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Modern scientific medical acupuncture Acupunetwre


West Vancouver, British Columbia

medical delegation from the Peoples Republic

Ryodoraku acupuncture therapy is a of China visited Dr. Nakatani's clinic in Osaka
scientific approach to acupuncture and expressed great interest in Ryodoraku
developed in 1950 in Japan. The method research. The delegation observed the details
has been found useful in quickly of Ryodoraku medical examination and treat-
alleviating pain, removing muscle stiffness, ment and expressed amazement at the superi-
enhancing color perception, and ority of the theory of diagnosis and the thera-
improving perceptive deafness, as well peutic effects. Articles concerning Ryodoraku
as improving or curing various disorders examination and treatment, including case
that heretofore have been difficult to reports, were well publicized at this time in
treat. The method makes use of the periodicals and daily newspapers. Dr. Naka-
concept that abnormalities or changes in tani received many invitations to visit the
function of internal organs are reflected on mainland as a guest of the Peoples Republic
the body surface. Ryodoraku treatment of China, but these invitations were declined.
may be of two types: reactive After this, reports concerning Ryodoraku
electropermeable point treatment (REPP), treatment in the Peoples Republic of China
also known as localized autonomic nerve stopped reaching Japan. It now appears that
regulatory treatment, or general regulatory Ryodoraku diagnosis and treatment was in-
treatment (GRR). REPP treatment usually corporated into European medicine there. The
suffices in acute diseases, but GRR research they have done in this combination
treatment is employed for chronic disorders therapy is considered modern medicine, and
when it becomes necessary to regulate the it is the source for the acupuncture anesthesia
entire body. reported from the Peoples Republic of China.

Effects of Ryodoraku treatment

The effect of Ryodoraku treatment is general-
I would like to outline briefly Ryodoraku acu- ly rapid and, to those engaged in modern
puncture therapy, which was conceived and medicine who are unfamiliar with the tech-
systematized by Yoshio Nakatani, M.D., nique, unbelievable; sometimes it seems even
Ph.D., in Japan in 1950; it is at present prac- miraculous. The principal uses and effects in-
ticed by 25,000 M.D.s, and further research is clude the following : 1) instant alleviation of
being conducted in 25 university medical de- various kinds of pain, such as the pain of
partments and medical colleges in Japan. This headache, ocular pain, toothache, lumbago,
scientific approach to acupuncture was devel- gastralgia, pain in the generative organs,
oped by Dr. Nakatani to provide those patients menstrual pain, hemorrhoidal pain, neuralgia,
who are foresaken by modern medicine an and general muscular pain; 2) removal of
alternative diagnosis and therapy with which muscle stiffness in 5 to 10 minutes, including
to seek relief. such discomforts as "stiff neck" or stiffness
The recent advent of acupuncture anes- caused by overexertion; 3) alleviation and
thesia as it is conducted in the Peoples Re- even elimination of other symptoms, such as
public of China has been widely reported by giddiness, blurring vision, nasal obstruction,
medical news sources. What is less widely heaviness of head, languor of the hands and
publicized, however, is that 15 years ago a feet, numbness, palpitation, and tinnitus auri-

