Preparing For Mass

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Mass SklL

Large Croup Mass 1hls semesLer we are Laklng some Llme durlng our large
group Lo focus on Lhe Mass 1oplcs Lo be dlscussed wlll lnclude Lhe new 8oman
Mlssal how Lo prepare for Mass behavloral expecLaLlons durlng Mass Mass
parLs how Mass LranslaLes Lo our everyday llves and so forLh We wlll approach
Lhls by havlng a sklL or an acLlvlLy followed by a Lalk AfLer Lhls we wlll generally
break up lnLo our small groups

1hls week's Loplc wlll address on how we prepare for Mass 1eens can puL so
much LhoughL and care lnLo preparlng for Lhlngs ln llfe llke sLudylng for a LesL
golng on a daLe learnlng how Lo drlve a car buL when lL comes Lo Mass we look
aL Lhe clock and reallze lL's 30 mlnuLes before and we have Lo qulckly rush Lo geL
ready or Lhe parenLs are breaLhlng down Lhelr necks Lo geL ready We wlll
address Lhls lssue and hopefully flnd ways where Leens can prepare Lhelr mlnds
hearLs and Lhelr selves before Mass

3 scenes
veronlca's frlends (23)
arenLs (2)
?ouLh MlnlsLer


veronlca 8olls ouL of bed and LexLs 8ob (cue cards) l'm so exclLed Lo see you
LonlghL for our daLe! xoxo"
Coes Lhrough Lhe day day dreams ln class and rushes back Lo Lhe house so she
can sLarL geLLlng ready
She Lakes a shower puLs on makeup does whaLever glrls do Lo prepare
She calls glrls over and Lhey have a prep glrl Lalk
1he scene ends as she walks off Lhe sLage Lo geL plcked up by 8ob

eLer ls preparlng for Lhe blg game and he's llfLlng welghLs and worklng ouL (cue
90x vldeo)
Pe keeps Lalklng Lo hlmself Lhe whole Llme Lo hype hlmself up
CoLLa be ln lL Lo wln lL"
Cenerlc moLlvaLlonal sLaLemenL"
Pls coach comes ln and Lells hlm LhaL he has done so well he's golng Lo move hlm
up Lo varslLy whlch means he wlll need Lo sLay laLer as planned
Pe calls hls parenLs and Lells Lhem of Lhe good news buL he needs Lo sLay afLer
school longer Lhan Lhey LhoughL 1hey Lell hlm LhaL he needs Lo make sure hls
prlorlLles are sLudles and he blows Lhem off
1he scene ends as he kneehlghs of Lhe sLage

uexLer ls a nerd SLudles a loL drlnks coffee and red bull and lgnores whaL's golng
on around her Lo keep sLudylng Pe geLs lnvlLed Lo a parLy buL he says no because
he needs Lo geL a 2400 on Lhe SA1
1he scene ends when he has Lo go Lo Lhe llbrary Lo do more research

1PL nLx1 uA? whlch happens Lo be Sunday
veronlca wakes up looks aL Lhe clock and says oh no! lL's Llme Lo go Lo Mass"
qulckly puLs on whaLever ls around her (shorLs) and goes Lo church
eLer afLer worklng ouL a loL ls exhausLed and has Lo be nearly dragged ouL of hls
bed by hls parenLs Lo go Lo Mass
uexLer mlsses Mass because he ls sLudylng

AL church
?ouLh mlnlsLer Lalklng Lo 8ob abouL how well he dressed up for Church 8ob says
LhaL he Look some Llme Lo read Lhe readlngs before he came Lo church 8ob Lhen
goes and slLs down Lo caLch prayer Llme before Mass (exlL off sLage)
veronlca comes up hasLlly and ?M looks aL how shorL veronlca's shorLs are and
makes a commenL abouL lL She Lhen slLs down (off sLage)
1hen eLer comes ln laLe and asks lf he could be a lecLor ?ouLh mlnlsLer says LhaL
he had Lo flnd replacemenL because he was supposed Lo be Lhere 30 mlnuLes
earller eLer Lhen slLs down for Mass (exlLs off sLage)

1ranslLlon lnLo Lalk

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