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RCOE Safety Dana Ruvalcaba Friday, February 18, 2022 5:03 PM George Papa;Craig Petinak:Ruth Perez;Scott Price;Heather Willams:Matt Snellings Sandra Guerrero RE: Public Records Request Good afternoon. | will prepare the response for this CPRA request. Thank you, Dana Ruvalcaba Director |, Benefits & Risk Management Services Division of Personnel Services Riverside County Office of Education 0 951.826.6443 | F 951.826.6941 3939 Thirteenth Street | P.O. Box 868 | Riverside, CA 92502 | = | RIVERSIDE COUNTY > OFFICE OF EDUCATION From: George Papa Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2022 1:17 PM To: Craig Petinak ; Ruth Perez ; Scott Price ; Heather Williams ; Dana Ruvalcaba ; Matt Snellings Ce: Sandra Guerrero Subject: RE: Public Records Request + Matt Snellings From: Craig Petinak Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2022 12:46 PM To: Ruth Perez ; Scott Price ; George Papa ; Heather Williams -; Dana Ruvalcaba Ce: Sandra Guerrero Subject: FW: Public Records Request All, Please see the PRA request received this afternoon from Mr. Kenny Snell. Who will be corresponding with Mr. Snell on behalf of RCOE? Thanks, Craig Petinak Director Public Relations & Communications Services Office of the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools Riverside County Office of Education © 951.826.6679 | M 714.222.3480 3939 Thirteenth Street | Riverside, CA 92501 P.O. Box 868 | Riverside, CA 92502-0868, | ‘Se RIVERSIDE COUNTY == OFFICE OF EDUCATION HaeEos From: Kenny Snell Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2022 12:23 PM. To: Craig Petinak ‘Subject: Public Records Request Dear Craig, Please forward this to RCOE legal counsel, the name of which was withheld from me February 16, 2022 To: Kim Joseph Cousins, Board of Education President, Edwin Gomez, Ed.D, Riverside County Superintendent of Schools Riverside County Office of Education 3939 Thirteenth Street Riverside, California 92501 RE: Public Records Act Request Dear Mr. Cousins and Dr. Gomez, |_am requesting access to records in possession or control of the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools, Riverside County Office of Education, for the purposes of inspection and copying pursuant to the California Public Records Act, California Government Code § 6250 et seq. (“CPRA”), and Article |, § 3(b) of the California Constitution. The specific records | seek to inspect and copy are listed below. As used herein, “Record” includes “Public Records” and “Writings” as those terms are defined at Government Code § 6252(e) & (g). | request access to inspect/copies of: Any and all Petitions CALLING FOR A SPECIAL GOVERNING BOARD MEMBER ELECTION AND TERMINATING THE PROVISIONAL APPOINTMENT that was submitted to the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools, Riverside County Office of Education between January 1, 2004, and February 12, 2022 | further request that it is made clear as to if each record that applies to this request (petitions) was approved and accepted, or denied by Riverside County Superintendent of Schools, Riverside County Office of Education, and if denied the reasons for the denial In addition, to be clear, | am not requesting names, addresses or signatures of those that signed the petition, nor am I requesting more than one copy of each petition that meets this request. If you contend that any portion of the records requested is exempt from disclosure by express provisions of law, Government Code § 6253(a) requires segregation and redaction of that material in order that the remainder of the records may be released. If you contend that any express provision of law exists to exempt from disclosure all or a portion of the records | have requested, Government Code § 6253(c) requires that you notify me of the reasons for the determination not later than 10 days from your receipt of this request. Government Code §§ 6253(d) & 6255(b) require that any response to this request that includes a determination that the request is denied, in whole or in part, must be in writing and include the name and title of the person(s) responsible for the City's response Government Code § 6253(d) prohibits the use of the 10-day period, or any provisions of the CPRA or any other law, “to delay access for purposes of inspecting public records.” In responding to this request, please keep in mind that Article 1, § 3(b)(2) of the California Constitution expressly requires you to broadly construe all provisions that further the public’s right of access, and to apply any limitations on access as narrowly as possible If | can provide any clarification that will help expedite your attention to my request, please contact me at Kenneth Snell, 41423 Noyes Ct / Indio, Ca. 92203 / 760-574- 9519 /, pursuant to Government Code § 6253.1. | ask that you notify me of any duplication costs exceeding $100.00 before you duplicate the records so that | may decide which records | want copied Please transmit all requested files via email, if possible. If the file sizes are too large, please provide a link so that | can view and download the files. | look forward to receiving a response within 10 days, as required by California law. Let me know if you have any questions Please be aware that | have a moderate-severe hearing disability and request communication by the given email, Thank you for your timely attention to this matter. Sincerely, Kenneth Snell RCOE Safety —E Dana Ruvalcaba Wednesday, February 16, 2022 822 AM Craig Petinak Scott Price;Sandra Guerrero;George Papa;Ruth Perez;Heather Williams Subject: RE: FW: Public Records Request Craig, Good morning. Thank you for keeping us informed. | appreciate it. Thank you, Dana Ruvalcaba Director |, Benefits & Risk Management Services Division of Personnel Services Riverside County Office of Education 0 951.826.6443 | F 951.826.6941 3939 Thirteenth Street | P.O. Box 868 | Riverside, CA 92502 | se | RIVERSIDE COUNTY <= OFFICE OF EDUCATION From: Craig Petinak Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2022 8:06 AM To: Scott Price ; Sandra Guerrero ; George Papa ; Dana Ruvalcaba ; Ruth Perez ; Heather Williams Subject: FW: FW: Public Records Request FYI—| received this message late last night. | do not intend to reply. Thanks, Craig Petinak Director Public Relations & Communications Services Office of the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools Riverside County Office of Education © 951.826.6679 | M 714.222.3480 3939 Thirteenth Street | Riverside, CA 92501 P.O. Box 868 | Riverside, CA 92502-0868 | se | RIVERSIDE COUNTY = | OFFICE OF EDUCATION Hao From: Kenny Snell Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2022 11:43 PM to: Craig Petinak fe: FW: Public Records Request This request has seemed to cause much confusion, consider it withdrawn. To be clear I withdraw only this request, dated 2/12/2022, and retain the right to file a similar request in the future. Regards, Kenny Snell (On Mon, Feb 14, 2022 at 4:51 PM Sandra Guerrero wrote: Good afternoon, Mr. Snell. Attached is a copy of California Secretary of State’s 2020 Procedures for Recalling State and Local Officials. You will ind information related to the Recall of Local Officers beginning on page 14. On page 15, you will see that the Secretary of State is required to provide a format for the petition, which is included in Exhibit D of the publication, it should also be obtained from a county elections official (the Registrar of Voters, not RCOE). The format prepared by the Secretary of State is mandatory and must be used. Beginning on page 16 you will find very specific instructions that will pertain to your proposed petition. Of important note, the recall petition must list the names of ten Proponents without their residence addresses. RCOE has received your Public Records Act (PRA) Request and you will receive a formal response from another individual in the organization with a timeline of its Preparation. | will work with them at providing. the information you've requested, however, the document copies you've requested PRE-DATE recent legislation and the previous petitions would no longer be acceptable for Recalls after January 2020. This information does not affect your PRA, RCOE will still be able to provide the documents you've requested. Should you find that the PRA you requested and its potential expense are no longer necessary as a result of revised legislation, please send an e-mail to Mr. Craig Petinak to withdraw it. 'hope you find this information helpful. Have a good evening. andra Ly, Guerrero Administrative Assistant to the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools Office of the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools Riverside County Office of Education O 951.826.6674 | F 951.826.6199 3939 Thirteenth Street | Riverside, CA 92501 P.O. Box 868 | Riverside, CA 92502-0868 | == RIVERSIDE COUNTY <)— OFFICE OF EDUCATION (BARCEL. | Cr tt From: Craig Petinak Sent: Monday, February 14, 2022 8:11 AM To: Ruth Perez ; Scott Price ; George Papa ; Dana Ruvalcaba ; Heather Williams Subject: FW: Public Records Request Good morning, The Public Records Act request below (with attachment) was received early this morning. It is related to RCBE, and, specifically, to any requests/petitions going back to 2004 for any special elections following a provisional appointment that had been made to fill a vacancy. Who is the best person to follow up with this specific request/requester? Craig Petinak Director Public Relations & Communications Services Office of the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools 3 Riverside County Office of Education © 951.826.6679 | M 714.222.3480 3939 Thirteenth Street | Riverside, CA 92501 P.O. Box 868 | Riverside, CA 92502-0868 | RIVERSIDE COUNTY a= OFFICE OF EDUCATION HaoOs From: Kenny Snell Sent: Monday, February 14, 2022 6:44 AM To: Craig Petinak Subject: Public Records Request Good morning, My name is Kenneth Snell and I have the following public records request, which I have also attached to this email as a Word document: February 12, 2022 To: Kim Joseph Cousins, Board of Education President, Edwin Gomez, Ed.D, Riverside County Superintendent of Schools Riverside County Office of Education 3939 Thirteenth Street Riverside, California 92501 RE: Public Records Act Request Dear Mr. Cousins and Dr. Gomez, | am requesting access to records in possession or control of the Riverside County ‘Superintendent of Schools, Riverside County Office of Education, for the purposes of inspection and copying pursuant to the California Public Records Act, California Government Code § 6250 et seq. (“CPRA”), and “Article I, § 3(b) of the California Constitution. The specific records I seek to inspect and copy are listed below. ‘As used herein, “Record” includes “Public Records” and “Writings” as those terms are defined at Government Code § 6252(¢) & (g). I request access to inspect/copies oft Any and all Petitions calling for an election after a provisional appointment has been made to fill a vacancy on a School Board that was submitted to the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools, Riverside