Journal ADA/vol. 72, March 1978 685/47

Scientific medical acupuncture

um; 4) effective treatment of diseases formerly stimuli by making adjustments in the internal
found to be extremely difficult to cure, includ- organ functions. In addition, this excitation
ing painful shoulder, whiplash injuries, bron- of the autonomic nerves causes repeated stim-
chial asthma, chronic eczema, rheumatism, uli in the cerebral cortex as it is relayed to
autonomic imbalance, diabetes, Basedow's dis- the center of the autonomic nerves of the
ease, impotence, and nocturnal enuresis; 5) thalamus. This stimuli to the thalamus pro-
improvement and even cure of the following motes additional internal organ regulation by
diseases (for which there has been essentially the thalamus.
no method of treatment) : (a) color blindness Dr. Nakatani states, "In Ryodoraku treat-
and amblyopia, (according to Dr. Nakatani's ment, the excitability of the sympathetic
research, it can enhance the perception of nerves of the skin is learned through the re-
color, too) ; and (b) improvement in various sistance of electric current passed in the skin
kinds of perceptive deafness, such as infants' and it is a method of diagnosis and treatment
deafness, senile deafness, deafness resulting that seeks to bring the excitability both locally
from streptomycin administration, sudden and for the whole body, closer to that of the
deafness, and occupational deafness (accord- healthy person. It is a method of diagnosis and
ing to the research of Ryoichi Gunji, M.D.,1 of adjusting the sympathetic nerves on the
a specialist in otorhinolaryngology and stand- surface of the skin."3
ing director of the Japan Ryodoraku Autono- There are three main schools of acupuncture
mic Nervous System Society). in Japan. One of them emphasizes the classic
method of acupuncture as described in ancient
What is Ryodoraku diagnosis and acupuncture or Chinese documents based on the Chinese phi-
needle treatment? losophy of the universe. The second group,
While studying the resistance of electric cur- which places emphasis on "modern acupunc-
rent passed in the skin, Dr. Nakatani discov- ture," uses the analytical approach of modern
ered Ryodo points, which mean good con- science; its headquarters are in the physiology
ductive or electropermeable points. He also department of Kyoto University. The third
found and named Ryodoraku, which means group, called the Society of Oriental Medicine
good conduction patterns or electropermeable in Japan, has its office at Chiba University.
patterns or meridians, and Hanno-ryodo
points, which are reactive good conduction Philosophical myth of acupuncture
points or reactive electropermeable points. In brief, classic acupuncture is based on the
Stimulation to the affected area with electric Chinese philosophy of "Yin and Yang" (nega-
needles, with thermal stimulation, or with tive and positive) and the Five Elements. The
stimulation using ion silver granules at these idea is that the world is composed of five basic
reactive electropermeable points (REPP or elements : wood, fire, earth, metal, and water,
Hanno-ryodo points) comprise Ryodoraku acu- and is ruled by the principle of negative and
puncture treatment. positive forces. All phenomena of the universe
The effect of this treatment is generally are traced to the interaction of the five ele-
explained as being a paradox of Mackenzie's ments under the positive-negative principle,
principle of viscera and skin reflex. That is, including the effects of acupuncture.
pain arising in the viscera is thought to be The theory behind acupuncture therapy is
referred to the surface of the body. In Ryo- that there exist in the body dual flows of
doraku, however, stimulation of the body sur- energy, which are called Yin and Yang. These
face regulates internal organs. flows reflect the duality present in everything
Adjustment of the internal organs can be in the universe; obvious examples are day and
explained in different ways. Dr. Sasagawa2 night, hot and cold, and male and female.
has explained the phenomenon in this way. Everything has its force of opposition, but the
When the body receives stimulation from acu- opposition by its very existence is itself com-
puncture therapy, the stimuli is transmitted plementary. Yang tends to stimulate and is
to the autonomic nervous system via the spinal the positive principle; Yin tends to sedate and
cord; the autonomic nerves then react to the is the negative principle.

