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DCI Consortium
doo 21000 Serbia City Novi-Sad
Strit Jovana Cvijica 46
ID Poruke: 18034617

№ 2988
“25” January 2024
Sub: report

We, DCI NOVOTECH CENTRE has Serbian jurisdiction, hereby state and confirm with
full legal and corporate responsibility that we are ready, willing and able to sell and
deliver the following commodity.

Wherein In accordance with the instructions SGS Oman company has arranged
laboratory test on samples submitted.

Scope of intervention:
To arrange analysis of the samples submitted to us for the parameters reported below.
Description of Sample (as stated): Iron based Laterite sample.
The lab has performed analysis and reported the results as follows:

N Parameters Method Unit Results

1 Total Fe2O3 IS 2000 % 61
2 Silicas as SiO2 IS 2000 % 24,85
3 Alumina AL2O3 IS 2000 % 14,28
4 Calcium as CaO IS 5949 % 0,36
5 Magnesium as MgO 0,08
IS 5949 %
6 Titanium dioxide as Tio2 IS 2000 1,04
7 Manganese as MnO 0,31
8 Nickel as NiO AAS % 1,35
9 Phosphorus as P2O5 IS 2000 0,11
10 Sodium as Na2O AAS % 0,076
11 Potassium as K2O AAS % 0,015
12 Sulphate as SO3 ASTM C 0,049
471M %
13 Chromium as Cr AAS % 0,48
14 Arsenic as As (Acid Extractable) AAS 6,1
15 Moisture ISO 3087 % 5,45
16 Loss on ignition ASTM C 114 % 6,27

Attached photo of raw iron ore (samples taken)

best regards,
Vladimir Popov Director

Attached photo of raw iron ore (samples taken)

DCI NOVOTECH CENTRE DOO NOVI SAD Account number 0053700046717

DCI Consortium
doo 21000 Serbia City Novi-Sad
Strit Jovana Cvijica 46
ID Poruke: 18034617

Attached photo of raw iron ore (samples taken)

DCI NOVOTECH CENTRE DOO NOVI SAD Account number 0053700046717

DCI Consortium
doo 21000 Serbia City Novi-Sad
Strit Jovana Cvijica 46
ID Poruke: 18034617

DCI NOVOTECH CENTRE DOO NOVI SAD Account number 0053700046717

DCI Consortium
doo 21000 Serbia City Novi-Sad
Strit Jovana Cvijica 46
ID Poruke: 18034617

Attached photo of raw iron ore (samples taken)

Note: Analyses were done on air dried basis except moisture’s WARNING: The
sample(s) to which the findings recorded herein (the "Findings") relate was (were)
drawn and/or provided by the Client or by a third party acting at the warranty of the
sample's representativeness of any y goods and strictly relate to the sample(s).

best regards,
Vladimir Popov Director

DCI NOVOTECH CENTRE DOO NOVI SAD Account number 0053700046717

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