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Chapter 621 ◆ Central Nervous System Infections 3223

Table 621.1 Cerebrospinal Fluid Findings in Central Nervous System Disorders—cont’d

Amebic (Naegleria) Elevated 1,000-10,000 or more; PMNs 50-500 Normal or slightly Mobile amebas may be
meningoencephalitis predominate decreased seen by wet-mount
microscopy of CSF
Brain abscess Usually elevated 5-200; CSF rarely acellular; 75-500 Normal unless CSF cultures are only
lymphocytes predominate; abscess ruptures positive in 24% of cases
if abscess ruptures into into ventricular unless abscess ruptures
ventricle, PMNs system into ventricular system
predominate and cell
count may reach > 100,000
Subdural empyema Usually elevated 100-5,000; PMNs 100-500 Normal No organisms on smear or
predominate culture of CSF unless
meningitis also present;
organisms found on tap
of subdural fluid
Cerebral epidural Normal to slightly 10-500; lymphocytes 50-200 Normal No organisms on smear or
abscess elevated predominate culture of CSF
Spinal epidural Usually low, with 10-100; lymphocytes 50-400 Normal No organisms on smear or
abscess spinal block predominate culture of CSF
Chemical (drugs, Usually elevated 100-1,000 or more; PMNs 50-100 Normal or slightly Epithelial cells may be
dermoid cysts, predominate decreased seen within CSF by use of
myelography dye) polarized light in some
children with ruptured
Sarcoidosis Normal to 0-100; mononuclear 40-100 Normal No specific findings
elevated slightly
Systemic lupus Slightly elevated 0-500; PMNs usually 100 Normal or slightly No organisms on smear or
erythematosus with predominate; lymphocytes decreased culture. Positive neuronal
CNS involvement may be present and ribosomal P protein
antibodies in CSF
Tumor, leukemia Slightly elevated 0-100 or more; mononuclear 50-1,000 Normal to Cytology may be positive
to very high or blast cells decreased (20-40)
Acute disseminated Normal or ~100 lymphocytes Normal to Normal MRI adds to diagnosis
encephalomyelitis elevated elevated
Autoimmune Normal ~100 lymphocytes Normal to Normal Anti-NMDAR antibody–
encephalitis elevated positive (CSF is more
sensitive than serum)
CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; EEG, electroencephalogram; HSV, herpes simplex virus; NMDAR, N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; PMN,
polymorphonuclear neutrophils.

621.1 Acute Bacterial Meningitis Beyond EPIDEMIOLOGY

A major risk factor for bacterial meningitis is the lack of preexisting
the Neonatal Period immunity to specific pathogens and serotypes, reflected by the higher
Andrew B. Janowski and David A. Hunstad incidence of meningitis in young infants. Additional risk factors include
recent colonization with pathogenic bacteria, close contact (household,
Bacterial meningitis is one of the most serious pediatric infections, as daycare centers, college dormitories, military barracks) with individuals
it is associated with a high rate of acute complications and a risk of having invasive disease caused by N. meningitidis or H. influenzae type
long-term morbidity and mortality. However, the deployment of antibiot- b, crowding, poverty, black or Native American race, and male sex. The
ics and vaccines against the most common causes of meningitis has mode of transmission of these pathogens is through contact with
significantly altered the spectrum of disease that clinicians observe today. respiratory tract secretions or droplets. The risk of meningitis is increased
In the 1980s, the most common causes of bacterial meningitis in children among infants and young children with occult bacteremia; the odds
older than 1 mo of age in the United States were Haemophilus influenzae ratio is greater for meningococcus (85 times) and H. influenzae type b
type b, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Neisseria meningitidis. The (12 times) relative to that for pneumococcus.
incidence of meningitis caused by all three organisms has been signifi- Native American and Eskimo populations exhibit a higher incidence
cantly reduced in countries that have introduced universal immunization of bacterial meningitis because these populations have altered immu-
against these pathogens, and S. pneumoniae is now the most common noglobulin production in response to encapsulated pathogens. Defects
cause of bacterial meningitis in the United States. Demonstrating the of the complement system (C5-C8) are associated with recurrent
impact of vaccination in the United States, invasive H. influenzae disease meningococcal infection, and defects of the properdin system are
occurred in 67-129 cases per 100,000 children under the age of 5 yr in associated with a significant risk of lethal meningococcal disease. Splenic
the 1980s. By 2014, H. influenzae–associated diseases were exceptionally dysfunction (e.g., in sickle cell anemia) or asplenia (caused by trauma
rare; there were only a total of 40 invasive cases in the United States or a congenital defect) is associated with an increased risk of pneumococ-
(0.19 cases per 100,000 children < age 5 yr). cal, H. influenzae type b, and meningococcal sepsis and meningitis.

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3224 Part XXVI ◆ The Nervous System

