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issue #3

• martin wants rebellion • luisa professes faith
• not4prophet Sez ballots are bullshit
• yaz against fbi • filiberto on (s)elections
• vagabond’s got mo’ bills • samuel’s self-security
• frank’s democracy and militarism
table of discontents
letter from an editor
democracy and militarism
the rebellion
my profession of faith
the ballot or the bullshit
post mo’ bills
Luisa Capetillo (1879 - 1922) letter from an editor
Puerto Rican feminist, anarchist, labor organizer, and novelist.

Frank Morales
Pamphleteer and priest.
Fuck their capitalist scraps, (il)legal shitstem bum raps and
tech-no-logical traps. We are declaring ourselves free! Free of their
democratic downpression, republican repression and terroristic
Voice of Ricanstruction.
transgression. Their incriminations, assassinations and assimilations.
Their prisons and their isms and scisms.
Filiberto Ojeda Rios
We will no longer sweat for their slave wage, minimum wage,
Commander of the EPB.
working wage or wages of sin, or die working on their pharmaceuti-
cal farms, in their fast food factories, or (trust) fun(d) houses of prosti-
Samuel Sanchez
Minister of Security.
Nor will be buy into their consumerist commercial corporate
over the counter culture of decay, death and dying. We are hereby
Martin Sostre
expropriating all that we ever owned and all that they ever stole, to
Afro Rican writer, anarchist and former political prisoner.
finance our own food (co-ops), schools, safe houses and shelters,
libraries (with books that we will write ourselves), hospitals (with our
own healers), a comfortable pair of steel toe combat boots for every-
Artist, writer and filmmaker.
one, and a real revolution. Our revolution!
We will bury their bankrupt culture and excavate ours. We
will destroy their man-made borders and build boricua barricades
Radical painter.
around our barrios. We will Crash their suburban homes and culti-
vate (illegal) alien autonomous zones. We will burn their racist rag
(with gasoline from Venezuela) and plant only our own one starred
flag on their (democracy dance floor) grave. PUNTO! – N4P
edited by not4prophet and yaz
layout and design by vagabond
published by ricanstruction press
The rightist and racist corporate agenda, which is the Bush agenda,
amounts to more for the rich and less for the rest. It’s repressive
legislation and military tribunals dispense with democracy, or more
specifically, dispense with the “protections” of the American Constitu-
tion at home, while raining death on millions abroad.

The American military state is a provocateur state. It creates

terrorism as part of its so-called war on terrorism, just as it cre-
ates dissent as readily as it seeks to suppress it. In both instances it
requires an enemy, in recent jargon, a “permanent” one, for war
making is the “permanent” economy in the “military-industrial com-
plex” known as America, at least for now. Hence, the enemy, if one
doesn’t exist, has to be conjured up in order to provide cover for
the widening pre-emptive, class based dragnet against anyone who
disagrees with current social (foreign and domestic) policies, par-
ticularly those who recognize the need for change, and set out to do
something about it. In other words, the violence, which is US milita-
rism, a violence wed to capitalist/imperialist profit, is a pathological
violence which breeds violence in whatever manner is required in
democracy and militarism order to feed the addiction of the war profiteers.
While the incompatibility of democracy and the military state
should be self-evident, a “war on terrorism”, framed, interestingly The “war on terrorism” is in reality a war on dissent. It allows
enough, as both a law enforcement and military operation, grinds for the generalization and implementation of pre-existing corporate/
on, facilitating passage of repressive laws and the freeing up of the military strategies of suppressing dissent under the mantle of fighting
“intelligence community” to spy on Americans. And yet it should terrorism. The criminalization and repression of dissent, utilizing the
be recognized that the current “war on terrorism” is only the latest latest draconian measures and military/police lethal and “non-le-
means devised by the corporate/military elite of masking their under- thal” technology, is the unheralded intent of the “war on terrorism.”
lying race and class based agenda, which is to mount a deepening By elevating the notion of pre-emptive strike, the elite specialists of
counterinsurgency against anyone, anywhere that resists the require- counterinsurgency sign the death warrant of a democracy too widely
ments of their apocalyptic “new world order”, an agenda devised distributed, too much in “excess.” By acting pre-emptively, the elite
and orchestrated by the oil-igarchy, the munitions industries and their seek to dissolve whatever democratic space exists within which
banks. movements of dissent can grow, nipping them in the bud so to speak,
with the destruction of democratic rights as a requirement. In short,
Aside from being an industrial requirement of the Pentagon the military state, designed at present to suppress dissent pre-emp-
Inc. and its myriad commercial, media and academic appendages, tively, will no longer tolerate the niceties of due process, free speech
making war is a political requirement as well. War-making obliter- and assembly. Nor will it tolerate an independent judiciary, press or
ates from view the everyday class, sex and race based antagonisms politician.
threatening to explode in 21st century America, while at the same
time providing the pretext and panic culture so necessary for shrink- Finally, “homeland defense”, set within the Pentagon’s doctri-
ing civil liberties, a tactical requirement in the suppression of dissent. nal arena of “operations other than war”, executed by a domestic
military command, in the making for some years now, is the flip side
of current Pentagon Incorporated military “operations” abroad. War
abroad requires war at home. Social movements which oppose the
corporate/militarist foreign and domestic agenda of the Bush forces
are targets in this war being waged in America on it’s own citizens.
In the final analysis, the evolving growth of the American military
police state, conveniently referred to as “homeland defense” is really
about the ruling elite defending itself, its power, profits and privilege.
There is no intent on protecting the workers, the poor and oppressed
in America from “terrorists” who our government helped to set up
(i.e. bin Laden, Hussein etc.). In essence, “homeland defense” is sim-
ply another stage, a more repressive stage, in the ongoing class war
in America. Only now, post 911, the fascist architects of repression
and counter- insurgency are in the drivers seat, sitting right behind
the imbecile posing as President, pontificating in front of a terrorized
public. - Frank Morales

