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REVIEW and properties of four key processes that deter-

mine the distribution and diversity of life on
Earth: speciation, dispersal, persistence, and
Building mountain biodiversity: extinction (Table 1). The emergence of the Andes,
for example, influenced plant diversification and

Geological and evolutionary processes evolution in South America in at least four dif-
ferent ways: (i) by creating a region of novel, high-
elevation habitats for species; (ii) as a dispersal
Carsten Rahbek1,2,3*†, Michael K. Borregaard1†, Alexandre Antonelli4,5, barrier to lowland organisms, splitting popu-
Robert K. Colwell1,6,7, Ben G. Holt1, David Nogues-Bravo1, lations east and west of the mountain range, as
Christian M. Ø. Rasmussen1,8, Katherine Richardson1, Minik T. Rosing9, well as internally in valleys and peaks; (iii) as a
Robert J. Whittaker1,10, Jon Fjeldså1,7 north-south corridor for species dispersal; and
(iv) as a modifier of environmental, hydrolog-
Mountain regions are unusually biodiverse, with rich aggregations of small-ranged species ical, and mineralogical conditions in the rest of
that form centers of endemism. Mountains play an array of roles for Earth’s biodiversity the continent, through montane effects on the
and affect neighboring lowlands through biotic interchange, changes in regional climate, climate system and as a source of mineral com-
and nutrient runoff. The high biodiversity of certain mountains reflects the interplay of ponents released by continued erosion and
multiple evolutionary mechanisms: enhanced speciation rates with distinct opportunities weathering (12, 13).

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for coexistence and persistence of lineages, shaped by long-term climatic changes The impact of mountain regions on bio-
interacting with topographically dynamic landscapes. High diversity in most tropical diversity extends far beyond their topographical
mountains is tightly linked to bedrock geology—notably, areas comprising mafic and limits, often affecting entire continental biotas.
ultramafic lithologies, rock types rich in magnesium and poor in phosphate that present For example, although the Andes region is in
special requirements for plant physiology. Mountain biodiversity bears the signature of itself the most biodiverse region on Earth, Andean
deep-time evolutionary and ecological processes, a history well worth preserving. orogeny is also considered a key driver for the
buildup of biodiversity across all of South America

