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Effect of vitamin D on bone

morphometry and stability of
orthodontic tooth movement in rats
,a Isabelle Villemure,b,c Florina Moldovan,a,b
Marie-Pascale Gratton,a Irene Londono,b Pierre Rompre
and Clarice Nishio
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Introduction: Vitamin D (VitD) maintains bone health and may influence orthodontic tooth movement (OTM).
The objective was to evaluate the VitD effect on bone morphometry and the rate and stability of OTM.
Methods: Thirty-two male Sprague Dawley rats were assigned into 2 experimental groups, treated with VitD
by gavage (systemic) or injection (local), and 2 respective control groups treated with phosphate-buffered
saline for 47 days. OTM was performed for 7 days with a nickel-titanium coil bonded between the maxillary
first molar and incisors. Microcomputed tomography scanning was performed at 5 time points: before
administration of VitD, the start of OTM, the end of OTM, 7 days post-OTM, and 30 days post-OTM. The rate
and stability of OTM were assessed. Bone morphometry was analyzed by bone mineral density, bone
volume/total volume, total porosity, trabecular pattern factor, structure model index, and connectivity density.
Results: The systemic VitD group showed a lower OTM rate and a lower relapse than the control (P \0.05).
It also demonstrated increased bone mineral density, bone volume/total volume, and a decrease in total porosity
(P \0.05). The bone structure appeared more fragmented and presented a lower connectivity density than the
control (P \0.05). No statistical difference was found between VitD local administration and the other groups for
the rate and stability of OTM or bone morphometry. Conclusions: The systemic administration of VitD caused a
decrease in the OTM rate by generating more bone resistance but also contributed to a lower relapse with a
higher bone mineral density. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2022;162:e319-e327)

he orthodontic tooth movement (OTM) is essen- reversible and diminished histologic damage, reduced
tially initiated by biomechanical forces that induce pain, and stable outcomes.1,3,5,6
bone remodeling.1-4 When a force is applied to a The exact mechanism by which orthodontic force is
tooth, mechanical, chemical, and cellular processes converted into a cellular response is not well understood
occur in the periodontal tissues allowing structural and is difficult to predict in terms of OTM rate. In ani-
alterations and contributing to the movement of the mals and humans, teeth subjected to the same appli-
tooth.3-6 The use of a light force is generally ances and forces showed to move at varying rates.7,8
recommended to achieve optimal bone remodeling by Numerous factors can influence the bone quality, the
inducing relatively rapid tooth movement with rate, and the stability of OTM. These include the pa-
tient’s age, potential growth, the biomechanical forces,
the severity of the malocclusion, and the role of certain
molecules present in specific drugs or food. The com-
Faculty of Dentistry, Universite de Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
CHU Sainte-Justine Research Center, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
bined effect of the mechanical forces with these mole-
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Polytechnique Montreal, Montreal, cules can be either additive, synergistic or inhibitory.3,4,6
Quebec, Canada. Patients may consume hormone, vitamin, or mineral
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of
Potential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported.
supplements during orthodontic treatment. Because
This work was supported by the American Association of Orthodontists some of these drugs may affect the OTM in the short
Foundation. and/or long term, it is essential to better understand
Address correspondence to: Clarice Nishio, Oral Health Department, Faculty of
Dentistry, Universite de Montreal, 3525 Chemin Queen Mary, Montreal, Quebec,
their mechanisms of action and subsequent effects on
Canada H3V 1H9; e-mail, bone remodeling during OTM. Vitamin D (VitD) (active
Submitted, January 2022; revised and accepted, August 2022. metabolite, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D) is part of fat-
Ó 2022 by the American Association of Orthodontists. All rights reserved.
soluble secosteroids and plays a fundamental role in bone metabolism. This vitamin regulates the intestinal