County Office of Education between January 1, 2004, and February 12, 2022. I further request that it is made clear as to if each record that applies to this request (petitions) were approved and accepted, or denied by Riverside County Superintendent of Schools, Riverside County Office of Education, and if denied the reasons for the denial. In addition, to be clear, | am not requesting names, addresses or signatures of those that signed the petition, nor am | requesting more than one copy of each petition that meets this request. If you contend that any portion of the records requested is exempt from disclosure by express provisions of law, Government Code § 6253(a) requires segregation and redaction of that material in order that the remainder of the records may be released If you contend that any express provision of law exists to exempt from disclosure all or a portion of the records | have requested, Government Code § 6253(c) requires that you notify me of the reasons for the determination not later than 10 days from your receipt of this request. Government Code §§ 6253(d) & 6255(b) require that any response to this request that includes a determination that the request is denied, in whole or in part, must be in writing and include the name and title of the person(s) responsible for the City's response: Government Code § 6253(d) prohibits the use of the 10-day period, or any provisions of the CPRA or any other law, “to delay access for purposes of inspecting public records.” In responding to this request, please keep in mind that Article 1, § 3(b)(2) of the California Constitution expressly requires you to broadly construe all provisions that further the public's right of access, and to apply any limitations on access as narrowly as possible. If | can provide any clarification that will help expedite your attention to my request, please contact me at Kenneth Snell, 41423 Noyes Ct / Indio, Ca. 92203 / 760-574- 9519 /, pursuant to Government Code § 6253.1. | ask that you notify me of any duplication costs exceeding $100.00 before you duplicate the records so that | may decide which records | want copied. Please transmit all requested files via email, if possible. If the file sizes are too large, please provide a link so that | can view and download the files. | look forward to receiving a response within 10 days, as required by California law. Let me know if you have any questions. Ploase be awaro that | have a moderate severe hearing disability and request communication by the given email, Thank you for your timely attention to this matter Sincerely, Kenneth Snell RCOE Safety Dana Ruvalcaba Sent: Monday, February 14, 2022 11:23 AM To: Craig Petinak Ruth Perez;Scott Price;George PapaHeather Wiliams Subject: RE: Public Records Request Good morning. | can assist with the PRA response and communicating with the requester. However, 'm not familar with the petition records that are being requested. | would anticipate that Sandra Guerrero may be able to assist us in gathering the records that are readly available. We will most likely need to object on the request being overbroad since it is going back 18 years. ‘Thank you, Dana Ruvalcaba Director |, Benefits & Risk Management Services Division of Personnel Services Riverside County Office of Education 0 951.826.6443 | F 951.826.6941 3939 Thirteenth Street | P.O. Box 868 | Riverside, CA 92502 | s= RIVERSIDE COUNTY f= OFFICE OF EDUCATION (itn 140 | ord raig Petinak Sent: Monday, February 14, 2022 8:11 AM To: Ruth Perez ; Scott Price ; George Papa ; Dana Ruvalcaba ; Heather Williams Subject: FW: Public Records Request Good morning, The Public Records Act request below (with attachment) was received early this morning. itis related to RCBE, and, specifically, to any requests/petitions going back to 2004 for any special elections following a provisional appointment that had been made to fill a vacancy. Who is the best person to follow up with this specific request/requester? Cc Craig Petinak Director Public Relations & Communications Services Office of the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools Riverside County Office of Education 0 951.826.6679 | M 714.222.3480 3939 Thirteenth Street | Riverside, CA 92501 P.O. Box 868 | Riverside, CA 92502-0868 opetinak@rcoe us | RIVERSIDE COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION (OCH ED | a rer ah Haeoed From: Kenny Snell Sent: Monday, February 14, 2022 6:44 AM To: Craig Petinak Subject: Public Records Request Good morning, My name is Kenneth Snell and I have the following public records request, which I have also attached to this email as a Word document: February 12, 2022 To: Kim Joseph Cousins, Board of Education President, Edwin Gomez, Ed.D, Riverside County Superintendent of Schools Riverside County Office of Education 3939 Thirteenth Street Riverside, California 92501 RE: Public Records Act Request Dear Mr. Cousins and Dr. Gomez, | am requesting access to records in possession or control of the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools, Riverside County Office of Education, for the purposes of inspection and copying pursuant to the California Public Records Act, California Government Code § 6250 et seq. (“CPRA”), and Article I, § 3(b) of the California Constitution. The specific records I seek to inspect and copy are listed below. As used herein, “Record” includes “Public Records” and “Writings” as those terms are defined at Government Code § 6252(¢) & (g). I request access to inspect/copies of: Any and all Petitions calling for an election after a provisional appointment has been made to fill a vacancy on a School Board that was submitted to the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools, Riverside County Office of Education between January 1, 2004, and February 12, 2022. | further request that it is made clear as to if each record that applies to this request (petitions) were approved and accepted, or denied by Riverside County Superintendent of Schools, Riverside County Office of Education, and if denied the reasons for the denial In addition, to be clear, | am not requesting names, addresses or signatures of those that signed the petition, nor am I requesting more than one copy of each petition that meets this request If you contend that any portion of the records requested is exempt from disclosure by express provisions of law, Government Code § 6253(a) requires segregation and redaction of that material in order that the remainder of the records may be released If you contend that any express provision of law exists to exempt from disclosure all or a portion of the records | have requested, Government Code § 6253(c) requires that you notify me of the reasons for the determination not later than 10 days from your receipt of this request. Government Code §§ 6253(d) & 6255(b) require that any response to this request that includes a determination that the request is denied, in whole or in part, must be in writing and include the name and title of the person(s) responsible for the City’s response. Government Code § 6253(d) prohibits the use of the 10-day period, or any provisions of the CPRA or any other law, “to delay access for purposes of inspecting public records.” In responding to this request, please keep in mind that Article 1, § 3(b)(2) of the California Constitution expressly requires you to broadly construe all provisions that further the public's right of access, and to apply any limitations on access as narrowly as possible. If | can provide any clarification that will help expedite your attention to my request, please contact me at Kenneth Snell, 41423 Noyes Ct / Indio, Ca. 92203 / 760-574- 9519 /, pursuant to Government Code § 6253.1. | ask that you notify me of any duplication costs exceeding $100.00 before you duplicate the records so that | may decide which records | want copied Please transmit all requested files via email, if possible. If the file sizes are too large, please provide a link so that | can view and download the files. | look forward to receiving a response within 10 days, as required by California law. Let me know if you have any questions. Please be aware that | have a moderate-severe hearing disability and request communication by the given email, Thank you for your timely attention to this matter: Sincerely, Kenneth Snell RCOE Safety From: Craig Petinak Ser Monday, February 14, 2022 8:11 AM To: Ruth Perez;Scott Price;George Papa;Dana RuvalcabaHeather Wiliams Subject: FW: Public Records Request Attachments: RCOEPublicRecordsRequest docx Good morning, The Public Records Act request below (with attachment) was received early this morning. It is related to RCBE, and, specifically, to any requests/petitions going back to 2004 for any special elections following a provisional appointment that had been made to fill a vacancy. Who is the best person to follow up with this specific request/requester? c Craig Petinak Director Public Relations & Communications Services Office of the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools Riverside County Office of Education 0 951.826.6679 | M 714.222.3480 3939 Thirteenth Street | Riverside, CA 92501 P.O. Box 868 | Riverside, CA 92502-0868 | RIVERSIDE COUNTY = OFFICE OF EDUCATION SE OHNE |r Spore ts Haeod From: Kenny Snell Sent: Monday, February 14, 2022 6:44 AM To: Craig Petinak Subject: Public Records Request Good morning, My name is Kenneth Snell and I have the following public records request, which I have also attached to this email as a Word document: February 12, 2022 To: Kim Joseph Cousins, Board of Education President, Edwin Gomez, Ed.D, Riverside County Superintendent of Schools Riverside County Office of Education 3939 Thirteenth Street Riverside, California 92501 RE: Public Records Act Request Dear Mr. Cousins and Dr. Gomez, | am requesting access to records in possession or control of the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools, Riverside County Office of Education, for the purposes of inspection and copying pursuant to the California Public Records Act, California Government Code § 6250 et seq. (“CPRA"), and Article I, § 3(b) of the California Constitution. The specific records I seek to inspect and copy are listed below. ‘As used herein, “Record” includes “Public Records” and “Writings” as those terms are defined at Government Code § 6252(e) & (g). I request access to inspect/copies of: Any and all Petitions calling for an election after a provisional appointment has been made to fill a vacancy on a School Board that was submitted to the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools, Riverside County Office of Education between January 1, 2004, and February 12, 2022. | further request that it is made clear as to if each record that applies to this request (petitions) were approved and accepted, or denied by Riverside County Superintendent of Schools, Riverside County Office of Education, and if denied the reasons for the denial In addition, to be clear, | am not requesting names, addresses or signatures of those that signed the petition, nor am | requesting more than one copy of each petition that meets this request. If