Rock Breaking Eplosivos C9 - 2 Hartman-12-24

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Fig. Geological considerations in blasting: (A) explosive loading for geological variations; (B) blasting against the strike; (C) and (D)
blasting with the strike, with the dip and against the dip, respectively (C = bench crest; T = bench toe).

pattern spacing, and orientation of free faces will determine the Hagen (1981), Dick et al. (1983), and many others. Borehole
efficiency of open pit blasts (Ashby, 1980). Borehole spacing diameter and burden are perhaps the most important factors
aligned with the joint strike can be widened for optimum fracture used in design. Burden values should be selected based on geol-
development, while shooting with the dip, rather than against, ogy and explosive energy output. Usually hole diameter is set by
results in safer highwalls and requires the use of less explosive the drill rig capacity, which is matched to the range of hole
energy. depths anticipated for the job. It is desirable to select a size that
Surface Blast Design: Surface blast designs require the selec- will provide an adequate powder factor (the ratio of explosive
tion of hole spacing S, burden B, charge weight W or powder quantity used to the yield of rock breakage) for breakage while
factor PF, top-hole stemming length T, and subgrade drilling distributing the explosive evenly throughout the hole depth.
depth J. Design parameters are shown in Fig. Borehole Fragmentation and particle size distribution are a function of
patterns are drilled square (S/B = 1) or rectangular (S/B ≥ 1) hole diameter and burden. The capacity of the excavation equip-
on center or offset (staggered). The sequence of hole initiation ment dictates the required fragmentation. The charge length to
timing, S/B ratio, actual timing between charge detonations, and charge diameter ratio for a cylindrical charge should be five or
number of blasthole rows determine the shape of the broken rock greater.
pile as well as the degree of rock fragmentation. Ash (1963) has provided simple empirical formulas to com-
An empirical approach is taken in blast design as blasting is pute burden, spacing, subgrade, and stem lengths using “K fac-
a never-ending process of fine-tuning and modifications. This tors,” shown in Table Other rules of thumb are in
approach is necessary due to the many factors that cannot be agreement with the range of acceptable multiplying factors given
controlled, such as geology and explosive loading conditions. by Ash. However, many relationships exist for stem length T.
Empirical relationships used in the design of blasting have been This is because the determination of T is essentially site specific.
proposed by Ash (1963), Pugliese (1973), Van Ormer (1973), If too short a value of T is selected, air pressure can evolve
Table Typical Powder Factors Used in Rock
Range in
Powder Factors,
Excavation Method Ib/yd3
Surface metal mining 0.6–1.0
Surface coal mining 60 yd3 dragline 0.5–0.7
30 yd3 shovel 0.6–1.1
17 yd3 front-end 0.6–1.6
Coal mining blast
casting 0.9–1.5
Quarrying 0.6–1.5
Construction open excavations 0.25–0.8
trenching 2.0–3.0
Conversion factor: 1 yd3 = 0.7646 m3, 1 Ib/yd3 = 0.5933 kg/m3.

required for small capacity removal equipment such as front-

end loaders. Higher powder factors result in coarser fragmenta-
tion and are typically used for rock removal using draglines and
large shovels. Table gives typical powder factor values
for various surface blasting situations. Powder factor is often
reported as the rock yield in tons per pound of explosive used.
Example Determine the blast design for a copper
porphyry open pit mine.
Given blasthole diameter D = 9.25 in., bench height H =
Fig. Blasthole section view (A) showing terminology used in 50 ft, rock density ρ = 2.55 (quartz monzonite), and explosive
design and (B) pattern array for layout of holes. density ρ = 0.85.
Subdrilling is required and the nearest dwelling is 7 mi away.
Solution. The following values are obtained as a first approxi-
Table Selected Factors for First-Approximation
Surface Blast Designs burden B = 30 (9.25/12) subdrilling J = 0.3 B
= 23 ft = 7 ft
Using ANFO:
Burden B = KB K B = 22 for rock density < 2.7 g/cm3
spacing S = 1.3 collar stemming T = 1.2 D
= 30 for rock density > 2.7 g/cm3 = 30 ft = 12 ft
Using slurry, dynamite or other high
explosive: Thus drilled length L = 57 ft and loaded hole length is 45 ft.
= 27 for rock density < 2.7 g/cm3 The ratio of H/B is 2.17, and the ratio of charge length to
= 35 for rock density > 2.7 g/cm3 diameter is 5.2. The maximum charge that can be loaded is
Spacing S = KSB K S = 1 to 2, depending on initiation
Subgrade J = K J B K J = 0.2 to 0.5 (average 0.3) LD = 0.3405 (0.85) (9.25 in.)2 = 24.8 lb/ft
Stemming T = KT B KT = 0.5 to 1.3 (average 0.7)
Source: Ash, 1963.
W = 45 ft (24.8 lb/ft) = 1116 lb loaded/hole

