Elevation Server

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Elevation server is used to bring the 3D terrain realization and elevation units in the Applet viewer.

There are two mode of running the elevation server.

1 Standalone application SAMVAHAK-II_CVOB/SAM/3DServer2011

2 Embedded web application SAMVAHAK-II_CVOB/SAM/3dServerWeb_Dev


1)Standalone server is a normal Socket based server, which is based on the following configuration steps

Web based embedded server. Comes up with updated INCP RoltaLiferay Server and Installation process.
Please refer the configuration process: Similar to stand alone

2) Use of Servlet to pass the kickoff call of the Server

Servlet Name: com.rolta.mil.terrain.rgwserver.wms.WMSAppServlet.java

Servlet Mapping in : D:\SAM4_170412\Mayuresh.Pandey_Samvahak_Dev\SAMVAHAK-II_CVOB\S

Servlet mapping is done automatically as an installation process, and if you want to c

3) Use of Thread Call the start the Web based

In RGWSViewApplet please refer the following piece of code
public void init()
System.setProperty("sun.awt.noerasebackground", "true");

try {

// try {
// for (LookAndFeelInfo info : UIManager.getInstalledLookAndFeels()) {
// if ("Nimbus".equals(info.getName())) {
// UIManager.setLookAndFeel(info.getClassName());
// break;
// }
// }
// } catch (Exception e) {
// // If Nimbus is not available, you can set the GUI to another look and feel.
// }
if(ApplicationLogin.offlineFlag == false) {
Thread serverThread = new Thread(){

public void run(){

OpenUrlConnection oUrl = new O



This piece of code is used to cick of the servlet based elevation server, first time when client browser start

Note:- We can not auto start it in Jboss as it will not let the Jboss end point to be created and it will end up

3) Elavati Server Startup Port: 8888

4) Building the elevation server

Run the D:\SAM4_170412\Mayuresh.Pandey_Samvahak_Dev\SAMVAHAK-II_CVOB\SAM\3dSer

5) Deploying the elevation server

Copy the artifact from dist to Jboss deploy folder.

6) Database Support in elevation server

Note: it is not able to bring 3D realization from DB to terrain and hence elevation server has been used onl

The following files are responsible for using JNDI Based oracle connection

The Java Class wich uses the JNDI connection object are

Purpose of using JNDI based DB connection is to use the pooled JDBC connection objects of Jboss
Note:- Please ensure that classes12.jar are placed in your Jboss's \jboss-5.1.0\server\def

ServerWeb_Dev Old Version

ServerWeb_Dev_2012 New Version

uration steps


on process.


ess, and if you want to configure it manually you could also do it by editing it manually and restarting the Jboss.
Connection oUrl = new OpenUrlConnection();

hen client browser starts the application

reated and it will end up starting its own socket at 8888


rver has been used only with GeoRaster support.


objects of Jboss
\jboss-5.1.0\server\default\lib folder.

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