Lesson Plans Week 2

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Lesson Plan

Burner Period/Class: Math II/H (all classes)

Date Tuesday August 29th, 2023 Topic Review of Solving Equations and Intro to Quadratic

Standard/Objective Prior Knowledge/Key Words

Standard: Interpret key features of functions:  Key words: vertex, parabola, minimum, maximum
intercepts, intervals of decreasing, positive and
 Prior knowledge: graphing points, evaluating
negative intervals, relative minimums and
functions to find y when x is a given value
maximums, symmetries, end behaviors, and


Objectives: Given a graph of a quadratic

function, students will correctly identify the
vertex and whether the graph has a maximum
or minimum with 80% accuracy.

Given an equation for a parabola, students will

correctly graph a quadratic equation of the
form y=a x2 by creating a table and plotting
points with 80% accuracy.

Materials Differentiation

 Specific students may be allowed to use headphones

Pen/pencil, Blooket. Estimate 180, WhiteBoards, Notes, during independent work to limit distractions
NearPod, HW  Choice of problems in NearPod Think Pair Share and
assessment (allow all learners to choose in groups or
independently problems more suited to their skill
level). More advanced students will be encouraged to
choose harder problems etc
 More advanced students will be encouraged to
“teach” or assist other students in their groups that
may not be as successful in different parts of the
lesson immediately.
 Whiteboards, calculator, and multiplication charts
will serve as a support in addition to guided notes
 May condense requirements for struggling learners
into 1-2 problems for assessment in order to give
them sufficient time to complete the work while
advanced or middle learners will complete all 5
 Variety of group work activities
 Struggling students may also receive more one on
one assistance from the teacher than middle or high
Lesson Plan
 High learners will receive more prompts when they
are stuck
 Honors will have more difficult problems to work
through in the lesson in general


 Blooket Review on Solving Equations: Students will work for five minutes on a Solving Equations Review Blooket.
Teacher will model an example of solving equations (varied difficulty for honors and general) before having students
work on this warmup. Teacher will review commonly missed questions on the warm-up per class period to provide
feedback to students. Difficulty of the Blooket will differ based on the students in the class and how advanced they
are based off the diagnostic assessment from last week in this area. Use of whiteboards will be recommended for
struggling students who need to write out the steps to find the correct answer.
 Math Talk Day 2 or 3: Students will work in their “pods” to enhance their number sense by using the results from
Day 1 and Day 2 (depending how far each class progressed the week prior) to estimate a given quantity (someone’s
height, number of cheeseballs in the bowl etc). Teacher will encourage discussion and monitor students as they work.
Teacher will not give students the answer or how to determine it, but teacher may prompt students in different ways
depending on the student and what the student is struggling with in this exercise. Support and discussion in groups
will serve as a scaffold for this activity.
 Notes/Practice Identifying Vertex and Max/Min: Students will participate in notes activity where students will
learn the terms vertex, parabola, max/min. Teacher will go over the definitions and students will practice using these
terms in order to Teacher will model one example of finding the vertex and whether it is a max or min from a graph.
Students will then work through one example in groups. Teacher will walk around and check/monitor. This will serve
as a check for understanding. Teacher will model one example of graphing quadratic equations. Students will be
prompted about their prior knowledge in graphing linear equations and using a table ot graph and evaluating
functions. Teacher will ask students what they should do/write for the next example. For the third graphing example,
students will be asked to work independently or in groups to create a table and graph the given quadratic function.
Teacher will check in with each group as a check for understanding. Teacher will ask students to determine the vertex
and whether the graph is a max or min for the three example graphing problems. Teacher will check in with each
group/individual for this part of the notes/guided practice. Teacher will give the entire class feedback throughout this
entire exercise. Struggling and middle level students will be encouraged to reference the guided notes as they work
independently or in groups. Students will be able to use whiteboards and calculators as another manipulative.
Students may also have access to a multiplication chart or a pre-completed set of guided notes. Specific students with
IEPs may need prompted and to have directions rephrased or repeated. Teacher should also read the directions out
loud in each class for specific students.
 NearPod Group Work: Students will work in groups on a Think Pair Share where they will work to graph a
quadratic equation and determine the vertex and whether the parabola has a max or a min. Teacher will check in with
each group as they work and give feedback to the whole class.
 Time to Climb: Students will participate in a Time to Climb where they will determine the vertex and max/min of a
given graph. They are expected to work independently but are encouraged to discuss with their peers. Teacher will
monitor and assist students. Teacher will also give the entire class feedback.
Lesson Plan

 HW/Assessment: Students will choose 5 problems to complete on a given homework assignment on graphing
quadratic functions and determining the vertex and whether the vertex is a max/min. They will turn this in for an
assessment grade either by the end of the period or the next morning. Successful completion of this assessment is
considered to be a student receiving a score of 4/5 or higher (with 5/5 being the highest for this assignment). Grading
will be based on whether the students steps were correct, notation being correct, and their final answer being correct.