(13). Over roughly the past 10 million years,
ountains are topographically complex Mountain regions, especially in the tropics, are Andean orogeny has changed the regional to-
regions formed by the interplay of tec- home to aggregations of small-ranged species (6) pography repeatedly, forcing the Amazon drain-
tonic and volcanic processes. They are that form highly diverse centers of endemism. age basin to change its course. These changes
intrinsically unstable systems, under- These aggregations cannot be predicted from altered gene flow across the Amazonian low-
going substantial changes in response underlying global patterns of species richness lands, affecting both terrestrial and aquatic bio-
to tectonic, erosional, and climatic processes over (7) or by models that are based purely on con- geography (14). Mountain regions may also play
geologically short time scales. The interaction temporary ecological conditions (3). One possi- a role as sources of new evolutionary lineages
of mountain substrates, life forms, and climate ble explanation is that statistical models have that later colonize lowland regions. Phylogenetic
systems—at a range of spatial scales—establishes not adequately captured the high spatial hetero- and biogeographical reconstructions reveal an
diverse and distinct montane environments (1–4). geneity of ecological and environmental varia- Andean origin for many Amazonian species, in-
These environments are transient, and their on- bles characteristic of mountains (3). However, cluding plants (12), amphibians (15), and tan-
going changes drive the splitting and subsequent current mountain diversity may also bear the agers (16).
isolation of species ranges, evolutionary adapta- signatures of deep-time evolutionary and eco- The influence of specific mountain ranges on
tion to changing conditions, and consequently, logical processes, driven by changing climate the biodiversity of broader regions and entire con-
population differentiation. These biological pro- over topographically complex landscapes and tinents depends on their geographical location,
cesses create a shifting balance between speci- by biotic interchange with neighboring areas spatial orientation, local biotic context, and history
ation and extinction, in which mountains may (1, 5, 8). The fluctuating dynamics of mountain (2). Thus, the European Alps, oriented east-west,
act as “cradles” (areas of especially rapid species speciation, evolutionary adaptation, dispersal, have been recognized as refugia for cold-adapted
origination), “museums” (areas of especially long- persistence, and extinction may ultimately ex- species but provide insufficient habitat connec-
term persistence of species), and “graves” (areas plain diversity patterns across entire continents. tivity to enable the persistence of many late-
with especially high rates of extinction) for bio- Geological dynamics are increasingly recognized Neogene lineages in Northwestern Europe through
diversity (1, 5). The high levels of richness and as a key driver of these evolutionary processes, the Pleistocene (17). By contrast, the north-south–
endemicity of species on most mountains thus influencing the buildup (and sometimes decline) oriented Rocky Mountains have facilitated latitu-
reflect enhanced speciation, coexistence, and of mountain diversity (1, 2, 4). The fossil record dinal range adjustments, providing dispersal
persistence of evolutionary lineages with distinct allows robust analyses of how species diversifi- corridors during fluctuating climates and boost-
evolutionary trajectories. cation in mountain landscapes has been affected ing the persistence of North American Neogene
by the break-up and merging of lithospheric populations and species through Pleistocene
Center for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate, GLOBE plates, in the context of plate tectonic processes glacial-interglacial climate cycles (18). These pro-
Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. 2Department (9, 10), and by changes in global temperature cesses are often cited to explain why the tree flora
of Life Sciences, Imperial College London, Ascot SL5 7PY, (11). Linking biogeographical dynamics to de- of Western Europe is so depauperate in compar-
UK. 3Danish Institute for Advanced Study, University of
Southern Denmark, Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense M,
tailed reconstructions of mountain formation ison with the tree flora of North America (18).
Denmark. 4Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Surrey TW9 3AE, has become increasingly feasible through such The influence of mountains likely differs among
UK. 5Gothenburg Global Biodiversity Centre, SE-41319 analyses (10). Here, we discuss how evolutionary taxonomic groups. Speciation in plants, for ex-
Göteborg, Sweden. 6Department of Ecology and Evolutionary processes associated with climate history, oro- ample, often reflects adaptations to particular
Biology, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269, USA.
University of Colorado Museum of Natural History, Boulder, CO
genic processes, and the geological composition soil geochemistry and mineralogy (19). In birds,
80309, USA. 8Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of mountain regions shape large-scale geograph- speciation may be more susceptible to the breakup
of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. 9Section for GeoBiology, ical patterns of species diversity. of species ranges that follow narrow elevational
GLOBE Institute, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, habitat bands. These include shifts in the tree line
Denmark. 10School of Geography and the Environment, Key roles of mountains for biodiversity
University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QY, UK.
and the cloud forest belt (20) and the fragmen-
*Corresponding author. Email: Over long periods of time, topographic, geolog- tation of geographic ranges by major rivers (21).
†These authors contributed equally to this work. ical, and geophysical conditions modify the rates For invertebrates, many speciation events are

Rahbek et al., Science 365, 1114–1119 (2019) 13 September 2019 1 of 6

A Orogeny—Creating new species over millions of years

Deep geological time

Mountains are created in Uplift and erosion form Populations evolve to Isolated populations Habitat erosion drives some
different ways, with topographies new, isolated habitats. colonize new niches. evolve into new species, species to extinction. Other
varying in space and time. rejoin, or go extinct. species adapt and survive.

B Dynamic changes in connectivity—Speciation driven by mountain climate cycling

300 Interglacial periods
Composite CO2

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180 Glacial periods

800k years 0
In the Quaternary, climate has Habitats periodically switch Mountains provide refuge during Secondary contact during periods
oscillated between glacial and between being isolated and interglacials, while glacial connectivity of connectivity drives character
interglacial periods. (41) connected. promotes gene exchange and displacement and speciation.
population viability.

