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FAMILY TRICHOGRAMMATIDAE Parasitic hymenopteran family

1. These are very minute insects with three segmented tarsi.

2. Fore wings are broad with rows of microscopic hairs.
3. They are not strong fliers and passive fliers (move along with the wind) Forewings are stubby and paddle-shaped, with a long
fringe of hinged setae around the outer margin to increase the surface area during the downstroke.
4. Trichogramma sp. are the egg parasitoids parasitizing the eggs of several insects belonging to order Lepidoptera.
1. Antennae is long with typically 16 or more segments. Ovipositor is long and extruded permanently.
2. Presence of trochantellus on hind femur.
3. 2m-Cu cross vein is present in forewing.
4. Eriborus trochanteratus is an exotic larval parasite of coconut black headed caterpillar.
1. Antennae is long with typically 16 or more segments.
2. Ovipositor is long and extruded permanently.
3. 2m-Cu cross vein is absent in forewing.
4. Bracon brevicornis is an important gregarious larval ecto-parasitoid of many lepidopterans.

trochantellus An additional segment in the legs of Hymenoptera which occurs between the
trochanter and the femur,
1. Small to medium-sized insects, typically measuring between 5 and 15 millimeters in length. They are known for
their distinctively long and slender bodies. Ensign wasps are often black or brown in color, and some species may
have patterns or markings on their bodies.
2. They carry the gaster (compressed and short) almost like aflag and hence the common name Ensign wasp.
3. Antennae is well inserted above the clypeus.
4. Long and abrupt petiole.
5. These wasps are parasitic in nature, with the females laying their eggs in the ootheca (egg cases) of cockroaches.
The larvae of ensign wasps then feed on the developing cockroach eggs, eventually killing them. e.g. Evania
1. Minute to small metallic coloured insects.
2. Hind femur stout and swollen with rows of short teeth.
3. Ovipositor is short and straight.
4. Brachymeria sp. are important parasitoids of coconut black headed caterpillar, Opisina arenosella.

the enlarged part of the abdomen behind the pedicel in hymenopterous insects (such as ants) -
Antennae is well inserted

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