fbi against i
Barrio in barricades
without a reason
Round up in a midnight raid
and shot for treason
Mothers, daughters, fathers, sons
put in detention
Bullets, beatings, torture, guns
too cruel to mention
- “Breakfast In Amerika” by Ricanstruction

On September 23rd, 2005, FBI agents surrounded the home

of Filiberto Ojeda Rios. Already aware of their impending ar-
rival, as they had been seen throughout his town of Hormigueros,
Puerto Rico in unmarked vehicles, Filiberto prepared for battle. He
donned his fatigues, laced up his boots, secured his bulletproof vest,
grabbed his rifle and walked to the front door to confront an enemy
that he was all too familiar with. Filiberto, known as an excellent
musician, a sensitive gardener, and proud defender of his nation,
had dedicated his life to fighting in the war against u.s. imperial-
ism. He also recognized that in order to fight effectively, Puerto Rico
would need an armed force and so he created the Boricua Popular
Army (a.k.a. Los Macheteros) and served as its commander. With a
Comandante Filiberto name inspired by the machete wielding farm workers who cut cane,
and resisted against the u.s. sugar tycoons who exploited them for
their own wealth, Los Macheteros went toe to toe with both the sym-
bols and realities of u.s. colonialism and imperialism. For decades
Filiberto had been the FBI’s “public enemy number one” and had
been living in clandestinity for 15 of those years. So on the day the
feds surrounded his home he knew just what he had to do.

While the FBI were locking down Hormigueros, in the central

mountain pueblo of Lares, a large crowd gathered to commemorate
the 137th anniversary of El Grito de Lares, the 1868 rebellion where
armed Boricuas rose up to proclaim the Free Republic of Puerto Rico.
The revolt was crushed by the Spanish government, but ever since,
on September 23rd, independentistas everywhere gather to com-
memorate this day and continue to strategize on how to create a
Free Puerto Rico. It is a sacred day of reflection for our nationless
nation and a day to pay tribute to those who have shed blood for
the cause of independence. On this particular September 23rd, part
of the commemorative program involved the airing of a new speech
from clandestine freedom fighter Filiberto Ojeda Rios.

Despite the fact that he had been living underground for 15

years, Puerto Ricans were accustomed to seeing Filiberto hanging
out in restaurants frequented by independentistas, or quietly tending
to his garden. It seemed everyone but the feds knew where Filiberto
was. He would also regularly send out communiqués and conduct in-
terviews for newspapers, television and radio stations in Puerto Rico.
This time, what would turn out to be his final communiqué would be
shared with a crowd who was about to also learn that the FBI had
ambushed Comandante Filiberto’s home.