T-lymphocyte defects (congenital or acquired by chemotherapy, AIDS, in incidence occurs in persons between 15 and 24 yr of age. College
or malignancy) are associated with an increased risk of Listeria mono- freshmen living in dormitories have an increased incidence of infection
cytogenes infections of the CNS. compared with non–college-attending, age-matched controls.
The risk of pneumococcal meningitis is increased in children with
congenital or acquired CSF leak across a mucocutaneous barrier, such Haemophilus influenzae Type b
as a lumbar dural sinus, cranial or midline facial defects (cribriform See also Chapter 221.
plate), fistulas of the middle ear (stapedial foot plate) or inner ear (oval Before universal H. influenzae type b vaccination in the United States,
window, internal auditory canal, cochlear aqueduct), or CSF leakage approximately 70% of cases of bacterial meningitis occurring in the 1st
as a result of basilar or other skull fracture. The risk of pneumococcal 5 yr of life were caused by this pathogen. Invasive infections occurred
bacterial meningitis was historically increased by more than 30-fold in primarily in infants 2 mo to 2 yr of age, the peak incidence was at
children with cochlear implants, though advances in implant design 6-9 mo of age, and 50% of cases occurred in the 1st yr of life. The risk
have reduced this risk. Lumbosacral dermal sinus and myelomeningocele to children was markedly increased among family or daycare center
are associated with staphylococcal, anaerobic, and Gram-negative enteric contacts of patients with H. influenzae type b disease. Currently, many
bacterial meningitis. CSF shunt infections increase the risk of meningitis U.S. medical trainees in pediatrics will likely never treat a patient with
caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus spp. (Staphylococcus invasive H. influenzae type b disease because of the success of vaccination
aureus and coagulase-negative species), Propionibacterium spp., and efforts. Likewise, global vaccination efforts have also lead to remarkable
other lower-virulence bacteria that typically colonize the skin. declines in the incidence of this disease. Incompletely vaccinated
individuals, those in underdeveloped countries who are not vaccinated,
Streptococcus pneumoniae and those with blunted immunologic responses to vaccine (such as
See also Chapter 209. children with HIV infection) remain at risk for H. influenzae type b
Although the incidence of pneumococcal meningitis has been reduced, meningitis.
S. pneumoniae remains the most frequently identified pathogen of
bacterial meningitis in the United States and in other countries that PATHOLOGY AND PATHOPHYSIOLOGY
have adopted similar vaccination strategies. The 7-valent pneumococcal Several gross pathologic changes can be identified in cases of meningitis.
conjugate vaccine (PCV7) was included in the routine U.S. vaccination A purulent exudate of varying thickness may be distributed around the
schedule in 2000 and contained serotypes 4, 6B, 9V, 14, 18C, 19F, and cerebral veins, venous sinuses, convexity of the brain, and cerebellum,
23F, responsible for ~ 85% of invasive pneumococcal infections in the and in the sulci, sylvian fissures, basal cisterns, and spinal cord. Ven-
country. A dramatic decrease in the rate of pneumococcal meningitis triculitis with bacteria and inflammatory cells in ventricular fluid may
followed, from 8.2 cases per 100,000 in 1998-1999 to 0.59 cases per be present (more often in neonates), in addition to subdural effusions
100,000 in 2004-2005. Similar reductions were also identified in other and empyema. Perivascular inflammatory infiltrates may also be present,
nations that introduced this vaccine. However, an increased incidence and the ependymal membrane may be disrupted. Vascular and paren-
of invasive disease caused by serotypes not contained in the original chymal cerebral changes have been described at autopsy, including
vaccine was observed, known as serotype replacement. As a result, a polymorphonuclear infiltrates extending to the subintimal region of
13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) was licensed in the small arteries and veins, vasculitis, thrombosis of small cortical
the United States in 2010, containing the serotypes in PCV7 plus serotypes veins, occlusion of major venous sinuses, necrotizing arteritis producing
1, 3, 5, 6A, 7F, and 19A. Postmarketing surveillance data suggest the subarachnoid hemorrhage, and cerebral cortical necrosis in the absence
rate of invasive pneumococcal infections has decreased further, though of identifiable thrombosis. Cerebral infarction is a frequent sequela that
there are conflicting data as to whether the rate of pneumococcal is caused by vascular occlusion from inflammation, vasospasm, and
meningitis has decreased. Based on data from the CDC Active Bacterial thrombosis. The extent of the infarct may range from microscopic to
Surveillance system, the incidence of invasive pneumococcal infections an entire hemisphere.
has fallen from 142.9 per 100,000 children under age 1 in 1977 to 15.9 Inflammation of spinal nerves and roots produces meningeal signs, and
per 100,000 children under age 1 in 2014. Children with anatomic or inflammation of the cranial nerves produces cranial neuropathies of optic,
functional asplenia secondary to sickle cell disease and those infected oculomotor, facial, and auditory nerves. Increased intracranial pressure
with HIV have infection rates that are 20- to 100-fold higher than those (ICP) also produces oculomotor nerve palsy because of the presence
of healthy children in the 1st 5 yr of life. Additional risk factors for of temporal lobe compression of the nerve during tentorial herniation.
contracting pneumococcal meningitis include otitis media, mastoiditis, Abducens nerve palsy may be a nonlocalizing sign of elevated ICP.
sinusitis, pneumonia, CSF otorrhea or rhinorrhea, the presence of a Increased ICP is a result of cell death (cytotoxic cerebral edema),
cochlear implant, and immunosuppression. cytokine-induced increased capillary vascular permeability (vasogenic
cerebral edema), and increased hydrostatic pressure (interstitial cerebral
Neisseria meningitidis edema) after obstructed reabsorption of CSF in the arachnoid villus or
See also Chapter 218. obstruction of the flow of fluid from the ventricles. ICP may exceed
Six serogroups of meningococcus, A, B, C, X, Y, and W-135, are 30 cm H2O and cerebral perfusion may be further compromised if the
responsible for invasive disease in humans. Meningococcal meningitis cerebral perfusion pressure (mean arterial pressure minus mean ICP)
may be sporadic or may occur in major epidemics, particularly in the is < 50 mm Hg as a result of systemic hypotension. The syndrome of
African meningitis belt, where serogroup A accounts for 80–85% of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH) may produce
outbreaks. In the United States, serogroup B is the most common cause excessive water retention and potentially increase the risk of elevated
of meningitis in infants and is also a cause of outbreaks on college ICP (see Chapter 575). Hypotonicity of brain extracellular spaces may
campuses. Meningococcal cases are more common in the winter and cause cytotoxic edema with cell swelling and lysis. Tentorial, falx, or
spring, likely due to associations with viral infections including influenza. cerebellar herniation does not usually occur, because the increased ICP
Nasopharyngeal carriage of N. meningitidis occurs in 1–15% of adults. is transmitted to the entire subarachnoid space and there is little structural
Most infections of children are acquired from a contact in a daycare displacement. Furthermore, if the fontanels are still patent, increased
facility, a colonized adult family member, or an ill patient with menin- ICP is not always dissipated.
gococcal disease. Colonization may last weeks to months; recent coloniza- Hydrocephalus can occur as an acute complication of bacterial
tion places nonimmune younger children at greatest risk for meningitis. meningitis because it is often caused by adhesive thickening of the
The incidence of disease occurring in association with an index case arachnoid villi around the cisterns at the base of the brain. Thus, this
in the family is 1%, a rate that is 1,000-fold the risk in the general thickening leads to interference with the normal resorption of CSF and
population. The risk of secondary cases occurring in contacts at daycare development of hydrocephalus. Less often, obstructive hydrocephalus
centers is approximately 1 in 1,000. Children younger than 5 yr of age develops after fibrosis and gliosis of the cerebral aqueduct or the foramina
have the highest rates of meningococcal infection, and a second peak of Magendie and Luschka.

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Chapter 621 ◆ Central Nervous System Infections 3225

