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You are attached to the

illusion that this body and

mind is the I.
You do not know that this
is an illusion.
You believe it’s real, and
because you believe it’s
real you suffer accordingly.
Simply observe what's
going on in the body and
the mind and do not attach
yourself to it.
Treat it as the neighbour's
mind body complex.
You have to let go mentally
of all attachments to the
illusion that this body and
mind is the I.
And you must still your
being. Allow your being to
be placid, like a motionless
When you reach your
Source, reality comes of its
own accord.
Sink to your source by
letting go of the waves and
currents of the body and
Then, happiness comes of
its own accord. Peace
comes of it own accord.
Love comes of its own
accord. Freedom comes of
its own accord. These
things are synonymous.
They happen when you
discard the garment of the
body and mind. Be naked
and still. The body and
mind come from the
darkness. Attach to the
darkness and you
experience darkness.
It's sitting by yourself,
becoming quiet, sinking
deeper and deeper within
yourself, until something
You will discover
something amazing. You
will discover that you are
the imperishable Self and
not this little body mind
complex that is swung by
Samsara. That you are
never born and you can
never die. Birth and death
are of the darkness. You
will discover that you're
omnipresence, omniscient,
omnipotent. That there are
no others. There is no
world. There is no universe.
There is no time. All these
are created of the darkness.
There is only the Self.
This will give you a feeling
of freedom, of bliss, of
happiness, of wholeness.
You will always be
awareness. You will
always be pure
intelligence for
that is your real inner
nature. You will
always be blissful.
You have lifted yourself up
above (or sunk under) the
gross world of body mind
complex into the heavenly
world of pure consciousness
and you will be at peace.
We're not trying to
exchange bad for good,
they're two sides of the
same coin of the body
mind complex. We are
trying to become
completely and totally
free of the suffering of the
body and mind. It's a
completely different
I am talking about
becoming pure bliss, pure
consciousness while
embodied in the darkness.
Ultimately you're the
watcher and your real nature
is freedom. When you dettach
your consciousness from your
mind you're in a completely
different universe.
The goal is to distance
your being from the body
mind complex.
Do not analyze, do not
name, do not classify, just
The feeling will come to
And one day you will feel
the answer that there is only
I-am, being, freedom, bliss,
consciousness, existence,
they are all synonymous.
And you will feel your Self
not as a body or mind but
as omnipresence. You will
realize everything. There is
no word to use.
It's beyond words, beyond
thoughts. Words and
thoughts are rooted in the
It comes to you. It's like
you wake up,
it's like you've been asleep
for all these years then all
of a sudden you awaken
and you know.
You just wake up from the
Right now you react to the
body, you react to the
mind. You feel your
emotions. You feel pain.
You feel hurt. You feel
anxiety, fear. But when
you wake up all these
feelings are gone. You
realize the illusion, the
dream, and you are no
longer that.
When a situation appears
that usually evoke fear or
anger, you feel nothing
because you are detached.
An emotion requires a
closed circuit. Attachment
to body mind complex
closes the circuit and an
earthly emotion is formed.
You will no longer look at
time. Time is rooted in the
darkness. You will just do
whatever has to be done.
You will have no
attachment. Keep your
being on your freedom,
on your absolute reality
and then you will see
what happens.
Your true Self is shining.
You can not feel it because
you look into the darkness
and imagine the illusion that
you are this body and mind.
So you keep the clouds from
dissipating. As soon as you
turn towards the light, the
clouds of the thought
streams will dissipate once
again and your sun will
shine through and
everything will be resolved.
When all of that has gone,
the sun will shine by itself.
Just observe your body
and mind. Do not react to
it. Do not try to correct it.
Just observe it. And the
process will take care of
itself. You will know what
to do. All will become
The whole secret is to be
dettached from your mind.
To keep yourself from
steering the thoughts of the
You want to become your
being and the fastest way to
do that is by observing your
thoughts dettached,
watching your thoughts,
becoming the witness to
your thoughts without being
carried away by them.

