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Kinetic architecture and Origami


Yash Raval | 19bar035 | 28-09-2023

Kinematic architecture: analysis and development of kinematic movement though a craft
of origami

To explore the fundamental components of Kinetic Architecture and Craft of origami to
achieve a productive and efficient building element in the context of India with the
prospect to promote the use of kinetics for user comfort, energy efficiency and

 Interactive architecture
 responsive design
 space, behavior
 embedded computation
 structure
 motion
 Origami
 Information
 Kinetic Architecture
 sustainability

 To contextualize the inspiration and invention of kinetic elements in architectural
 To analyze application of kinetic elements in existing buildings
 To define the scope kinetic architecture presents in a Indian context
 To develop a framework or strategies to design a Origami Patterns with kinetic
elements that can modify and conform for a mixed typology in a suitable for India.

Faced with endless influencing parameters such as time, weather, functions, information,
human needs, etc. architecture should be designed with multiple dimensions to face this
infinity of forces. The most prominent of these is kinetic architecture, which is considered
a development in the theories of architecture and a departure from the static form of
architecture to the dynamic form. This study presents interactive movement as one of the
leading factors of contemporary ways of expression in architecture. The evolution of
architecture from static and stability to dynamic and movement has been followed by
changes in the architectural thought. A new architectural language has been found as
some new concepts have emerged, and so modulation vocabulary uses have been
introduced, materials and construction methods have evolved and uses of computer and
multimedia in architecture have developed.

• I have a fair understanding of parametric and kinetic design.

• Understanding of parametric tools to use.

• Fair Understanding of How grasshopper and firefly works with arduino uno Bords.

• Fair knowledge of NetZero and sustainable building due to participation in

Decathlon India.

• Less examples and literature available for the Indian context

• Not very good at origami

• Not much Casestudy are in India

• Good opportunity to explore new and technological aspects of architecture.

• India is a growing country with multiple ongoing infrastructural project, this can
give me a new perspective to design further

1. Interactive Architecture: Concepts, Objectives and applications
Author: International Journal of Engineering, Management and Humanities (IJEMH)

 The concept of interactive architecture is one of the modern concepts that

emerged with the development of technology and the emergence of
environmental, functional and human problems that traditional architecture
could not solve because it needs dynamic architecture adapted to internal and
external conditions through movement, interaction, flexibility and integration
with both the environment and individuals.
 The paper provides an overview of interactive architecture, its concept, definition,
as well as a historical overview, objectives and benefits, and finally the
applications of physical and software interactive architecture and how to
integrate them.
 Interactive architecture is a new direction in design based on the communication
between the user and space and the ability of the space to respond in real
time and accommodate the different and changing needs of users in a more
effective way and create a continuous relationship between society and the built
 It is a building or parts of it that have the ability to make an effective
continuous dialogue with its occupants or the surrounding environment, it
is a building that has spaces and structural elements in which the ability to
respond and adapt to human individual, social and environmental requirements
and is based on the integration of technology.
 movement in an architectural formula with the participation of human response
and the environment to create an architecture that can be called interactive or
 It is a building or parts of it that have the ability to make an effective
continuous dialogue with its occupants or the surrounding environment, it
is a building that has spaces and structural elements in which the ability to
respond and adapt to human individual, social and environmental requirements
and is based on the integration of technology.
 movement in an architectural formula with the participation of human response
and the environment to create an architecture that can be called interactive or
 It is not just a responsive architecture, but is based on the idea of
multidirectional dialogue, which is the art of building a relationship between
the parts of the building and its occupants.

2. Interactive Architecture: Development and Implementation into the
Built Environment
Author: Kristina Boychenko

Institute: Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy

 The article explores Interactive Architecture as a new trend in design, based on

communication of user and space, the ability of space to respond in real time and
to accommodate different and changing needs of users in a more effective way,
creating continuous relationship between society and built environment.
 It describes the emergence and development of interactive architecture, evolving
through time, philosophy behind it and ways of implementation in the built
environment, studying realized projects and means and tools required to obtain
specific structural performance.
 This article considers various types of interactive behavior, kinetic abilities and
classification of systems, ensuring the responsiveness of interactive
architecture. It shows a new approach to construction techniques and
interdisciplinary collaboration of different fields, explaining why is it
important to consider new trends and introduce embedded computation into
structure on the early stages of design process in order to obtain the most
effective spatial performance, ensured by abilities of interactive design.
 The static architecture is limited in its ability to interact with the changing
circumstances and what is more important, with the users. It is frozen in one state
while nowadays there is an ability to make it fluent, changing, communicating
with people.
 Now the built environment can understand itself and better perform its
function. It can understand people within it and outside, furthermore it can help
them to understand themselves better.

1. Interactive Architecture: Adaptive World
Author: Michael Fox

 It has a abstract Information about technological developments in biology,

computation, cybernetics, engineering, industrial design, materials, and robotics
allow architecture to evolve beyond static functionality and become an active
participant-with the capacity to perceive, react to, and connect-with humans and
the natural world.
 The first process-based guide by Michael Fox and Miles Kemp introduced
interactive architecture in 2009, and the past few years have seen its prototypical
potential unleashed, manifestin the eighteen inventive projects featured in this
follow-up, the latest in our Architecture Briefs series.
 The book shows how structures can process information, make observations, and
utilize tools to translate natural systems and create seamlessly integrated
environments, from data-driven light installations, responsive sculptures, and
performative materials, to smart highways, dynamic spaces, kinetic facades, and
adaptive buildings.
 It has a ambitious projects from around the world, including Abu Dhabi,
Indianapolis, Los Angeles, New York City, San Francisco, Frankfurt, London, Paris,
Sochi, and Zurich, are illuminated by photographs, diagrams, and renderings.


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