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e320 Gratton et al

absorption of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphate, and A total of 32 male Sprague Dawley rats weighing 250
zinc. Its receptors are present not only in active osteo- g (Charles River, Saint-Constant, Quebec, Canada) were
blasts and osteoclasts but also in their inactive precur- randomly distributed into 4 groups: experimental
sors. There are several forms of VitD, but the main 2 gavage (EG), control gavage (CG), experimental injection
are vitamins D2 (ergocalciferol) and D3 (cholecalciferol), (EI), control injection (CI) (Fig 1). Gavage served as sys-
also known collectively as calciferol. In the liver, vitamin temic administration, whereas the injection was used
D3 is converted into calcifediol, whereas vitamin D2 is as local administration. VitD administered in both exper-
transformed into 25-hydroxyvitamin D2. Although imental groups was in the form of calcitriol solution
both can be ingested from the diet and/or supplements, (1a,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3; Sigma-Aldrich Canada
the major natural source of VitD is dermal synthesis from Co, Oakville, Ontario, Canada). Isoflurane gas (2.5%-
sunlight, specifically ultraviolet B radiation. However, in 3.5%) was used as an anesthetic for all procedures in
North America, a deficiency of VitD is especially marked this experiment, except for gavage.
during winter because of the short days and the lack of The rats of the EG group received a daily solution of
sun exposure. An economical and simple solution to vitamin D (50 ng/mL) by gavage in a volume varying
remedy this condition is the use of VitD supplements.9-17 from the rat’s body weight (100 ng/kg).2 The rats in
To date, the effect of VitD on OTM is contradictory. the CG group received daily by gavage a phosphate-
Although some studies on VitD have demonstrated buffered saline (PBS) solution (0.1 M, pH 7.2) in an
that VitD increases the rate of OTM,1,5,17-22 others equivalent dose to the volume of VitD solution adminis-
suggested that it may not influence tooth movement tered for the rats of the EG group. The rats of the injec-
after the orthodontic force is applied.23,24 There is also tion groups (EI and CI) received a submucosal injection
a lack of evidence regarding its influence on the long- every 2 days in the anterior and palatal region of the
term stability of orthodontic treatment and its ability maxillary right first molar. The volume of 20 mL injected
to reduce the risk of relapse. at each dose was constant for the entire experiment
This study aimed to evaluate the influence of VitD, duration for both groups. The rats in the EI group
administered systemically or locally, on bone morphom- received a solution of VitD (1 3 10 10 M),18 whereas
etry and OTM rate and stability in both the short and the rats in the CI group received the PBS solution.
long term. A closed nickel-titanium coil of 50 cN force was
bonded between the maxillary right first molar and
the incisors of each rat at T1 (Fig 2). Metallic ligatures
were attached around those teeth and fixed with fluid
This research project has been approved by the Ethics composite. The OTM was carried out only on the maxil-
Committee of Universite de Montreal for Experimenta- lary right side. The contralateral side was left intact and
tion on Animals (protocol no. 17-045; 18-016). The an- used as control. To manage pain, rats received 3 subcu-
imal procedures were carried out according to the taneous doses of 50 mL of buprenorphine (0.03 mg/mL,
Canadian Council on Animal Care at CHU Sainte- Vetergesic) during the first 24 hours (at the time of sur-
Justine Research Center. gery, the night of the surgery day, and the morning

Fig 1. Sample distribution: an experimental and a control group were used for systemic and local

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Gratton et al e321

Fig 2. Schematic representation of OTM: coil installation (50 cN) between the maxillary incisors and
the right first molar.

Fig 3. Experimental schedule. Micro-CT scan was performed at each time point.