Fighting your thoughts is

futile. You must go to the
source of it all. It is the "I am
this body and this mind" root
Relax and soften this root by
dettachment and thus all
manipulative and anxious
thoughts become futile.
As we said before, do not
attach yourself to what your
person, place, time is going
through. Keep your being
above it, dettached. We have
no choice in the matter.
Whatever is going to happen
will happen. So relax into
your being.
Your mind will undergo
what Samsara has destined
it. You can fight it or
surrender, that is also
predetermined. Only
dettachment is the key to
"Samsara is a taskmaster
for the foolish and the
servant to the wise,"
meaning, if we in the level
mentally of body and
mind, we will suffer and
become our task Master.
But if we lift our being
away from the condition
and we keep our being on
the absolute reality, we will
not suffer no matter what
the person, place, time is
going through.
Right now you feel bound
to person, place, time.
When you become free your
person, place, time will no
longer hinder you even
though you may appear to
still be in it. You will feel
omnipresence. The whole
universe will be you and
you will be in bliss all the
Just imagine how peaceful
you feel when your being
is not carried away by the
mind thinking.
Emptiness is not no thing.
It is called emptiness
because it
means nothing exists as it
appears to the body and
mind. But there is
something, a mysterious
power that is an
embodiment of love,
compassion, peace,
happiness, joy, bliss.
The finite can never
comprehend the infinite.
Do not think about it, if
you think about it you
spoil it. Do not just try to
understand this with your
finite mind, you cannot.
So what do you do?
You simply become your
Self, by dettachment.
You leave the world
alone. You leave things
alone, you leave people
alone, you leave your
mind and body alone. So
you say, "How can I
exist? I have to go to
work? I have to mix with
people? I have to make
decisions?" Have no fear.
Your body and mind
will do all those things,
but it'll be different. You
will understand totally
that you are not the body
and mind. Your body
came to this earth to do
something and it will do
its job. You have
absolutely nothing to do
with it. You have been
trapped in this body
mind complex. Stop
fighting, stop trying to
make things happen,
keep your being on your
Self. In other words, do
not allow your self to go
outward into the body
and mind.
All of a sudden you
find peace, pure
happiness comes by
Always watch, always be
aware, always watch
yourself, watch how you
react, watch how you
watch the kind of thoughts
that come to you. Be aware
of all these things and the
more aware you become the
more body mind illusion
When the being is quiet,
everything happens by
itself. When the being
follow the mind, the
world becomes real and
terrible for you because
you are not of this
Whatever is supposed to
happen is going to happen,
it's all preordained, just be
happy and peaceful inside.
The complex of person,
place, time, is the husk
and all is preordained, so
reacting to it does not alter
it, it only drives you
peripherally away from
the Center and into the
If you understand a little bit
of your real nature, that you
are Spirit, that you are
absolute intelligence, infinite
wisdom inside this mind-
body complex husk. If you
dwell in that, that alone will
become your reality. And
everything else undesirable
will vanish.
I'm not saying that the
world will change. You will
just acquire a different
perception of this world in
which you live. Everything
will become quite neutral
and you will stop fighting,
you will stop trying to make
things happen or resisting
what is. Yet the average
person may say, "If I did
not make things happen, I
will get nowhere. Nothing
will happen." On the
contrary, it has been known
by spiritual Masters
throughout the ages, when
you become quiet, when
you stop
thinking abnormaly, when
you become quiescent,
thoughtless, the husk will
be lead and guided to what
it has to do in Samsara.
Your soul was trapped in
a husk in this earth. It will
follow through all the
person, place, time steps
that was preordained for
her, no matter what you
think or do.
This is all karmic. Your job
and your mission is
becoming the Self.
I know it sounds strange.
You still think and feel, if I
do not research my work, if
I do not plan, if I do not
think about it, it will not get
done. But you are sitting in
a theater with a rigid script
and all your actions and
emotions do not affect the
script, they are only part of
the script. This part you
should remove from the
This only happens when you
understand, I am not the
doer, not the body, not the
mind. As long as you believe
you are the doer, you have to
struggle, you have to fight,
you have to compete and you
have to straighten things out,
to react. But as soon as you
realize, I am not the doer. I
didn't ask to be born, I didn't
choose to go through this
position, to have the parents
I had, to grow up where I
grew up, this is all the
karmic trap.
And if all these were chosen
for you, how come now
things are not being chosen
for you in exactly the same
manner? What has changed
from then to now? Only the
seed of awareness has
developed but it is trapped
in the body-mind husk, the
attachment. The same power
that made all this will
continue the making of you
now. Will put you in
your karmic place. Your
job is to focus your
attention on the Self.
What is the Self?
The Self is your real
nature, that's what you
are. The Self is
consciousness. What is
Consciousness is the power
that is conscious of itself. It
is self-contained, it is
What have you been
reacting to? The mind goes
out and sees problems and
you try to resolve them in
your mind and outward.
You cannot. Your mind
looks out and tells you
"This is bad, this should be
changed." Or "This is good,
this must be preserved or
achieved". But this is the
And it is not that you can
resolved the problem, not at
all. It's like trying to figure
out, what came first the seed
or the tree? You never get
anywhere, there's no solution.

