Project Specification Form Updated On October Revised Am

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Surname InitiaIs
Project Specification Form
Bernard Chan Poh Khin

Tan Lyn Meng

Mr KK Tham
Second marker

IndustriaI CoIIaborator

Note: This form should not exceed two pages. Please use Times New Roman font, size 12, single space for your text.

1. Title
(The essence of the proposed work should be captured in the title and be as informative as possible.)

Design and Implementation of a Single Phase Grid-tie Inverter for Solar Power System

2. Background
(ntroduce the industrial and academic context of the work.)

Integration oI an all-in-one grid tied power inverter package Ior solar PV system enabling rapid
deployment oI system and stimulating growth Ior the local solar system sector

The Iirst problem that has to be addressed is the sourcing oI solar related equipment and in particular the
power inverters Ior use in the residential solar system deployment. As discussed in the previous section,
homeowners Iind it diIIicult to adopt such a system because oI the wide ranging solar equipment needed to
complement each other to Iorm a system as well as their diIIering speciIications Irom one another

Furthermore, with reIerence to an online article published by The Star Online dated on 9/4/2011,
according to Ahmad Hadri Haris, the chieI technical adviser Ior the Malaysia Building Integrated Photovoltaic
Technology (MBIPV) under the Renewable Energy (RE) Act 2010, consumers who installed locally
manuIactured or assembled PV modules and peripherals will get another 3 sen per kW-h on top oI the current
tariII oIIered under the Feed-in TariII (FiT) scheme |1|.

The integration oI the peripheral components that make up a PV system is seen as a step in the right
direction in encouraging ownership and increasing awareness oI the public regarding |2| such a technology. This
is because by streamlining and integrating the hardware involved, we are not only reaping beneIits in terms oI
cost-saving measures but providing an increased peace oI mind and user-Iriendliness to homeowner opting to
adopt this technology. Integration Ior residential homes relieves the homeowners Irom having to worry over the
purchasing, compatibility and delivery/shipment as well as the installation oI the various peripheral devices
needed to complement a PV system since they are being bundled into an all-in-one package ready to be deployed
with minimal wiring.

This market oI PV system integration in particular the power inverters was previously only limited to
large solar Iarms as well as backup solar power source Ior server Iarms leaving the residential sector market
relatively untapped. This method oI back-up support that was never available beIore would encourage more
residential homeowners to consider this Iorm oI power generation |3|.

Furthermore, having a more streamlined solar industry will do wonders to the local solar sector as this
will give birth to a new sector oI servicing solar PV panels and their associated peripheral hardware previously
unheard oI in this country.

Other than that, the lack oI local PV companies that are certiIied to install the system and provide end
users with warranty coverage is also a cause as to why residential homeowners are taking a cautious stand on
adopting this technology |4|.

3. Aim & Objectives
(dentify the overall aim of the project and the individual measurable objectives against which you would wish the
outcome of the work to be assessed.)

The aim oI this project was to create a grid-tie power inverter Ior solar power systems with the intention oI
selling back the generated energy to the power utility company through the Ieed-in-tariII (FiT) scheme.

O To develop an adaptable power inverter model Ior power generation Irom various green energy resources
mainly solar power generation.
O To develop a Phase Lock Loop system that is responsible Ior the Irequency and phase synchronization oI
the power inverters output with that oI the distribution grid
O To develop an anti-islanding scheme, providing a saIety measure to disconnect the power inverter output
during a grid outage.
O To develop a power Iactor correction system to improve the overall power Iactor oI the system
4. Work programme
(Describe the programme of work and the milestones that can be used to measure its progress.)

The purpose oI the evaluation is to evaluate the project empirically to analyze the perIormance oI the
inverter either qualitatively or quantitatively. The data will be used to deal with issues such as power eIIiciency,
power Iluctuation management and so on.

These data will be recorded and tabulated Ior the Iollowing purposes:
O To allow a comparative study between perIormance oI the produced product with that oI
commercially available power inverters currently in the market.
O IdentiIying the key areas that require improvement to overcome its drawbacks
O To report the outcome oI the obtained data and improvement/solution to the project
supervisor on a weekly basis

Development oI the project`s main Iunctional block which is the power inverter section takes place Iirst.
Power inverter perIormance and saIety standards are assessed tested to ensure that they are up to standards (BS
EN50438) |5|. Assessment oI the type oI power inverter topology to be used is also considered. InterIacing oI
the PIC system to control certain operations oI the power inverter section is also carried out

Research and design oI the power Iactor correction circuit. Assessment oI the type oI power Iactor
correction topology to be used whether a buck, boost or buck-boost topology are under consideration |6|. PIC
interIacing Ior this portion involves the PIC to control and adjust the current power Iactor oI the circuit.

Construction and testing oI anti-islanding detection/protection circuit is also carried out. Repeated
testing, analysis and improvement oI this section are involved to study the eIIiciency and responsiveness oI the
system which is how Iast is its reaction time when the mains supply is disconnected |7&8|. A lower reaction
time ensures a higher degree oI saIety put in place to protect equipments connected to the grid as well as the
personnel maintaining it. Control oI this module is also under the PIC microcontroller.