Elevated CSF protein levels are partly a result of increased vascular with local production of tumor necrosis factor, interleukin 1, prosta-
permeability of the blood–brain barrier and the loss of albumin-rich glandin E, and other inflammatory mediators. The subsequent inflam-
fluid from the capillaries and veins traversing the subdural space. matory response is characterized by neutrophilic infiltration, increased
Continued transudation may result in subdural effusions, usually found vascular permeability, alterations of the blood–brain barrier, and vascular
in the later phase of acute bacterial meningitis. Hypoglycorrhachia thrombosis. Meningitis-associated brain injury is not simply caused by
(reduced CSF glucose levels) is attributable to altered glucose transport viable bacteria but occurs as a consequence of the host reaction to the
by the cerebral tissue. inflammatory cascade initiated by bacterial components.
Damage to the cerebral cortex may be a result of the focal or diffuse Rarely, meningitis may follow bacterial invasion from a contiguous
effects of vascular occlusion (infarction, necrosis, lactic acidosis), hypoxia, focus of infection such as paranasal sinusitis, otitis media, mastoiditis,
bacterial invasion (cerebritis), toxic encephalopathy (bacterial toxins), orbital cellulitis, or cranial or vertebral osteomyelitis or may occur after
elevated ICP, ventriculitis, and transudation (subdural effusions). These introduction of bacteria via penetrating cranial trauma, dermal sinus
pathologic factors result in the clinical manifestations of impaired tracts, or meningomyelocele.
consciousness, seizures, cranial nerve deficits, motor and sensory deficits,
and later psychomotor retardation. CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS
The onset of acute meningitis has two predominant patterns. Most
PATHOGENESIS often, meningitis is preceded by several days of fever accompanied by
Bacterial meningitis outside the neonatal period is typically due to upper respiratory tract or gastrointestinal symptoms, followed by
bacterial colonization of the nasopharynx with subsequent invasion nonspecific signs of CNS infection, such as increasing lethargy and
into the bloodstream, causing bacteremia. The bacterial organisms then irritability. Fortunately, the more dramatic presentation is less common
breech the blood–brain barrier (BBB) and enter the CNS to cause and presents with sudden and progressive shock, purpura, disseminated
infection and inflammation. These steps involve complex interactions intravascular coagulation, and reduced levels of consciousness often
between the host and pathogen, and many of the mechanisms still resulting in progression to coma or death within 24 hr.
require further research. The signs and symptoms of meningitis are related to the nonspecific
Meningitic pathogens frequently colonize the nasopharynx of children, findings associated with a systemic infection and the manifestations of
but rapid invasion after recent colonization may also occur. The micro- meningeal irritation. Nonspecific findings include fever, anorexia and
biome of the nasopharynx is a complex community of bacteria that may poor feeding, headache, upper respiratory symptoms, myalgias, arthral-
enhance or inhibit colonization of other bacteria. S. pneumoniae can gias, tachycardia, hypotension, and various cutaneous signs, such as
synthesize hydrogen peroxide, which can inhibit growth of H. influenzae petechiae, purpura, or an erythematous macular rash. The rash of
type b. Conversely, H. influenzae type B can invoke a specific immune meningococcemia is typified by an initial petechial rash that evolves
response that targets clearance of S. pneumoniae. Other bacteria may alter into ecchymotic and purpuric lesions. Meningeal irritation is manifested
the microbiome of the nasopharynx, and studies after the implementation as nuchal rigidity, back pain, Kernig sign (flexion of the hip 90 degrees
of pneumococcal vaccines have identified alterations to the composition with subsequent pain with extension of the leg), and Brudzinski sign
of nasopharyngeal bacterial populations. Bacterial proteins act to enhance (involuntary flexion of the knees and hips after passive flexion of the
colonization because N. meningitidis and H. influenzae type b express neck while supine). In children, particularly in those younger than
pili that attach to mucosal epithelial cell receptors. Viruses can also 12-18 mo, the Kernig and Brudzinski signs are not consistently present.
enhance bacterial adherence by a combination of expression of viral In adults, fever, headache, and nuchal rigidity are present in only 40%
factors that interact with host adhesion proteins. of cases of bacterial meningitis. Increased ICP is suggested by headache,
After attachment to epithelial cells, bacteria breach the mucosa and emesis, bulging fontanel or diastasis (widening) of the sutures, oculomotor
enter the bloodstream. Various models of invasion have been developed; (anisocoria, ptosis) or abducens nerve paralysis, hypertension with
for example, N. meningitidis can be transported across the mucosal bradycardia, apnea or hyperventilation, decorticate or decerebrate
surface within a phagocytic vacuole after ingestion by the epithelial posturing, stupor, coma, or signs of herniation. Papilledema is more
cell. Expression of the bacterial polysaccharide capsule also appears to common in complicated meningitis and is suggestive of a more chronic
be tightly regulated as it can enhance or inhibit the efficiency of bacterial process, such as the presence of an intracranial abscess, subdural
translocation of the mucosal barrier. Viruses can disrupt the mucosal empyema, or occlusion of a dural venous sinus. Focal neurologic signs
barrier, thereby contributing to bacterial invasion. In particular, there usually are a result of vascular occlusion. Cranial neuropathies of the
is a significant association between recent influenza infection and ocular, oculomotor, abducens, facial, and auditory nerves may also be
development of meningococcemia. Once bacteria reach the bloodstream, the result of focal inflammation. Overall, approximately 10–20% of
the capsule is a critical component for survival because it interferes children with bacterial meningitis have focal neurologic signs.
with opsonic phagocytosis. Host-related developmental defects in Seizures (focal or generalized) related to cerebritis, infarction, or
bacterial opsonic phagocytosis also contribute to the bacteremia. In electrolyte disturbances occur in 20–30% of patients with meningitis.
nonimmune hosts, the defect may be from an absence of preformed Seizures that occur on presentation or within the first 4 days of onset
IgM or IgG anticapsular antibodies, whereas in immunodeficient patients, are usually of little prognostic significance. Poor prognosis is suggested
various deficiencies of components of the complement or properdin when seizures persist after the fourth day of illness, which can be
system may interfere with effective opsonic phagocytosis. Asplenia may refractory to treatment.
also reduce opsonic phagocytosis by the reticuloendothelial system. Alteration in mental status is common among patients with men-
A higher quantity of bacteria is associated with meningitis, suggesting ingitis and may be the consequence of increased ICP, cerebritis, or
that a critical threshold may be necessary for breaching the BBB. Bacterial hypotension; manifestations include irritability, lethargy, stupor,
factors including the capsid play a role in crossing the BBB through obtundation, and coma. Comatose patients have a poor prognosis.
transcellular, paracellular, and Trojan-horse (within infected phagocytes) Additional manifestations of meningitis include photophobia and tache
mechanisms of traversal. Bacteria gain entry to the CSF through the cérébrale, which is elicited by stroking the skin with a blunt object and
choroid plexus of the lateral ventricles and the meninges and then observing a raised red streak within 30-60 sec.
circulate to the extracerebral CSF and subarachnoid space. Bacteria
rapidly multiply because the CSF concentrations of complement and DIAGNOSIS
antibodies are inadequate to contain bacterial proliferation. Chemotactic Lumbar puncture (LP), in order to obtain CSF for Gram stain and
factors then incite a local inflammatory response characterized by culture, is the most important step in the diagnosis of meningitis. In
polymorphonuclear cell infiltration. The presence of bacterial cell wall addition, testing the CSF for neutrophilic pleocytosis, elevated protein,
lipopolysaccharide (endotoxin) of Gram-negative bacteria (H. influenzae and reduced glucose concentrations can provide results within a few
type b, N. meningitidis) and of pneumococcal cell wall components hours and could be suggestive of a diagnosis of bacterial meningitis
(teichoic acid, peptidoglycan) stimulates a marked inflammatory response, (see Table 621.1). Contraindications to an immediate LP include (1)

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3226 Part XXVI ◆ The Nervous System

evidence of increased ICP (other than a bulging fontanel) such as 3rd A traumatic LP may also complicate the interpretation of CSF tests,
or 6th cranial nerve palsy with a depressed level of consciousness, or as CSF leukocytes and protein concentration are significantly affected
the Cushing reflex (hypertension and bradycardia associated with by traumatic LPs. Typically, the Gram stain, culture, and glucose level
respiratory abnormalities; see Chapter 608); (2) severe cardiopulmonary are unlikely to be influenced by blood in a CSF sample. Repeat LP at
compromise requiring prompt resuscitative measures for shock or in a higher interspace may produce fluid that is less hemorrhagic, but this
patients in whom positioning for the LP would further compromise fluid usually contains red blood cells. Although methods for correcting
cardiopulmonary function; or (3) infection of the skin overlying the for the presence of red blood cells have been proposed for red blood
site of the LP. Thrombocytopenia is a relative contraindication for LP. cell counts < 10,000 cells/mm3, these corrections can be imprecise, and
If an LP is delayed, empirical antibiotic therapy should be initiated. it is prudent to rely on the bacteriologic results rather than attempt to
Some clinicians obtain a head CT scan prior to LP to evaluate for interpret the CSF leukocyte and protein results after a traumatic LP.
evidence of increased ICP, as an LP in the setting of elevated ICP could
cause brain herniation. However, a head CT scan may delay diagnosis DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS
of meningitis and initiation of antimicrobials, and it does not always Currently, the vast majority of cases of meningitis are caused by S.
rule out increased ICP. Therefore, routine head CT scans prior to LP pneumoniae and N. meningitidis, whereas H. influenzae type b is relatively
are not recommended unless the patient has clinical signs or is at risk rare in nations with a high immunization rate against this pathogen.
for elevated ICP, including papilledema, focal neurologic findings, coma, However, other pathogens that are less frequently identified in meningitis
history of hydrocephalus, or history of a previous neurosurgical procedure can cause similar clinical manifestations. These organisms include other
including CSF shunt placement. However, if the decision is made to bacteria, including other types of H. influenzae, Mycobacterium tuber-
obtain a CT scan prior to LP, antimicrobial therapy should not be delayed. culosis, Nocardia spp., Treponema pallidum (syphilis), and Borrelia
LP may be performed after increased ICP has been appropriately treated. burgdorferi (Lyme disease); fungi, such as those endemic to specific
Blood cultures should be performed in all patients with suspected geographic areas (Coccidioides, Histoplasma, and Blastomyces) and those
meningitis. Blood cultures reveal the responsible bacteria in up to 80–90% responsible for infections in compromised hosts (Candida, Cryptococcus,
of cases of meningitis. Elevations of the C-reactive protein, erythrocyte and Aspergillus); parasites, such as Toxoplasma gondii and Taenia solium,
sedimentation rate, and procalcitonin can be seen in both bacterial and and most frequently, viruses (Table 621.2 and see Chapter 621.2). Focal
viral meningitis and should not be used to routinely determine which infections of the CNS, including brain abscess and parameningeal abscess
patients should receive antimicrobials. (subdural empyema, cranial and spinal epidural abscess), may also be
confused with meningitis. In addition, noninfectious illnesses (auto-
Lumbar Puncture immune, rheumatologic) can cause generalized inflammation of the
See also Chapter 608. CNS. Relative to infections, these disorders are very uncommon and
The CSF leukocyte count in bacterial meningitis often is elevated to include malignancy, collagen vascular syndromes, and exposure to toxins
> 1,000/mm3 and, typically, there is a neutrophilic predominance (see Table 621.2).
(75–95%). Turbid CSF is present when the leukocyte count exceeds Determining the specific cause of CNS infection is facilitated by
200-400/mm3. Normal healthy neonates may have as many as 20 careful examination of the CSF with specific stains (Kinyoun carbol
leukocytes/mm3, but older children without viral or bacterial meningitis fuchsin for mycobacteria, India ink for fungi), cytology, antigen detection
have < 8 leukocytes/mm3 in the CSF; in the healthy state, these cells (Cryptococcus), CSF serology (syphilis, West Nile virus, arboviruses),
are mostly lymphocytes or monocytes. and PCR (herpes simplex virus, enterovirus, and others). Other potentially
A CSF leukocyte count < 250/mm3 may be present in as many as valuable diagnostic tests include blood cultures, CT or MRI of the brain,
20% of patients with acute bacterial meningitis. Pleocytosis may be serum serologic tests, and, rarely, meningeal or brain biopsy. The dif-
absent in patients with severe overwhelming sepsis associated with ferential diagnosis also includes immune or inflammatory diseases such
meningitis; this is a poor prognostic sign. Pleocytosis with a lymphocytic as Sweet syndrome, CNS vasculitis, sarcoidosis, lymphoma, autoimmune
predominance may be present during the early stage of acute bacte- encephalitis, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, and neonatal-onset
rial meningitis; conversely, neutrophilic pleocytosis may be present multisystem inflammatory disease.
in patients in the early stages of acute viral meningitis. The shift to Acute viral meningoencephalitis is the most likely infection to be
lymphocytic-monocytic predominance in viral meningitis invariably confused with bacterial meningitis (Table 621.3 and see Table 621.2).
occurs within 8-24 hr of the initial LP. The Gram stain is positive in Although children with viral meningoencephalitis typically appear less
> 70% of patients with untreated bacterial meningitis. In the absence ill than those with bacterial meningitis, both types of infection have a
of CNS infection or inflammatory disease, children with seizure, par- spectrum of severity. Some children with bacterial meningitis may have
ticularly those with fever-associated status epilepticus, do not exhibit relatively mild signs and symptoms, whereas some with viral menin-
CSF pleocytosis. goencephalitis may be critically ill. Although classic CSF profiles associ-
A diagnostic conundrum in the evaluation of children with suspected ated with bacterial versus viral infection tend to be distinct (see Table
bacterial meningitis is the analysis of CSF obtained from children already 621.1), these cases can overlap in the number of CSF leukocytes and
receiving antibiotic therapy. This is a common clinical scenario, as glucose and protein levels. Quite often, children are empirically treated
25–50% of children being evaluated for bacterial meningitis have received with antibiotics for > 48 hr to await CSF culture and PCR data to delineate
antibiotics before a CSF sample is obtained. CSF obtained from children between these two groups of pathogens.
with bacterial meningitis can be negative on Gram stain and culture
as early as 2-4 hr after administration of antibiotics, especially in situations TREATMENT
of N. meningitidis and sensitive S. pneumoniae meningitis. However, Essential to improving clinical outcomes in patients with bacterial
pleocytosis with a predominance of neutrophils, an elevated protein meningitis is prompt recognition, diagnostic testing, and initiation of
level, and a reduced concentration of CSF glucose will usually persist appropriate antimicrobial therapy. Several studies have demonstrated
for several days after the administration of appropriate parenteral that delays in initiating antimicrobial therapy, even at the level of a few
antibiotics. Therefore, despite negative cultures, the presumptive diagnosis hours, are significantly associated with adverse clinical outcomes and
of bacterial meningitis can be made on the basis of an abnormal CSF death. If there are signs of focal neurologic findings, papilledema, or
cell count, protein, and glucose. Rapid antigen tests for use on CSF increased ICP, antibiotics should be given prior to obtaining a head CT
have been developed, but these tests have technical limitations and a scan and LP, and the increased ICP should be treated simultaneously
high false positivity rate in children and are therefore not recommended. (see Chapter 85). A CT scan then should be performed prior to LP to
PCR using broad-based bacterial 16S ribosomal RNA gene patterns determine the safety of the procedure. Some patients with meningitis
may be useful in diagnosing the cause of culture-negative meningitis will develop multiple organ system failure, shock (see Chapter 88), and
because of prior antibiotic therapy or the presence of a nonculturable acute respiratory distress syndrome (see Chapter 89), requiring further
or fastidious pathogen. management in an intensive care unit.