Powder factor and rock breakage yield per hole are

through the stem, disturbing nearby residents. If T is too long,

rock breakage near the hole collar is poor. Recommendations
for T (in feet) range from 1.2D to 2D (based on charge diameter
in inches), or 0.5B to 1.3B. The lower range of these two relation- = 0.87 lb/yd3
ships should be used with caution if airblast or flyrock is a 3
Volume = 1280 yd of usable ore
Once the design parameters are established, the powder fac-
tor PF is computed as the quantity of explosives used divided by The yardage is computed assuming the subgrade material is shot
the volume yield of material blasted, or, but not removed until the lower bench level is blasted.
Many blast designs use decked charges formed by dividing
the explosive column into two or more individual charges, initi-
( ated on the same or different time delays, separated by inert
stemming material. Decking is employed to (1) conserve explo-
sive use adjacent to weak rock zones, faults, or clay seams; (2)
Powder factors range 0.25 to 2.5 lb/yd3 (0.15 to 1.5 kg/m3) for reduce the charge quantity detonated on one time delay, lowering
surface blasting but average 0.5 to 1 lb/yd3 (0.3 to 0.6 kg/ ground vibrations; or (3) bring the powder column up higher in
m3). Higher powder factors result in fine fragmentation and are the hole to assure good breakage near the collar. Decked charges
should be separated by stemming materials at a length beyond level, while granular agents may be placed above. In this case,
which two adjacent decks do not affect one another. If interdeck plastic tubes are slit along the axis for good coupling.
stemming is too small, the deck designed to initiate on the earlier Once the delay sequence is designed, in-hole or surface delays
time delay may prematurely initiate the second deck. This situa- are placed adjacent to respective holes. Each hole is then loaded
tion is referred to as sympathetic detonation and may lead to after it is measured for correct depth. If primers are used for
excessively high ground vibrations or flyrock. A rule of thumb noncap-sensitive explosives, they are made up at the time of
for the design of interdeck stem length is to employ the hole loading. Caps or detonating cords are inserted and wrapped
radius dimension in feet. around the primer in accordance with manufacturer’s recom-
The following example gives the design procedures for a mendations. A small amount of main charge is added to the hole
blast design in which the explosive charge is limited to control bottom, then the primer carefully lowered. The main charge
ground vibrations. is poured (for free-running explosives) or carefully lowered (if
Example Using Ex. and limiting W to 300 packaged), while measuring the loading depth to ensure that
lb/delay, a modification to the previous design is required such each deck or column rises to the designed length (based on
that the powder factor is kept at 0.87 lb/yd3, using 300-lb decks. known loading density). Care must be taken not to overload
Collar stem and subgrade drilling remain unchanged. holes. Any loading of charge that does not result in a measurable
powder column rise must be stopped immediately. This situation
Solution. Charge length per deck, (300 lb)/(24.8 lb/ft) = 12 may indicate a loss of explosive into cavities or open fractures.
ft/deck. It may be necessary to plug the open hole section and stem a
If three decks are used, 36 ft of hole length is required, safe distance, continuing the loading with a separate deck. If this
leaving 9 ft of interdeck stem length remaining between the is not possible, a second primer and initiator may be placed at
decks, or 4.5 ft between two decks. Using the expression for the charge top and the hole should be stemmed to the top.
powder factor, a new burden and spacing are computed: The location of the primer for a single explosive column is
a matter of choice. Primers can be placed at the toe, the middle,
(3 decks) (300 lb/deck) (27 ft3/yd3) or near the top of a column of deck charge. In certain bedded
PF = = 0.87 lb/yd3 rock, toe priming provides the best results, while some blasters
(B) (1.3 B) (50 ft)
feel middle priming works well. High-energy primers, if used too
B2 = 430 ft2 close to the collar stem base, can displace the stemming material,
sending wasted energy into the air. Top priming should be used
B = 21 ft
with care, particularly when collar stem lengths are short or the
S = 1.3 (21 ft) = 27 ft stemming is damp, to prevent flyrock and excessive air concus-
sion. Multiple priming is often employed as an added safety
Thus total hole charge weight W=900 lb. Yield per hole is 1050 measure in the event of explosive column cutoffs. Detonating
yd3. cord downline cutoffs can occur in horizontally bedded rock
Hole Loading Practices—Safe loading practices are given by formations as bedding units shift during the detonation of adja-
Dick et al. (1983) and Osen (1985). Recommended procedures cent holes (Fig. A second downline and primer near
include taking adequate precautions and using proper accessories the explosive column top may prevent a misfire.
during the hole-loading process. Keeping careful records sum- Initiating systems are also a matter of choice. Detonating
marizing blast design dimensions and loading quantities is essen- cord is easy to use; however, cutoffs can occur if flyrock severs
tial to safety and economics. surface lines. High-grain core load detonating cord tends to
Once drilled, all holes should be plugged or covered to pre- promote the “rifling” of explosive energy through an open chan-
vent rocks and drill cuttings from filling the hole. Prior to load- nel within the collar stem as the stem material compresses from
ing, the driller’s log should be checked for hole depths, subdril- the initiation shock force, as shown in Fig. Angles
ling, and indications of hard or soft seams, voids, and the between a branch and the line carrying the incoming detonation
presence of water. The blaster must check each hole for any wave should be 90° or more, and connections should be made
change in conditions prior to final design. This is to ensure that with slip-proof knots.
all safety precautions are considered. Abandoned holes must be When using electric blasting caps, precautions must be made
filled with cuttings to prevent flyrock. to monitor extraneous currents at the blast site. Always check
Transporting the blasting crew and explosives to the blasting the resistance of each cap before stemming the hole to ensure
site is done once the site has been identified with markers and continuity. If the detonator is damaged, a second initiator can
the site cleared of all personnel not involved in hole loading. be placed in the hole. Once all cap, connecting, and firing line
Initiators, cap-sensitive explosives, and noncap-sensitive agents wires are joined, the resistance must be checked and compared
must be transported in accordance with regulations in approved to the calculated resistance for agreement. Nonelectric initiating
vehicles, carrying classification signs. Proper tools for loading systems are recommended when blasting in the vicinity of stray
include a cloth measuring tape, a wooden tamping pole, a pair currents or to control air concussion. As nonelectric systems
of wire cutters and strippers, a mirror, grappling hooks, and a comprise surface and in-hole delays as well as tubing, the blaster
powder punch. If electric caps are to be used, an approved must follow the manufacturer’s recommended procedures for
blasting multimeter or galvonometer must be used to check cir- layout and connection.
cuit resistance. Detonating cord downlines must be cut from the supply
If the blastholes are filled with water, and a water-resistant spool and held securely during hole loading. Should the cord
explosive of a density greater than one is not used, the holes slip into the hole during loading, a second primer and initiator
must be pumped or blown free of excess water. Plastic sleeves must be immediately placed in the hole before loading is contin-
or hole liners, available to protect from water seeping back into ued. Blasting cap legwires must also be held securely during
the hole over a limited time period, minimize the desensitization loading, and care must be taken not to damage legwires.
of granular explosives and blasting agents. Stemming material should provide a high degree of frictional
In holes that are partially filled with water, a wet blasting resistance against the explosive detonation force moving upward
agent recommended in wet-hole loading is used below the water from the charge base. In dry holes, drill cuttings work well;
blasting personnel without consultation with their supervisors
and experts in this field.
Surface Delay Blasting—Delay blasting techniques are em-
ployed to improve fragmentation, control of rock movement,
overbreak, and to reduce ground vibrations. Delays are incorpo-
rated into the blast design using electric or nonelectric caps or
delay connectors with detonating cord. The delay patterns used
in design will determine the sequence of hole or deck initiations,
thereby, dictate the overall direction of blasted rock movement
and resulting fragmentation. Depending on the S/B ratio, the
actual timing (in milliseconds) between detonating charges will
determine muck pile displacement height and distance from the
bench. Fig. shows variations of timing patterns used for
surface blasting. Depending on initiation sequence, an effective
burden B e and effective spacing S e result as shown in Fig. The effective spacing is the distance between holes in a
row defined by adjacent time delays (e.g., delays by rows). Effec-
tive burden is the distance in the direction of resultant rock mass
movement. The V and echelon (diagonal) patterns are used when
rock placement is restricted. Designs using two free faces usually
provide improved fragmentation and throw control over those
using a single face.
The design of initiation timing for multiple-hole blasting is
critical to the blasting effectiveness. If the interhole delay is too
short, the movement of row burdens is restricted and fragmenta-
tion is poor. High ground vibrations result, and backbreak along
the new highwall may persist, jeopardizing the stability of the
slope. If interhole delays are too long, cutoffs of surface delays
may occur. The minimum time for design is controlled by the
stress wave travel distance (= 2 B e ) in order for radial cracking
to begin to develop, contributing to the detachment of the rock
mass in the vicinity of the hole. This detachment forms an inter-
nal free face (or relief) to which successive detonations will
interact with the reflection of stress waves. The minimum timing
is, therefore,