Health is dependent on the equilibrium of and reproduction. His work is documented
Yin and Yang, on the balance of the autonomic with histologic, pathologic, and photographic
nervous system within the body. They must be evidence and is now available in English.
protected and kept in balance; otherwise, dis- In addition, many scientists have been sur-
ease will develop. prised to learn that the "effective spots" in
The Chinese discovered that this "vital acupuncture often coincide with nerve net-
energy" (Yin and Yang) circulates in the works (and especially the autonomic nervous
body along the "meridians" in a network sim- system) known to modern medical scientists.
ilar to the blood, autonomic nerve, and lym-
phatic circuits. The energy flow along the Adjusting of the autonomic nerves
meridians may be detected in the living body When stimulation is applied to the human
by electronic devices such as the Neurometer, body, invariably a reaction will occur some-
developed by a Japanse electronics engineer. where in the body. Actually, when a stimula-
There are 12 pairs or 24 main circuits, tion is applied, the excitation passes along the
which are known as meridians or Ryodoraku; centripetal fibers (sensory nerves) and reach-
each is associated with a different body func- es the central nervous system; then it passes
tion or organs. The state of these meridians along the efferent nerves, the motor nerves,
can be assessed by testing the representative and the autonomic nerves (including both
measuring points of each Ryodoraku (or meri- sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous sys-
dian) with the Neurometer. The condition of tems) , and, finally, a reflex reaction (simple or
Yin and Yang (or the under- or overactivity complex) occurs in the periphery. Although
of sympathetic nerve) and the state of various the reflexes of the motor nerves do not have
systems in the body can be estimated with the a great clinical value, the reflexes of the auto-
Neurometer before any signs and symptoms nomic nerves are of considerable clinical value,
become apparent. if one understands the function of the auto-
The body keeps Yin and Yang (or the auto- nomic nervous system.
nomic nervous system) in harmony by dispell- Among other things, the autonomic nervous
ing surplus energy via the skin surface at cer- system controls all internal organs, the secre-
tain points on the Ryodoraku (meridian) and tion of digestive juices (along with absorption
by shifting energy to deficient areas of the or- and elimination) , the actions of the circulatory
ganism. Traditional texts describe 800 of these system (when sympathetic nerves are excited
points. the blood vessels contract and when the para-
In disease conditions there is breakdown of sympathetic nerves are excited the vessels
this balancing process, and the energy flows dilate, whereas the reverse occurs in the coro-
become unbalanced. Often certain points be- nary artery), and control of the metabolism
come painful when pressed; these points, then, (as it relates to resistance of the tissues). Also,
are associated with the condition of develop- a considerable influence is seen on the blood,
ing disease. In order to treat the illness, it is including the leukocytes, erythrocytes, and
necessary to rectify any imbalance in the , en- platelets. (When the sympathetic nerves are
ergy flow. By piercing the skin with .a needle stimulated, an increase in the leukocytes oc-
at certain points the energy flow is stimulated curs; stimulation of the parasympathetic
or sedated; in this way, the functioning equi- nerves, on the other hand, results in an in-
librium of the body is restored. crease of erythrocytes.)
Recent discoveries prove the efficacy of the An influence of the muscle tone is present
Chinese system. A Japanese electronics engi- in • autonomic nerves, and direct and indirect
neer developed the Neurometer, which records control of the endocrine glands occurs as well.
the differences between the 24 Ryodoraku (me- For example, not only does the autonomic
ridians) . A Korean professor, Kim Bonghans, nervous system control the secretion of the me-
has demonstrated the existence of the merid- dulla of the suprarenal gland and the pan-
ians as a separate physiological system. He creas' islets of Langerhans, but the autonomic
showed further that the meridians contain nerve center (hypothalamus) also has a direct
DNA and RNA, two substances basic to life influence on the portal circulation, nerves, and

Journal AOA/vol. 72, March 1973 687/49

Scientific medical acupuncture

secretion. The hypophysis, too, secretes hor- the rectus abdominis muscles show a strong
mones that control important peripheral en- contraction; this movement is considered as
docrine glands. Further, a direct distribution a motor nerve reflex, with involvement of the
of the autonomic nerves is seen in the periph- sympathetic nerves. In addition, internal or-
eral endocrine glands, and it is surmised that gans are closely related to skin conductivity
these nerves have a direct influence on the se- resistance. Stimulation from abnormalities of
cretion. Regarding the effect of acupuncture the internal organs travels on an organ/skin
therapy in treating gland problems, after sympathetic nerve reflex, which results in a
several applications of EAP (electroacupunc- change on the body surface (the skin) . This
ture) stimulation to the thyroid gland area, change appears as a high electric conductivity
the swelling will be reduced in a patient with site. The conductivity may be detected by
Basedow's disease. changes in the skin temperature. Since it is
The autonomic nervous system also controls impossible to know in detail the state of the
various reflexes required for the maintenance autonomic nervous system of the entire body,
of balance of the human body and the defense a study was designed to produce a method for
mechanism of the tissues against microorgan- detecting the excitation of only the sympa-
isms and internal and external obstruction. thetic nervous system.
Finally, almost all functions related to the
well-being of living things are controlled by Skin conductivity resistance
the autonomic nervous system. Because of When the electrical resistance of the epidermis
these powers, the autonomic nervous system is is studied, possible alterations caused by sweat
referred to as the life nerves. In the majority glands, hair follicles, and the stratum corneum
of cases, the foremost internal cause of a dis- must be considered, although the sympathetic
ease is some abnormality in the function of the nerves distributed around the sweat glands
autonomic nerves. Using regulatory treatment and hair follicles are not related to the Ryo-
of the autonomic nerves, the physician stands doraku phenomena.
a better chance of curing the patient of the The portion of the skin most deeply related
disease. to the Ryodoraku phenomena is the stratum
The importance of the autonomic nervous corneum epidermis. It is believed that the in-
system is well known and accepted. Neverthe- creased excitation of the sympathetic nerves
less, therapeutic methods related to the regula- of the corneum cells causes depolarization,
tory treatment of the autonomic nerves are and as a result the conductivity of the site
lacking, which may indicate a blind spot in increases.
modern medicine's methods. Since the conductivity increases in the pres-
ence of sweating, however, it was necessary to
Abnormal internal organs relating to body develop a measure not influenced by sweating.
surface reflexes A moist electrode was used therefore, since
When abnormalities in internal organs are it shows little difference in values in pre- and
present or the functions of internal organs post-sweating tests.
change, these changes are reflected on the body
surface as a result of one or more of four Ryodoten (electropermeable points)
reflexes : sensory nerve reflex, motor nerve When an electrode (wet or dry) 1 cm. in di-
reflex, sympathetic nerve reflex, and parasym- ameter of 21 volts was used to measure the
pathetic nerve reflex. Some of these may not electric resistance of the entire body surface
actually be reflex actions, but explanation will of a healthy subject, numerous good conduc-
be made on the assumption that they are. tivity points were found; Dr. Nakatani 4 called
One example of the type of reflexes men- these electropermeable points.
tioned is Dr. Head's hyperalgesia zones, which A wet electrode of 12 volts can reveal
are considered to be related pain sensory su- comparatively clear electropermeable points
persensitive areas. Also, in cases of gastritis, in patients. These are called reactive elec-

