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MODULE 1 | Assignment -1



Interpretation of Monuments Man 2014: Movie/ Documentary

1. Is it required to understand history, if yes? Interpret the meanings from the given

Ans. History links mankind to its origin. Our identity lies in our past. Further, to understand the
value of any subject, it is necessary to also look at its origin, which is found in our history.
Our culture is preserved through remembering our history. Moreover, history belongs to no
one but everyone. In the most uncertain times we cling to our culture, our values, and the
enduring lessons learned by past generations. The past illustrates stories of resilience in the
most challenging periods of our history, and we can look at them for guidance during our
darkest hours.

This apt answer to the question above is given in one of the scenes in the movie where
George Clooney discourses his men about how a piece of art is worth more than a
human life. “This is our history, It is not to be stolen or destroyed, but to be held up and

2. How does culture play a role to preserve the identity of humankind’s existence?
Support your narrative in reference to the documentary.

Ans. Culture creates a sense of oneness and belongingness to the members of a given group.
We are seen as social creatures since we rely on one another to survive. We have a natural
need for a sense of the community. Our culture offers us this sense of community and aids
in character development.

We remember our history through the art and culture left behind by our ancestors.The movie
depicts the same aspects but in a broader and much real sense. One of the scenes that
depicted this was the Madonna and child left in the Church of Bruges, one of its kind,
sculpted by Michelangelo. Ronald Balfour (named as Donal Jeffries in the movie), the art
historian who was aware of this fact, insisted on protecting the masterpiece for the entire of
France, and even lost his life in doing so. During the movie, we also see the Commander
quoting, “The Madonna is as much mine as Napoleon's”. Madonna served as a one of the
cultural icons for the rich history of Michelangelo’s lifetime achievements. The Monuments
Men do not rest until they find the statue of Madonna and Child.

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