Unit VII Lesson 3

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Activity 1

El infinitive es la forma básica de los verbos en inglés. Por lo general se estructura de la siguiente
forma: to + (raíz del verbo), por ejemplo, to talk (hablar)

Ejemplos con el infinito

I want to walk tonight Quiero caminar esta noche

You like to sing a song A ti te gusta cantar una canción
We want to give you Nosotros queremos darte algo
He hates to drink beers El odia tomar cervesas
She wants to sleep Ella quiere dormir
They like to cook rice A ellos les gustan cocinar

Más ejemplos con infinitive

More examples with infinitive

Unit VII lesson III

a. Complete the sentences using infinitive verbs looks at the examples.

a. Complete las oraciones usando verbos infinitive Mira los ejemplos.

1. she has already planned to have a holidays.

2. Hi I am Juan nice you.

3.what do you want today?

have not drives go learn not make
4. Try noise. Your sister is asleep. meet leave listen to talk to Do.

5.Be careful to not drives too fast on the way home.

6. Jake decided his girlfriend.

7. I would like to the park.

8. we want how to dance.

9.They like to music.

10. I need to you.

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