tropermeable points (REPP). Depending on and hence bring on symptoms of stomach
the disease, the REPP correspond to the problems. Supposedly, the Ryodoraku distur-
REPP at those points of excitation of the bance appears because of the sympathetic
sympathetic nerves that have been heightened nerves acting on a centrifugal direction, away
by reflexes. When appropriate stimulations from the center. However, when appropriate
are administered to such REPP, in almost all stimulation is given in the Ryodoraku, in
cases the electric current volume is lowered many cases diseased organ tissues related to
and the complaints of the patient disappear that particular Ryodoraku (and diseased or-
or decrease. This phenomenon is a result of gans closely related) show improvement.
localized excitation of the sympathetic nerves Hence, it would seem that the centrifugal sym-
between the body surface and the organ or pathetic nerves and the centripetal sympathet-
between the body surface and body surface, ic nerves (toward the center) run parallel to
which when adjusted approaches normal con- one another. If the centripetal sympathetic
ditions. Thus, it is accepted that the REPP nerves are all sensory nerves, then the sensory
themselves are the points of treatment, and nerves must run together. However, little is
hence this treatment is referred to as reactive known of the peripheral sympathetic nerves.
electropermeable point (REPP) therapy; it Dr. Nakatani says that an empirical state-
is also called localized sympathetic nerve regu- ment can be made, based on the above infor-
latory therapy. I might note here that electric mation. "It may be that the site in the periph-
currents pass most readily through the facial ery of the autonomic nerve system may be in
area and electric passage decreases as we de- the nature of a synapse where localized hor-
scend from the upper limbs to the lower limbs. mone is secreted and in a feedback manner the
nerve may switch to a centripetal nerve and
What is Ryodoraku? commence its return. This has not been veri-
When a low voltage current is passed through fied, but there are numerous facts that could
the skin, a continuous pattern of points ap- only be explained by such a mechanism."4
pears by connecting points where the electric
current passes freely at electropermeable Total Ryodoraku measurement
points. Ryodoraku related to internal organ In order to determine the extent of abnormali-
diseases also shows definite patterns of REPP. ties of a Ryodoraku, a graph is made on a
There are various patterns that appear as 24 special Ryodoraku chart designed by Dr.
types on both the right and left of the body. Nakatani (Fig. 1) . The electric flow volume
There are also two types that are not intimate- is measured at representative points of each
ly related to the organs. Ryodoraku, and the values of the correspond-
Ryodoraku is a continuous pattern of REPP ing categories are recorded on the chart by
that results from changes in excitation of the dots or by horizontal lines. If the measured
sympathetic nerves. In most cases it is a result values appear approximately on a single line,
of internal organ/body surface sympathetic the subject may be considered to be "in health"
nerve reflex, which reflects the condition of (Fig. 2).
the function of the organ. If a 1.4 cm. width is taken as the normal
However, although it acts as an internal physiological range, then when one of the
organ/body surface reflex, this reaction may Ryodoraku values is higher (excitation) than
not be considered absolute. When the body the physiological range, or lower (inhibition) ,
surface is bruised, for example, the Ryodoraku characteristic symptoms will appear (Fig.
point receiving the bruise shows abnormalities 3) . Using this knowledge, the operator can
(excitation or inhibition). At the same time, pinpoint the symptoms without asking about
a negative influence is seen in the organs the patient's complaints. An operator can then
closely related to the Ryodoraku; for example, memorize the symptoms in the Ryodoraku
a stone dropped on a second toe or second toe syndromes and from this information he can
stubbed may upset the stomach Ryodoraku establish which Ryodoraku have abnormalities.