you contend that any portion of the records requested is exempt from disclosure by express provisions of law, Government Code § 6253(a) requires segregation and redaction of that material in order that the remainder of the records may be released If you contend that any express provision of law exists to exempt from disclosure all or a portion of the records | have requested, Government Code § 6253(c) requires that you notify me of the reasons for the determination not later than 10 days from your receipt of this request. Government Code §§ 6253(d) & 6255(b) require that any response to this request that includes a determination that the request is denied, in whole or in part, must be in writing and include the name and title of the person(s) responsible for the City’s response Government Code § 6253(d) prohibits the use of the 10-day period, or any provisions of the CPRA or any other law, “to delay access for purposes of inspecting public records.” In responding to this request, please keep in mind that Article 1, § 3(b)(2) of the California Constitution expressly requires you to broadly construe all provisions that further the public's right of access, and to apply any limitations on access as narrowly as possible 2 If | can provide any clarification that will help expedite your attention to my request, please contact me at Kenneth Snell, 41423 Noyes Ct / indio, Ca. 92203 / 760-574- 9519 /, pursuant to Government Code § 6253.1. | ask that you notify me of any duplication costs exceeding $100.00 before you duplicate the records so that | may decide which records | want copied. Please transmit all requested files via email, if possible. If the file sizes are too large, please provide a link so that | can view and download the files. | look forward to receiving a response within 10 days, as required by California law. Let me know if you have any questions. Please be aware that | have a moderate-severe hearing disability and request communication by the given email, Thank you for your timely attention to this matter. Sincerely, Kenneth Snell February 12, 2022 To: Kim Joseph Cousins, Board of Education President, Edwin Gomez, Ed.D, Riverside County Superintendent of Schools Riverside County Office of Education 3939 Thirteenth Street Riverside, California 92501 RE: Public Records Act Request Dear Mr. Cousins and Dr. Gomez, | am requesting access to records in possession or control of the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools, Riverside County Office of Education, for the purposes of inspection and copying pursuant to the California Public Records Act, California Government Code § 6250 et seq (“CPRA"), and Article I, § 3(b) of the California Constitution. The specific records | seek to inspect and copy are listed below. As used herein, “Record” includes “Public Records” and “Writings” as those terms are defined at Government Code § 6252(e) & (g). | request access to inspect/copies of: Any and all Petitions calling for an election after a provisional appointment has been made to fill a vacancy on a School Board that was submitted to the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools, Riverside County Office of Education between January 1, 2004, and February 12, 2022. | further request that it is made clear as to if each record that applies to this request (petitions) were approved and accepted, or denied by Riverside County Superintendent of Schools, Riverside County Office of Education, and if denied the reasons for the denial. In addition, to be clear, | am not requesting names, addresses or signatures of those that signed the petition, nor am | requesting more than one copy of each petition that meets this request If you contend that any portion of the records requested is exempt from disclosure by express provisions of law, Government Code § 6253(a) requires segregation and redaction of that material in order that the remainder of the records may be released. If you contend that any express provision of law exists to exempt from disclosure all or a portion of the records | have requested, Government Code § 6253(c) requires that you notify me of the reasons for the determination not later than 10 days from your receipt of this request. Government Code §§ 6253(d) & 6255(b) require that any response to this request that includes a determination that the request is denied, in whole or in part, must be in writing and include the name and title of the person(s) responsible for the City's response Government Code § 6253(d) prohibits the use of the 10-day period, or any provisions of the CPRA or any other law, “to delay access for purposes of inspecting public records.” In responding to this request, please keep in mind that Article 1, § 3(b)(2) of the California Constitution expressly requires you to broadly construe all provisions that further the public's right of access, and to apply any limitations on access as narrowly as possible If | can provide any clarification that will help expedite your attention to my request, please contact me at Kenneth Snell, 41423 Noyes Ct / Indio, Ca, 92203 / 760-574-9519 /, pursuant to Government Code § 6253.1. | ask that you notify me of any duplication costs exceeding $100.00 before you duplicate the records so that | may decide which records | want copied Please transmit all requested files via email, if possible. If the file sizes are too large, please provide a link so that | can view and download the files. | look forward to receiving a response within 10 days, as required by California law. Let me know if you have any questions. Please be aware that | have a moderate-severe hearing disability and request communication by the given email, Thank you for your timely attention to this matter. Sincerely, Kenneth Snell RCOE Safety ROE Safety Dana Ruvalcaba Wednesday, February 16, 2022 822 AM Craig Petinak;Scott PriceSandra Guerrero;George PapajRuth Perez;Heather Wiliams RE: FW: Public Records Request Craig, Good morning. Thank you for keeping us informed. | appreciate it Thank you, Dana Ruvalcaba Director |, Benefits & Risk Management Services Division of Personnel Services Riverside County Office of Education 0 951.826.6443 | F 951.826.6941 3939 Thirteenth Street | P.O. Box 868 | Riverside, CA 92502 | www RIVERSIDE COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION | eauesceots 80 | om sored From: Craig Petinak Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2022 8:06 AM To: Scott Price ; Sandra Guerrero ; George Papa ; Dana Ruvalcaba ; Ruth Perez ; Heather Williams ‘Subject: FW: FW: Public Records Request FYI—1 received this message late last night. | do not intend to reply. Thanks, Craig Petinak Director Public Relations & Communications Services Office of the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools Riverside County Office of Education © 951.826.6679 | M 714.222.3480 3939 Thirteenth Street | Riverside, CA 92501 P.O. Box 868 | Riverside, CA 92502-0868 | RIVERSIDE COUNTY # OFFICE OF EDUCATION Haag From: Kenny Snell Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2022 11:43 PM To: Craiy Petinak Subject: Re: FW: Public Records Request Craig, This request has seemed to cause much confusion, consider it withdrawn. To be clear I withdraw only this request, dated 2/12/2022, and retain the right to file a similar request in the future. Regards, Kenny Snell ‘On Mon, Feb 14, 2022 at 4:51 PM Sandra Guerrero wrote: Good afternoon, Mr. Snell. Attached is a copy of California Secretary of State’s 2020 Procedures for Recalling State and Local Officials. You will find information related to the Recall of Local Officers beginning on page 14. On page 15, you will see that the Secretary of State is required to provide a format for the petition, which is included in Exhibit D of the publication, it should also be obtained from a county elections official (the Registrar of Voters, not RCOE). The format prepared by the Secretary of State is mandatory and must be used. Beginning on page 16 you will find very specific instructions that will pertain to your proposed petition. Of important note, the recall petition must list the names of ten proponents without their residence addresses. RCOE has received your Public Records Act (PRA) Request and you will receive a formal response from another individual in the organization with a timeline of its preparation. | will work with them at providing the information you've requested, however, the document copies you've requested PRE-DATE recent legislation and the previous petitions would no longer be acceptable for Recalls after January 2020. This information does not affect your PRA, RCOE will still be able to provide the documents you've requested. Should you find that the PRA you requested and its potential expense are no longer necessary as a result of revised legislation, please send an e-mail to Mr. Craig Petinak to withdraw it. | hope you find this information helpful. Have a good evening. andra Lh, Guerrero Administrative Assistant to the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools Office of the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools Riverside County Office of Education O 951.826.6674 | F 951.826.6199 3939 Thirteenth Street | Riverside, CA 92501 P.O. Box 868 | Riverside, CA 92502-0868 | | RIVERSIDE COUNTY | OFFICE OF EDUCATION From: Craig Petinak Sent: Monday, February 14, 2022 8:11 AM To: Ruth Perez ; Scott Price ; George Papa ; Dana Ruvalcaba ; Heather Williams Subject: FW: Public Records Request Good morning, The Public Records Act request below (with attachment) was received early this morning. It is related to RCBE, and, specifically, to any requests/petitions going back to 2004 for any special elections following a provisional appointment that had been made to fill a vacancy. Who is the best person to follow up with this specific request/requester? Craig Petinak Director Public Relations & Communications Services Office of the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools 3 Riverside County Office of Education 0 951.826.6679 | M 714.222.3480 3939 Thirteenth Street | Riverside, CA 92501 P.O. Box 868 | Riverside, CA 92502-0868, | RIVERSIDE COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION hooe From: Kenny Snell Sent: Monday, February 14, 2022 6:44 AM To: Craig Petinak ‘Subject: Public Records Request Good morning, My name is Kenneth Snell and I have the following public records request, which J have also attached to this email as a Word document: February 12, 2022 To: Kim Joseph Cousins, Board of Education President, Edwin Gomez, Ed.D, Riverside County Superintendent of Schools Riverside County Office of Education 3939 Thirteenth Street Riverside, California 92501 RE: Public Records Act Request Dear Mr. Cousins and Dr. Gomez, | am requesting access to records in possession or control of the Superintendent of Schools, Riverside County Office of Education, for the purposes of inspection and copying pursuant to the California Public Records Act, California Government Code § 6250 et seq. (“CPRA”), and ‘Article I, § 3(b) of the California Constitution. The specific records I seek to inspect and copy are listed below. ‘As used