Already aware that they came to kill, Filiberto asked his wife
Elma Beatriz Rosado Barbosa, to “give yourself up, save your life,
and keep fighting”. He knew that she would be the only witness to
share the real deal of what went down. When the shooting ended,
one FBI agent was wounded, and Comandante Filiberto lay on the
ground bleeding to death from an FBI sniper’s bullet. It was one of
over 100 shots fired by the FBI at the staunch Puerto Rican revolution-
Puerto Ricans everywhere, and from all political persuasions were
shocked, enraged, and heartbroken. However independentistas
who have always understood the validity of armed struggle recog-
nized the incident as a provocation. It was no coincidence that
the assassination took place on the 137th anniversary of El Grito
de Lares, also the 15th anniversary of the day that Filiberto had
removed a monitoring device placed on his leg by u.s. law enforce-
ment before going underground. Nor was it a coincidence that the
assassination took place one month to the day of an August 23rd
interview, his last, in which he called for unity of all the sectors of the
independence movement.

An operation years in the making, happened covertly with-

out the knowledge of Puerto Rico’s puppet colonial government and
strategically on September 23rd as a message to the independence
movement of what happens to those who dare to wage war on im-
perialism. Filiberto’s assassination was part of a systematic cycle of
political repression—an oppression so brutal that anything deemed
as too Puerto Rican, and any attempt to promote the recognition and
integrity of the Puerto Rican nation, will be erased through political
and cultural genocide.

There have been many examples of such attacks on the Puerto

Rican nation and its people from the Nationalists (including inno-
cent children) mowed down in the 1937 Ponce Massacre to the u.s.
government cancer experiments on unsuspecting Puerto Ricans in the
1930s. It continued with the radiation poisoning of federal prisoners
(including revered freedom fighter Pedro Albizu Campos) and with
the systematic sterilization of Puerto Rican women from the 1950s to
the 1970s. We cannot forget the Cerro Maravilla incident of 1978
where two young independentistas were set up and then assassinat-
ed. Nor should we forget the occupation of Puerto Rican soil for the
RICANdition is an artist initiative u.s. military’s “war games”, which resulted in the contamination of
a PUERTO RICAN EQUATION Project. our lands, as well as the “accidental” murders of Puerto Rican civil-
To provoke attention, dialogue, consciousness and activism, we use ians, which in 1999 sparked the take over of u.s. military occupied
art and text on issues concerning our Puerto Rican paradigm. lands in Vieques by Puerto Rican citizens.
This is our means of waging struggle toward self-determination.
Filiberto’s legacy teaches us that the “promised land” does
not come from accepting or striving for u.s. scraps of “comfort”, com-
placency and assimilation. The “promised land” will only be secured
with true freedom and independence. Yet the very act of asserting
our Boricua nationhood is viewed as criminal because it runs counter
to u.s. economic and military interests. As such, all things Boricua
are under attack. Every Puerto Rican must uphold and defend our
honor and integrity, while asserting our natural right to exist as the
nation that we are, independently. Filiberto and Los Macheteros
taught us “¡Todo Boricua Machetero!”. If we know that everything
Boricua is under siege, then all things Boricua must be machetero
and all Puerto Ricans must be Macheteros. - Yaz