There's no adequate solution

in trying to resolve anything
in the outside. It is only the
mind telling you that there is
negative to solve or
something positive to hold.
The great secret of course is
to: Leave the world
alone, go within your
Self and there you will
find happiness, joy and
To whom do you
surrender? To the source,
the Self. And you stop
attachement to body or
mind husk. You become
calm, in the face of all
adversity. It makes no
difference what
is facing you. You become
happy, peaceful and calm.
Everything will be burnt
out. All your karma. All
the samskaras. Everything
that has ever disturbed
you will be gone and you
will be free. And you will
realize that all is well and
everything is unfolding as
it should. And there are no
Look for nothing. Attach
youself to non-existance
and you will find peace
within yourself. Abide in
the Self and leave the world
alone. Everything will come
in due time. Do not look for
a time, again. You shouldn't
say to yourself, "All of
these years have been
wasted. I've gone astray."
On the contrary, everything
is right. The fruit is
maturing and protected
inside the husk till due time.

You have the freedom of

going within and finding
yourself. Your job is just to
watch, to observe, to look
and not to react. If you can
do that you'll be safe. When
you wake up, it's like
you’re the Master of the
universe. The universe can
no longer scare you, you
have reached beyond it. It
can no longer frighten you
no matter what happens.
And you will have a feeling
of immortality, of freedom.
You will feel and know that
you were never born, that
you do not exist and that
you do not disappear.
Your being will be inactive.
It will be still, quiet,
quiescent no matter what
occurs in the body or mind.
And you'll live
spontaneously. All will go
well with you, because the
world will no longer have
the power to scare you or
to frighten you or to sadden
you in any way.
Bliss, sat-chit-ananda,
absolute reality cannot be
comprehended by the finite
mind. You have to
experience that state. There
are no words to describe it.
The mind cannot
comprehend the infinite.
The husk can not see
the fruit.
You begin to notice that
you're becoming very
peaceful, very calm. You
become happy for no reason
whatsoever. This comes all
by itself, because your
being is not attached to
thoughts. And you have
nothing to do with it. You
have not slowed your
thoughts down or stopped
them. This is an
important point to
You have not slowed your
thoughts down, not you
whatsoever. You have done
absolutely nothing, except
to disattachment from your
body and mind. Allow
thoughts to be, do not fight
thoughts internally. Do not
try to change the thoughts,
it is futile and meaningless.
It is just enough to detach
yourself from it, and allow
it. It makes no difference if
the thought is good or bad,
they're both impostors. In
reality there is no good,
there is no bad, there is
just IS.
Allow the thoughts to come
whatever they are. Do
absolutely nothing. It makes
no difference what the
thoughts are. Let them
come, no matter how much
they seem to frighten you,
no matter how powerful
they appear to be. Let them
come. Why do the thoughts
come? They are the result of
the "I am this body, I am
this mind" thought. Until
you deal with the root
thought, it is futile to deal
with the twigs. Once the
root is uprooted, the twigs
disappear by themselves.
Enter the Silence Know who
you are once and for all.
YOU are that which was
never born, which will not
prevail, and can never die.
YOU are That which is
beyond all concepts, all
reasoning, all thoughts. YOU
are That which has always
existed as PURE
That which is not female or
male, which is neither good
nor bad, which is neither
right or wrong, which just



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