herein, “Record” includes “Public Records” and “Writings” as those terms are defined at Government Code § 6252(c) & (g). I request access to inspect/copies of: Any and all Petitions calling for an election after a provisional appointment has been made to fill a vacancy on a School Board that was submitted to the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools, Riverside County Office of Education between January 1, 2004, and February 12, 2022. | further request that it is made clear as to if each record that applies to this request (petitions) were approved and accepted, or denied by Riverside County Superintendent of Schools, Riverside County Office of Education, and if denied the reasons for the denial In addition, to be clear, | am not requesting names, addresses or signatures of those that signed the petition, nor am | requesting more than one copy of each petition that meets this request. If you contend that any portion of the records requested is exempt from disclosure by express provisions of law, Government Code § 6253(a) requires segregation and redaction of that material in order that the remainder of the records may be released If you contend that any express provision of law exists to exempt from disclosure all or a portion of the records | have requested, Government Code § 6253(c) requires that you notify me of the reasons for the determination not later than 10 days from your receipt of this request. Government Code §§ 6253(d) & 6255(b) require that any response to this request that includes a determination that the request is denied, in whole or in part, must be in writing and include the name and title of the person(s) responsible for the City's response Government Code § 6253(d) prohibits the use of the 10-day period, or any provisions of the CPRA or any other law, “to delay access for purposes of inspecting public records.” In responding to this request, please keep in mind that Article 1, § 3(b)(2) of the California Constitution expressly requires you to broadly construe all provisions that further the public's right of access, and to apply any limitations on access as narrowly as possible If | can provide any clarification that will help expedite your attention to my request, please contact me at Kenneth Snell, 41423 Noyes Ct / Indio, Ca. 92203 / 760-574- 9519 /, pursuant to Government Code § 6253.1. | ask that you notify me of any duplication costs exceeding $100.00 before you duplicate the records so that | may decide which records | want copied. Please transmit all requested files via email, if possible. If the file sizes are too large, please provide a link so that | can view and download the files. | look forward to receiving a response within 10 days, as required by California law. Let me know if you have any questions. Please be aware that | have a moderate-severe hearing disability and request communication by the given email, Thank you for your timely attention to this matter Sincerely, Kenneth Snell RCOE Safety Dana Ruvalcaba Friday, February 18, 2022 5:03 PM George Papa;Craig Petinak:Ruth Perez;Scott Price|Heather Wiliams;Matt Snellings Sandra Guerrero Subject: RE: Public Records Request Good afternoon. | will prepare the response for this CPRA request. ‘Thank you, Dana Ruvalcaba Director |, Benefits & Risk Management Services Division of Personnel Services Riverside County Office of Education 0 951.826.6443 | F 951.826.6941 3939 Thirteenth Street | P.O. Box 868 | Riverside, CA 92502 | woe RIVERSIDE COUNTY = OFFICE OF EDUCATION NCE (AD | art From: George Papa Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2022 1:17 PM To: Craig Petinak ; Ruth Perez ; Scott Price ; Heather Williams ; Dana Ruvalcaba ; Matt Snellings Ce: Sandra Guerrero Subject: RE: Public Records Request + Matt Snellings From: Craig Petinak Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2022 12:46 PM To: Ruth Perez ; Scott Price ; ; Dana Ruvalcaba Ce: Sandra Guerrero Subject: FW: Public Records Request jeorge Papa ; Heather Williams All, Please see the PRA request received this afternoon from Mr. Kenny Snell. Who will be corresponding with Mr. Snell on behalf of RCOE? Thanks, Craig Petinak Director Public Relations & Communications Services Office of the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools Riverside County Office of Education © 951.826.6679 | M 714.222.3480 3939 Thirteenth Street | Riverside, CA 92501 P.O, Box 868 | Riverside, CA 92502-0868 | “spe | RIVERSIDE COUNTY ‘OFFICE OF EDUCATION FE | COHN COHEL | om Haos From: Kenny Snell Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2022 12:23 PM To: Craig Petinak Subject: Public Records Request Dear Craig, Please forward this to RCOE legal counsel, the name of which was withheld from me. February 16, 2022 To: Kim Joseph Cousins, Board of Education President, Edwin Gomez, Ed.D, Riverside County Superintendent of Schools Riverside County Office of Education 3939 Thirteenth Street Riverside, California 92501 RE: Public Records Act Request Dear Mr. Cousins and Dr. Gomez, lam requesting access to records in possession or control of the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools, Riverside County Office of Education, for the purposes of inspection and copying pursuant to the California Public Records Act, California Government Code § 6250 et seq. (“CPRA"), and Article |, § 3(b) of the California Constitution. The specific records | seek to inspect and copy are listed below. As used herein, “Record” includes “Public Records” and “Writings” as those terms are defined at Government Code § 6252(e) & (g). | request access to inspect/copies of: Any and all Petitions CALLING FOR A SPECIAL GOVERNING BOARD MEMBER ELECTION AND TERMINATING THE PROVISIONAL APPOINTMENT that was submitted to the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools, Riverside County Office of Education between January 1, 2004, and February 12, 2022. | further request that it is made clear as to if each record that applies to this request (petitions) was approved and accepted, or denied by Riverside County Superintendent of Schools, Riverside County Office of Education, and if denied the reasons for the denial. In addition, to be clear, | am not requesting names, addresses or signatures of those that signed the petition, nor am | requesting more than one copy of each petition that meets this request. If you contend that any portion of the records requested is exempt from disclosure by express provisions of law, Government Code § 6253(a) requires segregation and redaction of that material in order that the remainder of the records may be released If you contend that any express provision of law exists to exempt from disclosure all or a portion of the records | have requested, Government Code § 6253(c) requires that you notify me of the reasons for the determination not later than 10 days from your receipt of this request. Government Code §§ 6253(d) & 6255(b) require that any response to this request that includes a determination that the request is denied, in whole or in part, must be in writing and include the name and title of the person(s) responsible for the City’s response Government Code § 6253(d) prohibits the use of the 10-day period, or any provisions of the CPRA or any other law, “to delay access for purposes of inspecting public records.” In responding to this request, please keep in mind that Article 1, § 3(b)(2) of the California Constitution expressly requires you to broadly construe all provisions that further the public’s right of access, and to apply any limitations on access as narrowly as possible. If | can provide any clarification that will help expedite your attention to my request, please contact me at Kenneth Snell, 41423 Noyes Ct / Indio, Ca. 92203 / 760-574- 9519 /, pursuant to Government Code § 6253.1. | ask that you notify me of any duplication costs exceeding $100.00 before you duplicate the records so that | may decide which records | want copied Please transmit all requested files via email, if possible. If the file sizes are too large, please provide a link so that | can view and download the files. | look forward to receiving a response within 10 days, as required by California law. Let me know if you have any questions. Please be aware that | have a moderate-severe hearing disability and request communication by the given email, Thank you for your timely attention to this matter. Sincerely, Kenneth Snell RCOE Safety Frot Dana Ruvalcaba Sent: Monday, February 14, 2022 11:23 AM Te Craig PetinakjRuth Perez;Scott Price;George PapaiHeather Williams Subject: RE: Public Records Request Good morning. | can assist with the PRA response and communicating with the requester. However, I'm not familiar with the petition records that are being requested. | would anticipate that Sandra Guerrero may be able to assist us in gathering the records that are readily available. We will most likely need to object on the request being overbroad since it is going back 18 years. ‘Thank you, Dana Ruvalcaba Director |, Benefits & Risk Management Services Division of Personnel Services Riverside County Office of Education 0 961.826.6443 | F 951.826.6941 3939 Thirteenth Street | P.O. Box 868 | Riverside, CA 92502| www. RIVERSIDE COUNTY of = OFFICE OF EDUCATION OHO COUL, LAD | omer From: Craig Petinak Sent: Monday, February 14, 2022 8:11 AM To: Ruth Perez ; Scott Price ; George Papa ; Dana Ruvalcaba ; Heather Williams Subject: FW: Public Records Request Good morning, The Public Records Act request below (with attachment) was received early this morning. It is related to RCBE, and, specifically, to any requests/petitions going back to 2004 for any special elections following a provisional appointment that had been made to fill a vacancy. Who is the best person to follow up with this specific request/requester? Cc Craig Petinak Director Public Relations & Communications Services Office of the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools Riverside County Office of Education O 951.826.6879 | M 714.222.3480 3939 Thirteenth Street | Riverside, CA 92501 P.O. Box 868 | Riverside, CA 92502-0868 | RIVERSIDE COUNTY = OFFICE OF EDUCATION Hoag From: Kenny Snell Sent: Monday, February 14, 2022 6:44 AM To: Craig Petinak ‘Subject: Public Records Request Good morning, My name is Kenneth Snell and I have the following public records request, which I have also attached to this email as a Word document: February 12, 2022 To: Kim Joseph Cousins, Board of Education President, Edwin Gomez, Ed.D, Riverside County Superintendent of Schools Riverside County Office of Education 3939 Thirteenth Street Riverside, California 92501 RE: Public Records Act Request Dear Mr. Cousins and Dr. Gomez, | am requesting access to records in possession or control of the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools, Riverside County Office of Education, for the purposes of inspection and copying, pursuant to the California Public Records Act, California Government Code § 6250 et seq. (“CPRA”), and Article I, § 3(b) of the California Constitution. The specific records I seek to inspect and copy are listed below. As used herein, “Record” includes “Public Records” and “Writings” as those terms are defined at Government Code § 6252(e) & (g). I request access to inspect/copies of: Any and all Petitions calling for an election after a provisional appointment has been made to fill a vacancy on a Schoo! Board that was submitted to the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools, Riverside County Office of Education between January 1, 2004, and February 12, 2022. | further request that it is made clear as to if each record that applies to this request (petitions) were approved and accepted, or denied by Riverside County Superintendent of Schools, Riverside County Office of Education, and if denied the reasons for the denial In addition, to be clear, | am not requesting names, addresses or signatures of those that signed the petition, nor am | requesting more than one copy of each petition that meets this request. If you contend that any portion of the records requested is exempt from disclosure by express provisions of law, Government Code § 6253(a) requires segregation and redaction of that material in order that the remainder of the records may be released. If you contend that any express provision of law exists to exempt from disclosure all or a portion of the records | have requested, Government Code § 6253(c) requires that you notify me of the reasons for the determination not later than 10 days from your receipt of this request. Government Code §§ 6253(d) & 6255(b) require that any response to this request that includes a determination that the request is denied, in whole or in part, must be in writing and include the name and title of the person(s) responsible for the City’s response Government Code § 6253(d) prohibits the use of the 10-day period, or any provisions of the CPRA or any other law, “to delay access for purposes of inspecting public records.” In responding to this request, please keep in mind that Article 1, § 3(b)(2) of the California Constitution expressly requires you to broadly construe all provisions that further the public’s right of access, and to apply any limitations on access as narrowly as possible If | can provide any clarification that will help expedite your attention to my request, please contact me at Kenneth Snell, 41423 Noyes Ct / Indio, Ca. 92203 / 760-574- 9519 /, pursuant to Government Code § 6253.1. | ask that you notify me of any duplication costs exceeding $100.00 before you duplicate the records so that | may decide which records | want copied Please transmit all requested files via email, if possible. If the file sizes are too large, please provide a link so that | can view and download the files. | look forward to receiving a response within 10 days, as required by California law. Let me know if you have any questions Please be aware that | have a moderate-severe hearing disability and request communication by the given email, Thank you for your timely attention to this matter Sincerely, Kenneth Snell RCOE Safety From: Dana Ruvalcaba Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2022 8:22 AM Te Craig Petinak:Scott Price;Sandra Guerrero;George Papa(Ruth Perez;Heather Williams Subject: RE: FW: Public Records Request Craig, Good morning, Thank you for keeping us informed. | appreciate it Thank you, ‘Dana Ruvalcaba Director |, Benefits & Risk Management Services Division of Personnel Services Riverside County Office of Education 0 951.826.6443 | F 951.826.6941 3939 Thirteenth Street | P.O. Box 868 | Riverside, CA 92502 | www.fcve.Us RIVERSIDE COUNTY Q> OFFICE OF EDUCATION From: Craig Petinak Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2022 8:06 AM To: Scott Price ; Sandra Guerrero ; George Papa ; Dana Ruvaleaba ; Ruth Perez ; Heather Williams ‘Subject: FW: FW: Public Records Request FYI—I received this message late last night. | do not intend to reply. Thanks, Craig Petinak Director Public Relations & Communications Services Office of the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools Riverside County Office of Education © 951.826.6679 | M 714.222.3480 3939 Thirteenth Street | Riverside, CA 92501 P.O. Box 868 | Riverside, CA 92502-0868 | RIVERSIDE COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION eH CeaMe 8D | ome dh Haeogd From: Kenny Snell Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2022 11:43 PM Tot Craig Petinak Subject: Re: FW: Public Records Request Craig, This request has seemed to cause much confusion, consider it withdrawn. To be clear I withdraw only this request, dated 2/12/2022, and retain the right to file a similar request in the future. Regards, Kenny Snell On Mon, Feb 14, 2022 at 4:51 PM Sandra Guerrero wrote: Good afternoon, Mr. Snell. Attached is a copy of California Secretary of State’s 2020 Procedures for Recalling State and Local Officials. You will find information related to the Recall of Local Officers beginning on page 14. On page 15, you will see that the Secretary of State is required to provide a format for the petition, which is included in Exhibit D of the publication, it should also be obtained from a county elections official (the Registrar of Voters, not RCOE). The format prepared by the Secretary of State is mandatory and must be used. Beginning on page 16 you will find very specific instructions that will pertain to your proposed petition. Of important note, the recall petition must list the names of ten proponents without their residence addresses. RCOE has received your Public Records Act (PRA) Request and you will receive a formal response from another individual in the organization with a timeline of its preparation. | will work with them at providing the information you've requested, however, the document copies you've requested PRE-DATE recent legislation and the previous petitions would no longer be acceptable for Recalls after January 2020. This information does not affect your PRA, RCOE will still be able to provide the documents you've requested. Should you find that the PRA you requested and its potential expense are no longer necessary as a result of revised legislation, please send an e-mail to Mr. Craig Petinak to withdraw it. | hope you find this information helpful. Have a good evening Gandea Li, Guerrero Administrative Assistant to the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools Office of the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools Riverside County Office of Education O 951.826.6674 | F 951.826.6199 3939 Thirteenth Street | Riverside, CA 92501 P.O. Box 868 | Riverside, CA 92502-0868 | RIVERSIDE COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION From: Craig Petinak Sent: Monday, February 14, 2022 8:11 AM To: Ruth Perez ; Scott Price ; George Papa ; Dana Ruvalcaba ; Heather Williams Subject: FW: Public Records Request Good morning, The Public Records Act request below (with attachment) was received early this morning. It is related to RCBE, and, specifically, to any requests/petitions going back to 2004 for any special elections following a provisional appointment that had been made to fill a vacancy. Who is the best person to follow up with this specific request/requester? Craig Petinak Director Public Relations & Communications Services Office of the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools 3 Riverside County Office of Education (© 951.826.6679 | M 714.222.3480 3939 Thirteenth Street | Riverside, CA 92501 P.O. Box 868 | Riverside, CA 92502-0868 | RIVERSIDE COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION Hoaoa Kenny Snell Sent: Monday, February 14, 2022 6:44 AM To: Craig Petinak Subject: Public Records Request Good morning, My name is Kenneth Snell and I have the following public records request, which I have also attached to this email as a Word document: February 12, 2022 To: Kim Joseph Cousins, Board of Education President, Edwin Gomez, Ed.D, Riverside County Superintendent of Schools Riverside County Office of Education 3939 Thirteenth Street Riverside, California 92501 RE: Public Records Act Request Dear Mr. Cousins and Dr. Gomez, | am requesting access to records in possession or control of the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools, Riverside County Office of Education, for the purposes of inspection and copying pursuant to the California Public Records Act, California Government Code § 6250 et seq. (“CPRA"), and Article I, § 3(b) of the California Constitution. The specific records I seek to inspect and copy are listed below. As used herein, “Record” includes “Public Records” and “Writings” as those terms are defined at Government Code § 6252(c) & (g). I request access to inspect/copies of: Any and all Petitions calling for an election after a provisional appointment has been made to fill a vacancy on a School Board that was submitted to the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools, Riverside County Office of Education between January 1, 2004, and February 12, 2022. | further request that it is made clear as to if each record that applies to this request (petitions) were approved and accepted, or denied by Riverside County Superintendent of Schools, Riverside County Office of Education, and if denied the reasons for the denial In addition, to be clear, | am not requesting names, addresses or signatures of those that signed the petition, nor am | requesting more than one copy of each petition that meets this request. If you contend that any portion of the records requested is exempt from disclosure by express provisions of law, Government Code § 6253(a) requires segregation and redaction of that material in order that the remainder of the records may be released If you contend that any express provision of law exists to exempt from disclosure all or a portion of the records | have requested, Government Code § 6253(c) requires that you notify me of the reasons for the determination not later than 10 days from your receipt of this request. Government Code §§ 6253(d) & 6255(b) require that any response to this request that includes a determination that the request is denied, in whole or in part, must be in writing and include the name and title of the person(s) responsible for the City's response. Government Code § 6253(d) prohibits the use of the 10-day period, or any provisions of the CPRA or any other law, “to delay access for purposes of inspecting public records.” In responding to this request, please keep in mind that Article 1, § 3(b)(2) of the California Constitution expressly requires you to broadly construe all provisions that further the public’s right of access, and to apply any limitations on access as narrowly as possible. If | can provide any clarification that will help expedite your attention to my request, please contact me at Kenneth Snell, 41423 Noyes Ct/ Indio, Ca. 92203 / 760-574- 9519 /, pursuant to Government Code § 6253.1. | ask that you notify me of any duplication costs exceeding $100.00 before you duplicate the records so that | may decide which records | want copied. Please transmit all requested files via email, if possible. If the file sizes are too large, please provide a link so that | can view and download the files. | look forward to receiving a response within 10 days, as required by