Vincent Dusk

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Vincent Dusk:

Background: Vincent Dusk's mortal life was one of hardship and struggle, born into poverty and
raised in the gritty underbelly of New York. His tenacity and street smarts caught the attention of a
Brujah named Dominic Rage, who saw in Vincent the potential for a formidable ally. After a fateful
encounter, Dominic Embraced Vincent, introducing him to the world of vampires and unleashing his
latent Brujah nature.

Role in the Bar-Restaurant: Vincent serves as the bouncer and security enforcer at Elysium's
Embrace. His Brujah nature makes him well-suited for handling unruly patrons or potential threats,
ensuring the safety of both vampires and humans within the establishment. While Eva focuses on the
artistic and social aspects of the bar-restaurant, Vincent's presence adds a layer of physical security
crucial in maintaining order.


1. Combat Prowess: Vincent is skilled in hand-to-hand combat, a reflection of his Brujah

lineage. His physical prowess and quick reflexes make him an effective guardian for Elysium's

2. Streetwise: Growing up in the harsh environment of the streets, Vincent possesses an acute
understanding of the city's underbelly. This knowledge is valuable for navigating the darker
aspects of the vampire society and dealing with potential threats.

Ambitions: Vincent's ambitions are rooted in securing a stable and peaceful existence for himself and
Eva within the vampire society. He aspires to build a life where they can coexist without constantly
being embroiled in the political machinations and power struggles that often define the undead world.
Beyond personal aspirations, Vincent harbors a protective instinct towards Eva and the coterie. He
aims to ensure their safety in the face of external threats, whether from rival vampires or the potential
fallout of the framing conspiracy.


1. Loss of Control: Vincent's Brujah nature sometimes brings forth uncontrollable bursts of anger
and aggression. He fears losing control and causing harm to those he cares about, especially

2. Betrayal: Having experienced betrayal in his mortal life, Vincent fears being betrayed by those
he trusts. The possibility of betrayal within the coterie or from Eva is a haunting concern.

Vincent Dusk's character adds a layer of grounded strength to the coterie, balancing Eva's elegance
with raw power. His connection with Eva introduces a compelling dynamic, and his skills contribute
significantly to the security and stability of Elysium's Embrace
Relationship with Eva Nocturne: Vincent's path crossed with Eva Nocturne when he rescued her
from a perilous situation involving a rival vampire faction. This shared experience forged a deep and
passionate connection between them. Their relationship became a cornerstone of stability and support
as they navigated the complexities of unlife together.

Clan: Brujah
Generation: 11th
Nature: Survivor
Demeanor: Bravo


• Physical:

• Strength: 4
• Dexterity: 3
• Stamina: 3
• Social:

• Charisma: 2
• Manipulation: 2
• Appearance: 2
• Mental:

• Perception: 3
• Intelligence: 2
• Wits: 3


• Talents:

• Alertness: 3
• Brawl: 4
• Intimidation: 3
• Skills:

• Streetwise: 3
• Firearms: 2
• Melee: 2
• Knowledges:
• Investigation: 2
• Politics: 1
• Finance: 1


• Celerity: 2
• Potence: 1
• Presence: 1


• Generation: 3
• Resources: 2
• Retainers: 1 (A ghoul enforcer to assist Vincent in security matters)


• Conscience: 2
• Self-Control: 3
• Courage: 4

Willpower: 7

Merits and Flaws:

• Bruiser: Vincent excels in physical confrontations, gaining an additional die on all Brawl rolls.

• Short Fuse (Flaw): Vincent is prone to bursts of anger, resulting in a penalty on rolls to resist

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