Implement and Test Network System

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LO4: Implement test and

diagnose networked systems

Higher National Diploma in

Unit1: Networking

Done by: Thajudeen Mohamed


Unit Lecturer: Shakir Moulana

Table of Contents
1 Definition of IP Address ...................................................................................................... 4
2 Classes of IP Address .......................................................................................................... 5
3 Static IP Address ................................................................................................................. 7
3.1 Steps to Configure the Static IP Address ..................................................................... 7
4 Dynamic IP Address .......................................................................................................... 11
5 Steps of File Sharing Process ............................................................................................ 12
6 Expand the Network Design ............................................................................................. 14
7 Pinging Process Method ................................................................................................... 15
8 Data Transmission Media Involving in Our Institute (LAN) .............................................. 17
8.1 Simplex ...................................................................................................................... 17
8.2 Half-Duplex ................................................................................................................ 17
8.3 Full Duplex ................................................................................................................. 17
9 More Security Requirement of our Institute Network ..................................................... 18
10 References .................................................................................................................... 20

Table of Figures

Figure 1 Step 01 (Configure the Static IP Address) .................................................................... 7

Figure 2 Step 2 (Configure the Static IP Address) ...................................................................... 8
Figure 3 Step 03 (Configure the Static IP Address) .................................................................... 8
Figure 4 Step 4 (Configure the Static IP address) ...................................................................... 9
Figure 5 Step 5 (Configure the Static IP Address) .................................................................... 10
Figure 6 Step 6 ()Configure the Static IP Address .................................................................... 11
Figure 7 Step 6 (Configure the Static IP Address) .................................................................... 11
Figure 8 Step 1 (File Sharing Process) ...................................................................................... 12
Figure 9 Step 2 (File Sharing Process) ...................................................................................... 13
Figure 10 Step 4 (File Sharing Process) .................................................................................... 13
Figure 11 Step 3 (File Sharing Process) .................................................................................... 13
Figure 12 Expanded institute Diagram .................................................................................... 14
Figure 13 Step 1 (Pinging Process) ........................................................................................... 15
Figure 14 Step 2 (Pinging Process) ........................................................................................... 15
Figure 15 Step 3 (Pinging Process) ........................................................................................... 16
Figure 16 Not working pinging process ................................................................................... 16

LO4: Implement test and diagnose networked systems

In this report, I am going to discuss about some of things related to LO3 and Unrelated. First
of all, if you take the IP address, it is the most receiving point of the network. This IP address
can be found on any device that works in conjunction with the network. You can see that IP
address mention is also done in the network of the educational institution I drew the diagram
in LO3.

Accordingly, I will give a full description of the IP address in this report. Such as, how IP address
is defined, classes of IP address, explanation about it an importantly how can we configure
the IP in our computer. Further, I will discussion about pinging process, file sharing process
with relevant screenshot. Also, I will explain how to expand the network made in LO3 and
what additional security can be provided.

1 Definition of IP Address

IP addresses are, one of the maximum widely recognized elements that you can discover on
the Internet. Each site page you visit, any PC you work from, and even the routers you
associate with have one of these addresses. IP means "Internet Protocol". It is treated as the
name of a correspondence protocol through the network says. At that point then again you
have the IP address, which is the number you pick or is allocated to you inside the network,
and which is the Internet's method of realizing who will be who. This protocol has the capacity
of setting up correspondences between all the devices that attempt to identify with one
another on the internet. That is, we could contrast it with a postal service.

The IP address resembles the "License plate" of a vehicle or the ID number of an individual. It
is a code that will distinguish identify user who is browsing any network, and it is the internet's
method of realizing who will be who, be it a domain or a PC. A device will not be able to
establish communications with anyone if it does not have one of these addresses. The
purpose for an IP address is to extraordinarily recognize and find each device on an internal
or external network. It is a number that identifies an interface, which can be both a PC and a
cell phone or whatever other electronic devices that associates with the internet.