California law. Let me know if you have any questions Please be aware that | have a moderate-severe hearing disability and request communication by the given email, Ihank you tor your timely attention to this matter Sincerely, Kenneth Snell RCOE Safety Dana Ruvalcaba Friday, February 18, 2022 5:03 PM George Papa;Craig Petinak Ruth PerezScott Pri Sandra Guerrero Subject: RE: Public Records Request Heather Williams;Matt Snellings Good afternoon. | will prepare the response for this CPRA request. Thank you, Dana Ruvalcaba Director |, Benefits & Risk Management Services Division of Personnel Services Riverside County Office of Education 0 951.826.6443 | F 951.826.6941 3939 Thirteenth Street | P.O. Box 868 | Riverside, CA 92502 | RIVERSIDE COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION SDH CEHL IAD | Gordes From: George Papa Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2022 1:17 PM To: Craig Petinak ; Ruth Perez ; Scott Price ; Heather Williams ; Dana Ruvalcaba ; Matt Snellings Ce: Sandra Guerrero Subject: RE: Public Records Request + Matt Snellings From: Craig Petinak Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2022 12:46 PM To: Ruth Perez ; Scott Price ; George Papa ; Heather Williams ; Dana Ruvalcaba Cc: Sandra Guerrero Subject: FW: Public Records Request All, Please see the PRA request received this afternoon from Mr. Kenny Snell. Who will be corresponding with Mr. Snell on behalf of RCOE? Thanks, Craig Petinak Director Public Relations & Communications Services Office of the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools Riverside County Office of Education 0 951.826.6679 | M 714.222.3480 3939 Thirteenth Street | Riverside, CA 92501 P.O. Box 868 | Riverside, CA 92502-0868 | | RIVERSIDE COUNTY =) OFFICE OF EDUCATION From: Kenny Snell Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2022 12:23 PM. To: Craig Petinak ‘Subject: Public Records Request Dear Craig, Please forward this to RCOE legal counsel, the name of which was withheld from me. February 16, 2022 To: Kim Joseph Cousins, Board of Education President, Edwin Gomez, Ed.D, Riverside County Superintendent of Schools Riverside County Office of Education 3939 Thirteenth Street Riverside, California 92501 RE: Public Records Act Request Dear Mr. Cousins and Dr. Gomez, |_am requesting access to records in possession or control of the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools, Riverside County Office of Education, for the purposes of inspection and copying pursuant to the California Public Records Act, California Government Code § 6250 et seq. (“CPRA”), and Article |, § 3(b) of the California Constitution. The specific records | seek to inspect and copy are listed below. As used herein, “Record” includes “Public Records” and “Writings” as those terms are defined at Government Code § 6252(e) & (g). | request access to inspect/copies of: Any and all Petitions CALLING FOR A SPECIAL GOVERNING BOARD MEMBER ELECTION AND TERMINATING THE PROVISIONAL APPOINTMENT that was submitted to the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools, Riverside County Office of Education between January 1, 2004, and February 12, 2022 | further request that it is made clear as to if each record that applies to this request (petitions) was approved and accepted, or denied by Riverside County Superintendent of Schools, Riverside County Office of Education, and if denied the reasons for the denial In addition, to be clear, | am not requesting names, addresses or signatures of those that signed the petition, nor am | requesting more than one copy of each petition that meets this request. If you contend that any portion of the records requested is exempt from disclosure by express provisions of law, Government Code § 6253(a) requires segregation and redaction of that material in order that the remainder of the records may be released If you contend that any express provision of law exists to exempt from disclosure all or a portion of the records | have requested, Government Code § 6253(c) requires that you notify me of the reasons for the determination not later than 10 days from your receipt of this request. Government Code §§ 6253(d) & 6255(b) require that any response to this request that includes a determination that the request is denied, in whole or in part, must be in writing and include the name and title of the person(s) responsible for the City’s response. Government Code § 6253(d) prohibits the use of the 10-day period, or any provisions of the CPRA or any other law, “to delay access for purposes of inspecting public records.” In responding to this request, please keep in mind that Article 1, § 3(b)(2) of the California Constitution expressly requires you to broadly construe all provisions that further the public’s right of access, and to apply any limitations on access as narrowly as possible If | can provide any clarification that will help expedite your attention to my request, please contact me at Kenneth Snell, 41423 Noyes Ct / Indio, Ca. 92203 / 760-574- 9519 /, pursuant to Government Code § 6253.1. | ask that you notify me of any duplication costs exceeding $100.00 before you duplicate the records so that | may decide which records | want copied. Please transmit all requested files via email, if possible. If the file sizes are too large, please provide a link so that | can view and download the files. I look forward to receiving a response within 10 days, as required by California law. Let me know if you have any questions Please be aware that | have a moderate-severe hearing disability and request communication by the given email, Thank you for your timely attention to this matter. Sincerely, Kenneth Snell RCOE Safety Dana Ruvaleaba Tuesday, February 22, 2022 6:11 PM kennyms66@qmailcom Craig Petinak Subject: RE: Public Records Request ‘Attachments: CPRA Records, Pettions.paf February 22, 2022 Dear Ms. Snell This email shall serve as the Riverside County Office of Education (RCOE) official response to your request for public records dated February 16, 2022. In accordance with Government Code section 6253.9, we acknowledge your request to receive the information in electronic format. Per Government Code section 6262 et seq., only existing records must be produced and the entity is not required to make or create a new document to respond with the requested information. In ‘good faith, please find the attached redacted records that are available. ‘Some records requested may be subject to exemptions, objections and privileges that protect them from production, disclosure, and/or the deliberative process, and all such exemptions, objections, privileges and/or other bars and limitations as to your document request and/or production of documents pursuant to your request are specifically preserved and reserved here, including the employee state and federal rights to privacy in employment and personne! information and materials, employee state and federal rights to privacy, student privacy and educational rights, and all other potential exemptions found in the California Government Code and the authorities addressing the same (Govt. Code section 6254 et seq,, Department of the Air Force v. Rose, 425 U.S. 352 (1976), San Diego Trolley, Inc. v. Superior Court (2001) 87 Cal.App.4* 1083). if you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me via email at ‘Thank you, Dana Ruvalcaba Director |, Benefits & Risk Management Services Division of Personnel Services Riverside County Office of Education 0 951.826.6443 | F 951.826.6941 3039 Thirteenth Street | P.O. Box 868 | Riverside, CA 92502 | www.fc0e.US RIVERSIDE COUNTY f= OFFICE OF EDUCATION SE Low CuE 4D | rare dat From: Kenny Snell Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2022 12:23 PM To: Craig Petinak Subject: Public Records Request Dear Craig, Please forward this to RCOE legal counsel, the name of which was withheld from me. 1 February 16, 2022 To: Kim Joseph Cousins, Board of Education President, Edwin Gomez, Ed.D, Riverside County Superintendent of Schools Riverside County Office of Education 3939 Thirteenth Street Riverside, California 92501 RE: Public Records Act Request Dear Mr. Cousins and Dr. Gomez, | am requesting access to records in possession or control of the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools, Riverside County Office of Education, for the purposes of inspection and copying pursuant to the California Public Records Act, California Government Code § 6250 et seq. (“CPRA"), and Article I, § 3(b) of the California Constitution. The specific records | seek to inspect and copy are listed below. As used herein, “Record” includes “Public Records” and “Writings” as those terms are defined at Government Code § 6252(e) & (g). | request access to inspect/copies of: Any and all Petitions CALLING FOR A SPECIAL GOVERNING BOARD MEMBER ELECTION AND TERMINATING THE PROVISIONAL APPOINTMENT that was submitted to the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools, Riverside County Office of Education between January 1, 2004, and February 12, 2022 | further request that it is made clear as to if each record that applies to this request (petitions) was approved and accepted, or denied by Riverside County Superintendent of Schools, Riverside County Office of Education, and if denied the reasons for the denial. In addition, to be clear, | am not requesting names, addresses or signatures of those that signed the petition, nor am | requesting more than one copy of each petition that meets this request. If you contend that any portion of the records requested is exempt from disclosure by express provisions of law, Government Code § 6253(a) requires segregation and redaction of that material in order that the remainder of the records may be released If you contend that any express provision of law exists to exempt from disclosure all or a portion of the records | have requested, Government Code § 6253(c) requires that you notify me of the reasons for the determination not later than 10 days from your receipt of this request. Government Code §§ 6253(d) & 6255(b) require that any response to this request that includes a determination that the request is denied, in whole or in part, must be in writing and include the name and title of the person(s) responsible for the City’s response. Government Code § 6253(d) prohibits the use of the 10-day period, or any provisions of the CPRA or any other law, “to delay access for purposes of inspecting public records." In responding to this request, please keep in mind that Article 1, § 3(b)(2) of the California Constitution expressly requires you to broadly construe all provisions that further the public's right of access, and to apply any limitations on access as narrowly as possible. If | can provide any clarification that will help expedite your attention to my request, please contact me at Kenneth Snell, 41423 Noyes Ct / Indio, Ca. 92203 / 760-574- 9519 /, pursuant to Government Code § 6253.1. | ask that you notify me of any duplication costs exceeding $100.00 before you duplicate the records so that | may decide which records | want copied Please transmit all requested files via email, if