Journal AOA/vol. 72, March 1973 689/51

Name Birth Date Age Occup Date Sick
1st Exam

Diagnosis Address Phone

L9 P7 H7 Si 5 T4 Li 5 Sp(2) Liv 3 K5 B 65 G 40 S 43
Iii H2 113 I H4 }15 116 L F2 F3 14 F5 F6
160-190 170. 170 200.1 160 130' 150' 150'
150' 60.
150 lea I60.
160 19001 190. ISO 140. 140.
140 50 ,
140 174 150'
18 180- $40.
13• 130'
'30- 40
1mi 170' 110-( '10- 120'
130 16°. 1201 130. 120. 20.
15'0. 140. 140
120 1401 130 &II 130
150. 120• 100. 110 11/
100- 110 20 -
110 1301 120. 100 124 40, 140' 110' 90. 90-
loo I0,
100 00
100 120 110. 90. 110' 30. 130.
100 so. 80'
90 00•
20 90' 90.
90- 110 120.
90 .
0 100 100.
110. 110- 80'
80. 90- 70- so so. 70-
80 .1 90.
70. 100 100. 80' 70 7o. 60- 70 80
/0 80. 80.
90. 90- 70• 60'
60 60. 55. 60 .
60 70. 70' 55, 70' 80- 80' 60' i8• 55. 55- 50 80.
55 65. 60. 50. 60. 70. 70• 55' 45' 50. 50. 45 50' 55•
50 60- 55' 45' 55. 00-
50' 40' 45- 45. 40 45' 50.
50 40 50 55. 55. 45'
35. 40' 40' 35 40'
50 45-
45 50- 50. 40'
35' 35. 35' 458'
40- 40 4' 45. 35. 30. 30
35 40. 30- 30- 30' 35 '
30 35 40' 25-
0 35.. 35• 30' 25
5 30' 30 25 30'
30' 25'
25 25- 20
20 251 20•
20 25. 25' 20' 15
20 20-
20- 20
15 204
15 20. 20- 15. 15 15' 15- is •
IS 15.
I() 10 I0 10
15' 10 10 10 10. 10.
10' 10-
5 5
5- 5. 5 5. 5 5 5 5 5 5- 5

H 1-3 IN 2.4 ,H3-1 Ha-3 H6-3 H4-11 F'1-2 F2-9 F3-7 F4•1 Fs-2 F 6-5'
L 9I P 9 H9 SI 3 T3 LI 11 5P2 Li v • K7 B67 G43 541
SED. H 1-9 I H 2-3 H 3-3 Pt 4. e H 6-10 H 6-2 F 1-S F 2-2 F 3-1 F 4-3 F 4-7 F 6-1 SED.
L 5 I P 7 H7 SI 8 T 10 LI SP 5 LIV 2 _ K 1 B 65 G 38 5 45
Date Time Room Temp. I Body Temp.


Fig. 1. Dr. Yoshio Nakatani's chart for Ryodoraku autonomic nerve regulatory therapy.