Fig. (A) Detonating cord downline cutoff caused by shifting
of horizontally bedded rock, and (B) stemming compression leading where t is stress wave travel time in ms, Be is effective burden or
to a loss of explosive energy distance from the hole to the free face in feet, and Cp is velocity
of sound for the rock in fps. The maximum timing is that at
which the burden is fully detached and accelerating as gas pres-
sures build. Research by Barker and Fourney (1978, 1978a),
however, when cuttings are wet, they provide little resistance. Winzer and Ritter (1980), and others, has shown that stress wave
In this case, 3/8 -in. (9.53-mm) crushed stone is recommended. travel time is a fraction of the time required to develop radial
Prior to shot initiation, the blast site and surrounding area cracks. Furthermore, studies using high-speed photography indi-
must be cleared and all access to the blast site must be guarded. cate that the burden moves within a timeframe which is between
A sequence of audible sirens of a set code precedes the blast, 2 to 10 times the wave travel time to the face. Hagen (1977)
with an “all clear” siren following the blast. During shot firing, noted the time to burden movement ranges from 5 to 50 ms, and
all personnel must be adequately covered and fully protected suggests an optimum range of timing for design between 1.5 to
from flyrock. A certain time period must pass before entering 2.5 ms/ft of Be.
the blast site as both flyrock and noxious fumes may be present Timing studies have been performed to investigate resulting
for an extended period of time after detonation. fragmentation and muck pile shapes. Reduced-scale research
If a misfire occurs, the charge should be flushed from the using a variation in delay ratios suggests improved fragmentation
hole with water or air. If this is not possible, the cord, legwires, for timing between 11 to 17 ms/ft of Be (Stagg and Nutting,
or tubing may be reconnected, if available, once continuity is 1987), while Bergmann et al. (1974) demonstrated improved
established. If continuity is not established, the hole should be fragmentation for S/B ratios of two at timing ratios of 1 ms/ft
reprimed after the stemming is flushed out. In this case, care of Be or greater.
must be taken during initiation as excessive flyrock may result. In Production-scale, multiple-row blasting has resulted in rec-
the case that it is not possible to use these approaches, qualified ommended timing to improve fragmentation. Andrews (1981)
professional assistance must be sought. With the assistance of suggests delays of 1 to 5 ms/ft within rows and 2 to 15 ms/ft of
experts trained to handle misfires, the charge may be carefully Be between rows (or on the echelon). Anderson et al. (1982)
dug out or a hole may be drilled adjacent to the unshot hole. measured flyrock velocity, or gas venting, through the collar
The adjacent hole is then lightly loaded, and detonated, to lift stemming to establish a 3.4 ms/ft of hole spacing and 8.4 ms/
the rock surrounding the unshot charge for removal. Under no ft of B e recommendation for optimum breakage and forward
circumstances should these attempts be made by unexperienced movement. Similar work in which muck pile profiles were

Fig. Typical initiation patterns for surface blasting showing initiation by rows (A) parallel and (B) perpendicular to a single free face,
(C) in a “V” configuration and, (D) echelon pattern using two free faces; Be and Se are effective burden and spacing, respectively.