after the surgery). The coil was removed after 7 days of with DataViewer software (version; Bruker). The
OTM. Rats were fed a soft diet during the whole OTM was evaluated by measuring the shortest distance
experiment. (mm) between the molar surfaces in sagittal and occlusal
The experiment took place over a total of 47 days, views (Figs 4, A and B).
during which 5 time points of data were collected (Fig The alveolar bone morphometry assessment was
3). In vivo microcomputed tomography (micro-CT) scan- calculated from coronal sections perpendicular to the
ning (17.48 mm/pixel; SkyScan 1176 Bruker, Kontich, midline with horizontal maxillary bone. A region of in-
Belgium) was performed before the first administration terest (ROI) was selected with a predetermined length
of VitD or PBS (T0); immediately before the installation (3.85 mm) starting from the most mesial contact of
of the coil for OTM, 10 days after T0 (T1); the day of the the maxillary right second molar forward toward the first
removal of the coil, after 7 days of OTM (T2); 7 days molar. The roots of the teeth were excluded from the ROI
post-OTM (T3); and finally, 30 days post-OTM (T4). (Fig 4, C). The following parameters were analyzed: bone
The measurements at T3 and T4 were used to determine mineral density (BMD; %), percent bone volume/total
the early (T3-T2), late (T4-T3), and total (T4-T2) relapse volume (BV/TV; %), total porosity (Po(tot); %), trabec-
of OTM by comparing the data with those of T2 (total ular pattern factor (Tb.Pf; 1/U), structure model index
range of OTM). The rats were killed at T4 by carbon di- (SMI) and connectivity density (Conn.Dn; 1/U3).25
oxide inhalation under isoflurane anesthesia.
On each micro-CT scan day, a calibration phantom Statistical analysis
was also recorded at the same conditions to analyze The sample size of 8 rats for each group was based on
the bone mineral density (BMD) of the samples. The previous studies.5,18,26 Mean 6 standard deviations
reconstruction (version, NRecon; Bruker, Kon- were calculated, and values were ranked in ascending or-
tich, Belgium), analysis, and 3D model creation were der. Ranks were used for statistical analyses. Wilcoxon
performed using the software of SkyScan (version signed rank tests were used to compare OTM between, CT-Analyzer, SkyScan; Bruker). Then, cuts in the right (coil) and left (no coil) sides for each rat. The
occlusal and sagittal views perpendicular to the contact following differences were calculated for each rat:
between first and second maxillary molars were obtained T2-T0, T3-T2, T4-T3, T4-T2, and T4-T0. Comparisons

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e322 Gratton et al

Fig 4. Assessment of OTM: the smallest distance between the maxillary first and second molars in
occlusal (A) and sagittal (B) views. The cuts were adjusted perpendicular to the interdental space be-
tween those teeth. C, Example of a coronal section of the maxillary bone surrounding the right first
molar. The red is the selected ROI used to extract the bone morphometry parameters.

between groups for OTM rate (T2-T0) and overall relapse comparisons were statistically significant (P \0.05) for
(T4-T2), as well as the ratio between the 2, were per- all groups, except for EG occlusal, CI occlusal, EI occlusal
formed with nonparametric analysis of variance (AN- and sagittal. These results confirmed the efficiency of the
OVA)-type statistics27 with 1 independent variable coil used in this experiment to generate an OTM on the
(groups). Early (T3-T2) and late (T4-T3) relapse were right side, whereas the interdental distance on the left
compared with nonparametric ANOVA-type statistics side remained stable over time.
for repeated measures with relapse as a within-subject Inter-rat pairwise comparisons were made between
variable (early, late), groups as an independent variable, the experimental and control gavage groups (EG-CG),
and the relapse by group interaction. Comparisons be- experimental and control injection groups (EI-CI), and
tween groups regarding bone morphometry parameters experimental gavage and injection groups (EG-EI).
for T2, T4, T2-T0, T4-T2, and T4-T0 were performed These assessments revealed statistical differences were
with nonparametric ANOVA-type statistics with 1 inde- found between CG and EG groups in occlusal view at
pendent variable (groups). Intraexaminer and interexa- T2-T0 for OTM rate (26%; P 5 0.0395) and at T4-T2
miner reliability was assessed with the intraclass for overall relapse (28%; P 5 0.0293) (Fig 5). OTM
correlation coefficient. A P value of \0.05 was consid- rate and overall relapse for the CG group were greater
ered statistically significant. All statistical analyses than for EG, which means that the systemic administra-
were performed using SPSS (version 25; IBM, Armonk, tion of VitD was associated with a lower amplitude of
NY) and SAS (version 9.4; SAS Institute, Cary, NC). OTM and lower relapse after the end of OTM. No statis-
tical difference was found between the other groups (EI-
RESULTS CI; EG-EI) for OTM rate and stability in occlusal or
OTM and its relapse were assessed by calculating the sagittal views. The local administration of VitD did not
difference between interdental distances measured at affect the OTM rate and stability compared with the local
each time point. Although OTM corresponds to T2-T0, administration of PBS control solution. Moreover, both
relapse was measured in 3 different moments: early types of administration of VitD were comparable in
relapse (T3-T2), late relapse (T4-T3), and overall relapse terms of OTM rate and stability.
(T4-T2). The intraclass correlation coefficients were The ratio of the relapse amplitude (T4-T2) to the OTM
strong for both intraexaminer (0.979 occlusal; 0.951 (T2-T0) between groups was compared in occlusal view,
sagittal) and interexaminer (0.898 occlusal; 0.907 sagittal view, and their mean. The statistical significance
sagittal) views. was tested with nonparametric ANOVA-type statistics
Intra-rat assessments were used to compare OTM be- with 1 independent variable (groups). There was no sta-
tween the right (coil) and left (no coil) sides for each an- tistically significant difference between the groups for
imal. Statistically significant differences were found for occlusal ratio (P 5 0.171), sagittal ratio (P 5 0.848),
each group at T2-T0 (OTM), T3-T2 (early relapse), and and mean ratio (P 5 0.690). Therefore, the 4 groups
T4-T2 (overall relapse) in occlusal and sagittal measure- are similar in terms of the ratio between the amplitude
ments (P \0.05). For the late relapse, T4-T3 of the OTM and that of the relapse.