Teacher’s Name Period/Class: Math II/H

Date Wednesday August 30th 2023 Topic Finding Characteristics of Quadratic Graphs: Vertex,
Max/Min, X and Y Intercepts

Standard/Objective Prior Knowledge/Key Words

Standard: Interpret key features of functions:  Prior Knowledge: parabola, finding x and y
intercepts, intervals of decreasing, positive and intercepts on linear graph to make connection to
doing so with parabolas, max, min, vertex, writing
negative intervals, relative minimums and
points out as the x and y-intercept
maximums, symmetries, end behaviors, and  Key words: x and y intercept


Objective: Given a graph of a quadratic function,

students will be able to correctly identify the x and y
intercepts with 80% accuracy.

Objective: Given a graph of a linear function, students

will be able to correctly identify the x and y intercepts
Lesson Plan
with 80% accuracy.

Materials Differentiation

 Group work/flexible grouping-support for lower

Pen/pencil, Math Talk Day 3 or 4 depending on the class learners and opportunity for advanced learners to
period, Group Problems for Group Problem Solving explain their work in depth
Exercise, Linear Graph Example, Quadratic Notes from  Read aloud-accommodation
Yesterday, HW Assignment  Problem difficulty dependent on group members in
group problem solving activity
 Higher learners may receive less one on one
assistance as opposed to on level or lower learners-
prompting heavily utilized as help for higher level
learners while middle may be directed to ask a peer
first for assistance or to refer to guided note support
 Use of notes during the Blooket homework as a
scaffold support
 Use of whiteboards and calculators as a manipulative
as well as use of Desmos


 Bellringer-Math Talk Day 3 or 4: Students will work in groups to discuss the estimate for the object in either day 3
or day 4 (depending on how many Math Talks they have done at this point). Teacher will monitor discussions and
prompt groups with questions if needed (in the case that groups or individuals are really struggling to come up with a
way to determine a guess. Student groups (or individuals if they choose to work alone) will put their answers on the
board to share with the class. Teacher will show students the answer and allow them to self-check.
 Review HW/Collect: Teacher will check homework from last night and ask class if they have questions about any of
the problems. Teacher will go over either similar problems and/or ones students have questions about.
 Group Problem Solving on Board to Review vertex and max/min: Students will work in their “pods” to complete
a group exercise on finding the vertex and max/min of a given parabola. Group exercises will be a variety of difficulty
dependent on the skill abilities of the students in the group. A timer will be set for 2-3 minutes depending on how
strong students are in the past on this skill. Students will then be given another 2-3 minutes to check their answers
with their group members. They will then put their final answer on the whiteboard for the teacher to check. Teacher
will give individual group and whole class feedback during this activity. Honors will be given more difficult ones to
 Find x and y intercepts in linear graph: Teacher will show students a picture of a linear function on Desmos.
Students will be asked in order to prepare them to make a connection between their prior knowledge and new content
to work in groups for a few minutes to find the x and y intercept of the linear graph. Teacher will prompt groups with
questions like: “Student A, how do we find x intercepts?”, “How do we write them?”, “What is an x or y intercept?”
when going over this task. Teacher will then ask students to find their quadratic notes from yesterday. Teacher should
have extra copies in case students have lost/misplaced their notes since then.
 Find x and y intercepts in quadratic notes from yesterday: Teacher will prompt the class with the question,
“Using what we did with the linear graph, what do you think the x intercept is for this first problem? How would we
find it?”. Teacher will model how to find the x and y intercepts in this case for the first example. General may benefit
from a second example if they are struggling with the concept. Teacher will then have students work in groups to
practice finding x and y intercepts for the practice problems in the notes. Teacher will monitor and check student
work as they work. General may complete less problems than Honors due to the level difference and difference in the
learners in each class. Honors will be expected to complete all problems.
Lesson Plan

 HW: Students will be asked to create two functions (1 linear and 1 quadratic). They will use Desmos or a graphing
calculator to graph these functions. Then the task for the students is to determine for both functions: 1) The vertex 2) If
the vertex is a min or max 3) the x intercepts 4) the y intercept. Honors will be expected to recognize that there is no
vertex in a linear function however general may need to be provided a hint on this. Students will turn this in either at
the end of class or the beginning of the next class period.

