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Assignment - 5
Semester-III (Odd), Session: 2023-24
BCS-301: Data Structure
Unit-3 Course Outcome: CO3 – Discuss the computational
Unit-Name: Searching and Sorting efficiency of the sorting and searching algorithms.
Date of Distribution: 23/01/2024 Faculty Name: Dr. Arpita Singh, Mr. Abhishek
Tiwari & Mr. Mohit Shukla


1 Write a short note on sequential search and index sequential search. 1
2 Write down algorithm for the linear/sequential search technique. Give its analysis. 4
3 Write down the algorithm of binary search technique. Evaluate the complexity of 5
4 What is difference between sequential (linear) search and binary search technique? 2
5 What do you mean by hashing and collision? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages 2
of hashing over other searching techniques. Discuss types of hash functions.
6 Write the conditions when collision occurs in hashing. Describe any collision detection 2
algorithm in brief.
7 Describe two way merge sort method. Explain the complexities of merge sort method. 2
8 What is quick sort ? Sort the given values using quick sort; present all steps/iterations : 3
38, 81, 22, 48, 13, 69, 93, 14, 45, 58, 79, 72
9 Write an algorithm for merge sorting. Using the algorithm sort in ascending order : 10, 3
25, 16, 5, 35, 48, 8
10 How do you calculate the complexity of sorting algorithms ? Create a recursive function 6
in ‘C’ to implement the merge sort on given set of integers.
11 Write algorithm for quick sort. Trace your algorithm on the following data to sort the list: 3
2, 13, 4, 21, 7, 56, 51, 85, 59, 1, 9, 10. How the choice of pivot elements affects the
efficiency of algorithm.
12 Explain radix sort. 2
13 Write short notes on garbage collection. 1
14 Use quick sort algorithm to sort 15, 22, 30, 10, 15, 64, 1, 3, 9, 2. Is it a stable sorting 4
algorithm? Justify.
15 Write a short note on heap sort. 1
16 Write a recursive quick sort algorithm. 1
1 An array of 25 distinct elements is to be sorted using quicksort. Assume that the pivot 4
element is chosen uniformly at random. The probability that the pivot element gets placed
in the worst possible location in the first round of partitioning (rounded off to 2 decimal
places) is ______.
2 What is the worst case running times of Insertion sort, Merge sort and Quick sort. 4
3 Consider the following array of elements.
〈 89 ,19,50,17,12,15,2,5,7,11,6, 9,100

What is the minimum number of interchanges needed to convert it into a max-heap?


Ref. Authors Book Title Publisher/Press Edition &Year of
[ID] Publication
Computer Concepts and
[T1] E.Balaguruswami McGraw Hill 5th 2016
Programming in C
[T2] Y.P. Kanetkar Let Us C By BPB Publication 5th 2018
Ref. Edition &Year of
Authors Book Title Publisher/Press
[ID] Publication
Computer Fundamentals
[R1] Reema Thareja Oxford Publication 2015
and Programming in C.
Computer Basics and C PHI Learning Pvt.
[R2] V.Rajaraman 2015
Programming Limited
Source Name Source Hyperlink
C Tutorial

Signature of Faculty:______________ Signature of HOD:_______________

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