mapped indicates that optimum forward throw and muck pile should be made for limited periods of time in the case of atmo-
height reduction occur for delay ratios of 4.2 ms/ft of Se and 10 spheric conditions which present high humidity and tempera-
ms/ft of Be, while forward throw is minimized, resulting in high tures. Cartons must be kept sealed until used, and a rigid system
muck piles, with ratios of 1.5 to 2 ms/ft of Se and 5 to 6 ms/ft of stock rotation employed. Many loading procedures outlined
of Be (Winzer et al., 1981). Hagen (1977) has shown for single- in the segment on surface blast design also apply to underground
row production shooting and S/B of 1.2 to 1.6 that timing ratios loading. During blasted rock removal, a constant watch for un-
greater than 1.2 ms/ft of Be are ideal. Hagen recommended 1.2 shot explosives must be made. Prior to drilling the subsequent
ms/ft of Be for multiple-row production blasting in hard rock, round, the face must be closely inspected for evidence of unshot
while using high powder factors and short stem lengths. A 2.4 explosives from the previous round. The holes are then blown
ms/ft of B e was recommended for soft rock with long stem with compressed air to clear blockages and remove water from
lengths and low powder factors. To control ground vibrations, the holes.
Kopp (1987) recommended that a 1.3 ms/ft of S and 1.2 to 4.3 For loading short holes using cartridge explosives, the charge
ms/ft of Be be used. is tamped with nonsparking poles. The cartridge containing the
The timing ratios cited are found to vary over a wide range. initiator should never be tamped, but rather pushed gently into
A great deal of research on the effects of initiation timing cannot the holes. In recent years, advances in hole loading have been
be compared due to the lack of similar variables such as geology, made with the use of mechanized pneumatic and pumping ma-
scale, and explosive type. Winzer et al. (1983) recognized the chines. Pneumatic loading uses pressurized airstream flow to
need to qualify delay ratios, in a general way, based on existing inject conventional cartridge as well as dry bulk explosives
fracture density. Competent dense rock requires lower delay (Ljung, 1978; Smith, 1982; Russell, 1984; Day and Joyce, 1988).
ratios to achieve fine fragmentation, while weak fractured rock In loading dry bulk ANFO, care must be taken to adjust the
fragments best with higher delay ratios. pressure regulator such that the tank or line pressure remains
Underground Blast Design: Blasting rounds are used in the below the level recommended by the manufacturer. Static elec-
development of tunnels, shafts, raises, stopes, caving, and other tricity buildup is a problem with this method, and nonelectric
underground openings. Powder factors range from 1.5 to over or anti-static blasting caps must be used with pneumatically
10 lb/yd3 (0.9 to 6 kg/m3). The lower values are used in large loaded ANFO. The success of loading bulk ANFO and wet
open rooms in soft weak rock while the higher values are used blasting agents in upholes, using pressurized air and pumps, has
in confined raises and shafts for hard competent rock. allowed the application of large-diameter holes (6.5 in. or 165
Underground explosives should be selected for ease of han- mm) to stoping techniques and the development of the vertical
dling and loading. Explosives with a fume class of 1 are required, crater retreat (VCR) method of stoping (Bauer, 1978; Lang,
and permissibles must be used in gassy mines. Wet and dry 1978).
blasting agents as well as dynamites are used in a variety of Priming methods used in underground holes are a matter of
blasting situations. The storage of explosives underground choice. Large-diameter holes are primed at the base of the hole.

Fig. Typical tunnel round showing drillhole terminology and

an initiation sequence for delay timing; all holes between the cut and
perimeter holes are referred to as relief holes.

