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Transforming Care NUR003/APP064 Template for guidance

Key Points
 Section 1 should focus on the problem and not mention a solution/ transformation idea.
 Section 2 is a literature review of the problem, which should provide you with ideas for a solution.
 Section 3 you should choose one of the solutions from the literature and consider how to action this.
 Sections 4 and 5 should summarise why your transformation should be implemented.

Suggested Suggested Section Title Suggested content Suggested

Section No. word no.
- Title Page Project Title. Student Number. Field of Nursing. Date -
Contents Page Use the ‘Headings’ function for the automatic contents page.
1 Introduction What is transformation? Provide a broad/generic definition and purpose for 150

1.1 Background What is your chosen problem? Why is it a problem? 350

1.2 Stakeholders What is a stakeholder? Who are the stakeholders affected by the chosen 200
problem? What issues are experienced? Do the stakeholders have challenges
to engagement?
1.3 Rationale Why is it important to have a transformation to deal with this problem? What 300
would happen if the problem wasn’t solved? A SWOT or PESTLE illustration
could be used to support this (not included in word count)
2 Literature Review What is a literature review? What is its purpose? 150
2.1 Search Focus Create three tables
1. Literature review question
2. Literature review questions using a tool such as PICO or SPIDER
3. Inclusion and exclusion criteria
2.2 Literature Review You are to find and review 10 papers.
outcomes This section needs to briefly describe the number of papers found and a short
description of how you reduced this to approx. These should be presented in a
Data Extract Table included either in the main body of your work or as an
appendix (template provided). Select 2 to 4 of the most commonly mentioned
themes (solutions) from these papers to discuss in the next section.
2.3 Theme 1 Title Critical analysis of the evidence from the papers that mentioned this solution 300
2.4 Theme 2 Title Critical analysis of the evidence from the papers that mentioned this solution 300
2.5 Theme 3 Title Critical analysis of the evidence from the papers that mentioned this solution 300
2.6 Evidence Summary Key points that support the opportunity for transformation. What were the 300
main theme/s that emerged from the literature review?
3 The transformation Define transformation theory and relate this to your chosen topic 300
3.1 Transformation What is your chosen transformation (solution from your literature review)? 100
proposal How is it going to be different from before?
What are the objectives of making this transformation? What is it trying to
achieve or improve?
3.2 Transformation plan Why is proposing this transformation appropriate to deal with the problem? 400
Consider clinical, professional and ethical aspects.
Why did you not consider the other options from your literature review?
A cost-benefit analysis table and a smarter table could be used to support this
(templates provided)
3.3 Change Management Select and explain how a change model will be applied to your project. 250
Strategy Why was it the appropriate model for your project?
Insert the completed model if applicable (not included in word count).
3.4 Transformation Project What leadership is most suitable to achieve the transformation? 350
Leadership Who would be the change agents? What roles and responsibilities would be
needed to achieve success?
3.5 Ethics and Governance What ethical considerations need to be considered for this transformation? 250
What policies and guidelines are currently in place or may need to be
implemented? How do you audit/measure its success?
3.6 Sustainability Define sustainability and why it is essential. How will you ensure the 150
transformation will continue to be used in the future?
4 Discussion Summarise your report with an explicit statement of change of the proposed 350
transformation. How would this affect the stakeholders and services provision?
5 Conclusion Lasting word, to state why your transformation should be implemented 200

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