Already the teams and fanatics are preparing for the next four
years of national sport spectacle that is nothing short of the great
human tragedy known as “the electoral process of colonial democ-
racy”. It is a process that has its roots in deception, lies, manipu-
lations, politicking, in illusions and disillusions. In short, it serves
to promote and benefit ignorance and the alienation that is well
programmed into the unconsciousness or in the opportunism that is
found in a good amount of our people.
We have seen, above all things, division: between social nal intentions by legalizing those very crimes. The methodology: the
castes and sectors that drive our people towards their cravings to invention of a very poor excuse for “democracy”, planned, created
provide a (paid) service to the slave masters of the metropolitan and directed by them. This is the same thing that we in Puerto Rico
government. Those who promote and know how to benefit from so have called “colony by consent” (or consensual colony), legitimized
much ideological misfortune, their colors are blue and red, although by the colonial electoral process under the guise of a “democratic
their projects have nothing to do with the fidelity that is supposedly system”.
represented by the color blue. Such fidelity is not offered to the
people. Instead it is demanded from them for the benefit of their Secondly, we must admit that it has been very painful for
privileged caste. Neither is red represented well since it has nothing us to see the sad role played by the comrades of the Puerto Rican
to do with sacrifice nor with the blood shed by martyrs who believe Independence Party in this electoral process, to see close to a hun-
in our nation, in our liberty and in true justice. It instead represents dred youth who have filled their spirits with hope, holding down the
the opportunism of those who appropriate our human condition, in- front of their national committee and be victims of the heat of certain
tending to reduce us to the level of tamed slaves for the glorification members of the New Progressive Party. Independently of the results,
of degenerated values and demoralization. independent of the fact that we have never been nor will we ever be
in favor of the electoral process in the colony, the final results have
It has been said repeatedly, that we Macheteros do not be- not failed to certainly cause us pain and uneasiness. In the end, we
lieve in the electoral process. This is false. feel obligated to condemn all types of insults, mockeries, offensive
words, as well as any exploitive tendencies lashed out at the politi-
Expressions of such nature serve to confuse our people and to cal bullring by those who desire the worst for the PIP without at least
present the Macheteros as an antidemocratic organization, as one calmly evaluating the state of the situation in general, and, above
of arbitrary tendencies and perhaps autocratic ones as well. This is all, without “acknowledging the dust in their own eyes”. We equally
what could be inferred but it is a great falsehood. We believe in a criticize the negative expressions and decisions made by some
true electoral process that would be regulated by strict standards of leaders of said organization to interpret the reasons of the electoral
a democratic character. To that end, we would be fully involved in misfortunes.
the electoral process when it would be carried out within a nation
that is free and sovereign, but never while we continue to exist as The present moment is for profound reflection oriented to-
a colony. Moreover, we do not believe in the interpretation of the wards the harmonizing of all independentistas. It is not for the imme-
word “democracy” that has been imposed on us, which goes against diate opportunist impulse to fish in rough waters. The real conjunc-
the very essence and truth contained within it. What has come to ture, if we know how to act correctly and collectively, could very well
be understood as “democracy” is nothing other than the legaliza- offer a new possibility for a sane and proper regrouping. It is not
tion of the powerful economic sectors’ appropriation of all that can with offenses, nor with offensives to “substitute the traditional elector-
supply major riches and possibilities for the control of humanity via al party”, that we will succeed in becoming a true liberationist move-
robbery, pillage and the invasion of territories. For this, they have ment for our nation. It is not by lunging forward like vultures to feed
necessitated a system that would allow them to legalize their crimes on the spoils of what some claim to be a total misfortune. Instead it
and plunder in the entire world and one that would have, in a most is with true reflection, with respect, with profound and serious analy-
convincing manner, the appearance of having the support of all the sis, and most of all, with the elimination of this tragic arrogance that
population. This is their so-called “democracy”. History is packed has so destroyed us Puerto Ricans and that has to be overcome by
with examples of this indisputable truth. It is a system in which the true maturity and brotherhood. - Comandante Filiberto
rulers of gigantic economic monopolies, particularly the rulers of
prime resources of strategic importance, seek to legitimize their crimi-
After the vicious assassination of Ejercito Popular Boricua
(Macheteros) Comandante Filiberto Ojeda Rios, we must recognize
the need to develop a new sanctuary movement that protects and
safeguards the future of our community and people. Community
Protection emphasizes the construction of a safe and healthy environ-
ment that is fruitful and cooperative. Mysticism and miracle thinking
will never free us; a practical and down-to-earth approach to secur-
ing our communities will.

Realistically, underground activity has existed and will con-

tinue to exist regardless of whether people intend to use it to oppose
a system of oppression or simply to develop a defensive structure to
safeguard our community from violence. (Self) security is not a “polic-
ing” system. It is a community protection network.

14 Points for self-security:

1. If you are being followed, randomly call someone as if

you know them (eg. “Hey Joe”). You can also wave at a stranger to
undermine the person following you. You need to throw off the atten-
tion of the person following you to force them to draw a wider net.

2. Pretend to read a newspaper, magazine or map and then

ask someone for directions as if you are lost, all the while observing
who stopped to watch. The paper is the ploy/trick while the person
you approach is your decoy/bait. Wearing headphones without
sound can also make it appear as if you are distracted and un-