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Chapter 621 ◆ Central Nervous System Infections 3227

Table 621.2 Clinical Conditions and Infectious Agents Associated With Aseptic Meningitis
Arboviruses: La Crosse, eastern equine, western equine, Venezuelan Angiostrongylus cantonensis
equine, St. Louis encephalitis, Powassan and California encephalitis, Gnathostoma spinigerum
chikungunya, Colorado tick fever, dengue, Jamestown Canyon, Baylisascaris procyonis
Japanese encephalitis, Rift Valley fever, tick-borne encephalitis, West Strongyloides stercoralis
Nile, Zika Trichinella spiralis
Enteroviruses (coxsackievirus, echovirus, enterovirus, poliovirus) Toxocara canis
Parechovirus Taenia solium (cysticercosis)
Herpes simplex (types 1 and 2) Paragonimus spp.
Varicella-zoster virus Schistosoma spp.
Epstein-Barr virus Fasciola spp.
Human herpesvirus types 6 and 7
Parvovirus B19 Toxoplasma gondii (toxoplasmosis)
Adenovirus Acanthamoeba spp.
Variola (smallpox) Naegleria fowleri
Measles Balamuthia mandrillaris
Mumps Malaria
Influenza A and B Vaccines: rabies, influenza, measles, poliovirus
Parainfluenza Demyelinating or allergic encephalitis
Lymphocytic choriomeningitis Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM)
Rotaviruses Autoimmune encephalitis
Cardiovirus A Bacterial endocarditis
Hendra and Nipah viruses Kawasaki disease
Astroviruses Systemic lupus erythematosus
Coronaviruses Vasculitis, including polyarteritis nodosa
Human T-cell lymphotrophic virus (HTLV-1) Sjögren syndrome
Human immunodeficiency virus Mixed connective tissue disease
Rheumatoid arthritis
BACTERIA Behçet disease
Mycobacterium tuberculosis (early and late) Granulomatosis with polyangiitis
Leptospira spp. (leptospirosis) Lymphomatoid granulomatosis
Treponema pallidum (syphilis) Granulomatous arteritis
Borrelia spp. (relapsing fever) Sarcoidosis
Borrelia burgdorferi (Lyme disease) Familial Mediterranean fever
Nocardia spp. (nocardiosis) Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome
Brucella spp.
Bartonella spp. (cat-scratch disease) MALIGNANCY
Rickettsia rickettsii (Rocky Mountain spotted fever) Leukemia
Rickettsia prowazekii (typhus) Lymphoma
Ehrlichia spp. Metastatic carcinoma
Anaplasma spp. Central nervous system tumor (e.g., craniopharyngioma, glioma,
Coxiella burnetii ependymoma, astrocytoma, medulloblastoma, teratoma)
Mycoplasma pneumonia
Mycoplasma hominis
Chlamydia trachomatis Intrathecal injections (contrast media, serum, antibiotics, antineoplastic
Chlamydia psittaci agents)
Chlamydia pneumoniae Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agents
Ureaplasma spp. OKT3 monoclonal antibodies
Partially treated bacterial meningitis Carbamazepine
BACTERIAL PARAMENINGEAL FOCUS Intravenous immune globulins
Sinusitis Antibiotics (trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole, sulfasalazine,
Mastoiditis ciprofloxacin, isoniazid)
Brain abscess
Subdural-epidural empyema
Cranial osteomyelitis Heavy metal poisoning (lead, arsenic)
Foreign materials (shunt, reservoir)
FUNGI Subarachnoid hemorrhage
Coccidioides immitis (coccidioidomycosis) Postictal state
Blastomyces dermatitidis (blastomycosis) Mollaret syndrome (recurrent)
Cryptococcus neoformans (cryptococcosis) Intraventricular hemorrhage (neonate)
Histoplasma capsulatum (histoplasmosis) Familial hemophagocytic syndrome
Candida species Postneurosurgical procedure
Other fungi (Alternaria, Aspergillus, Cephalosporium, Cladosporium, Dermoid–epidermoid cyst
Drechslera hawaiiensis, Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, Petriellidium Syndrome of transient headache and neurologic deficits with
boydii, Sporotrichum schenckii, Ustilago spp., Zygomycetes) cerebrospinal fluid lymphocytosis (HaNDL)
Compiled from Bronstein DE, Glaser CA: Aseptic meningitis and viral meningitis. In Cherry J, Demmler-Harrison GJ, Kaplan SL, et al (eds): Feigin and Cherry’s
Textbook of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, 7e, Philadelphia, 2014, WB Saunders, pp. 484-492; Romero JR: Aseptic and viral meningitis. In Long SS, Pickering LK, Prober
CG (eds): Principles and Practice of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, 4e, Philadelphia, 2012, Saunders, pp. 292-297.