Fig. 1. Schematic view of two temporal scales of buildup of mountain diversity. (A) Mountain ranges are tectonically dynamic over millions
of years, leading to isolated changing environments and the long-term adaptation of species colonizing these new habitats. (B) Climatic dynamics in the
Quaternary, induced by Milankovitch orbital cycles, caused habitats and climatic zones to move up and down mountain slopes, repeatedly, on the scale of
tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of years. These movements led to rapid, repeated dynamics of range splitting and secondary contact,
stimulating diversification. [Graph at left is based on publicly available data (41).]

likely to follow plant specialization linked to the creating zones of rain shadow or persistent isolated lineages and some that originated from
production of specific metabolites. mist, with a strong filtering effect on species recent radiations. The relative contribution of
communities (2). these two groups to mountain diversity varies
Evolutionary processes in mountains During the past ~2.6 million years, the cli- greatly among mountain regions [compare Fig. 2
Mountains are hotbeds of speciation, influenced matic cyclicity of the Quaternary has impelled with (3), figure 3]. Badgley et al. defined specific,
by geological and climatic dynamics over deep dynamic shifts in habitat connectivity that stim- testable predictions from three (nonexclusive)
time. Mountains can form during both compres- ulated speciation in certain groups (Fig. 1B) (25). models for the occurrence of radiations in topo-
sion and stretching of the lithosphere. Orogeny— These changes are linked to the Milankovitch graphically complex landscapes: (i) Active tec-
mountain building—typically includes tectonic eccentricity cycle, with a periodicity of around tonic dynamics drive speciation, (ii) speciation
stacking of lithosphere domains of diverse age, 100,000 years, possibly amplified by the ~41,000- is constantly elevated in the habitat mosaic of
origin, and composition, including upducted year obliquity cycle, and are further thought to topographically complex areas, and (iii) climate-
ocean floor, emplacement of intrusive magmatic instigate cyclic, climate-driven habitat changes driven immigration stimulates speciation (4). In
bodies, and building of surface volcanic struc- that drive temporally rapid “species pumps” an empirical study of North American rodents,
tures. Mountains are thus lithologically and (10, 25, 26). Vegetation belts moved upslope Badgley and colleagues found some support for
topographically heterogeneous regions. Evo- during warm and wet interglacials, leading to the the first and third scenarios (4). In a recent global
lutionary radiations of species are often associ- fragmentation of populations and genetic diver- analysis, Antonelli et al. also found a substantial
ated with phases of active uplift, suggesting that gence. As temperatures dropped again in glacial effect of mountain relief on species diversity,
orogenic processes play a role in driving diversi- episodes, vegetation belts moved downslope, forc- although with relatively weak effects of erosion
fication (Fig. 1A) (14, 22, 23), principally through ing secondary contact of populations, leading to and erosive potential, which are otherwise forma-
the recurrent formation, connectivity, and dis- founder effects, disruptive selection, and char- tive influences within geologically dynamic land-

appearance of habitats within mountain ranges acter displacement, thus creating the conditions scapes (2).
(Fig. 1A) (24). Orogenic dynamics, including sur- classically associated with allopatric speciation.
face uplift and formation of intermontane basins In a process-based simulation model of range dy- Mountains—Cradles, museums, or
and subsequent erosion, create shifts in hydro- namics in South America, Rangel et al. recently graves of diversity?
logical catchments, river flows, and nutrient found support for these predictions, with the Andes Stebbins (27) famously asked whether species
fluxes. These processes change soil composition acting as an episodic species pump (Fig. 1B) (5). diversity in the tropics is so high because the
and nutrient levels, driving adaptation of plants At large spatial and temporal scales, these tropics are cradles (areas of especially rapid
and their associated biota in new habitat types. processes can yield very different distributions species origination) or museums (areas of es-
Mountain formation also affects local climate, of species, some that descended from ancient, pecially long-term persistence of species). Other