Blasting caps are inserted with the exploding tip facing the line
of charge. Small-diameter horizontal holes should be primed at
the hole bottom to ensure maximum confinement. If the primer
containing the initiator is placed at the hole collar, it could be
expelled upon detonation if the stem length is too short. A misfire
could result with unshot explosives remaining in the hole. If a
misfire occurs, it should be handled as described in the segment
on surface blasthole loading. Fig. Example of burn and V cuts used in underground
Post-shot procedures must include a safe waiting time for blast designs.
fumes to disperse from the working area. This time varies based
on the explosive and rock type, as well as the ventilation system.
Measurements should be taken to establish this safe time.
The design of underground blasting rounds is covered in The location of the cut on the face will dictate the direction
detail by Langefors and Kihlstrom (1978), Gustafsson (1981), and distance of throw. In soft rock, such as coal or potash, a
and Dick et al. (1983). Two types of blasting rounds are those saw or cutter chain is used to produce a kerf cut near the floor,
with one free face and those with more than one free face. Single- roof, or along the midsection of a face to serve as a plane of relief
face rounds are used in development openings (tunnels, shafts, in addition to protecting the wall rock from backbreak.
raises) as well as in room and pillar, longwall, and shrinkage Borehole patterns are selected based on rock type and size
stoping methods of mining. All mining methods require single- of the face. Drillhole alignment is critical for blasting results. If
face blast designs for development work. Multiple-face rounds holes are incorrectly spaced, wallrock damage or poor fragmen-
are used in open stopes, sublevel caving, and large-diameter tation can occur. Bottom-hole deviation is defined as the offset
tunnels using benching methods. In many cases, multiple-face distance measured at the hole bottom divided by the planned
rounds are designed similar to surface blasting. hole length and is given in percentage. Hole alignment is a
Single-Face Rounds—Names given to the various blastholes function of hole size, total hole length, direction drilled and
drilled within a round are shown in Fig. Cuts refer to geology. Longhole deviations can be approximated by 0.015
a group of holes, centrally located at the face and detonated on times hole length in feet (0.05 times hole length in meters).
the first few delay intervals. The purpose of the cut is to provide Vertical, large-diameter down-holes can be drilled with little
initial relief to which the remaining holes break. Cuts comprise deviation. Small-diameter holes drilled within a fan or ring result
parallel holes, referred to as the burn cut, or angled holes, defined in large deviations. When loading holes, deviations must be con-
as V cuts. Various types of burn and V cuts are shown in Fig. sidered such that adequate hole bottom powder factors are used. In the case of single free faces, the burden is defined as If powder factors are too low, the advance per round, or pull, is
the distance, on the face, between each hole and adjacent relief. poor. If holes are too close together, resulting in high powder
This relief can be provided by the empty holes in the cut, by the factors, dead pressing of explosives may occur leading to boot-
blasted and ejected cut itself, or by holes surrounding the cut as legs, or misfires. Sympathetic detonation could also occur, pre-
the delayed sequence of holes are initiated. maturely initiating adjacent holes simultaneously, and results
Langefors and Kihlstrom (1978) provide design criteria for with in-place fragmented rock and no displacement. This rock
the distance between loaded and empty holes to maximize break- is referred to as “frozen” in place, and generally leads to no
age and advance of the face for the burn cut round. As a general advancement of the face.
rule, the burden between central empty holes and the nearest Empirical relationships available for spacing of holes and
small-diameter loaded hole should be 0.7 times the area of the powder factors are given by Langefors and Kihlstrom (1978),
empty holes. Gustafsson (1981), and Holmberg (1982). Approximate relation-
ships between total heading area and total hole area, powder productivity, improved safety, good fragmentation, and cost per
factors, and approximate number of holes required based on ton lower than traditional overhand shrinkage methods.
geology and hole size are given. Such relationships are based on Multiple-Face Rounds— Underground blasting techniques
hard-rock blasting techniques used in Sweden and Austria. They using multiple faces are shown in Fig. Benching, similar
are based on empirical data and cannot be expected to apply to to surface methods, is employed for room and pillar and open
each underground blasting situation in other types of rock. stoping methods. Medium- to large-diameter holes, drilled either
Wilbur (1982) gives drillhole requirements for US tunnel vertically using subdrilling or horizontally, are used.
projects and a generalized range of geology. The relationship for Shrinkage stopes are blasted using either the overhand or
N, the number of blastholes per round based on tunnel area A blasthole shrinkage method. Hand-held jacklegs or stopers are
in square feet, is approximated for soft or highly fractured rock used to drill small-diameter upholes or holes in an inclined back,
( and for hard or massive rock ( by as well as horizontal holes, using overhand or breasting methods,
while working support is provided by the previously blasted
N = 0.124 A + 10 ( muck pile.
Cut and fill mining methods excavate horizontal slices of ore
working from the stope bottom upward. In this method, the ore
N = 0.158 A + 28 (
is blasted and removed after each slice, then replaced with waste
material usually comprising cemented mill tailings. Hydraulic
Gustafsson provides numerous design examples for relationships filling provides a competent, even floor for the drilling of hori-
developed in Austrian tunnels. Design formulas are based on zontal or vertical holes along the back using mechanized drilling
holes loaded with a nonuniform distribution of explosive charge equipment.
or loading density. A heavy charge, loaded at the bottom one- Sublevel or blasthole stoping methods include small-diame-
third of the hole, and a column charge equal to one-half the ter hole ring and fan drilling techniques or large-diameter paral-
bottom charge is used in tunnel blastholes. The burden in feet is lel holes drilled the entire stope length. Sublevel stopes are devel-
equal to (hole depth – 1.3/2), and spacing in feet is 1.1 times oped with small-diameter holes approximately 2 in. (51 mm) in
the burden. Stemming length is one-half the burden depth. diameter. Drilling efficiency is limited to 60 to 80 ft (18 to 25
Such relationships only serve as examples of the procedures m) for rings. Fan upholes, angled 45° to 88°, are drilled 45 to 65
to be taken in the design process. For each design situation, a ft (12 to 20 m) in length. Stope widths range 20 to 150 ft (6 to
trial-and-error approach is usually taken by experienced and 46 m), and heights up to 250 ft (76 m) are common. An end
qualified blasters. pillar raise or a central slot raise is initially blasted from wall to
Delays used are either short- (ms) or long- (sec) period elec- wall to which successive slab rounds break. Fan or ring spacings
tric or nonelectric delays. In general, long periods provide coarse along the drill drifts, or the burden distance between holes, vary
fragmentation, and muck pile placement is high and close to the 5 to 10 ft (1.5 to 3 m), and hole bottom, or toe, spacings between
blasted face. These delays are necessary in tight headings such holes in a fan or ring range from 10 to 20 ft (3 to 6 m). Hagen
as raises where more time is necessary to displace rock for indi- (1988) recommends the use of staggered drilling patterns be-
vidual delays. Short-period delays generate finer fragmentation tween fans or rings with a spacing 3.5 to 4 times the burden
and a long, low muck pile profile. distance. The use of this ratio should minimize sympathetic
Delay patterns and approximate hole spacings used for sin- detonation, improve fragmentation, lower ground vibrations,
gle-face blasting underground are shown in Fig. Blast and provide a good distribution of explosive energy. ANFO or
designs used for sinking shafts are similar to those used for water gels are commonly used with powder factors ranging from
tunnels. For full-face rounds, a burn cut or V cut is used. A 2 to 6 lb/yd3 (1.2 to 3.6 kg/m3). Short period electric or nonelec-
bench round or sump cut, shown in Fig., allows for tric blasting caps with delay intervals of 25 ms are generally
dewatering during development. Powder factors range from 2 to
7 lb/yd3 (1.20 to 4.2 kg/m3). Hole diameters average 2 in. (50.8
Large-diameter parallel holes 4 to 7 in. (102 to 178 mm) in
mm) in tunnels, and diameters of 4 to 6 in. (101.6 to 152.4 mm)
diameter are often used to blast entire stopes without sublevels
are used in stoping techniques.
to heights of 250 ft (76 m). The vertical limits of the stope are
Raises using short holes less than 120 ft (36.6 m) or long
defined by an upper drill drift or top sill and an undercut drift.
holes greater than 120 ft (36.6 m) are drilled 2 to 6.5 in. (50.8
The upper sill is developed to the width of the ore body. Down-
to 165 mm) in diameter and loaded up or down from a horizontal
drift. Drillhole deviations limit raise drilling to less than 148 ft the-hole (DTH) drilling equipment is used to drill down-holes
(45 m). Drilling and loading upholes from below can be danger- 150 to 200 ft (45 to 65 m) in length. Two methods of production
ous and time consuming. Down-hole drilling and loading is safer blasting include vertical slabbing to an open stope and crater
and provides a high productivity. This is usually done with a blasting or VCR. Panel blasting requires a raise and slot to be
central large relief hole or using the vertical crater retreat (VCR) developed in addition to an undercut fan beneath each slab
method. The VCR method has been adapted to drilling large- round. A 0.32-lb/ton (0.15-kg/t) powder factor is typically used.
diameter down-holes, providing a safer and more efficient means The application of crater blasting in stope mining requires a
of advancing raises from the bottom taking advantage of gravity, minimum of development within the ore pillar. Its use depends
while equipment and men remain at the top sill. on the size of the ore body and the stability of wallrock. The VCR
The shrinkage stope method used for production can be method has been shown to reduce pillar damage and overbreak,
adapted to VCR methods in large diameter (6.5 in. or 165 mm) resulting in less ore dilution. Drilling and blasting cycles were
holes. In this method, down-holes are drilled from an upper drift, described previously under single-face shrinkage stopes. Spac-
plugged near the hole bottom, loaded, and shot using delays. The ings and burdens range 8 to 10 ft (2.4 to 3 m) square or staggered
sequence is repeated several times, advancing the back of the on a 7 × 9-ft (2.1 × 2.7-m) pattern for a typical drillhole
undercut with horizontal slices. Each round is loaded with a diameter of 6.5 in. (165 mm). Charge weights per hole using
charge length to diameter ratio of 6 or less with parallel hole ANFO or water gels vary from 10 to 20 lb (4.5 to 9 kg), and a
spacing designed 20 times the hole diameter dimension. The vertical advance of 10 to 15 ft (3.0 to 4.6 m) is typical. A major
advantage of this method used in shrinkage stoping is higher drawback with the use of this method is the difficulty in keeping
Fig. Single face drilling patterns for (A) a long-hole raise, (B) drop raise for blasthole stopes (note: slot raise pattern similar to long-
hole raise design), (C) shaft bench round, and (D) full face V shaft round.