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3228 Part XXVI ◆ The Nervous System

Table 621.3 Etiologies and Epidemiology of Meningoencephalitis

Mosquito-Borne Arboviruses
West Nile virus Common in North America, Europe, Africa, Middle East, and Asia. In temperate regions, peaks in
summer/fall months
Japanese encephalitis virus Endemic to Asia. Vaccine available for prevention.
La Crosse encephalitis virus and After West Nile virus, La Crosse is the second most common arbovirus in the United States. Peak in
California encephalitis virus summer/fall
St. Louis encephalitis virus Endemic to western United States. Peak summer/fall
Jamestown Canyon virus Present in the eastern United States
Eastern equine encephalitis virus Affects U.S. states adjacent to and east of the Mississippi River; also present in South America
Western equine encephalitis virus Cases identified in North and South America. Now rare cause of encephalitis in the United States;
typically identified west of the Mississippi River
Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus Endemic to central and South America; rare outbreaks in the United States
Zika virus Africa, Asia, and recent epidemic in Caribbean countries and North, Central, and South America.
Congenital infection associated with microcephaly and other brain malformations. In adults, also
associated with Guillain-Barré syndrome
Chikungunya virus Africa, Asia, and recently introduced to the Western Hemisphere. Rarely associated with CNS infection
Dengue virus Present in equatorial regions; rare cause of CNS disease
Murray Valley encephalitis virus Present in northern Australia, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea
Kunjin virus Present in Oceania
Rochio virus Outbreak identified in Brazil
Semliki Forest virus Rare cause of human disease in Africa
Usutu virus Identified in cases from Africa and Europe
Rift Valley fever virus Present in Africa and the Middle East
Tick-Borne Arboviruses
Powassan virus Endemic to northeastern regions of the United States
Tick-borne encephalitis virus Present in a band stretching across Europe, Russia, and northern Asia
Severe fever with thrombocytopenia Primary vector hypothesized to be ticks. Present in East Asia
syndrome virus
Colorado tick encephalitis virus Cases present in western United States and Canada
Thogotoviruses Thogoto virus and Dhori virus implicated in CNS infection
Sandfly-borne arboviruses
Toscana virus Common cause of viral meningoencephalitis in Mediterranean countries
Chandipura virus Identified in sandflies in western Africa and India
Viruses Transmitted by Animals
Rabies virus Globally widespread. Associated with bites with saliva exposure by infected bats, dogs, cats, raccoons,
skunks, foxes, and other medium- to large-sized animals. Small rodents are not known to transmit
rabies to humans. Vaccine and immunoglobulin available for prevention and postexposure
Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus Virus is present in rodents worldwide. Transmitted by contact or aerosolization of rodent urine, feces,
saliva, or bedding material
Hendra virus Present in Australia. Spread by contact with horse tissues
Nipah virus Cases identified in Asia. Transmitted by contact with infected pigs or bats and infected humans
Herpes B virus Transmitted to humans through bites of macaques or by contamination of a wound with infected
monkey tissue or fluids
Viruses Spread Through Human-to-Human Contact
Enteroviruses (coxsackievirus, Fecal-oral transmission. Prevalent worldwide. In temperate regions, peak incidence in summer/fall.
echovirus, enterovirus, poliovirus) Poliovirus nearly eradicated owing to global vaccination efforts
Parechoviruses Fecal-oral transmission. Infection typically occurs early in infancy. Cause of CNS disease and sepsis-like
syndrome in neonates/infants
Mumps Approximately 1 : 1,000 cases of mumps are associated with encephalitis. Remains endemic in Africa
and Asia, where vaccination rates are low
Measles Encephalitis typically occurs in association with classic symptoms of measles. Measles remains endemic
in Asia, Africa, and parts of Europe. Also associated with postinfectious autoimmune diseases such
as acute disseminated encephalomyelitis and subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
Rubella Most often associated with postinfectious encephalitis. Many countries in Africa and Asia do not
routinely vaccinate against rubella. In rare cases, can cause progressive rubella panencephalitis
Influenza A and B virus Most common in winter and early spring months
Coronaviruses Infect neuronal cells in vitro; rarely associated with CNS diseases in humans. Most prevalent in winter
Vaccinia and variola Variola infection has been eradicated
Parvovirus B19 Rarely associated with encephalitis
Rotavirus Virus has been isolated from the CSF of patients with encephalitis and gastroenteritis
Astroviruses Emerging cause of meningoencephalitis
Human immunodeficiency virus Meningoencephalitis can develop during acute retroviral syndrome. Chronic infection may cause
JC virus Most commonly associated with progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in immunocompromised
Other rare viral causes (adenoviruses, Many other viruses are infrequently detected in the CSF or other body sites of patients with
respiratory syncytial virus, meningoencephalitis, but the significance of identifying these viruses is unclear
parainfluenza, rhinovirus, reoviruses)

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Chapter 621 ◆ Central Nervous System Infections 3229

Table 621.3 Etiologies and Epidemiology of Meningoencephalitis—cont’d

Members of Herpesviridae Viral Family
Herpes simplex virus (HSV) types 1 HSV1 can cause severe encephalitis associated with involvement of the temporal lobes. HSV2 may
and 2 cause severe infection in neonates. Primary HSV2 infection with genital lesions is associated with
mild meningoencephalitis
Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) Occurs about 1 wk into symptoms; typically presents as cerebellar ataxia or diffuse encephalitis
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) Rare cause of meningoencephalitis. Detection of EBV DNA in the CSF can also be indicative of
integrated genomes in leukocytes that are not actively replicating.
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Occurs almost exclusively in immunocompromised patients, including patients with AIDS
Roseolovirus (HHV-6 and HHV-7) Associated with CNS diseases, but in some cases, the significance of detection of HHV-6/7 is unclear
because inflammation may cause reactivation of virus
Nonviral Infectious Meningoencephalitis
Rickettsia Rocky Mountain spotted fever and typhus associated with cerebral vasculitis causing encephalitis
Ehrlichia/Anaplasma Endemic to the Midwest and Eastern portions of the United States
Borrelia burgdorferi Encephalitic symptoms early after infection; meningitis typically presents 4 wk after infection. Endemic
to the northeastern and midwestern portions of the United States
Bartonella spp. Classic presentation of recent cat exposure, papule at the site of inoculation, regional
lymphadenopathy, and seizures. CSF may lack pleocytosis
Leptospira spp. Fresh-water exposure; may present with conjunctivitis, hepatitis, and acute kidney injury
Treponema pallidum Present in sexually active persons
Mycoplasma pneumoniae Organism has been detected in the CSF by PCR. However, association between CNS diseases and
detection of Mycoplasma is controversial
Other bacterial spp. Tuberculous and other bacteria may have an encephalitic component
Fungal Immunologically compromised patients at special risk: cryptococcosis, histoplasmosis, aspergillosis,
mucormycosis, candidiasis, coccidioidomycosis
Protozoal Plasmodium, Trypanosoma, Naegleria fowleri, Balamuthia mandrillaris, Acanthamoeba spp., and
Toxoplasma gondii
Metazoal Trichinosis; echinococcosis; cysticercosis; schistosomiasis, Baylisascaris procyonis, Paragonimus spp.,
Gnathostoma spp., and Angiostrongylus cantonensis
Transmissible spongiform Prion diseases, including Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, Kuru, and other rare syndromes
Parainfectious or postinfectious It is postulated that viral infection outside of the CNS triggers development of cell-mediated antigen–
encephalitis antibody complexes plus complement that leads to CNS tissue damage. The following pathogens
have been proposed to mediate disease in this manner: measles, mumps, rubella, varicella-zoster,
influenza A and B, herpesviruses, enteroviruses, rickettsial infections, and M. pneumoniae.
Vaccine-associated encephalitis Similar to parainfectious or postinfectious meningoencephalitis, the following vaccines have been very
rarely associated with encephalitis: rabies, measles, vaccinia, and yellow fever
Toxin-mediated encephalitis Various toxins have been implicated, including lead intoxication, bacterial toxins, Reye syndrome, and
ingestion of toxins
Inborn error of metabolism Various disorders of metabolic pathways have been associated with meningoencephalitis
N-methyl D-aspartate (NMDA) In teenagers and young adults, it may be the most common cause of meningoencephalitis. In
receptor–associated encephalitis childhood, boys and girls are affected equally; by young adulthood, most cases are seen in women.
Frequently occurs in conjunction with teratomas. Recent cases associated with recent HSV
Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis Often preceded by a viral prodrome, proposed to be triggered by viral infection
Neuromyelitis optica (Devic disease) Typically presents with optic neuritis and/or myelitis, associated with other autoimmune disorders.
More frequent in females
Paraneoplastic Various tumors associated with generation of antibodies that react to CNS epitopes
Rheumatologic Systemic lupus erythematosus, Sjögren syndrome, Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease, Behçet disease,
Hashimoto thyroiditis all associated with encephalitic symptoms
Other Many other conditions can mimic meningoencephalitis, including acquired metabolic disorders, stroke,
migraine, epilepsy, venous sinus thrombosis, and subdural/epidural hematomas
CNS, central nervous system; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid.
Adapted from Glaser C, Long SS: Encephalitis. In Long SS, Pickering LK, Prober CG (eds): Principles and Practice of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, 4e, Philadelphia,
2012, Saunders, pp. 297-314.