3. Look at your watch and act as if you are late to an appoint-

ment. Then dash out onto the street as if to catch a taxi, but instead
AN AUDIO VISUAL TERRORISM TOOL wave the taxi off and run for a local bus. Change of Pace; abrupt
SCORE BY RICANSTRUCTION WRITTEN AND DIRECTED BY VAGABOND movement and speed is the key, never losing sight, sound or reason.
People can adjust easier to an established pace than to a sudden
For Upcoming Screenings Check change of pace.
4. Communication is key when using electronic devises. Only people to fall into the wrong hands and could lead to your detention,
use disposable cell phones. All other phones can be electronically capture, arrest and even assassination.
traced. Use the cell phone once and then dispose of it quickly. No
beepers. If using a ground line, keep it short and sweet. Codes 9. The law enforcement authorities depend on people in our
should be used to set up place and times to meet. For instance: “Did very communities to cooperate with them in order to monitor and
you see the Honeymooners last night?” No what time was it on? I gather information on individuals and organizations. Lawbreakers
was up late and saw it around eleven o’clock on Channel 11.” We are not the only confidential informants of the police and FBI. Never
can easily be connected to the landmark statue of Jackie Gleason overestimate or underestimate plush surroundings or the wretched
at the Bus Terminal entrance in Manhattan or the Brooklyn Bus Line conditions people live within. Both lack of material goods or wealth
where he operated and lived or the Channel 11 Television station. can be determining factors in the ability of a community to become
Say something that implies one thing and do the opposite. the grounds for intelligence and information gathering. The swap-
ping and gathering of information when solicited or enticed can also
5. Forethought and planned out escape routes and exits work serve to provide us with timely intelligence, or allow us to leak misin-
whether we are in large crowds or relatively isolated. Using shop- formation or to scrutinize the elements we feel need to be exposed.
ping malls or train stations with access to many trains and/or buses This technique is commonly called “sowing confusion” or “dropping
and knowing the different train/ bus routes and schedules are best. the seeds”. Having people purposefully “overhear” “private conver-
Measuring the mixture (businessmen, secretaries, construction work- sations” or taking them into “your confidence” can set up opportuni-
ers, white people, Black, Puerto Rican) of public traffic in a train or ties to observe the work of the police and repressive forces while
bus terminal is part of enhancing your ability to detect surveillance confirming the snitch activity of suspected individuals.
while filtering yourself from it. Isolate the train car by selecting a car
at the very end or the beginning of the train and getting off in an iso- 10. Planning entrances and exits (along with the rehearsal
lated stop to check the traffic of people ahead of you. This also gives and realignment of the (self) security units) with all the security pro-
you the opportunity you need to identify any one who has gotten off tocols and procedures cannot be based on sporadic evaluation. It
on the same stop as you. Move in straight lines from the seat to the must be principally conducted in straightforwardness. Guarding
door of the train as it opens, rapidly but with even movements as if the perimeter for instance is not an exact science. Since that work
you had just missed your stop. Then see who reacts to the sudden is usually defensive in nature, mobile units can serve this purpose
movement. Timing is necessary, so practice counting the seconds it while the set units can guard and protect the location or residence.
takes the conductor to close the door. Rearguard safety measures, or those functioning behind enemy lines,
must be the gatherers of intelligence and have the capacity to disrupt
6. Cameras are now everywhere and can zoom in most the assaults or neutralize the ability of the enemy to strike incessantly.
anywhere, so movement must be consciously organized and not The instinct of a stronger enemy will be to protect its rear perimeter
sporadic or spontaneous. once penetrated from the inside. A target that is in consistent motion
is harder to hit then a standing target. We must develop well thought-
7. Stash money away and have an extra set of clothing in a out courses of action that sabotage the ability of our common enemy
duffel bag to change if and when necessary. You may need to cover to destroy our people’s capacity to organize and liberate themselves.
up or disguise yourself.
11. Dress “ordinary” so you can mix in with the people.
8. Avoid mental lapses such as leaving information on a “Phantoms” are more effective than prominent security teams. Uni-
calendar. Leaving contact names behind at a place that is “hot” or forms never get past the “enemy” eye. Be aware that being a
tagged by the enemy that is pursuing you, allows the names of other chameleon in a culture that puts primary resources in branding us
through fashion labels and stereotypes is difficult or obsolete. We by their police, silence is the golden rule. Be aware that you are
do not need labels to develop Community Security Units. We have a within your rights not to speak until your lawyers are present.
historical identity and legacy. Also, the Logo of any organization(s)
should not be worn in public while engaged in an operation. Street Our responsibility to protect our people is in direct opposi-
and political organizations that wear colors or uniforms are easily tion to their “system”, which looks to protect property. Until we can
rounded up and arrested or assassinated by police. Learn from the provide ourselves with more open systems of political and social en-
Bloods, and other street organizations such as the Latin Kings and gagement in this society, we must begin to openly discuss the means
Ñetas (Association for Inmate Rights). They are easily identified and of developing self-protective structures. - Samuel Sanchez
targeted by the “authorities” because of the “colors” and beads that
they wear. A (self) security group can wear colors that are agreed
upon as the color of the week or day. Establish a dress code that fits
the particulars, but not the general outlook of security, which is the
uniform, or patch, which symbolically is used to create differences
among the people.