holes open during blasting cycles in fractured and faulted generally smaller in diameter and spaced closer than the main
ground. blast. The holes are often placed along the periphery of an exca-
Block and sublevel caving techniques are used at depths vation or round. This method is used to control overbreak, re-
below which stoping methods become unstable or used for low- duce fractures within remaining rock walls, and reduce ground
grade, fractured ore bodies. The sublevel caving method employs vibrations. Such methods are variations of line drilling in which
the use of fan drilling using long, small-diameter holes, between closely spaced, unloaded holes form a natural excavation line
sublevels or drill drifts to undercut and blast the ore zone. An beyond which no rock is to be blasted. In general, hole diameters
initial slot is developed at the wallrock, and vertical uphole fans range from 2 to 3 in. (51 to 76 mm), and spacings range from
are drilled in a diamond pattern from sublevels in sequence. 0.3 to 1 ft (0.1 to 0.3 m).
Generally, eight holes, inclined 85° toward the slot, are drilled. Two versions of line drilling used in surface blasting are
Hole diameters average 2 in. (51 mm). Burdens and spacings presplitting and cushion blasting. Presplitting (or preshearing)
vary from 4 to 6 ft (1.2 to 1.8 m) and 5 to 6 ft (1.5 to 1.8 m), uses a line of closely spaced loaded holes in the range of 2 to 4
respectively. Blasting is performed against broken waste rock as in. (51 to 101.6 mm) in diameter and 2 to 4 ft (0.61 to 1.22 m)
the wall rock caves. Powder factors range from 0.6 to 0.9 lb/ton
is spacing. They are drilled along the periphery of an excavation
(0.3 to 0.4 kg/t).
and initiated before the main blast is detonated. In this respect,
Block caving techniques require an initial development blast
an internal free face is formed, containing stress waves from
above the undercut level to start caving. Jumbos with 2- to 3-in.
(51- to 76-mm) diameter holes drill fan rounds, oriented 45° to successively detonated holes within the boundaries. Explosive
vertical and 15 to 38 ft (4.6 to 11.6 m) in length. Fan spacing is charges range from 0.1 to 0.7 lb/ft (0.06 to 0.42 kg/m). Presplit-
generally 5 ft (1.5 m). Secondary blasting is often required to ting is often employed with trench blasting techniques.
dislodge oversize material or broken muck that has hung up Cushion blasting (also referred to as smooth-wall or trim
within the raises. Bagged water gels are used in raises at a powder blasting) is performed using hole sizes of 2 to 6 in. (51 to 152
factor of 0.2 lb/ton (0.09 kg/t). mm) and loading from 0.1 to 1.5 lb/ft (0.06 to 0.89 kg/m). Hole
Controlled Blasting Techniques: Controlled blasting employs spacings are generally set between 3 to 9 ft (0.9 to 2.74 m). In
the use of reduced explosive quantities loaded into holes that are this method, explosive charges in cartridge form are decoupled

Fig. Multiple face drilling patterns for (A) room and pillar, cut and fill, and shrinkage stoping methods; (B) sublevel caving; (C) sublevel
stoping; and (D) long-hole stoping or vertical crater retreat methods.
from the borehole wall, intermittently spaced along the boreholeTable Comparison of Drilling and Blasting
length. Costs for Various Mining Methods
Smooth or trim blasting is the underground application of
cushion blasting. For large-diameter blasting underground, an
Extraction Methods
effective method of protecting pillars and stope walls is the de-
coupling of charges with air. Often a mixture of 50% ANFO Metal mines and quarries
and 50% polystyrene beads is used to lower the explosive energy Construction
in prefractured rock and for pillar protection. The use of spacers Tunneling
or plugs is used to distribute the charges, lowering the powder Longhole stoping
Vertical crater retreat mining
factor and eliminating the chance for charges to prematurely
Cut and fill stoping
initiate adjacent holes designed for later initiation timing. Often Shrinkage stoping
the charge is placed in cardboard liners one-half the diameter of
the borehole, filling the annular area with drill cuttings. Trim Conversion factor: $1 /yd3 = $1.31 /m3.
blastholes are shot after the main blast round is detonated. Source: Aimone, 1979. Estimating Drilling and Blasting Costs