Initial Antibiotic Therapy rare resistant isolates have been reported. Approximately 30–40% of
The initial (empirical) choice of antibiotic therapy for meningitis in isolates of H. influenzae type b produce β-lactamases and, therefore,
immunocompetent infants and children should achieve bactericidal levels are resistant to ampicillin. These β-lactamase–producing strains remain
in the CSF and have excellent activity against the typical bacterial causes sensitive to third- and fourth-generation cephalosporins.
of meningitis (Table 621.4). Although there are substantial geographic The recommended empirical antibiotic regimen in a suspected case
differences in the frequency of resistance of S. pneumoniae to β-lactam of meningitis outside the neonatal period is vancomycin combined with
antibiotics, rates are increasing throughout the world. In the United States, a third-generation cephalosporin (ceftriaxone). Because of the efficacy
25–50% of strains of S. pneumoniae are currently resistant to penicillin; of third-generation cephalosporins in the therapy of meningitis caused
relative resistance (minimal inhibitory concentration = 0.1-1.0 μg/mL) is by sensitive S. pneumoniae, N. meningitidis, and H. influenzae type b,
more common than high-level resistance (minimal inhibitory concentra- ceftriaxone (50 mg/kg/dose given every 12 hr) should be part of the
tion = 2.0 μg/mL). Resistance to cefepime, cefotaxime and ceftriaxone initial empirical therapy. Based on the substantial rate of resistance of S.
is also evident in up to 25% of isolates. In contrast, most strains of N. pneumoniae to β-lactam drugs, vancomycin (60 mg/kg/day given every
meningitidis are sensitive to penicillin and cephalosporins, although 6-8 hr; some experts would start as high as 80 mg/kg/day; goal trough

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3230 Part XXVI ◆ The Nervous System

Table 621.4 Antibiotics Used for the Treatment of Bacterial Meningitis*

Amikacin†‡ 15-20 divided q12h 30 divided q8h 20-30 divided q8h
Ampicillin 200-300 divided q8h 300 divided q6h 300 divided q6h
Cefepime 150 divided q8h 150 divided q8h 150 divided q8h
Cefotaxime** 100-150 divided q8h or q12h 150-200 divided q6h or q8h 225-300 divided q6h or q8h
Ceftriaxone§ — — 100 divided q12h or q24h
Ceftazidime 100-150 divided q8h or q12h 150 divided q8h 150-200 divided q8h
Gentamicin†‡ 5 divided q12h 7.5 divided q8h 7.5 divided q8h
Meropenem — — 120 divided q8h
Nafcillin 75 divided q8h or q12h 100-150 divided q6h or q8h 200 divided q6h
Penicillin G 150,000 divided q8h or q12h 200,000 divided q6h or q8h 300,000-400,000 divided
q4h or q6h
Rifampin — 10-20 divided q12h 10-20 divided q12h or q24h
Tobramycin 5 divided q12h 7.5 divided q8h 7.5 divided q8h
Vancomycin†‡‖ 20-30 divided q8h or q12h 30-45 divided q6h or q8h 60 divided q6h
*Dosages in mg/kg (units/kg for penicillin G) per day.

Smaller doses and longer dosing intervals, especially of aminoglycosides and vancomycin for very-low-birthweight neonates, may be advisable.

Monitoring of serum levels is recommended to ensure safe and therapeutic values.
Use in neonates is not recommended, because of inadequate experience in neonatal meningitis and concerns of displacement of bilirubin from albumin, leading
to worsening of hyperbilirubinemia.

Goal vancomycin trough of 15-20 μg/mL. An alternative dosing regimen outside the neonatal period includes: < 3 mo 15 mg/kg/dose q8h, 3-11 mo 15 mg/kg/dose
q6h, 1-8 yr 20 mg/kg/dose q6h, 9-13 yr 20 mg/kg/dose q8h, ≥14 yr 15 mg/kg/dose q8h.
**Cefotaxime is no longer available.
Adapted from Tunkel AR, Hartman BJ, Kaplan SL, et al: Practice guidelines for the management of bacterial meningitis, Clin Infect Dis 39:1267-1284, 2004, Table 6.

15-20 μg/mL) is also recommended as part of initial empirical therapy. for strains with an MIC of 0.1-1 μg/mL. Uncomplicated H. influenzae
Patients allergic to penicillin or cephalosporin antibiotics can be treated type b meningitis should be treated for 7-10 days with ampicillin for
with meropenem (40 mg/kg/dose every 8 hr); other alternative drugs β-lactamase–negative strains, or a 3rd-generation cephalosporin for
include fluoroquinolones or chloramphenicol, if available. Alternatively, β-lactamase–positive isolates. Patients who receive intravenous or oral
allergic patients can be desensitized to the antibiotic (see Chapter 177). antibiotics prior to LP and do not have an identifiable pathogen, but
If L. monocytogenes infection is suspected, as in young infants or those do have evidence of bacterial meningitis based on their CSF profile,
with a T-lymphocyte deficiency, ampicillin (300 mg/kg/day, divided should receive therapy with ceftriaxone or cefotaxime for 7-10 days.
every 6 hr) also should be given because cephalosporins are inactive Shorter durations of antibiotics for meningitis might be effective; a
against L. monocytogenes. Intravenous trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole double-blinded, randomized study of African children with meningitis
is an alternative treatment for L. monocytogenes and has documented demonstrated equivalent outcomes when treating with ceftriaxone for 5
clinical efficacy. versus 10 days. In addition, during epidemics of meningitis in Africa,
If a patient is immunocompromised and Gram-negative bacterial single intramuscular dosages of ceftriaxone or chloramphenicol can
meningitis is suspected, initial therapy might include cefepime or be used. Further data are necessary to determine the full efficacy of
meropenem. shorter treatment durations for meningitis.
Meningitis caused by Escherichia coli or P. aeruginosa may require
Duration of Antibiotic Therapy therapy with a 3rd- or 4th-generation cephalosporin or carbapenem
Historically, the duration of antibiotic therapy for meningitis has active against the isolate in vitro. Most isolates of E. coli are sensitive
been based on long-standing experience and expert opinion rather to ceftriaxone, and most isolates of P. aeruginosa are sensitive to
than randomized clinical trials. In the 1960s and 1970s, the standard ceftazidime. Repeat examination of CSF is indicated in some neonates,
of care for treatment of meningitis was repeating an LP prior to the in all patients with meningitis from Gram-negative bacilli, and in patients
end of antimicrobial therapy. The total length of therapy would be with infection caused by a β-lactam–resistant S. pneumoniae. The CSF
determined according to whether the CSF parameters (white blood cell should be sterile within 24-48 hr of initiation of appropriate antibiotic
count, protein, and glucose) had normalized or not. However, studies in therapy. Gram-negative bacillary meningitis should be treated for 3 wk
the 1980s showed that CSF parameters did not predict which patients or at least 2 wk after CSF sterilization, which may occur after 2-10 days
would develop relapsed infection after stopping antibiotics, because of treatment. If focal signs are present or the child does not respond
abnormal CSF values were not associated with future development to treatment, a parameningeal focus may be present, and a CT or MRI
of relapsed infection. Therefore, a repeat LP prior to discontinuation scan should be performed.
of antibiotics for typical bacterial meningitis is not recommended. Side effects of antibiotic therapy of meningitis include phlebitis, drug
Currently, the recommended treatment duration for uncomplicated S. fever, rash, emesis, oral candidiasis, and diarrhea. Ceftriaxone may cause
pneumoniae meningitis is 10-14 days with a 3rd-generation cephalo- reversible gallbladder pseudolithiasis, detectable by abdominal ultra-
sporin or intravenous penicillin (300,000-400,000 units/kg/day, divided sonography. This is usually asymptomatic but may be associated with
every 4-6 hr) used for penicillin-sensitive isolates, or vancomycin if the emesis and upper right quadrant pain.
isolate is resistant to penicillins and cephalosporins. For N. meningitidis
meningitis, the recommended treatment duration is 5-7 days with Corticosteroids
intravenous penicillin (300,000 units/kg/day) for strains with a minimum Rapid killing of bacteria in the CSF effectively sterilizes the meningeal
inhibitory concentration (MIC) of penicillin < 0.1 μg/mL, or ceftriaxone infection but releases toxic cell products after cell lysis (e.g., endotoxin)