Rahbek et al., Science 365, 1114–1119 (2019) 13 September 2019 2 of 6


metaphors have since been added (Table 1), in- only are home to several recently diversified terrain, such as the Andes and Southeast Asia, are
cluding the notion of graves to describe geog- species clusters with high phylogenetic related- home to a high-elevation biota characterized by
raphical areas with especially high rates of ness but also host many old, relictual lineages a small number of lineages adapted to colder
extinction. Identification of graves from con- aggregated in centers of endemism (30). The environments. These few lineages may become
temporary distribution data or fossils remains combination of both cradle and museum effects regionally very species-rich as a product of
elusive. However, their existence, location, and appears crucial to the emergence of the Andes as rapid, local diversification (31). In the Andes, this
timing have been predicted with process-based the most diverse region on Earth (3). process may have occurred more repeatedly than
simulation models (28) of geographical range Whereas the Andes have high numbers of in Southeast Asia. By contrast, the Afromontane
dynamics through time, driven by simulated both early divergent and recently derived species, regions and the Atlantic Rainforest mountain
paleoclimates (5). the mountain regions of Southeast Asia are pri- region of South America both show a greater
For the most diverse tropical mountains, it marily occupied by species that are recently de- predominance of early divergent species.
appears that the answer to Stebbins’s question rived (Fig. 2). A plausible explanation for these In a simulation of temporal range dynamics of
is that mountains are both cradles and muse- regionally distinct patterns is that tropical moun- the South American biota, cradles derived from
ums (Fig. 2C) (29). To exemplify, the Andes not tain ranges with very high peaks and more rugged Andean founders (each simulation began with one
initial “seed” species) were found to be concentrated
along the Andean slopes, whereas graves tended
to be at lower elevations in the upper Amazon
Table 1. Proposed biogeographical roles of mountains, the key processes involved, their Basin (5). By contrast, biotas derived from At-

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underlying mechanisms, and examples of outstanding research questions. lantic Forest founders had a much higher spa-
tial coincidence of cradles and graves. These
results align with the view that topographic
Role of Process Mechanism Exemplar questions
complexity and elevational climate gradients
promote range fragmentation and act as cradles,
Cradles Speciation Fragmentation of species What drives adaptive diversification while at the same time acting as museums by pro-
and ranges, with potential in mountains, and how important viding climatic refugia from extinction (5, 26, 32).
diversification for local adaptation of is nonadaptive speciation? The simulations also revealed that the spatial
populations positions of cradles, museums, and graves can
Innovation Adaptive Adaptive response of isolated Do higher environmental ultraviolet be dynamic, changing shape, size, and intensity
hubs radiation populations in a heterogeneous levels directly affect mutation rates? over time and in response to Quaternary climate
environment to local selection Do localized, distinctive soils cycles (5). These temporal and spatial dynamics
generate speciation cascades?
imply that inferring cradles or museums on the
Elevators Dispersal Passive movement of species How can we differentiate between
basis of the current distributions of extant young
and old lineages may be misleading.
(passive) and their substrates from passively uplifted species and
lowlands caused by surface those actively dispersed? Geological heterogeneity
..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... and biodiversity
Corridors Dispersal Continuous linkage of similar What are the relative contributions
The potential importance of mountain geology,
(enhanced) highland habitats of local recruitment versus including the mineralogical composition of
long-distance dispersal to high- substrates, has been highlighted in recent work
elevation biotas?
..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... (1, 2, 4). Mountain substrates generally differ
Barriers Dispersal Vicariance of lowland species, How can we test this substantially from those of surrounding lowland
(blocked) preventing further gene hypothesis, given basins, which are frequently dominated by eroded
exchange uncertainties in materials derived from the mountains and depos-
paleoclimatic models, ited in valleys and plains. Mineral composition and
molecular data, and nutrient levels in the soil affect plant physiology,
geological reconstructions?
vegetation composition, primary productivity, and
Reservoirs Maintenance Persistence of species during How do species persist on consequently, species diversity. In addition, moun-
climate change by tracking mountains with limited possibility tain regions with a high level of geological heter-
their climate niche through for elevational migration or ogeneity are likely to support higher levels of
elevational range shifts discordant shifts in temperature species spatial turnover and local endemic forms,
and precipitation? particularly among plants. However, empirical
Refugia Maintenance Mountains acting as sources How representative is the Last
studies that establish a relationship between
to restock lowlands after Glacial Maximum for the role of
diversity of edaphic conditions and plant species
diversity are scarce, and little is known about
episodes of climate-driven mountains as refugia in the
how edaphic heterogeneity affects diversity at
extinction context of previous glaciations?
..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... higher trophic levels.
Museums Maintenance Collapse of once-larger How important is
In a recent global analysis, which also con-
ranges, leaving remnant climatic and topographic
firmed the classic correlation of species diversity
populations in favorable complexity for the with topographic relief and climate (3, 33, 34),
mountain microclimates persistence of lineages?
..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Antonelli and co-workers found correlations of
Sinks Extinction Local extirpation due to How does the role of sinks vary species richness of mammals, birds, and amphib-
patchy habitat availability with latitude?
..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ians with both long-term and short-term erosion
Graves Extinction The failure of species to How important will mountaintop rates and a measure of soil diversity (2). Al-
disperse to suitable climates extinctions be, compared with though the association was generally weaker
or adapt, under changing human-induced landscape changes? than the correlation of richness with climatic
variables, soil heterogeneity was consistently a
significant predictor of richness across multiple