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Gratton et al e323

Fig 6. Comparison between early (T3-T2) and late (T4-

T3) relapse in occlusal (A) and sagittal (B) views for all
groups. The ANOVA-type statistics for the repeated mea-
Fig 5. OTM rate (T2-T0) (A) and overall relapse (T4-T2) sures test showed greater early relapse than late relapse
(B) in occlusal right view for each group in mm. Statistically for all groups (***P \0.0001).
significant differences were found between CG and EG
groups with the Brunner-Langer method.
was found between T2 and T4. In addition, there was
A nonparametric ANOVA-type statistics for repeated generally no statistical change in BMD during the exper-
measures test was used to compare the early (T3-T2) and iment for either the EI or CI groups.
late (T4-T3) relapse. Statistically significant differences BV/TV (%) is the ratio of segmented bone volume to
were found for all groups in occlusal and sagittal views: the total volume of the ROI.28,29 BV/TV was higher for
early relapse (7 days post-OTM) was more significant the EG group than for the CG group (8%; P \0.0001)
than late relapse (7-30 days post-OTM) (P \0.0001) and EI group (6%; P 5 0.0010) at T4. The overall in-
(Fig 6). No significant differences between groups and crease (T4-T0) was greater for EG than for CG (P 5
no time-group interactions were found. Regardless of 0.0273). All 4 groups showed an upward trend between
the presence or absence of VitD administration, most T2 and T4 (P \0.05) (Fig 7, B). The bone volume ratio
of the relapses after OTM occurred in the first 7 days af- was higher when rats received systemic VitD solution
ter the removal of the coil. Late relapse, calculated past than control systemic solution or local VitD injection.
these 7 days, was minimal compared with the early Po(tot) (%) is the fraction of bone volume not occu-
relapse. pied by bone tissue.29 At T4, the EG group presented a
BMD (g/cm3) is the amount of calcium in the volume Po(tot) lower than CG (36%; P \0.0001) and than EI
of bone material.28,29 BMD was statistically higher for (31%; P 5 0.0010). The overall decrease (T4-T0) was
the EG group than for the CG group at T2 (29%; P 5 more marked for EG than for CG (P 5 0.0273). All 4
0.0050) and T4 (14%; P 5 0.0261). BMD increased groups showed a significant decrease between T2 and
steadily for EG, decreased significantly at T2 for CG T4 (P \0.05) (Fig 7, C). Systemic administration of
(P 5 0.0014), then increased again at T4 (Fig 7, A). VitD contributed to a more significant decrease in
This result showed that the systemic administration of bone porosity, whereas systemic control solution and
VitD seems to be associated with increased bone miner- local administration had less impact on this parameter.
alization. The EI group showed a significant increase in Tb.Pf (1/U) is the trabecular connectivity in the ROI.28
BMD between T0 and T2, but no statistical difference Low values indicate high connectivity and structural

