Assingment - 2 - Fall 22023

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Course Code / Title: SWE 434: Software Testing and Validation Professor: Prof. Shamim/Dr. Hussein
Semester / Year 2023 ................... Deadline: Nov 26, 2023 … …Duration: N/A
Lecturer: Mr. Muhammad Nasir Muhammad Sarwar
• Individual assignment
• No plagiarism- Copying others’ work is not allowed
• Clarity, accuracy and justification of your answers are key elements in the evaluation.
• No hard copy or email is accepted. If submitted or sent as a hard copy or email 50% marks will be deducted. ONLY through LMS.
• After the deadline for the 1st day 50%, and the subsequent days extra 10% will be deducted such as the 2nd day 60%, 3rd day 70%, and
so forth.
• TA and Professor are not responsible, if you are unable to submit before the deadline.
• Corrupted file/doc will not be marked

QUESTIONS / STUDENT OUTCOMES: This exam covers/targets the following student outcomes (SOs):
• 1.2 /(SO (6) Demonstrate and analyze different types of tests unit testing, integration testing, system
1.2 Marks
Q1.1 (2 marks) √ /2 /2
Q1.2 (2 marks) √ /2 /2
Q1.3 (1 marks) √ /1 /1
Total Marks 5 /5

FEEDBACK SUMMARY: ………………………………………………………………………………………



Name: Ibrahim Maymoon ID: 442101552 Section: 88443 Signature: ……………..

By signing this form, the student recognizes that he understands and accepts the exam policy and ethics. He/she
recognizes also that if he/she does not respect these ethical rules, the professor will take the appropriate
measures including exclusion from the exam.
Q1. (5 marks)
The following is a Use Case for an Electronic Voting System (EVote System).

Use case name: Register for vote

Actor: Voter
Goal: An unregistered voter want to register in order to be able to vote. If successful, the system generates a login id and
password for the Voter.
Precondition: EVote System is online
1. Voter loads EVote System web page
2. Voter selects voter registration option
3. EVote System asks for mandatory Voter information (e.g. Name, City, DOB)
4. Voter enters information
5. Voter submits information
6. EVote System checks Voter status
7. EVote System generates Voter login id and password
3. a. After 60 seconds
3. a. 1. EVote System displays time out page
5. a. Submitted information is incomplete
5. a. 1. Evote Sytem displays error message
5. a. 2. Go Back to step 3.
6. a. Voter data is not in record
6. a. 1. EVote System displays error page
6.b. Voter is already registered
6.b. 1. EVote System displays error page
Postcondition: Voter is registered
Q 1.1 (2 marks)

Give a scenario graph corresponding to the use case Register for Vote.
Q 1.2 (2 marks)

Complete the following table with all the scenarios for the coverage of all the branches in the graph in question 1.1.

Scenerio Id Events Descriptions

1 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 The voter has registered successfully, and the system
generates a login id and a password

2 1-2-3-3.a.1 The voter didn’t provide the information's within 60s.

3 1-2-3-4-5-5.a.1-3-4-5-6-7 The voter didn’t complete the hole information that is


4 1-2-3-4-5-6-6.a.1 The voter data is not in record for voting.

5 1-2-3-4-5-6-6.b.1 The voter is already register.

Q. 1. 3. (1 mark)
Give a test case corresponding to one of the scenarios from 1.2

Test Case: TC1

Scenario reference: 1

Setup: register data that Name = Ibrahim and City = Riyadh and BOD= 2003/1/1, system is online

# External Events Reactions Comments

1 Voter selects voter EVote system asks for mandatory voter
registration option information (Name,City,DOB)
2 The voter inserts his System submits information.
Name Ibrahim and
his City Riyadh and System generate login ID and password
his BOD 2003/1/1

Pass criteria: Voter is registered.

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