The IP is normally prepared up of four numerical blocks of up to three digits, called octets,
which are divided by periods. The values of each block can vary between 0 and 255 and be
one digit, two or three. For example, an IP can be:

(whatismyipaddress, 2020), (Mitchell, 2020)

2 Classes of IP Address

According to its class When assigning IP addresses to a network, the size and needs of the
network are considered, so there are 3 main types of IP addresses:

i. Class A

Those classes that require a large number of IP addresses, due to the number of hosts they
comprise. These types of classes are assigned a range of IP addresses identified by the first
octet of the IP, in such a way that they have the next 3 octets to assign addresses to their
hosts. Its first byte has a value between 0 to, inclusive. The resulting number
of addresses is very high, more than 16 million, so class A correspond mainly to government
agencies, large universities, etc.

ii. Class B

These class that require a middle number of IP addresses to connect all their hosts to the
Internet. These types of class are assigned a range of IP identified by the first 2 octets of the
IP in such a way that they have the other 2 following octets to assign addresses to their hosts.
Its first two bytes must be between 128 to, so the resulting number of
addresses is 64,516. Class B networks correspond mainly to large companies, government
organizations or medium-sized universities, etc.

iii. Class C

These are requiring a small number of IP addresses to connect their hosts to the Internet.
These types of networks are assigned a range of IP identified by the first 3 octets of the IP, in
such a way that they have a single octet to assign addresses to their hosts. Its first 3 bytes
must be between 192 to The resulting number of addresses is 256 for each
of the networks, so these correspond mainly to small companies, local organizations, etc.

There are certain addresses in each class of IP address that are not assigned and are called
private addresses.

i. Class A private IPs: to make it probable to make large private
networks that include thousands of computers.

ii. Class B private IPs: to allow the creation of small size
private networks.

iii. Class C private IPs: to make it possible to establish small
private networks.

(computerhope, 2020), (Jithin, 2016)

 I have also used the Class “C” IP for educational institution. In addition, this kind of
IP address is used by small companies and small educational institutions. It is used
for networking by 3 octets and for 1 octet hosts. The IP addresses of the educational
institution are and Using Firewall for Security Two Institute
IP Addresses are used for the Institute.

3 Static IP Address

Those assigned permanently or permanently to a specific host, so when a machine with this
type of IP connects to the network, it will always do so with the similar IP address. They are
normally used by web servers, routers or machines that must be permanently connected to
the network, and in the case of static public IP addresses, they must be contracted, generally
from an ISP (Internet Service Provider).

(Fisher, 2020)

3.1 Steps to Configure the Static IP Address

1. Start by opening the control panel. There, go to Network> Network and Sharing

Figure 1 Step 01 (Configure the Static IP Address)

2. Then find your connection settings on the left and click on it.

Figure 2 Step 2 (Configure the Static IP Address)

3. Then you can see your connection status. After that click on the “Properties”

Figure 3 Step 03 (Configure the Static IP Address)

4. After that Select the “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)”. After select Double click
on it.

Figure 4 Step 4 (Configure the Static IP address)

5. Then change into “Use the Following IP address”

Figure 5 Step 5 (Configure the Static IP Address)

6. After that filling the space using the IP address like this:

IP Address: (This IP address is the receiver computer IP address)

Subnet mask: (“C” Class)

Default gateway: (This IP address is our computer IP Address)


You do not need to enter an alternate DNS server. In most cases, only the preferred DNS
server will be used. Then select Validate configuration on exit and click OK. As a last step,
restart your computer. This should finalize your changes. You have now configured a static IP.

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Figure 6 Step 6 ()Configure the Static IP Address

Figure 7 Step 6 (Configure the Static IP Address)

4 Dynamic IP Address

Those that are dynamically assigned to the hosts that want to connect to the Internet and do
not have a fixed IP. A typical example of this type of IP address is that of an Internet
connection via modem. The ISP has a set of IP to assign to its clients, so that when one of
them connects via modem, it is assigned one of these IPs, which is valid for the duration of
the connection. Each time the user connects, he will do so with a different IP address.