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e324 Gratton et al

Fig 7. Bone morphometry parameters: A, BMD; B, BV/TV; C, Po(tot); D, Tb.Pf; E, SMI; F, Conn.Dn.
The means are compared between groups at T0, T2, and T4. Dotted lines represent the CG and CI;
solid lines represent EG and EI.

integrity (concave structures), whereas high values indi- more fragmented and segmented trabecular pattern and
cate fragmentation and the presence of isolated trabec- more convex structures. The local administration of VitD
ular segments (convex structures). At T4, Tb.Pf was was comparable to the control group in that the Tb.Pf
greater for the EG group than CG (51%; P 5 0.0034) indicated greater connectivity and structural integrity.
and EI (62%; P 5 0.0005). The decrease was smaller SMI is an indicator of the structure of trabeculae.
for EG and greater for CG between T2 and T4 (P 5 Lower values indicate a concave and closed structure,
0.0431). Between T0 and T4, the decrease was smaller whereas higher values indicate a convex and open struc-
for EG and greater for EI (P 5 0.0358) (Fig 7, D). The sys- ture. A value of 0 indicates a plate structure, whereas an
temic administration of VitD was then associated with a absolute value of 3 indicates a rod structure.28-30 SMI

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Gratton et al e325

was higher for the EG group than for the EI group at T4 Human studies are also controversial regarding the
(54%; P 5 0.0031). EG was the only group that did not effect of VitD on the speed of OTM. Varughese et al22
show a significant decrease between T2 and T4 found a significant increase in the amount of canine
compared with the other groups (P \0.05) (Fig 7, E). distalization with a local administration of 1,25-
The systemic administration of VitD was thus associated dihydroxyvitamin D in humans. Shetty et al33 showed re-
with maintenance of plaque structure over time, whereas sults similar to this present animal study, with decreased
the absence of VitD administration and local administra- tooth movement after vitamin D3 injection.33 Tashkandi
tion of VitD was associated with a rod, more concave, et al23 found that normal levels of VitD in saliva allowed
and closed structure. for maximum tooth movement, whereas lower or higher
Conn.Dn(1/U3) is the number of interconnected levels slowed down the OTM. In humans, VitD may or
trabeculae per unit volume. It corresponds to the mea- may not speed up OTM, but physiological levels of
surement of the degree of connectivity of the trabeculae VitD are needed to avoid countereffects.34,35 Tashkandi
normalized according to the tissue volume.28,29 et al23 have suggested assessment of salivary VitD bind-
Conn.Dn of the EG group was lower at T4 than CG ing protein as a marker to predict orthodontic treatment
(76%; P \0.0001) and EI groups (68%; P \0.0001). outcomes.23 Further studies are needed to validate the
This parameter was also higher for EI than CI at T4 effect of vitamin D and its administered dose on clinical
(60%; P 5 0.0029). There was a significant increase be- orthodontic treatment.
tween T0 and T2 for all groups except EG (P \0.05) and Evaluating several bone morphometry parameters al-
a significant decrease between T2 and T4 for all groups lowed us to formulate some hypotheses explaining our
(P \0.05). Overall, Conn.Dn decreased for EG (P 5 results. Our study showed that the systemic administra-
0.0314), and EI (P 5 0.0026) compared with their tion of VitD increased the BMD and the BV/TV and
respective control groups between T0 and T4 (Fig 7, decreased the bone Po(tot). Moreover, it significantly
F). Consequently, systemic and local administration of impacted the periodontal bone structure, changing the
VitD was associated with a decrease in trabecular con- trabecular pattern and producing lower connectivity.
nectivity compared with control groups. At the end of The bone of the EG animals showed more fragmented
the experiment, the degree of connectivity was lower and segmented trabecular patterns, with less trabecular
for the systemic VitD administration than for the local connectivity than the control group. Although the
type, meaning that systemic administration would bone trabeculae were more convex and plate-like in
have a greater impact on this parameter than local the EG group, the animals in the CG group showed
administration. more concave and rod-shaped structures. To our knowl-
edge, these structural changes have not yet been
described in the literature. Varughese et al22 found a sig-
nificant reduction in the overall bone density during
Although previous studies have investigated the in- OTM, but there was no statistical difference between
fluence of VitD on OTM rate,1,5,6,17,20-22 there is a lack VitD injection vs control.22
of evidence regarding the capacity of VitD to change Hashimoto et al36 found that an increase in the SMI
bone morphometry and to reduce the risk of relapse of (plate structure) is related to an increase in BMD and,
orthodontic tooth movement in the long term. consequently, a decrease in OTM and vice versa.36 Plate
In contrast to the other studies which demonstrated structure indicates more rigidity, whereas rods are more
that VitD accelerated OTM rate and increased the num- interconnected, which correlates with the results be-
ber of osteoclasts and osteoblasts in rats,1,5,17-19,31,32 tween the SMI and the Conn.Dn. Although these bone
our study showed that the systemic administration of morphometry parameters decreased the OTM rate by
VitD reduced OTM rate as well as the relapse of the generating more bone resistance, they also contributed
movement. This discrepancy may be due to different pa- to a lower relapse of the OTM by improving the bone
rameters evaluated in each study, such as the duration quality of the periodontal support. These findings sug-
and dose of medication. Furthermore, previous studies gest that VitD may be used as a potential therapeutic
were performed for a shorter period, after which the an- application.
imals were killed, and neither the long-term effects nor The dose of VitD injected locally in this experiment
the relapse was analyzed. The advantage of using mostly did not significantly impact the bone parameters,
in vivo micro-CT imaging is that it allowed us to evaluate except for the degree of connectivity that was more
the relapse outcome and bone morphometry after the reduced over time in the experimental group than in
systemic and local administration of VitD in the same the control group. The trabecular connectivity and
animal throughout the experiment. structural integrity were similar, and the trabecular

