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GS 1,2,3 copy

Notebook: 2k22 Control Room

Created: 22-07-2022 14:48 Updated: 15-06-2023 17:26

General rules

Always structure the answer in all papers. When you do this below exercise it is seen that you never
miss any subpart of the questions .

Try to give examples with each point like divya mishra does

Also when you write a definition in intro, here to give an example. Like below, after defining
social mobility you could give example of poor dalit becoming an IAS
Infact whenever the word “explain” comes, always define and substantiate with an example.
when there are multiple points in a single point Can write like this
Write better conclusions-

Content is the KING!

Give less space to intro and conclusion and more to core demand
Core demand must have 7-8 points
You can write short points to increase the number of points
Divyanshu nigam 104 in GS3 —>7-8 points needed
Jagriti awasti- see the number of points written.
It is good that you have increased the number of points in your answers
If you are short of points and large space remains, don’t leave it blank. Write a large
conclusion to fill the space
Writing features

When there are two technical words in question , first define both
If question is about khilafat and NCM and their merger, first define both the
Write small introduction especially for 10 markers. Itna bada 15 marker mein chal jayega but not for 10

If any statement is given in question which is making an assertion. You need to give reason why that
assertion has been made.
If consfused . Ex- the PMO is weilding immense political power. Explain both - Why and How of it
Answer WHY HR must be respected by nations. Give reason to the assertion!

Answer WHY an independent judiciary is needed. Rather you wrote the implications of not
having independent judiciary! The implication is already written that constitution becomes
a statement of empty promises.

This is an assertion that presidential system is a better way.

Give reasoning as to WHY presidential system is better.
What are the challenges in a presidential system
Give a way forward about what changes can be made in current system of india’s
parliamentary democracy.

Here there is an assertion. Now you need to give a reason to this assertion rather than
writing steps to realise this assertion.
Here answer WHY PHC, UHC and PPP are important. What is their significance in
realising a healthy india!

Critically matlab dono taraf ki arguments likhte h

Make small diagrams. The diagram is occupying all the space. Like in below you have made
small diagram
Always give adequate space to second part of the question in GS and PSIR since you are not
writing the second part properly.

Examples cannot be independent points. They must be used to support your arguments . Here you
have given example as a point.
In this question core demand of question is relevance and not what gandhi’s secularism was. There is no
need of writing gandhi’s secularism in 3 points. Just mention briefly and elaborate on. relevance
Understand the demand of the question -

This should be the structure-

Intro on covid
How it has led to loss of livelihood of migrants abroad
Second statement is an assertion. Now you have to give a reason.
Write WHY there is a need to provide social safety net.
How it can be provided
Here give subheading-
There is a complete turn around: Yes
There is complete turnaround: No
What you have written should come under the “Yes” subheading.
Understand the difference between GS and optional answer writing
When NHRC is asked.
in optional write about human rights first
In GS directly write about NHRC. No bulshitting around.
if ordinance making power of governor is asked
In optional start with office of governor
In GS directly quote article 213 and define what is an ordinance
When asked - Discuss its relevance...
use subheadings-
Relevant in current era
Question mark on relevance ( dont write Not relevant in current era directly)

In intro— Either write data or define the term and the directly address the main demand of the
Dont write very long intro- this is not an optional answer. Directly start with data in GS answers
Cut the above part. Directly start from data
Define NEP, based on kasturirangan committee—>write features—>write its goals—>write
challenges—>write way forward.
It is very important to identify all subparts of the question.
Remember no statement is useless.
Read every line and word carefully
Answer in same chronology as is asked and given in the question.
When ISSUES,IMPACTS,REASONS asked, write multidimensional-
explaining a certain phenomenon between two horizontal lines
try to include diagram deliberately like here ques was on GVC , so by diagram you have explained how
iphone is made
Like in answer on paintings, even though you only had to write name of paintings draw a diagram
indicating the region
Try to draw vicious/virtuous cycles/flow charts

Use parts of question as subheading and enclose them in box so that examiner knows you have
answered all parts of the question
To write points use format
Way Ahead
Conclusion must have any of the following-
Fundamental rights
Fundamental duties article 51A
Govt scheme
Pro tip-

Like in the above question-

Identify various service sectors
Indentify why cooperation needed among those.
Give ex of cooperation like Transport+Banking= Fastag , IT+Healthcare=
Write how it builds team spirit-
NITI aayog
Team India wherein all ministries work together to a implement a scheme
Builds cooperation across departments
Mutual solutions are found out.
conclude - such approach need to make Ek bharat, shreshtha bharat.
Try to incorporate examples with each point

Art and culture

Ques on art and culture, think along these lines-
You MUST draw a diagram

You MUST draw a diagram
Map of india
Map of world
Map of a region
Geographical phenomena
Geographical location say of coral reefs
see if you can add current examples to static ques
In ques on cyclones-write name of cyclone
Also use examples from current affairs in geography when explaining a phenomenon
Simply start your answer with a data or by defining the term
Use parts of answers as subheadings
Divide points in social,economic,political,cultural
If consequences asked write Impact on
Old age
international level

GS2- At the top of the paper , write name of commissions to quote

Start with the article number/constitutional amendment of the issue asked
Current example is must!!!!!
If can’t remember article then define the term
Give the context in which it has been asked
Add subheadings
Quote SC judgements
Quote committees
2nd ARC
Sarkaria commission
Punchi commission
Analyse from three angle-
Civil society
Must draw a diagram
Must include govt schemes
MUST draw a map!
Quote data in intro
Try to make use of any graph—> pie chart ,line graph, or bar graph . Divya mishra

Quote reports
In conclusion use schemes for betterment of exports,MSMEs,etc
Internal security
Diagram is must!
Disaster management
Intro- give data regarding the disaster
Cite IPCC Report thats says disasters are likely to increase.
Draw a diagram (Mandatory)
Pre disaster measures
During disaster
Post disaster rehab and recovery
way forward-
Following PM’s 10 point agenda of DRR
Conclusion- achieving Targets of Sendai Framework.
Science and technology
Diagram is must!
Always include suggestions!

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