Rahbek et al., Science 365, 1114–1119 (2019) 13 September 2019 3 of 6

biogeographical regions of the world. Antonelli
A Early divergent species
and co-workers suggested that soil heterogene-
ity underlies fine-scale habitat turnover, creat-
ing new habitats and ecological opportunities,
increasing local and regional species richness.
In Fig. 3, we further explore the relationship
between species diversity and bedrock hetero-
geneity, as measured by the number of major Species richness
categories of bedrock that are represented with-
in each mountain region.
Geological heterogeneity, simplified in this
way, does not explain much of the variation in 200
total species richness and fails to account for
the high richness of small-ranged species that 0
is characteristic of mountains at low latitudes
[compare Fig. 3A with (3), figure 3]. This dis-
connect may imply that the way rock classes B Recently derived species
translate into ecologically relevant soil proper-

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ties is substantially more complex than captured
by our simple classification. An ecologically rel-
evant special case is the presence or absence
of mafic and ultramafic rocks (Fig. 3C). Soils
originating from ultramafic rocks have a well-
described effect on plant adaptations and di- Species richness
versity. Their unusual geochemistry, with high
magnesium content and low availability of phos- 400
phorus (35), demands specific adaptations and
slows growth rates for plants. The vegetation of 200
serpentine soils, which form on ultramafic bed-
rock, is highly specialized and generally woody,
with high levels of phenols and lignin in leaves,
driving secondary effects on the cycling of nu-
C Overlap
trients in the decomposition of leaf litter. Serpen-
tine soils pose strong selective filters for plants,
excluding many groups but fostering radiations
of clades that tolerate these soils (36). Ultimately,
habitat heterogeneity, patchiness, and specialized
dietary adaptations of herbivores may impel spe-
ciation cascades in these habitats across all major 250 500
groups of organisms, including vertebrates. 500
Mapping the global occurrence of larger, con- 500

tiguous mafic and ultramafic rock domains in 200 250
mountain regions (Fig. 3B) reveals that all hy-

perdiverse mountain regions are rich in such


rocks. Intercalated mafic and ultramafic rock Basal

domains often form part of ophiolites, slivers
of oceanic lithosphere upducted and emplaced Fig. 2. Global richness pattern of early divergent and recently derived species in mountain regions.
within continental orogens during plate collision. (A) The number of early divergent birds, mammals, and amphibians, defined as the 25% of species that
Emplacement of ophiolites is thus an integral are separated from the crown node of their class in the molecular phylogeny by the smallest, ranked node
part of the orogenic processes that form cordil- distance. (B) The number of recently derived species among the 25% with the largest, ranked root
leran mountain chains. Ultramafic and mafic distance from the crown node. (C) The overlap of early divergent and recently derived species reveals
rock, mostly associated with ophiolites, underlie which mountain regions represent museums (purple), cradles (green), or both (red). Light blue areas have
>5% of the dark red area in Fig. 3B. low richness of both groups. Distribution and phylogeny data are from Holt et al. (42), and mountain
Almost all the most biologically diverse moun- regions are as defined in Rahbek et al. (3). The classification into early divergent or recently derived was
tain regions have three features in common: done independently for each class, and values for all three classes were added to give the depicted total.
high rock diversity, presence of upducted oceanic
lithosphere, and a geographical location in the
humid tropics (Fig. 3C). By contrast, mountains might influence the production and maintenance animals. Soil geochemistry affects plant metab-
with low rock diversity and without ultramafic of species richness. olism and may increase the production of sec-
components, even in the mesic tropics, tend to be The high turnover of distinct habitat patches ondary metabolites, with plants on these soils
relatively species-poor. Mountain regions with- created on geologically heterogeneous surfaces, investing heavily in chemical and physical defenses
out oceanic lithosphere components show little even within the same local climate, might con- against herbivores. Such adaptive challenges
relationship between biodiversity and rock diver- tribute substantially to the process of population- facing the plant-dependent fauna may stimu-
sity, regardless of climatic zone. Understanding splitting and differentiation that characterizes late a higher rate of adaptive divergence among
the geochemical contrast between continental mountain speciation dynamics. Plant character- consumers during phases of population isola-
and oceanic lithosphere components may thus istics on soils derived from emplaced ultramafic tion and thus precipitate locally extremely high
be key to understanding how bedrock geology rocks may also pose challenges for herbivorous rates of diversification, as seen in nectarivores