Teacher’s Name Period/Class: Math II/H

Date Thursday September 1st Topic Finding the Axis of Symmetry from a Graph and From
an Equation

Standard/Objective Prior Knowledge/Key Words

Standard: Interpret key features of functions:  AOS, vertex, x and y, parabola, symmetry
intercepts, intervals of decreasing, positive and  Vertex should be prior knowledge
negative intervals, relative minimums and
maximums, symmetries, end behaviors, and


Objective: Students will correctly analyze

parabolas to find the axis of symmetry with
80% accuracy.

Objective: Students will correctly calculate the

axis of symmetry of a parabola using a given
quadratic equation with 80% accuracy.

Materials Differentiation

 Pen/pencil, WBs, calculators, guided notes,  Presentation of concepts through video and guided
Blooket, Symmetry video and questions, HW, notes as supports for different learning styles
GimKit Game  Variety in questions in GimKit (student choice of
how many they do based on the pace they work at in
the game allows for challenging higher-level students
and to meet other students at the level they are at)
 Opportunity for individualized support in the variety
of activities as students need it (level of support will
differ based on the capabilities of the student)
Lesson Plan

 Blooket on x and y intercepts: Students will participate in a Blooket on identifying x and y intercepts from a linear
graph. This will serve as a quick review of prior knowledge and finding x and y intercepts (which should be familiar
from yesterday’s lesson). Teacher will monitor and assist students as needed. Students are encouraged to use
whiteboards and calculators as a manipulative especially if they are a struggling learner. Notes from yesterday as a
reference will be an added support. Teacher will review commonly missed questions from each class at the end of the
class period.
 Review HW: Teacher will ask class if they have any questions about the homework and prompt students to share
their solutions to the homework. Students will then turn in their homework assignment for a homework check grade
and for the teacher to assess understanding of finding x and y intercepts. Student responses may vary on the
homework due to the choices students were given making this the most effective way to review this homework
 Axis of Symmetry Notes Equation and From a Graph: Students will participate in a guided note taking activity on
finding the axis of symmetry from a given equation or a graph. Teacher will review two different examples with the
class and prompt students with questions such as “How do you think I could use the standard form definition with the
formula for axis of symmetry?” or “What do you notice the axis of symmetry and the vertex have in common?”.
Teacher will also use Desmos to graph a parabola in order to help all students make the connection between vertex
and axis of symmetry. This provides a challenge for higher learners while also supporting lower learners with a
visual. The definition of standard form will be discussed in detail before moving onto a video practice and group
activity to help students form a stronger understanding through discussion/practice of these concepts. Student
responses to questions prompted will serve as checks for understanding. Vertex should be connection to students’
prior knowledge on this concept. Prompts to students will help make that connection.
 NearPod Axis of Symmetry video explanation: Students will watch a video on finding the axis of symmetry from
an equation as this is the area, I believe students will struggle with the most in this lesson. They will answer questions
in a NearPod prompt to keep them engaged in the lesson. Teacher will monitor and prompt students to stay on task
while they work on this activity. Teacher will review each question with students and prompt students to share their
responses during this activity. Student responses will serve as checks for understanding.


 GimKit Game: Students will participate in a GimKit game on finding the axis of symmetry from equations and from
graphs. This will serve as an informal assessment of student understanding of this lesson. Students will be asked to use
whiteboards and calculators to help them with this assessment and opportunity for practice.

Teacher’s Name
Lesson Plan
Period/Class: Math II/H
Date Monday August 28th Topic Combining Like Terms Continued (finish lesson from

Standard/Objective Prior Knowledge/Key Words

Standard: Interpret key features of functions:  Like term

intercepts, intervals of decreasing, positive and  Distributive property
negative intervals, relative minimums and  Integers
maximums, symmetries, end behaviors, and


Objective: Students will correctly combine like terms

using the distributive property and algebra with 80%

Materials Differentiation

Pen/pencil, Estimate 180 Day 2, NearPod Activity,  See lesson plan details
Whiteboard Problems, Worksheet assessment, Whiteboard