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Chapter 621 ◆ Central Nervous System Infections 3231

that precipitate the cytokine-mediated inflammatory cascade. The of language, visual impairment, and behavioral problems. Sensorineural
resultant edema formation and neutrophilic infiltration may produce hearing loss is the most common sequela of bacterial meningitis and,
additional neurologic injury with worsening of CNS signs and symptoms. usually, is already present at the time of initial presentation. It is a result
Therefore, agents that limit production of inflammatory mediators could of cochlear or auditory nerve inflammation and occurs in as many as
be of benefit in bacterial meningitis. 30% of patients with pneumococcal meningitis, 10% with meningococcal
In a Cochrane review of using steroids in meningitis treatment, steroids meningitis, and 5–20% of those with H. influenzae type b meningitis.
reduced hearing loss in children with meningitis due to H. influenzae All patients with bacterial meningitis should undergo careful audiologic
type b but not due to other pathogens. The use of steroids in children assessment before or soon after discharge from the hospital. Frequent
did not reduce mortality rates; however, steroids did improve survival reassessment on an outpatient basis is indicated for patients who develop
rates in adults with pneumococcal meningitis. These data support the a hearing deficit.
use of intravenous dexamethasone, 0.15 mg/kg/dose given every 6 hr
for 2 days, in the treatment of H. influenzae type b meningitis in children PREVENTION
older than 6 wk of age. Corticosteroids appear to have maximum benefit Vaccination and antibiotic prophylaxis of susceptible at-risk contacts
if given 1-2 hr before antibiotics are initiated. They also may be effective represent two opportunities to reduce the transmission and development
if given concurrently with or soon after the first dose of antibiotics. of secondary cases of bacterial meningitis. The availability and application
Pediatric data regarding benefits, if any, of corticosteroids in the treatment of each of these approaches depend on the specific organism.
of meningitis caused by other bacteria remain inconclusive.
Neisseria meningitidis
COMPLICATIONS See also Chapter 218.
During the treatment of meningitis, acute CNS complications can include Chemoprophylaxis is recommended for all close contacts of patients
seizures, increased ICP, cranial nerve palsies, stroke, cerebral or cerebellar with meningococcal meningitis, regardless of age or immunization
herniation, and thrombosis of the dural venous sinuses. status. Close contacts should be treated with rifampin 10 mg/kg/dose
Collections of fluid in the subdural space develop in 10–30% of patients every 12 hr (maximum dose of 600 mg) for 2 days as soon as possible
with meningitis and are asymptomatic in 85–90% of patients. Subdural after identification of a case of suspected meningococcal meningitis or
effusions are especially common in infants. Symptomatic subdural sepsis. Alternative options include ceftriaxone 125 mg intramuscularly
effusions may result in a bulging fontanel, diastasis of sutures, enlarging once for children under age 15 yr, or 250 mg intramuscularly once for
head circumference, emesis, seizures, fever, and abnormal results of persons older than 15 yr, or ciprofloxacin 500 mg orally once. Close
cranial transillumination. CT or MRI scanning confirms the presence contacts include household, daycare center, and nursery school contacts
of a subdural effusion. In the presence of an increased ICP or a depressed and healthcare workers who have direct exposure to oral secretions
level of consciousness, symptomatic subdural effusion should be treated (mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, suctioning, intubation). If there is a
by aspiration through the open fontanel (see Chapters 85 and 608). high suspicion of meningococcemia in the index patient, exposed contacts
Fever alone is not an indication for aspiration. should be treated immediately. In addition, all contacts should be
SIADH occurs in some patients with meningitis, resulting in hypo- educated about the early signs of meningococcal disease and the need
natremia and reduced serum osmolality. This may exacerbate cerebral to seek prompt medical attention if these signs develop.
edema or result in hyponatremic seizures (see Chapter 85). Many countries have included a quadrivalent conjugate meningococcal
Fever associated with bacterial meningitis usually resolves within vaccine (types A, C, Y, and W-135; Menactra and Menveo) as part of
5-7 days of the onset of therapy. Prolonged fever (>10 days) is noted routine immunization schedules. In the United States, the Advisory
in approximately 10% of patients. Prolonged fever is usually caused by Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) of the CDC recommends
intercurrent viral infection, nosocomial or secondary bacterial infection, a two-dose vaccine series for all children, with the first dose administered
thrombophlebitis, or drug reaction. Nosocomial infections are especially at the age of 11-12 yr and a second dose at age 16-18 yr. Vaccination
important to consider in the evaluation of these patients. In meningitis is also recommended for persons 2 mo to 18 yr of age who are at increased
caused by N. meningitidis, pericarditis or arthritis may occur during risk for meningococcal disease, including those with asplenia, functional
treatment and is caused by either bacterial dissemination or immune asplenia, or complement deficiencies or who are receiving a terminal
complex deposition. In general, infectious pericarditis or arthritis occurs complement inhibitor (eculizumab). Two meningococcal vaccines against
earlier in the course of treatment than immune-mediated disease. serogroup B have been developed. In the United Kingdom, meningococcal
Thrombocytosis, eosinophilia, and anemia may develop during therapy B vaccine is administered to all infants at 2, 4, and 12 mo of age. This
for meningitis. Anemia may be a result of hemolysis or bone marrow differs from the United States, where currently the vaccine is recom-
suppression. Disseminated intravascular coagulation is most often mended for children 10 yr and older at increased risk for invasive disease
associated with the rapidly progressive pattern of presentation and is and is optional for persons 16-23 yr of age.
noted most commonly in patients with shock and purpura. The combina-
tion of endotoxemia and severe hypotension initiates the coagulation Haemophilus influenzae Type B
cascade; the coexistence of ongoing thrombosis may produce symmetric See also Chapter 221.
peripheral gangrene. Rifampin prophylaxis should be given to all household contacts of
patients with invasive disease caused by H. influenzae type b, if any
PROGNOSIS close family member younger than 48 mo has not been fully immunized
Appropriate antibiotic therapy and supportive care have reduced the or if an immunocompromised child of any age resides in the household.
mortality rate of bacterial meningitis beyond the neonatal period to A household contact is one who lives in the residence of the index case
< 10%. The highest mortality rates are observed with pneumococcal or who has spent a minimum of 4 hr with the index case for at least 5
meningitis. Severe neurodevelopmental sequelae may occur in 10–20% of the 7 days preceding the patient’s hospitalization. Family members
of patients recovering from bacterial meningitis, and as many as 50% should receive rifampin prophylaxis immediately after the diagnosis is
have some neurologic sequelae. The prognosis is worse among infants suspected in the index case because > 50% of secondary family cases
younger than 6 mo and in those with a high bacterial burden in their occur in the first week after the index patient has been hospitalized.
CSF. Those with seizures occurring more than 4 days into therapy or with The dose of rifampin is 20 mg/kg/day (maximum dose of 600 mg) given
coma or focal neurologic signs on presentation also have an increased once each day for 4 days.
risk of long-term sequelae. There does not appear to be a correlation Three conjugate vaccines for H. influenzae type b are licensed in the
between the duration of symptoms before a diagnosis of meningitis United States. Although each vaccine elicits different profiles of antibody
and outcomes. response in infants immunized at 2-6 mo of age, all result in protective
The most common neurologic sequelae from meningitis include levels of antibody with a 93% efficacy rate against invasive infections
hearing loss, cognitive impairment, recurrent seizures, delay in acquisition after the primary series. Efficacy is not as consistent in Native American