Example 9.2.12. Using single-column loading from Ex.
Drilling and blasting are unit operations required for devel-, estimate the drilling and blasting costs. The following
opment and production. The components of costs for drilling cost data are used:
and blasting include labor, direct costs of operating equipment,
and supplies. In surface mines, the basis of cost is computed per blasting: ANFO $ 0.12/lb drilling: $1.30/ft
ton (tonne) of ore produced or per cubic yard (cubic meter) of primer 1.50/ea
material broken for removal. The costs are directly related to caps 1.30/ea
powder factor and depend on geology, type of explosives, and labor 16.00/hr
the size of the blastholes and excavating equipment. Under-
ground costs are a function of mining method, level of mechani- A three-person blasting crew is assumed, and hourly wages in-
zation, productivity, and operational cycle time. Development clude benefits. The unit drilling cost includes all costs to own
costs are given per foot (meter) of advance for tunnels and raises and operate the rig, computed using Eq.
and are expensed over the ore block associated with develop-
ment. Production drilling and blasting is computed per foot Production data:
(meter) of hole drilled or per ton (tonne) of ore produced. weekly production 150,000 tons
For equipment, such as a drill rig, the costs can be summa- tonnage factor 2.4 tons/yd 3
rized with the following relationship: yield/hole 1280 yd 3
holes/week required 50
yield/week 64,000 yd3 or 153,600 tons
1. Blasting cost
where is cost per hour to own the rig, is cost per hour Explosives per hole:
to operate the rig, BL is bit life in hours or in feet, and BC is ANFO 1114 lb @ $0.12/lb $133.68
bit cost. The cost to own includes taxes, interest, insurance, Primer and cap 2.80
amortization, and depreciation. The cost to operate includes
Total per hole $136.48
labor, fuel, and parts and supplies, such as tires and drill steel.
Labor costs, also applied to blasting costs, include base salary
Total per week, 50 × $136.48 $6824
plus benefits. Benefits, which range from 30 to 40% of base
Labor, 8 hr, 3 miners @ $ 16/hr 384
salary, include insurance, health care, pension, and vacation.
Incentive pay, as a percentage of base salary, is often provided Total blasting per week $7208
when productivity increases over a predetermined average. Pro- Total per yd3 $0.113
ductivity is measured as feet (meters) drilled for the drill crew 2. Drilling cost
or loaded and shot per employee-shift for the blasting crew. 50 holes, 57 ft per hole @ $1.30/ft $3705
Incentive pay is also provided for accurate underground drillhole Total per yd 3 $0.058
alignment and depth. Example Using three-deck loading from Ex.
Blasting costs comprise explosives, boosters and primers,, estimate the drilling and blasting costs.
initiation systems, and other expendables. Labor costs include
the hours spent by the blasting crew to handle and transport Production data:
explosives, load holes, detonate the shot, and take inventory yield per hole 1050 yd 3
and prepare paperwork. The cost of bulk loading and storage holes per week 60
equipment is also included. yield per week 63,000 yd3 or 151,200 tons
A comparison of drilling and blasting costs for various min-
ing methods is shown in Table Blasting costs are directly Solution.
related to powder factor and the cost per pound of the main 1. Blasting Cost
explosive charge. Labor costs can represent 5 to 40% of the total Explosives per hole:
blasting costs, while the cost of expendable blasting accessories ANFO, 900 lb @ $ 0.12/lb $108.00
such as primers and initiators is generally less than 20% of total 3 primers and caps 8.40
costs. Example cost calculations are given for the surface blast Total per hole $116.40
designs in Exs. and Total per week, 60 × $116.40 $6984
Labor, 9 hr, 3 miner, @ $ 16/hr 432 Total stope drilling required
Total blasting per week $7416 326,700 tons/(2 tons/ft) = 163,350 ft
Total per yd 3 $0.118 Productivity and costs
2. Drilling cost Drilling labor
60 holes, 57 ft per hole @ $1.30/ft $4446 (35 ft/hr drill rate)(6.5 hr) = 228 ft/employee-shift
Total per yd3 $0.071 ($150/employee-shift)(228 = $0.66/ft
Cost Comparison for Increase in Explosive Energy: The ft/employee-shift)
following example gives a cost comparison for two explosives of Drilling supplies and nonlabor = $0.10/ft
different energy levels. A design for explosive A, with a density costs
of 0.85 and per-pound cost of $0.12, is compared with a design Total drilling costs = $0.76/ft = $0.38/ton
for explosive B, whose density is 1.3 and cost $0.20/lb. The Blasting
design involves 4-in. (101.6-mm) diameter holes for a 150,000- Explosives, (0.7 lb/ = $0.084/ton
yd3 (114,690-m3 ) excavation using 28-ft (8.53-m) long holes, 8- ton)($0.12/lb)
ft (2.44-m) collar stem, and 4-ft (1.22-m) subdrilling. The excava- Primer and initiator = $0.035/ton
tion subgrade is 24 ft (7.3 m) below current surface. Primer and Total blasting supplies = $0.119/ton = $0.238/ft
cap costs are $2.80, while it is assumed that blasting labor is Labor productivity
$4.00/hole, and drilling costs are $ 0.90/ft ($2.95/m). (35 ft/hole)/(0.25 hr/hole = 140 ft/employee-hr
Example 9.2.14. Cost comparison. loading time)
(140 ft/employee-hr)(4 hr = 560 ft/employee-shift
Explosive A Explosive B Labor cost
explosive density 0.85 1.30 ($150/employee-shift)/(560 = 0.27/ft = $0.14/ton
loading density 4.63 lb/ft 7.08 lb/ft ft/employee-shift)
charge weight/hole 93 lb 142 lb Total blasting costs = $0.51/ft = $0.25/ton
total blasting cost/hole $17.96 $35.20 Total drilling and blasting costs = $0.634/ton
pattern ( B × S) 10 × 13 ft 12 × 17 ft VCR stoping costs:
yield per hole 116 yd3 181 yd3 Blasthole pattern 9 × 9 ft
number of holes required 1293 829 Total VCR holes/stope 182
powder factor 0.80 lb/yd3 0.78 lb/yd3 VCR drillhole length 220 ft
blasting cost $0.155/yd3 $0.194/yd3 Total crater hole drilling 40,040 ft
drilling cost $0.217/yd3 $0.139/yd3 VCR production 287,500 tons
total costs $0.372/yd3 $0.334/yd3 Undercut development 39,200 tons
Explosive density 1.35
The higher cost of blasting with the higher-density explosive is Explosive loading density 19.42 lb/ft
Explosive cost $0.20/lb
offset with a lower drilling cost. With a higher-energy explosive,
an expanded pattern is drilled with fewer holes. The overall cost Loading length-to-diameter 6
savings is $5830. Charge weight per slab round 60 lb
Cost Comparison of Two Stoping Blasting Methods: Exam-
ple provides a cost comparison between conventional
sublevel stope blasting (longhole stoping) and cratering tech- Based on preliminary tests, a powder factor of 0.83 lb/ton (0.5
niques. Production costs are considered and development costs g/kg) is adequate to break 72 tons (65 t) for a 10-ft (3-m) retreat
are not included. along the back. Total slab tonnage is 13,104 (11.9 kt). Rotary
Example 9.2.15. Cost comparison. drilling cost, including labor, is $0.60/ft.

