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Background: Seraphina Frost's mortal life was immersed in the esoteric realms of magic and the

occult. Born into a family with a history of practicing ancient mysticism, she displayed an early
aptitude for manipulating supernatural forces. Her innate talents drew the attention of the Tremere
clan, who recognized her potential as a Thaumaturge. Embraced by a mentor within the clan,
Seraphina transitioned into the world of vampires, marking the beginning of her eternal existence.

Importance for the Bar-Restaurant: Seraphina Frost contributes a unique and mystical dimension to
Elysium's Embrace. As a Tremere, her skills in blood magic and occult rituals enhance the bar-
restaurant's mysterious allure. She is instrumental in crafting and maintaining protective wards that
shield the establishment from unwanted supernatural attention. Seraphina's presence adds an extra
layer of security, ensuring that the delicate balance between vampire and human patrons is maintained,
and the Masquerade remains intact.


1. Occult Knowledge: Seraphina possesses an extensive understanding of supernatural

phenomena, ancient lore, and mystical traditions. Her knowledge contributes to the coterie's
ability to navigate the intricacies of the hidden world they inhabit.

2. Mystical Insight: Seraphina has an innate ability to sense and interpret supernatural energies.
This skill aids the coterie in detecting potential threats or disturbances within Elysium's

Ambitions: Seraphina's ambitions are entwined with her thirst for occult knowledge. She seeks to
delve deeper into the secrets of Thaumaturgy, unravel ancient mysteries, and uncover hidden truths
within the vampire society. Additionally, she harbors a desire to strengthen the Tremere's influence in
the city, positioning them as formidable players in the intricate tapestry of vampire politics.


1. Loss of Control: Given the intricate nature of blood magic, Seraphina fears the potential
consequences of losing control over her mystical abilities. The unpredictable nature of
supernatural forces poses a constant source of anxiety for her.

2. Betrayal: As a member of the Tremere clan, Seraphina is acutely aware of the political
dynamics within the vampire hierarchy. The fear of betrayal, either from within her own clan or
from external forces, lingers in the background, shaping her decisions and alliances.

Seraphina Frost's character adds a layer of mysticism and strategic importance to the coterie. Her
magical prowess not only contributes to the defense of Elysium's Embrace but also introduces
intriguing possibilities for the unfolding narrative
Seraphina Frost, drawn to Elysium's Embrace due to its mystical history, discovers that the bar is built
upon a sacred place with potent mystical energies. For personal gain and knowledge, she has been
researching this sacred site, uncovering its secrets. One day, she stumbles upon a shocking revelation –
a ward she placed to contain the mystical energies had unexpectedly dropped, resulting in a chaotic
release of power. This event triggered a surge of power that affects the surrounding area, causing
disturbances in the natural world and risking exposure of the supernatural to unsuspecting humans.
Animals in the vicinity reacted erratically, and nearby objects displayed telekinetic activity during the
release of mystical power. This chaotic event catched the attention of mortals posing a significant
threat to the Masquerade. Fearful of the repercussions, Seraphina decides to keep the incident a secret.
She understands that admitting her lapse could not only damage her standing within the Tremere clan
but also expose her to suspicion and potential danger for her life

Seraphina Frost in Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition (V20):

Clan: Tremere
Generation: 10th
Nature: Visionary
Demeanor: Confidant


• Physical:

• Strength: 2
• Dexterity: 2
• Stamina: 2
• Social:

• Charisma: 3
• Manipulation: 3
• Appearance: 2
• Mental:

• Perception: 3
• Intelligence: 4
• Wits: 3


• Talents:

• Alertness: 2
• Subterfuge: 2
• Intimidation: 2
• Skills:

• Occult: 4
• Etiquette: 2
• Knowledges:

• Academics: 3
• Investigation: 2
• Medicine: 2


• Dominate: 2
• Thaumaturgy: 2 (Path of Blood)


• Generation: 3
• Resources: 2
• Herd: 1


• Conscience: 3
• Self-Control: 4
• Courage: 3

Willpower: 6

Merits and Flaws:

• Occult Library: Seraphina has access to a vast occult library that provides a bonus die on
relevant knowledge rolls.

• Supernatural Taint (Flaw): Seraphina's association with blood magic has left a mystical
mark, making her more susceptible to supernatural detection.

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