12. You do not need to declare your “turf”. The police have
initiated a program of taking photos of people with street and prison
organization tattoos and identifying the street organizations by the
graffiti tags on walls in certain areas. “Turf” should not be a problem
for security teams/units to develop; we are within the people and of
the people.

13. Never ever be caught with “garbage” on you. Illegal

maintenance is high maintenance. If you like to smoke weed, carry
guns, pop pills or have another habit that serves as a distraction or
as a high probability bust, you are a security risk and should not
form part of a security team. Part of security is personal safety prac-
tices and self-discipline. Many people have been netted in stings or
busts due to having priors or habits and addictions that are not be-
ing addressed. Be humble and seek help. Being exposed, as a drug
addict is not a defeat if you form part of a community network that
is non-judgmental and is strongly rooted in healing and nurturing.
Work in good faith and help to build a support network for people to
heal and detoxify in order to better serve. We are only human and
therefore we struggle for transformation, not restriction or personal

14. Speak in confidence when among members of your com-

munity and (self) security team. Paranoia is a poisonous seed that
can ruin the best of fruits. However, if you are stopped and detained
Every man, woman and child in our community saw those
white goons come into our neighborhood by the carloads armed to
the teeth with helmets on their heads. We saw the vicious dogs that
they used on us and we felt the burning in our eyeballs from the gas
which they shot indiscriminately at us. No, all of you know that it
wasn’t Brother Martin or any other group of individuals who started
the revolt in June; it was the accumulation of unredressed grievances,
injustices and brutality by our white oppressors which finally boiled
over. Since the white oppressor has done nothing since June to give
us justice and has, in fact, retaliated by destroying our Black book-
shop and framing me and other brothers, it will require a Detroit and
Newark revolt here in Buffalo for him to get the message.
- Martin Sostre

the rebellion

The boss-man now knows that we will fight, that we will not
turn the other cheek like spineless cowards but rather will “fight to
death” like Stokely Carmichael, one of our outstanding militant lead-
ers recently proclaimed.

Yes brothers, the white press, radio and TV had a field day
telling everybody how bad I am and what bad literature I sold (it’s a
wonder they didn’t plant pornographic literature along with the dope
to say that I was selling it to children to corrupt them). But when
they covered the so-called riot they did not tell how the police shot
tear gas into a bus filled with our children, how they shot at Black
people who were innocently walking or standing in the street. How
they beat and brutalized our youth for no reason at all. How they
shot tear gas inside of public places filled with our people. No, this
police brutality and savagery they did not report. But all of us know
this because we saw it with our own eyes. This happened to us in
our community.
with a hand or with insulting phrases and they respond in a simi-
PROFESSION OF MY FAITH lar fashion, what do they get? (I cannot accept the mistreatment of
another person without a motive.). A socialist, for the good and
1907 emancipation of all humanity, should be reasonable. Those that are
reasonable are their own masters and do not serve as instruments of
I am a socialist because I aspire to have all advancements, any of the brutal passions. - Luisa Capetillo
discoveries and inventions pertain to all. I wish to have their social-
ization be established without privileges. Some see this as having to
be regulated by the state. I however understand it from the no-gov-
ernment perspective. I don’t intend to say that I am opposed to the
government regulating and controlling wealth as it normally would.
Instead I maintain and am completely convinced that there should be
no government. Anarcho-socialism.

Here I affirm and solemnly declare that to be a socialist it is

necessary to have an understanding of psychology. Those that be-
lieve themselves to be socialists and yet accept dogmas, rites and
religious fanatical practices are mistaken. Socialism is the truth and
the religions currently in place are lies.

Those who believe themselves to be socialists and are athe-

ists, skeptics or materialistic are also mistaken.

Socialism is not a negation nor a violation nor a utopia. It is

the real and tangible truth.