The assembly and real-time testing oI the phase lock loop circuit will also be conducted. The response oI
this system depends on parameters/conditions such as loop dynamics. This will involve the aspect oI loop
stability as well as the Iilter response (such as settling time, overshoot, gain margin and phase margin) |9|.
Response Irom this system will provide the PIC with inIormation whether the system has obtained a lock.

5. Deliverables
(Outline the major deliverables of the project.)

At the end oI this project, the PIC interIacing should be able to control the operations oI certain portion
oI the circuit to ensure there are no operation diIIiculties. Furthermore, the respective subsystems should be able
to seamlessly operate with one another and there should be no issues when it comes to connecting the entire
system back into the grid.

6. Resources
(dentify the resources required to carry out the above programme of work.)

ro[ecL research fleld 8udgeL allocaLlon 1oLal
haselock loop 8M 13000
ower facLor
8M 40000
deLecLlon scheme
8M 20000
ower lnverLer 8M 30000
8M 123000

The individuals that are involved in this project are listed as below:
I. Bernard Chan Poh Khin 9768
II. Tan Lyn Meng 9725

The project supervisor involved in this project is shown below:
I. Mr KK Tham (Senior Lecturer in KBU)

7. Beneficiaries
(Show who is likely to benefit from the proposed work.)

1. Residential homeowners opting Ior solar generation system
2. Solar-based independent power producers (IPP)
3. National power utility company (Tenaga Nasional Berhad)
4. Adding value to the local solar market
5. Improve on the country`s carbon credit

8. Risks/Hazards

(dentify any potential risk/hazards involved in the project.)

Significant Hazards
Rate the hazards using the Risk Rating Analysis Matrix given in TabIe 1
below. gnore minor hazards covered by normal safe working practices.
Number of
Persons at
ProbabiIity Severity

Electrocution during the development of power

Short circuit occurring during the development of
power factor correction

Sudden failure of anti-islanding protection feature
leading to disconnection of power inverter output

Failure of phase/frequency synchronization
during the development of phase lock loop

Accidents occurring during the programming of
the PC interfacing





















nterpretation of the Actions and TimescaIes required relative to the Risk Rating
identified using the above Analysis Matrix.
Risk Rating Action and TimescaIe
1 to 2
No action is required to deal with trivial risks and no documentary records need be kept
(insignificant risk).
3 to 6
No further preventative action is necessary but consideration should be given to cost-effective
solutions or improvements that impose minimal or no additional cost burden. Monitoring is
required to ensure that the controls are maintained.
8 to 10
Efforts should be made to reduce the risk but the costs of prevention should be carefully
measured and limited. Risk reduction measures should normally be implemented within three
to six months, depending on the number of people exposed to the hazard.
12 to 16
Work should not be started until the risk has been reduced. Considerable resources may have
to be allocated to reduce the risk. Where the risk involves work in progress, the problem
should be remedied as quickly as possible and certainly within one to three months.
20 - 25
Work should not be started or continued until the risk level has been reduced. While the
control measures should be cost-effective, the legal duty to reduce the risk is absolute. This
means that if it is not possible to reduce the risk, even with unlimited resources, then the work
must not be started or must remain prohibited.

9. Work plan
(llustrate the work plan with a Gantt chart.)


1) Leong Hung Yee,, Higher Income Ior Home Solar Energy, published on 9/4/2011, The
StarOnline(, viewed on 14/8/2011

2) Ir. Ahmad Hadri Haris ( National Project Leader) , MBIPV Project: Catalyzing PV Market Finance & Investment
Forum on PV Technology, 17th March 2008, Kuala Lumpur Tower,
, Problem Analysis, page 6, viewed on 10/8/2011

3) Ir. Ahmad Hadri Haris ( National Project Leader) , MBIPV Project: Catalyzing PV Market Finance & Investment
Forum on PV Technology, 17th March 2008, Kuala Lumpur Tower,
, Problem Analysis, page 6, viewed on 10/8/2011

4) Ir. Ahmad Hadri Haris ( National Project Leader) , MBIPV Project: Catalyzing PV Market Finance & Investment
Forum on PV Technology, 17th March 2008, Kuala Lumpur Tower,
, Problem Analysis, page 6, viewed on 10/8/2011

5) Electrical SaIety Council, 'Connecting a Micro-generation System to a Domestic or Similar Electrical Installation
hLLp//wwwbweacom/pdf/small/Llec8esLracLlceCulde3pdf publlshed by 1he LlecLrlcal SafeLy Councll 18
8ucklngham CaLe London SW1L 6L8 vlewed on 10/10/11

6) Abraham I. Pressman,(1999), Switching Power Supply Design, 2
ed., Mcgraw-Hill

7) J. Stevens, R. Bonn, J. Ginn, S. Gonzalez, G. Kern, 'Development and Testing oI an Approach to Anti-
Islanding in Utility-Interconnected Photovoltaic Systems, Tech Rep., Sandia National Laboratories,
Albuquerque, NM, August 2000.

8) Jeraputra C.; Enjeti P.N., 'Development oI a Robust Anti-Islanding Algorithm Ior Utility Interconnection oI
Distributed Fuel Cell Powered Generation, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol: 19. Issue 5,Sept 2004

% Ulrich L. Rohde, (1997), Microwave and Wireless Synthesizers Theory and Design, 1
ed., Wiley-Interscience

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