in height
(b) Body shape changes
(c) Development of muscles
(d) Development of larynx
(D)Choose the correct statement
(a) Girls grow faster than boys initially
(b) Bones of legs grow faster than bones of arms.
(c) Growth at this age is very proportionate.
(d) Adam’s apple is seen in case of girls only.
(E ) Match the following:
1 Sebaceous glands A Eggs
2 Adam’s apple B Acne
3 Ovary C Voice box
(a) 1-A , 2-B, 3-C
(b) 1-A , 2-C, 3-B
(c) 1-B ,2-C, 3-A
(d) 1-B, 2-A, 3-C

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