Socialism does not support the shrewdness of wanting to live

comfortably at another’s expense. Within it there is no deception.
It does not impose on the weak and ignorant. Socialism persuades
with truths, it does not harm. Within it, lies pure reason, harmony
among us all, sweetness of character, equality for all. It is the truth,
not a lie. It is sincerity, not a plot. I have mentioned the sweetness
of character, and there are some who will say that religion advo-
cates for that as well. Well then, let’s analyze further. The reason is
straightforward, serene, mild and passive. Jesus was a rationalist.
A reasonable person is not violent, does not flee, does not make fun
of others nor do they find joy in their enemy’s or opponent’s hard-
A reasonable person does not have enemies and if they do,
they do not hate them. What would be the result? If one is slapped
THE BALLOT OR THE BULLSHIT ities to government office when it is necessary to gain greater mass
If voting changed anything, they’d make it illegal. ~ Emma Goldman support for the government and thereby the state; as during uprisings
in (black) ghettos, wars, or revolutions.
Don’t vote, it only encourages them. ~ Author Unknown
This idea that by voting we are participating in “political ac-
From the very first day(s) that we enter into “they schools” we tion” further discourages us from engaging in real (direct) action on
are taught that voting is our duty as “good americans”. But what a street and dirt roots level. And by electing “officials” who will “act
they don’t tell us is that none of the downpressing aspects of the for us” we minimize our ability (or the perception of need) to act
dominant power structure (economic inequality, the class system, the directly (for) ourselves to actuate any real changes, and instead act
military, white male domination, the prison industrial complex) are in “indirectly” through the government itself . Also, once people begin
any way threatened through voting. In fact, by voting we help “prop to believe that there is somehow a possibility of getting something
up” the system that perpetuates these injustices. The truth is that elec- out of working within the system, they become more comfortable
tions are not for “the people”, they are for the “state” and the main- with the idea of being “ruled” by someone else, and become less
tenance of state power and control over the people. inclined to resist the system and its control in any way.

Voting also helps to legitimize the government itself, which is And, since the government itself controls and organizes the
why they encourage us to vote while discouraging us from engaging voting process, they will make sure that the perception (on the part
in direct action (strikes, boycotts, squatting, graffiti, “illegal” protest, of the people) is that voting is the only legitimate form of political
occupations, law breaking, sabotage, street battles, armed resis- particpation. So any rebellions or revolts that come from the down-
tance, etc.). This is also why they will “grant” more people (black pressed or so called minorities are perceived by the public (or so
folks, women) the right to vote or “permit” us to elect so-called minor- called majority) as illegitimate and even illegal, and therefore wor-
thy of being attacked and destroyed by the state (police, FBI, CIA,
national guard, military) itself. w w w. y a s m i n h e r n a n d e z . c o m

So who are these people you are voting for? The govern-
ment is controlled by the state itself and big business. The state is the
permanent power/economic structure, while the government is made
up of various politicians. The state has the power, not the politicians,
who come and go. And since the state has its own agenda (based
on their relationship with big business), the politician you elected
can’t control the state or make any real change that the state does
not agree with. The state has its own vested interest that it protects by
any means necessary.

So that politician you just voted for actually has no power to

do anything. He can’t transform the international monetary system
or destroy the multinational corporations either. His job is to answer
to the government power structure and the businessmen who call the
shots. So even if he was a (somewhat) radical brother when he was
running for office, now he is just a puppet put in place to maintain
business as usual and to help keep us in line.

And even if you would settle for a few reforms or crumbs

tossed your way, remember that most political reforms that have
ever come have been through agitation and protest from the down-
pressed; not from voting. Also, remember, that if you can get reforms
through agitation and protest, imagine what you could get through
rebellion and revolt. Better to use your energies and intellect to find
real ways to take the power and the supply (of food, shelter, cloth-
ing, etc.) away from the state than to waste your precious time and
energy on voting to perpetuate the state’s power over you.

Our struggle(s) and problems in the ghettos and barrios of

babylon can’t and won’t be solved by the same system that caused
them. By voting you are essentially saying that you are in agreement
with the status quo, or the samo samo, and that you are ok with the
idea of putting your destiny in the hands of “the man” whose mission
it is to exploit, downpress and control you. No matter who you vote
for, you are voting for the state and its “system”. And that system is
not designed to really effect any change or to benefit you. It exists to
maintain itself and its control over you. – N4P
post mo’ bills
Sony and Universal get away with it. Paramount and Warner
Brothers get away with it. Hennessey and Heineken get away with
it. Nike and Adidas get away with it. Marlboro and Kool get away
with it. Calvin Klein and DKNY get away with it, but if you aren’t
some corporate entity with a product to push, then don’t try posting
any bills because you won’t get away with it.

There’s a war going on in the streets. A war of con-sumption.

Product pushers peddling illusions with a mass market message. If
you just had this product then you could be happy, you could have
the life that these people in the poster down the block, on the bill-
board on the wall, on the overhead scaffolding have. If you just buy
this product, if you just buy this product, if you just buy this product!