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3232 Part XXVI ◆ The Nervous System

populations, a group recognized as having a higher incidence of disease. in children and adults, with progression to coma and death in 70% of
All children should be immunized with H. influenzae type b conjugate cases without antiviral therapy. In neonates, severe encephalitis with
vaccine beginning at 2 mo of age. diffuse brain involvement can be caused by HSV type 2, transmitted
vertically at delivery. A mild transient (and sometimes recurrent) form
Streptococcus pneumoniae of meningoencephalitis with HSV type 2 may accompany genital herpes
See also Chapter 209. infection in sexually active adolescents and adults. Varicella-zoster
Antibiotic prophylaxis should not be administered to contacts of virus may cause CNS infection in a close temporal relationship with
children diagnosed with pneumococcal meningitis. Routine administra- clinical manifestations of chickenpox. The most common manifestation
tion of PCV13 conjugate vaccine against S. pneumoniae is recommended of CNS involvement is cerebellar ataxia and the most severe is acute
for children younger than 5 yr of age. The initial dose of the series is encephalitis. After primary infection, varicella-zoster virus becomes latent
given at 2 mo of age. Children who are at high risk of invasive pneu- in spinal and cranial nerve roots and ganglia, and reactivation occurs
mococcal infections, including those with functional or anatomic asplenia as herpes zoster that can be accompanied by mild meningoencephalitis.
and those with underlying immunodeficiency (such as infection with Epstein-Barr virus is associated with various CNS syndromes (see
HIV, primary immunodeficiency, and those receiving immunosuppressive Chapter 281). Cytomegalovirus infection of the CNS can occur with
therapy) should receive PCV13 and the 23-valent pneumococcal polysac- congenital infection or disseminated disease in immunocompromised
charide vaccine (PPSV23). hosts, but it is an exceptionally rare cause of meningoencephalitis in
immunocompetent infants and children (see Chapter 282). Human
Bibliography is available at Expert Consult. herpesvirus 6 is associated with encephalitis, but detection of the virus
can also be reflective of latency in lymphocytes with reactivation due
to inflammation (see Chapter 283).
Mumps can cause meningoencephalitis and has a higher incidence
621.2 Viral Meningoencephalitis in regions where the mumps vaccine is not distributed (see Chapter
Andrew B. Janowski and David A. Hunstad 275). Mumps meningoencephalitis is typically mild, but deafness from
damage of the 8th cranial nerve can occur. Meningoencephalitis is also
Viral meningoencephalitis is an acute inflammatory process involving associated with acute infection with measles, rubella, respiratory viruses
the meninges and/or brain parenchymal tissue. These infections are (adenovirus, coronaviruses, influenza virus, parainfluenza virus, respira-
caused by a number of different pathogens, and quite often, no pathogen tory syncytial virus), rotavirus, lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus, or
can be identified from the CSF and brain tissue specimens. The CSF is rabies. HIV is associated with acute meningoencephalitis and can cause
characterized by pleocytosis and the absence of microorganisms on Gram chronic encephalopathy leading to neurocognitive decline (see Chapter
stain and routine bacterial culture. Outcomes are quite variable because 302). In exceptionally rare situations, meningoencephalitis may follow
cases of meningoencephalitis caused by some pathogens are self-limited live virus vaccination against polio, measles, mumps, or rubella.
whereas others cause significant long-term neurologic sequelae.
ETIOLOGY Most cases of meningoencephalitis occur in the summer and late fall
Among the most common causes of viral meningoencephalitis are viruses because these times are associated with a higher incidence of circulating
of the family Picornaviridae, including the enteroviruses (poliovirus, enteroviruses and arboviruses. In 2016, the most common arbovirus
coxsackievirus, enterovirus, and echovirus) and parechoviruses (see responsible for meningoencephalitis in the United States was West Nile
Chapters 276 and 277). Meningoencephalitis caused by these viruses virus (WNV), with a total of 2,039 cases; fewer than 100 cases were
is often self-limited but can be severe in neonates or chronic in caused by the La Crosse, Jamestown Canyon, St. Louis, Powassan, and
immunocompromised hosts (particularly X-linked agammaglobulinemia; eastern equine encephalitis viruses combined (see Chapter 294). In
see Chapter 150). Human coxsackievirus A7 and enteroviruses D68 Asia, the most common cause is Japanese encephalitis virus. Epidemio-
and 71 have been associated with neurologic symptoms, including acute logic considerations in aseptic meningitis due to agents other than
flaccid paralysis. Parechoviruses are an important cause of meningo- enteroviruses also include the season of the year, location and travel,
encephalitis in infants and rarely cause disease in older children. The climatic conditions, animal exposures, mosquito or tick bites, and factors
clinical manifestations are similar to those of the enteroviruses, but related to the specific pathogen.
infants with parechovirus infection may exhibit abdominal signs or a Several studies have attempted to describe the causative pathogens
sepsis-like syndrome. In addition, parechovirus infection is associated associated with meningoencephalitis, including the California Encepha-
with more severe MRI lesions of the cerebral cortex, and CSF pleocytosis litis Project. Despite extensive testing, however, no pathogen can be
may be minimal or absent. identified in up to 63% of cases of meningoencephalitis. Newer assays
The term arbovirus refers to a broad range of viruses from multiple such as next-generation sequencing have the potential to identify novel
viral families that are transmitted by arthropod vectors, typically or previously unrecognized pathogens in causing meningoencephalitis.
mosquitoes or ticks (see Chapters 294 and 295). Most of these viral Occult meningoencephalitis cases caused by pathogens such as Leptospira,
infections are considered zoonotic, as their primary reservoir is in birds astroviruses, and Propionibacterium acnes have been identified through
or small animals. Humans are often dead-end hosts because a sufficient this methodology. In addition to infectious agents, autoimmune
viremia does not develop to enable transmission back to arthropod encephalitis is a common cause of an encephalitis-like illness.
vectors. However, humans are the primary reservoir for viruses such
as Zika, chikungunya, and dengue. The most common arboviruses that PATHOGENESIS AND PATHOLOGY
cause meningoencephalitis include West Nile virus (WNV), Japanese Neurologic damage is caused by direct invasion and destruction of
encephalitis virus, and La Crosse virus, with other arboviruses described neural tissues by actively multiplying viruses or by a host reaction to
in Table 621.3. WNV made its appearance in the Western Hemisphere viral antigens. Tissue sections of the brain generally are characterized
in 1999 and is now the most common arbovirus causing meningoen- by meningeal congestion and mononuclear infiltration, perivascular
cephalitis. WNV may also be transmitted by blood transfusion, organ cuffs of lymphocytes and plasma cells, some perivascular tissue necrosis
transplantation, or vertically across the placenta. Most children with with myelin breakdown, and neuronal disruption in various stages,
WNV are either asymptomatic or have a nonspecific viral-like illness. including, ultimately, neuronophagia and endothelial proliferation or
Approximately 1% of infected humans develop CNS disease; adults are necrosis. A marked degree of demyelination with preservation of neurons
more severely affected than children. and their axons is considered to represent predominantly “postinfectious”
Several members of the viral family Herpesviridae can cause or an autoimmune encephalitis. In HSV encephalitis, the cerebral cortex
meningoencephalitis (see Chapters 279-284). Herpes simplex virus (classically the temporal lobes in HSV-1 encephalitis) is often severely
(HSV) type 1 is an important cause of severe, sporadic encephalitis affected. Arboviruses tend to affect the entire brain, while rabies has a

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