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UNIT 7 Vocabulary practice

Charity work ...... walks that are organized to promote a cause or

protest about something
1 Complete the text with the correct forms of the verbs 1 someone who fights against injustice and inequality
in the box. ...... pieces of paper or cloth with messages supporting
or protesting about something
donate raise money (×2) take part volunteer
...... ways of showing of your disapproval of something
...... phrases that are easy to remember
Stop the music!
...... a document that people sign, asking someone in
Two American high school students thought of an unusual
authority to do or change something
way to raise money for a non-profit café and arts centre near
their school in Illinois. The students, Charlotte Runzel and 4 Complete the sentences with your own ideas.
Jesse Chatz, (1) .......................... to do the activity, which
I believe that workers have the right to be safe at work.
involved playing Justin Bieber’s song ‘Baby’ repeatedly over
1 I think that animal rights are .........................................
the intercom between classes. They did this for three days,
.................................................................................... .
until the other school students (2) .......................... enough
money to charity and reached the goal of $1,000. The song 2 I believe that the most important human right is
started playing on Monday and, by Wednesday, the students .................................................................................... .
had (3) .......................... enough .......................... to turn it off. 3 In my opinion, women’s rights include .........................
The students finished by (4) .......................... in a song and .................................................................................... .
dance routine to ‘Baby’. 4 I think that education cuts are ......................................
.................................................................................... .

Compound nouns
2 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of
compound nouns formed with a word from A and a 5 Correct the underlined mistakes in the sentences.
word from B. Yves Saint Laurent was a famous French design. designer
1 The scientists made some interesting observers in the
A cancer high school ice-cream social laboratory. ..........................
terrorist volunteer
2 The students were very frustration with their teacher.
B attack flavour media project research seniors ..........................
3 I scratched my dad’s car so now I’m in the cathouse.
My favourite ice-cream flavour is strawberry. ..........................
1 I’m organizing a(n) .......................... .......................... 4 Julia’s boyfriend is very confident and assertiveness.
to help raise funds for this inner-city school. ..........................
2 The English teacher wished the .......................... 5 They always laugh when they look at each another.
.......................... good luck for the future. ..........................
3 I’m doing a sponsored run for ..........................
6 Replace the underlined words with collocations
.......................... .
formed using the correct forms of the verbs in A and
4 The journalist said that the explosion was a(n)
the words in B.
.......................... .......................... .
5 News of the revolution spread by .......................... A come end face get go take
.......................... before it appeared on TV.
B fit on part round up up to

Issues & action Lucy is going to the gym to become healthy. get fit
1 Finn studied law and continued to become a solicitor.
3 Match the bold words in the dialogue to the following
2 Why don’t you visit my house for dinner?
A: What does your brother do?
B: He’s a (1) human rights activist, so he organizes
3 It’s time you accepted your responsibilities.
(2) marches and (3) protests to raise awareness of
important issues. .............................
A: Wow, that’s amazing. I’d like to get involved. Is there 4 James will finish by being out of a job.
anything I can do to help? .............................
B: Yes, you can sign this (4) petition that he’s organizing 5 Kim gets involved in lots of volunteer activities.
in support of women in Nepal. And you can help me .............................
write the (5) slogans on the (6) banners for the
march this weekend.


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