But what if you don’t have a product to push? What if you’re

trying to get the word out about a rally or a demonstration or a
protest or a direct action event? What if your unsigned underground
band is playing a gig in a club? What if you’re an artist trying to
use the streets as a gallery? Then you’re shit outta luck.

Postering is illegal for you. It’s not an alternative. City prop-

erty doesn’t belong to the people. It belongs to the city and if you’re
caught “defacing” city property or “vandalizing” private property,
then you’re going to be arrested and fined and made to do “commu-
nity service”. And if you don’t learn your lesson the first four or five
times you get busted then you’re facing 30, 60, 90, 180 days in A (virtual) anti-authority
jail. autonomous zone where
radical ricans, raging
Postering is illegal for the korporate product pushers too, but rebels, revolutionary rock-
they have a system in place to deal with what are considered by ers and righteous/riote-
them to be minor repercussions. Fines and community service (the ous rejects (from society)
korporate beast never does jail time) are just the cost of doing busi- converge to ferment free-
ness. dom, incite insight, write
the wrongs, weild (word)
How does their system work? All over the city greedy land- weapons, and build bet-
lords illegally rent out makeshift billboards on their buildings, il- ter (mind) bombs to burn
legally, because the city has laws that regulate the placement of down babylon
billboards in our community. The mafia runs all the illegal postering
done for korporations. A korporation calls a marketing kompany If you’re using wheat paste you can get up on concrete, but
that acts as a go between so that the korporation and the mafia if you’re using wallpaper glue then the concrete may be too rough.
aren’t directly doing business with each other. That marketing kom- Wallpaper glue works on concrete but it has to be smooth. Wheat
pany charges tens of thousands of dollars to put the posters up. The paste sticks the best though and makes it harder for anyone to tear
people who put the posters up are paid a lucrative hourly rate and your posters down.
if they get busted and spend 18 hours in a cell while waiting to see
a judge, they get paid overtime and whatever fines they have to pay KOPS
are paid for them by the marketing company. The vandal squad of the police department responsible
for graffiti is also responsible for postering. The best time to go to
Do you have something to say? Do you want everyone to see “work” in the streets is early in the morning, because in the wee
and hear it? With other forms of mass media such as newspapers hours the number of kops on the streets is reduced due to the fact
and radio and television, the korporations have a stranglehold on that many of them have made arrests and are doing paperwork in
access. But with the streets the playing field is a lot more level be- the precinct by then. Of course, nothing is fool proof, so always
cause no one “owns” the streets. We can take back the streets and watch your back.
the walls and the street lights and the mailboxes and the scaffolding.
How? By working smart. SWEAT THE TECHNIQUE
Go out in a crew. You should always have at least one other
MAKING WHEAT PASTE person looking out for kops. Two people is better and three or four
Wheat Paste is a cheap and easy adhesive if you don’t want means you can cover more walls in less time.
wallpaper glue or can’t afford it.
Wheat Flour Keep the posters in one backpack and the wheat paste or
Water wallpaper glue in another knapsack. Try and use a knapsack that
Bucket or Container with a lid won’t reveal the fact that your using a bucket of glue. When you go
Paint Brushes or cheap sponge brushes to put something up hide the bag of posters by a garbage can or
Pour dry wheat flour into the container about 1/3 of the way dumpster or have someone else hold the knapsack with the posters.
full. Slowly mix it with water, stirring as you do so. You want the If you get busted that person can walk away with the posters and the
wheat paste to be thin enough to paint onto walls but thick enough kops won’t look for the poster because you can tell them that the one
to stick. they caught you with is the last one.

LOCATION Wheat paste is not clear, it’s white so don’t go over the poster
A smooth relatively clean surface is the best place to get up. with it. Wallpaper glue is clear and you can go over the poster with
The best places are where the korporate posters are. The surface is the wallpaper glue to seal it. If you’re using wheat paste where light
already smooth and you get to kill two birds with one stone. You get color clothes so that the wheat paste doesn’t show as easily if it gets
the poster of your art, or your message, or your demonstration, up, on your clothes. Use gloves to keep your hands clean.
and by going up over them you take away their opportunity to push
their product. Other places that are good for postering are metal Most of all have fun. Destruction is the first act of creation.
doors, mailboxes and dumpsters. A smooth metal surface is good Destroy the korporate posters and create your own means of commu-
for the glue. The location of your poster also depends on how big nication. Just make sure your not imitating or emulating the thing you
your poster is. Street lamps and the electrical boxes for streetlight are want to destroy. - vagabond
good places for smaller posters.
ricanstruction press
po box 205
ny ny 10012


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