(noip, 2020)

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5 Steps of File Sharing Process

I’m currently sharing a song folder with my friend through the file process.

After configuring the Static IP as we did above, the next step is to:

1. First go to your file location and select folder that you want to share (Song Folder)
then right click on it and select the “Give access to” and click on it.

Figure 8 Step 1 (File Sharing Process)

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2. After that, click on the “Specific people”

Figure 9 Step 2 (File Sharing Process)

3. After that click the “Share” button. Then finally the file was shared.

Figure 11 Step 3 (File Sharing Process) Figure 10 Step 4 (File Sharing Process)

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6 Expand the Network Design

Now I’m going to expand the institute network I did in LO3. Because, the institute manager
asked me to connect more fax and printer. That means keeping the old design and expanding.
I have added fax and printer to the diagram. You can see it below

Figure 12 Expanded institute Diagram

In this diagram I have attached a new one to replace the old switch. It has 24 ports. This is
because if the old switch is found, all the ports in it will be usable. Nothing left to be found.
Sometimes it can be difficult to connect a new device. That is why I have used a switch with
24 ports.

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7 Pinging Process Method

This process use to check whether the packets are moving or not. So, below we will see how
to check our network packets are moving or not.

1. As a first step, open the “Command prompt (CMD)” in your computer.

Figure 13 Step 1 (Pinging Process)

2. Then type as “Ping” + Network IP Address of other devices (I used to type my router
IP address. Because I connected the router with my computer.)

Figure 14 Step 2 (Pinging Process)

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3. After few seconds, it will show packets are moving or not. My one was worked.

Figure 15 Step 3 (Pinging Process)

The image below displays a non-working pinging process. Error “Request Time Out” can be
seen in the show. This is because I entered the wrong IP address.

Figure 16 Not working pinging process

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8 Data Transmission Media Involving in Our Institute (LAN)

8.1 Simplex

In this medium in our LAN design, if one computer user can transmit a file from another
computer user/ receiver. At the similar time, that receiver doesn’t send any file to sender
(Computer user).

In detail, file can transmit sender to receiver only. So, that is Simplex. For example, Computer
– Printer

8.2 Half-Duplex

Half-duplex permits transmission in the both directions. in any case, transmission can just
happen toward one direction at a time. Both transmitter and receiver share a solitary
frequency. Namely, after file/data send from sender, after that the receiver can transmit
file/data back to sender.

In our LAN design, we can take the server. If a computer requests a file to server, then it will
transmit that request file.

8.3 Full Duplex

Full-duplex transmission permits transmission in the both directions, however at the similar
time on a same channel. There are two frequencies, one to communicate and one to receive.
For example, a telephone call

In our LAN design, we can take an example of, if a computer (user01) can access the another
computer’s data (User02). At the similar time, User02 can access the user01’s data.

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9 More Security Requirement of our Institute Network

1. Using an Anti-Virus Card

There are many types of antiviruses on the internet. Not everything is very secured. So we
can protect our computers by purchasing a proper Antivirus with a license and installing it on
our institute computers. This will prevent viruses from infecting institute computers through
the internet or anything else.

2. Passwords

Providing passwords can also protect our institute devices (Router, computers, so on).
Importantly, avoid giving the same kind of passwords for everything completely. Because, if
someone finds the passwords of a device, other devices can easily have accessed.

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I learned a lot of things through this assignment. Because, I failed to get complete clarity when
it happened in the practical session. Such as pinging process, file sharing methods and how to
configure the IP address. But, complete knowledge is got when implementing them all within

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10 References
computerhope, 2020. computerhope. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 12 10 2020].

Fisher, T., 2020. lifewire. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 13 10 2020].

Jithin, 2016. interserver. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 12 10 2020].

Mitchell, C., 2020. investopedia. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 12 10 2020].

noip, 2020. noip. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 13 10 2020].

whatismyipaddress, 2020. whatismyipaddress. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 12 10 2020].

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