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics December 2022  Vol 162  Issue 6
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e326 Gratton et al

bone was concave and rod-like. In addition, the injected affect either the bone morphometry or the rate and
VitD did not change the BMD, BV/TV, and Po(tot). The relapse of OTM.
fact that the bone structure was similar between EI
and CI may explain the absence of a significant differ- AUTHOR CREDIT STATEMENT
ence in the rate and stability of the OTM between these
2 groups. Marie-Pascale Gratton contributed to validation,
It is possible that the lack of significant results within formal analysis, investigation, original draft preparation,
the VitD injection group was due to an insufficient dose visualization, and project administration; Irene Londono
of the vitamin molecule injected in the alveolar bone18 contributed to conceptualization, validation, investiga-
rather than the lack of effect. Further studies should tion, and manuscript review and editing; Pierre Rompre
be carried out to assess this hypothesis. It would also contributed to formal analysis, resources, and original
be interesting to compare different dosages of VitD for draft preparation; Isabelle Villemure contributed to
systemic administration to evaluate the optimal one conceptualization and resources; Florina Moldovan
that could provide the best OTM stability without contributed to resources and manuscript review and ed-
causing side effects. iting; Clarice Nishio contributed to conceptualization,
The excellent intraexaminer and interexaminer corre- methodology, resources, original draft preparation,
lation coefficients obtained with the reconstructed supervision, project administration, and funding
images demonstrated that the method used for acquisition.
measuring interdental distances was reliable and repro-
ducible. Moreover, intra-rat comparisons of the results ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
showed great efficiency of the coil used in this experi- The authors are grateful to the animal facility team of
ment. The absence of significant differences between CHU Sainte-Justine Research Center for helping to carry
the right and left sides for some rats on late relapse (be- out this study and to the Network for Oral and Bone
tween T3 and T4) could be explained by the low ampli- Health Research. Special thanks to Dr Jack Turkewicz
tude of relapse observed after more than 7 days after the for the paper editing.
coil’s removal. Indeed, the results also showed that most
relapses occurred within the first 7 days, which would REFERENCES
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