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We bought a zoo

We started a movie two lessons before and the movie’s title is We Bought a Zoo. I like this movie,
because the most of the actors and actresses very famous and likeable who plays in the movie, for
example Scarlett Johansson and Mat Damon, I like both of them. The main characters are Benjamin
Mee (the father), Dylan Mee (the son) and Rosie Mee (the daughter). The movie’s story had
happened in real life too, so it’s about a true story.

Benjamin Mee decides, that he wants a new and fresh start in his and his children’s life. They lost
their mother six months ago, all of the is mourning. His son Dylan is verry depressed about this, he
draws verry disappointing draws, some of the is horrible. The little sister Rosie doesn’t seem very sad,
but I think she misses her mother too. They were looking for a new house and then they found the
perfect house with a zoo. Rosie really liked it; Dylan wasn’t very happy when he got to know that. In
the zoo the zoo stuff is very friendly. They have an enemy too, the principal, he wants to close the
zoo, but our main characters won’t let it!

I hope the Benjamin and Kelly will come together, Dylan and Lily too. I am very curious that what will
happen with the bear, I think he needs bigger space, I hope that he will be happy like he was in the
forest. I am looking forward to continue the movie.

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