possible. If the file sizes are too large, please provide a link so that | can view and download the files. | look forward to receiving a response within 10 days, as required by California law. Let me know if you have any questions Please be aware that | have a moderate-severe hearing disability and request communication by the given email, Thank you for your timely attention to this matter Sincerely, Kenneth Snell jreeD pen sity atte jeerpte. y mee ‘ ‘ aun “NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC: A PAID SIG! Se ERER OR A VOLUNTEER MAY CIRCULATE “TIS PETITION, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO ASK” nit eee " RECEIVED Nov 15 2018 Femina ay Moreno Valley. Recebl feces (05S Nance Hon -62083}>220 Rrccepled PEHHO —acmeetaamminan — Spee toy eas mt mn celanano gens CREAN STI EEA ETN : TT pica ib, I | go0g01 RCOE Safety From: Dana Ruvalcaba Sent: Friday, February 18, 2022 5:03 PM 1 George PapayCraig Petinak;Ruth Perez;Scott Price;Heather Williams;Matt Snellings Ce: Sandra Guerrero Subject: RE: Public Records Request Good afternoon. | will prepare the response for this CPRA request. Thank you, Dana Ruvalcaba Director |, Benefits & Risk Management Services Division of Personnel Services Riverside County Office of Education 0 951.826.6443 | F 951.826.6941 3939 Thirteenth Street | P.O. Box 868 | Riverside, CA 92502 | Se RIVERSIDE COUNTY <= OFFICE OF EDUCATION From: George Papa Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2022 1:17 PM nak ; Ruth Perez ; Scott Price ; Heather ms>; Dana Ruvalcaba ; Matt Snellings Ce: Sandra Guerrero Subject: RE: Public Records Request + Matt Snellings From: Craig Petinak Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2022 12:46 PM To: Ruth Perez ; Scott Price ; George Papa ; Heather Williams ; Dana Ruvalcaba Ce: Sandra Guerrero Subject: FW: Public Records Request All, Please see the PRA request received this afternoon from Mr. Kenny Snell. Who will be corresponding with Mr. Snell on behalf of RCOE? Thanks, Craig Petinak Director Public Relations & Communications Services Office of the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools Riverside County Office of Education © 951.826.6679 | M4 714.222.3480 3939 Thirteenth Street | Riverside, CA 92501 P.O. Box 868 | Kiverside, CA ¥25U2-UB68 | RIVERSIDE COUNTY 0 OFFICE OF EDUCATION | OWN COHEL BO | omer aos From: Kenny Snell Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2022 12:23 PM. To: Craig Petinak Subject: Public Records Request Dear Craig, Please forward this to RCOE legal counsel, the name of which was withheld from me February 16, 2022 To: Kim Joseph Cousins, Board of Education President, Edwin Gomez, Ed.D, Riverside County Superintendent of Schools Riverside County Office of Education 3939 Thirteenth Street Riverside, California 92501 RE: Public Records Act Request Dear Mr. Cousins and Dr. Gomez, | am requesting access to records in possession or control of the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools, Riverside County Office of Education, for the purposes of inspection and copying pursuant to the California Public Records Act, California Government Code § 6250 et seq. ("CPRA”), and Article I, § 3(b) of the California Constitution. The specific records | seek to inspect and copy are listed below. As used herein, “Record” includes “Public Records” and “Writings” as those terms are defined at Government Code § 6252(e) & (g). | request access to inspect/copies of: Any and all Petitions CALLING FOR A SPECIAL GOVERNING BOARD MEMBER ELECTION AND TERMINATING THE PROVISIONAL APPOINTMENT that was submitted to the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools, Riverside County Office of Education between January 1, 2004, and February 12, 2022. | further request that it is made clear as to if each record that applies to this request (petitions) was approved and accepted, or denied by Riverside County Superintendent of Schools, Riverside County Office of Education, and if denied the reasons for the denial In addition, to be clear, | am not requesting names, addresses or signatures of those that signed the petition, nor am | requesting more than one copy of each petition that meets this request. If you contend that any portion of the records requested is exempt from disclosure by express provisions of law, Government Code § 6253(a) requires segregation and redaction of that material in order that the remainder of the records may be released If you contend that any express provision of law exists to exempt from disclosure all or a portion of the records | have requested, Government Code § 6253(c) requires that you notify me of the reasons for the determination not later than 10 days from your receipt of this request. Government Code §§ 6253(d) & 6255(b) require that any response to this request that includes a determination that the request is denied, in whole or in part, must be in writing and include the name and title of the person(s) responsible for the City’s response Government Code § 6253(d) prohibits the use of the 10-day period, or any provisions of the CPRA or any other law, “to delay access for purposes of inspecting public records.” In responding to this request, please keep in mind that Article 1, § 3(b)(2) of the California Constitution expressly requires you to broadly construe all provisions that further the public's right of access, and to apply any limitations on access as narrowly as possible. If | can provide any clarification that will help expedite your attention to my request, please contact me at Kenneth Snell, 41423 Noyes Ct / Indio, Ca. 92203 / 760-574- 9519 /, pursuant to Government Code § 6253.1. | ask that you notify me of any duplication costs exceeding $100.00 before you duplicate the records so that | may decide which records | want copied Please transmit all requested files via email, if possible. If the file sizes are too large, please provide a link so that | can view and download the files. | look forward to receiving a response within 10 days, as required by California law. Let me know if you have any questions Please be aware that | have a moderate-severe hearing disability and request communication by the given email, Thank you for your timely attention to this matter. Sincerely, Kenneth Snell RCOE Safety From: Dana Ruvalcaba Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2022 2:52 PM To: Sandra Guerrero Subject: RE: Public Records Request Hi Sandra, ‘Thank you for double checking with Rollin and keeping me posted. ‘Thank you, Dana Ruvalcaba Director |, Benefits & Risk Management Services Division of Personnel Servi Riverside County Office of Education 0 951.826.6443 | F 951.826.6941 3939 Thirteenth Street | P.O. Box 868 | Riverside, CA 92502 | wnw.rcoe us sz | RIVERSIDE COUNTY a OFFICE OF EDUCATION S| Uns Cn 140 | neat From: Sandra Guerrero Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2022 2:47 PM To: Dana Ruvalcaba Subject: RE: Public Records Request Hi Dana, We have one of the petitions prepared. | spoke with Rollin yesterday afternoon and he said there was another ‘one submitted that was received by our office and never made it to a special election. | have to dig through his files to find out if we rejected the petition or if it was deemed insufficient by the Registrar of Voters. andra Ki. Guerrero Administrative Assistant to the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools Office of the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools Riverside County Office of Education O 951.826.6674 | F 951.826.6199 3939 Thirteenth Street | Riverside, CA 92501 P.O. Box 868 | Riverside, CA 92502-0868 | Se | RIVERSIDE COUNTY “| OFFICE OF EDUCATION From: Dana Ruvalcaba Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2022 2:22 PM To: Ruth Perez Ce: Sandra Guerrero Subject: RE: Public Records Request Hi Dr. Perez, Yes, of course and | will provide a copy of our final response to you, Sandra, and Rollin, ‘Thank you, Dana Ruvalcaba Director I, Benefits & Risk Management Services Division of Personnel Services Riverside County Office of Education 0 951.826.6443 | F 951.826.6941 3939 Thirteenth Street | P.O. Box 868 | Riverside, CA 92502 | se | RIVERSIDE COUNTY f= OFFICE OF EDUCATION TE UNCC 0 | um Seed, From: Ruth Perez Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2022 2:09 PM To: Dana Ruvalcaba Ce: Sandra Guerrero Subject: Fwd: Public Records Request Hi Dana. Please ensure that once these are gathered by Sandra that they reach the requester in the time allowable for satisfying PRA requests. Thank you, Ruth Perez, Ed.D. Deputy Superintendent of Riverside County Office of Education (951) 826-6194 Begin forwarded message: From: Craig Petinak Date: February 15, 2022 at 12:56:43 PM PST To: Ruth Perez , Scott Price , George Papa , Dana Ruvaleaba , Heather Williams Ce: Sandra Guerrero Subject: RE: Public Records Request Thanks, Dr. Pérez. | will not engage with the requester. 2 In speaking with the PIO at DSUSD on another matter, the DSUSD Board is holding interviews today of 10 individuals interested in filling an open board position And, it became evident that this same individual frequently makes PRA requests of their district. He is also employed by DSUSD, but on an extended medical leave. Craig Petinak Director Public Relations & Communications Services Office of the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools Riverside County Office of Education 0.951.826.6679 | M 714.222.3480 3939 Thirteenth Street | Riverside, CA 92501 P.O. Box 868 | Riverside, CA 92502-0868 | == | RIVERSIDE COUNTY “i OFFICE OF EDUCATION Haeogd From: Ruth Perez Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2022 11:39 AM To: Craig Petinak ; Scott Price ; George Papa ; Heather Williams Ce: Sandra Guerrero Subject: RE: Public Records Request Craig, Sandra will be working with Rsollin on this request. Thank you. Ruth Perez, Ed.D. Riverside County Deputy Superintendent of Schools Riverside County Office of Education 0 951-826-6194 | M 626-379-1120 3839 Thirteenth Street | Riverside, CA 92501 P.O. Box 868 | Riverside, CA 92502-0868 RIVERSIDE COUNTY f= OFFICE OF EDUCATION S| Ronecuts (49 | Greet oooog From: Craig Petinak Sent: Monday, February 14, 2022 8:11 AM Tot Ruth Perez ; Scott Price ; George Papa ; Dania Ruvaltaba ; Heather Willams ‘Subject: FW: Public Records Request Good morning, The Public Records Act request below (with attachment) was received early this morning. It is related to RCBE, and, specifically, to any requests/petitions going back to 2004 for any special elections following a provisional appointment that had been made to fill a vacancy. Who is the best person to follow up with this specific request/requester? Cc Craig Petinak Director Public Relations & Communications Services Office of the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools Riverside County Office of Education 0 951.826.6679 | M 714.222.3480 3939 Thirteenth Street | Riverside, CA 92501 P.O. Box 868 | Riverside, CA 92502-0868 | = | RIVERSIDE COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION OWNED | nner dat Hoeaog From: Kenny Snell Sent: Monday, February 14, 2022 6:44 AM To: Craig Petinak Subject: Public