Production ore stopes are 250 ft (76 m) high, 420 ft (128 m)

in length, and 35 ft (11 m) in width. Production is 1000 tpd VCR blasting per 10-ft advance
(900 t/day), and stope production is 326,700 tons (296.4 kt). In explosives
longhole stoping, 2-in. (51-mm) drillholes are used to drill rings (182 holes)(60 lb/
from sublevels with approximately 60 ft (18 m) of vertical separa- hole)($0.20/lb) $2184
tion. Eight holes are drilled per ring with an average hole depth primer and initiator
of 35 ft (11 m). The crater method (VCR) uses 6.5-in. (165-mm) (182 holes)($2.50/hole) 455
holes drilled vertically from the upper drill drift. A total labor labor
cost of $18.75/hr or $150/employee-shift, is used. Drilling and (54.6hr)(2 miners)($18.75/
blasting activities take place over 6.5 hr of the 8-hr shift. 2048
Longhole stoping costs: Total blasting costs $2.57/ft = $0.36/ton
Drillhole size 2 in. VCR drilling per 10-ft advance
Explosive density 1.03 ($0.60/ft)( 10 ft/hole)( 182
Explosive loading density 1.4 lb/ft holes) $1092 = $0.083/ton
Powder factor 0.7 lb/ton Total VCR drilling and blasting
Explosive cost $0.12/lb costs = $0.443/ton

Blasting yield The costs to drill and blast the 39,200-ton (35.6 kt) undercut
must be included. This is assumed to be a total cost of $0.634/
(1.4 lb/ft)/(0.7 lb/ton) = 2 tons ore/ft of drillhole ton as calculated for the smaller diameter hole. Thus the entire
stope drilling and blasting cost is $0.466/ton. The application of hole, or air deck. Its application to blast design greatly enhances
VCR to stoping techniques for this example results in a 26% fragmentation and controlled fracturing near the collar and
reduction in drilling and blasting costs over conventional long- throughout the hole length. Upon detonation, the shock wave
hole stoping. generated at the hole bottom travels through the air deck, re-
flecting at the stem base, intensifying the shock energy within
the rock at the hole collar with a minimum (limited) explosive Research in Explosives Applications
charge. The air deck is effective in modifying the pressure pulse
Within the past two decades, advances have been made to shape within this region by lowering the stress wave amplitude;
improve the efficiency of explosives and rock blasting. These however, the pulse is increased in duration. The stress wave
advances have been, in part, largely due to analytical and compu- amplitude remains at the level that promotes tensile fracturing.
tational techniques of high-speed photography and computer It is the increase in pulse duration or the time application of this
modeling. These methods have brought about a greater under- tensile pulse that enhances fragmentation. Currently, the method
standing of the distribution of explosive energy during the rock is employed successfully for surface presplitting.
fracturing process. Other areas of advancement include initiators Two major advances have occurred in the area of initiators.
and explosives formulation. These are the developments of precise pryotechnical delays for
Much attention has been given to modeling the explosive electric blasting caps and electronic integrated circuit delays.
fracture and fragmentation processes (Cunningham, 1987; Da- Timing errors are inherent to the design and manufacture of
nell and Leung, 1987; Kuszmaul, 1987; Kirby et al., 1987; Paine all standard electric blasting caps (Winzer, 1978). Such errors
et al., 1987; Exadaktylos et al., 1987; Crum and Stagg, 1989) become critical when accurate timing is required for fragmenta-
and to modeling explosive detonations (Leiper and Plessis, 1987). tion and the control of ground vibrations. Precise pyrotechnical
With fracture and fragmentation modeling, the effects of varia- delay caps are now manufactured to provide an increase in accu-
tions in design parameters on blasting results are readily obtained racy on the order of milliseconds; however, they cost slightly
without costly field trial and error attempts. The output from more than standard caps.
many codes show particle size distributions, radial fracture for- Programmable blasting caps are being developed with milli-
mation, muck pile profiles, and stress profiles or damage func- second accuracy (Worsey and Tyler, 1983; Wilson et al., 1987;
tions, plotted along a borehole axis for a hypothetical blast. Larsson et al., 1988). The caps comprise an integrated circuit,
The blast may include charges placed within a two- or three- using a microprocessor to receive and distribute programmed
dimensional rock mass. Thermodynamic characteristics of the information on detonation time, current required for detonation,
explosives and time delays are also modeled. The usefulness of and other coding to prevent access by unauthorized personnel.
these models are, however, limited as they cannot completely All forms of electrical hazards are eliminated with these caps,
take into account the variability of geology or hole-loading con- as a unique rate of current must be supplied to the caps before
ditions in practice. Output from computer models must be field detonation can occur.
tested for validation.
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