Rahbek et al., Science 365, 1114–1119 (2019) 13 September 2019 4 of 6


A are paving the way for accurate reconstructions

of geological dynamics, thus creating a strong
foundation for testing evolutionary theories on
the origin and maintenance of mountain diver-
sity over time. Combined with genomic sequenc-
ing, these approaches may allow inference of the
timing, and perhaps even the location (by using
Number of environmental ancient DNA), of changes in ef-
rock types
fective population sizes and genetic bottlenecks.
4 The next generation of geologically and evolution-
3 arily explicit models may, in this way, radically
2 change our understanding of biotic evolution
1 and resolve the historically contentious debate
over the extent to which ecological and evolution-
ary processes, historical contingency, or simply
B stochasticity and time shape the diversity and
distribution of life on Earth.
The idea that heterogeneity in geological sub-

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strate properties may directly affect evolution
is still based primarily on circumstantial evi-
dence, supported by statistical patterns with
weak or mixed correlations with diversity (as
Mafic and in Fig. 3) (1, 2, 4). Quantifying the specific geo-
ultramafic rock logical variables that are biologically relevant
and distinguishing topographic from geochem-
(> 5% of polygon area) ical effects remain open challenges for estab-
Uncommon lishing causality. Alternative, process-based
(0-5% of polygon area) explanations should be sought in the inter-
actions between individual mountain regions
and other components of the Earth system,
C 2500 All species 500 Small-ranged species especially the atmosphere and the oceans. An
Mesic tropical emerging conjecture is that mountains are hubs
2000 400 of innovation to such a degree that Earth’s
Species richness

Subtropical and
arid tropical biodiversity would have been completely differ-
1500 300
ent in the absence of high mountain regions.
Temperate and arctic For example, do mountains in the tropics pro-
1000 200
> 5% mafic and vide exceptional environmental conditions that
500 100 ultramafic rocks encourage fixation of mutations and drive local-
ized adaptive change in plants, in turn driving
0-5% mafic and speciation cascades (the speciation of one group
0 0
ultramafic rocks leading to speciation in other groups)? Flenley
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Number of rock types Number of rock types suggested that the higher ultraviolet B levels on
tropical mountain peaks might directly affect
DNA, causing a high rate of mutation and lead-
Fig. 3. Mountain geology and vertebrate diversity. (A) Geological diversity, quantified by
ing to evolutionary innovation (40). According to
categorizing rocks on the basis of mineral composition and depositional setting, and counting the
this hypothesis, climatic warm periods that drive
number of categories occupying at least 5% of the area of each mountain region. Categories are (i)
species upslope, such as interglacials, should be
siliciclastic and (ii) carbonate sedimentary rocks, (iii) metamorphic rocks, and (iv) felsic and (v) mafic
followed by increased levels of speciation.
igneous rocks.The map shows counts, not categories. (B) The occurrence of mafic and ultramafic rocks,
A growing consensus holds that models that
most commonly derived from upducted oceanic lithosphere in mountain regions. Soils formed on
explicitly incorporate geological and ecological
these rocks have distinct geochemical properties that require specialized plant metabolism. (C) Richness
dynamics must take as their starting point the
of all species and of the 25% of species with the smallest ranges, for mountain regions, as a function
holistic view that all of these processes, acting at
of geological diversity, climate band, and the widespread occurrence of mafic and ultramafic rocks.
different temporal and spatial scales, shape con-
Points show the mean value for each category. The richest mountain regions of the world are geologically
temporary patterns of biodiversity. The looming
diverse mountains in the tropics with ultramafic rocks. Mountain regions follow Rahbek et al. (3), and
challenge is to incorporate these insights within
the geological data were compiled from sources at
a unified model that generates predictions that
can be tested with independent data.
(such as hummingbirds) and frugivores (such as on islands in the Indo-Pacific (38). Although
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