Records Request Good morning, My name is Kenneth Snell and I have the following public records request, which I have also attached to this email as a Word document: February 12, 2022 To: Kim Joseph Cousins, Board of Education President, 4 Edwin Gomez, Ed.D, Riverside County Superintendent of Schools Riverside County Office of Education 3939 Thirteenth Street Riverside, California 92501 RE: Public Records Act Request Dear Mr. Cousins and Dr. Gomez, | am requesting access to records in possession or control of the Rive County Superintendent of Schools, Riverside County Office of Education, for the purposes of inspection and copying pursuant to the California Public Records Act, California Government Code § 6250 et seq. (“CPRA”), and Article I, § 3(b) of the California Constitution. The specific records I seek to inspect and copy are listed below. As used herein, “Record” includes “Public Records” and “Writings” as those terms are defined at Government Code § 6252(e) & (g). I request access to inspect/copies of: Any and all Petitions calling for an election after a provisional appointment has been made to fill a vacancy on a School Board that was submitted to the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools, Riverside County Office of Education between January 1, 2004, and February 12, 2022. | further request that it is made clear as to if each record that applies to this request (petitions) were approved and accepted, or denied by Riverside County Superintendent of Schools, Riverside County Office of Education, and if denied the reasons for the denial In addition, to be clear, | am not requesting names, addresses or signatures of those that signed the petition, nor am | requesting more than one copy of each petition that meets this request If you contend that any portion of the records requested is exempt from disclosure by express provisions of law, Government Code § 6253(a) requires segregation and redaction of that material in order that the remainder of the records may be released. If you contend that any express provision of law exists to exempt from disclosure all or a portion of the records | have requested, Government Code § 6253(c) requires that you notify me of the reasons for the determination not later than 10 days from your receipt of this request. Government Code §§ 6253(d) & 6255(b) require that any response to this request that includes a determination that the request is denied, in whole or in part, must be in writing and include the name and title of the person(s) responsible for the City’s response. Government Code § 6253(d) prohibits the use of the 10-day period, or any provisions of the CPRA or any other law, “to delay access for purposes of inspecting public records.” In responding to this request, please keep in mind that Article 1, § 3(b)(2) of the California Constitution expressly requires you to broadly construe all provisions that further the public’s right of access, and to apply any limitations on access a3 narrowly as possible If | can provide any clarification that will help expedite your attention to my request, please contact me at Kenneth Snell, 41423 Noyes Ct / Indio, Ca. 92203 / 760-574-9519 /, pursuant to Government Code § 6253.1. | ask that you notify me of any duplication costs exceeding $100.00 before you duplicate the records so that | may decide which records | want copied. Please transmit all requested files via email, if possible. If the file sizes are too large, please provide a link so that | can view and download the files. | look forward to receiving a response within 10 days, as required by California law. Let me know if you have any questions Please be aware that I have a moderate-severe hearing disability and request communication by the given email,, Thank you for your timely attention to this matter, Sincerely, Kenneth Snell RCOE Safety From: Dana Ruvalcaba Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2022 2:22 PM To: Ruth Perez ce: Sandra Guerrero Subject: RE: Public Records Request Hi Dr. Perez, Yes, of course and | will provide a copy of our final response to you, Sandra, and Rollin. ‘Thank you, Dana Ruvalcaba Director |, Benefits & Risk Management Services Division of Personnel Services Riverside County Office of Education 0 951.826.6443 | F 951.826.6941 3939 Thirteenth Street | P.O. Box 868 | Riverside, CA 92502 | = | RIVERSIDE COUNTY: <)— OFFICE OF EDUCATION Z| uct 148 | om ered From: Ruth Perez Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2022 2:09 PM To: Dana Ruvalcaba Ce: Sandra Guerrero Subject: Fwd: Public Records Request Hi Dana, Please ensure that once these are gathered by Sandra that they reach the requester in the time allowable for satisfying PRA requests. Thank you. Ruth Perez, Ed.D. Deputy Superintendent of Riverside County Office of Education (951) 826-6194 Begin forwarded message: From: Craig Petinak Date: February 15, 2022 at 12:56:43 PM PST ‘To: Ruth Perez, , Scott Price , George Papa , Dana Ruvalcaba , Heather Williams Ce: Sandra Guerrero Subject: RE: Public Records Request Thanks, Dr. Pérez. | will not engage with the requester. In speaking with the PIO at DSUSD on another matter, the NSUSN Roard is holding interviews today of 10 individuals interested in filling an open board position. And, it became evident that this same individual frequently makes PRA requests ot their district. He is also employed by DSUSD, but on an extended medical leave. Craig Petinak irector Public Relations & Communications Services Office of the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools Riverside County Office of Education 0 951.826.6679 | M 714.222.3480 3939 Thirteenth Street | Riverside, CA 92501 P.O. Box 868 | Riverside, CA 92502-0868 | RIVERSIDE COUNTY =af | OFFICE OF EDUCATION Hao From: Ruth Perez Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2022 11:39 AM To: Craig Petinak ; Scott Price ; Dana Ruvalcaba ; Heather Williams Ce: Sandra Guerrero Subject: RE: Public Records Request Craig, Sandra will be working with Rsollin on this request. Thank you Ruth Perez, Ed.D. Riverside County Deputy Superintendent of Schools Riverside County Office of Education 0 951-826-6194 | MM 626-379-1120 3939 Thirteenth Street | Riverside, CA 92501 P.O. Box 868 | Riverside, CA 92502-0868 Se | RIVERSIDE COUNTY Sent: Monday, February 14, 2022 8:11 AM To: Ruth Perez ; Scott Price ; George Papa ; Dana Ruvalcaba ; Heather Williams ‘Subject: FW: Public Records Request Good morning, The Public Records Act request below (with attachment) was received early this morning. It is related to RCBE, and, specifically, to any requests/petitions going back to 2004 for any special elections following a provisional appointment that had been made to fill a vacancy. Who is the best person to follow up with this specific request/requester? Cc Craig Petinak Director Public Relations & Communications Services Office of the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools Riverside County Office of Education 0 951.826.6679 | M 714.222.3480 3939 Thirteenth Street | Riverside, CA 92501 P.O. Box 868 | Riverside, CA 92502-0868 | se | RIVERSIDE COUNTY a= OFFICE OF EDUCATION | Guests (40 Gam arbre aos From: Kenny Snell Sent: Monday, February 14, 2022 6:44 AM To: Craig Petinak Subject: Public Records Request Good morning, My name is Kenneth Snell and I have the following public records request, which I have also attached to this email as a Word document: February 12, 2022 To: Kim Joseph Cousins, Board of Education President, 3 Edwin Gomez, Ed.D, Riverside County Superintendent of Schools Riverside County Office of Education 3929 Thirteenth Street Riverside, California 92501 RE: Public Records Act Request Dear Mr. Cousins and Dr. Gomez, |_am requesting access to records in possession or control of the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools, Riverside County Office of Education, for the purposes of inspection and copying pursuant to the California Public Records Act, California Government Code § 6250 et seq. (“CPRA"), and Article 1, § 3(b) of the California Constitution. The specific records I seek to inspect and copy are listed below. As used herein, “Record” includes “Public Records” and “Writings” as those terms are defined at Government Code § 6252(¢) & (g). I request access to inspect/copies oft Any and all Petitions calling for an election after a provisional appointment has been made to fill a vacancy on a School Board that was submitted to the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools, Riverside County Office of Education between January 1, 2004, and February 12, 2022. | further request that it is made clear as to if each record that applies to this request (petitions) were approved and accepted, or denied by Riverside County Superintendent of Schools, Riverside County Office of Education, and if denied the reasons for the denial. In addition, to be clear, | am not requesting names, addresses or signatures of those that signed the petition, nor am I requesting more than one copy of each petition that meets this request If you contend that any portion of the records requested is exempt from disclosure by express provisions of law, Government Code § 6253(a) requires segregation and redaction of that material in order that the remainder of the records may be released. If you contend that any express provision of law exists to exempt from disclosure all or a portion of the records | have requested, Government Code § 6253(c) requires that you notify me of the reasons for the determination not later than 10 days from your receipt of this request. Government Code §§ 6253(d) & 6255(b) require that any response to this request that includes a determination that the request is denied, in whole or in part, must be in writing and include the name and title of the person(s) responsible for the City's response Government Code § 6253(d) prohibits the use of the 10-day period, or any provisions of the CPRA or any other law, “to delay access for purposes of inspecting public records.” In responding to this request, please keep in mind that Article 1, § 3(b)(2) of the California Constitution expressly requires you to broadly construe all provisions that further the public's right of access, and to apply any limitations on access as narrowly as possible. If | can provide any clarification that will help expedite your attention to my request, please contact me at Kenneth Snell, 41423 Noyes Ct / Indio, Ca. 92203 / 760-574-9519 /, pursuant to Government Code § 6253.1. | ask that you notify me of any duplication costs exceeding $100.00 before you duplicate the records so that | may decide which records | want copied Please transmit all requested files via email, if possible. If the file sizes are too large, please provide a link so that | can view and download the files. | look forward to receiving a response within 10 days, as required by California law. Let me know if you have any questions. Please be aware that | have a moderate-severe hearing disability and request communication by the given email, Thank you for your timely attention to this matter Sincerely, Kenneth Snell

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