 Math Talk Day 2: Students will then transition into a collaborative activity. Students will work in
their “pods” to practice using their number sense skills to estimate for the Day 2 prompt. Teacher
will walk around and prompt student groups with questions such as “How can you use the results of
Day 1 to help you determine the estimate?”. This will help students continue to hone their number
skills. Students/student groups will be given 5 minutes to work. They will then put their responses on
the whiteboard. Teacher will then go over the answer with the rest of the class.
 Combining Like Terms Video: Students will watch a ten-minute video on combining like terms to
solidify student understanding. As the video plays, they will be required to answer NearPod prompts
to encourage student engagement. Teacher will prompt students to share their responses and
provide feedback.
 Combining Like Terms WhiteBoard Practice: Students will be moved into groups of three to work
on solving three problems on vertical whiteboards (varied by easy, medium, difficult). The guidelines
for this will be that all students will be required to pick one problem to solve on their own. This will
allow students to choose a problem suited to their skill level. Three problems will be selected for
students to choose from based on the skill ability of the students in the group (these will be pulled
from a worksheet for each class period). Groups should collaborate on each problem, but each
Lesson Plan
student should be solving the problem they picked on the whiteboard. Teacher will check each
problem and provide additional support/feedback. Students will be able to use any resources on
guided notes, calculator on Desmos, and multiplication charts as an additional support.
*Note: for all students in honors in all activities-problems will be of more difficult nature that they
get to choose from


 WS/Assessment: For the remainder of the class period, students will work on a practice worksheet
on combining like terms. Students will be asked to select one problem to turn in before the end of
class period to be scored as an exit slip (worth ten points). If students finish early (with all the
activities planned for the period, they shouldn’t finish early) they will work on the rest of the
worksheet. Scaffolds will include teacher support for weaker or on level students, guide problems,
calculator, and multiplication charts. Advanced students will be encouraged to pick more difficult
problems in all activities as a challenge

Teacher’s Name Period/Class: Math II/H

Date Friday September 2nd Topic Characteristics of Quadratic Graphs

Standard/Objective Prior Knowledge/Key Words

Standard: Interpret key features of functions:  AOS, vertex, max/min, x intercepts, y intercepts,
intercepts, intervals of decreasing, positive and opening up or down
negative intervals, relative minimums and
Lesson Plan
maximums, symmetries, end behaviors, and


Objective: Students will correctly analyze

quadratic graphs to find key characteristics
with 80% accuracy.

Materials Differentiation

Pen/pencil, Math Talk prompt, Whiteboards, Desmos  See lesson plan details
activity, calculators, notes, Blooket, Mini Quiz


 Math Talk BR: Students will work in their “pods” to practice using their number sense skills to
estimate for the Day 3/4 prompt. Teacher will walk around and prompt student groups with questions
such as “How can you use the results of Day 2/3 to help you determine the estimate?”. This will help
students continue to hone their number skills. Students/student groups will be given 5 minutes to
work. They will then put their responses on the whiteboard. Teacher will then go over the answer
with the rest of the class.
 Desmos Activity/Discovery Learning: Students will work in groups to practice finding
characteristics of quadratic graphs. This will serve as a recap essentially of all the topics discussed
at this point regarding quadratic graphs (AOS, vertex, max/min, opening up or down, etc). Honors will
work in groups for this exploration activity and discuss but it will be used as a self-paced activity
while the teacher monitors and provides feedback and assistance as necessary/needed.
Differentiation for this class will include the ability for students to work at their own pace in groups,
group discussion through flexible grouping, and some students may not be required to work through
the entire activity to show mastery or completion of the activity/skills in the activity. This will allow
higher learners to complete more of the task as a challenge and all levels of learners to be met
where they are. Teacher will provide general feedback to the class throughout the activity and check
in with each group multiple times as students work as a check for understanding. General will also be
placed in flexible groups for this activity however the activity will not be self-paced. The teacher
will have groups work on one slide at a time while the teacher monitors and assists the class. The
teacher will then prompt students to share their answers and what they did. Teacher will provide
feedback after each slide is completed. General will be encouraged as well to use any notes they have
on characteristics and to use whiteboards to think out their problem solving. Working only at one
task at a time will allow general Math II students to benefit from “chunking” as opposed to having a
huge exploration activity to do in one sitting.
 Blooket Practice: Upon completion of the Desmos activity, students will engage in a Blooket on
Quadratic Function Characteristics. Problem difficulty will differ for General and Honors. Students
will discuss problems, use whiteboards to think through these problems, and participate in the
Lesson Plan
Blooket. Teacher will give feedback at the end of the Blooket and review commonly missed problems
with the entire class. Students will determine characteristics such as AOS, x intercepts, y
intercepts, etc in this activity.


 Students will complete a mini-quiz assessment on finding quadratic graph characteristics when a graph is given to
them. This will serve to check whether students are prepared to move forward in using these characteristics to graph
more difficult parabolas next week. The quiz will have five questions that students will be able to use notes and a
calculator on. Quizzes will be graded on right or wrong (did the student find the correct characteristic). Questions will
be 2 points each. Feedback and mini quizzes will be returned the next day with feedback. Honors will complete all six
questions while general will be asked to pick 3-4 to assess understanding.

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