L9 P7 H7 Si 5 T4 Li 5 Sp(2) Liv 3 K5 B65 G 40 S 43- Inter iatiOnai
H2 113 H6 FL F2 F3 FL' F5 F6 - Rod
150 150 CL 150 • 160.
175 3 170, z WO. z 160 130• ul
13• ci 140 •
150 80, 193. 140. z 140 150,
140 75
143011 160,
155 180-
120• 135 CL 130
120• a 130• 140.
130 sa
4 115 110- 12•
55 tb 140' 3) . z140 130 • CZ 125 <120
60• 110.
120 401 2 135 iY 110- < 130 120• 100. 110 • 110 CL 100- 120.
4 J 100• O
100• 0 100 z 90-
120. 1001 w120
a 90 110. *:( 110• 90
20 115 130• -1 130• ct 90. I00• ti;
110 125 120•
100. 80• 90 • a 90 CL 80-
ci 190 100. 100. 0
110. 110. 90.
70- 80 80 80• 90.F-
w 00 1 sa 80, 9o. 70-
80 9 70 100 100. 80. 70 70 60- 70 80-p
O. 60
60 55.
60 55 60 J,),
J 55 65 45- 50 55
50 6 4•- 45 504\ct
50 5 55. 40• 40 35-
45. 35 >
0 40 45 40- 35.
50• 50• 40-
30 35. 35 30-
35. 4 ' 4
35 40
4 45. 35-
30- 30 30 35 •
35 4 •40•
X 35 35 30 • 25 25-
25 30 30 •
25• 30•
30•30• 20•
25 20-
20 j 251 20•
20' 20 20- 204
2 20 20. 25425. 15 15-
15 • 20.20. 15. 15. 15 15- 15
15 • 15.
15• 15• 10 10. Io 15 la
10 10• 10• 10 10.
10• 10•
5 5. 5 5 5 4, 5.
51 5 5 5 5• 5. 5. 5

Fig. 2. I f measured values fall within a 1.4 cm. range on the chart, a patient may be considered to be "in health."

Favorable effects can therefore be obtained by in a patient with stiff shoulder muscles, con-
stimulating or sedating the Ryodoraku at ap- siderable individual differences are found
propriate points. when REPP are sought. This is because the
It is convenient, of course, to memorize the causes leading to stiff shoulder muscles vary.
sites of representative measuring points and Stiff shoulder muscles can be caused by dis-
the symptoms of the Ryodoraku syndromes, turbances in the stomach, liver, lung, or
but even if one cannot commit such points to uterus, or may even be caused by constipation.
memory, satisfactory results still can be ob- When REPP are accurately pinpointed on the
tained with REPP treatment. shoulder, and the treatment is done, the dis-
ease causing the problem is affected since the
Reactive electropermeable point (REPP) sympathetic nerves are affected. Of course, the
treatment stiffness in the shoulder muscles also is re-
Ryodoraku treatment consists of two methods lieved, but at the same time the effect is not
of treatment, reactive electropermeable point limited to the regulatory action of the local
treatment (REPP) and general regulatory autonomic nerves. Instead, radical relief may
treatment (GRR). The first kind is also called be expected.
localized autonomic nerve regulatory treat- REPP occur, in most cases, in the area sur-
ment. However, satisfactory influences are ap- rounding the points of the patient's com-
parent in the entire body, and sometimes it plaints. When the patient complains of pain
effects or aids in a radical cure. For example, in the hands, numbness, cold sensations,

Journal AOA/vol. 72, March 1978 691/53

Scientific medical acupuncture

Fig. 3. If the points fall outside the normal range, certain symptoms will be noted. For example, the patient in the
above chart showed palpitation (H3), headache, abnormality of the lower abdomen (H4), ringing in the ears
(115), stiff and painful shoulder muscles (H6), general weakness of the stomach and knee joint (F1), insomnia
(F2), and stiff and painful neck muscles with lumbar pain (F4).

spasms, or cramps, REPP should be sought ing the anus. In this case, the needle is inserted
out and stimulated. on the right and left sides of the coccyx in the
When the patient complains of stomach ail- direction of the anus, and electric stimulation
ment or liver trouble, the area from the an- then is added. In addition, there is a point
terior of the thorax and abdomen to the spinal (HM-26) in the parietal area of the head,
column should contain REPP. When a given which, although at the opposite end of the
organ is indicated, find the most clearly indi- body, is known as an effective site for Ryo-
cated REPP on the corresponding Ryodoraku. doraku treatment of piles. If the operator can
This will produce still better results. memorize at least some such specific REPP,
Certain points have been found by experi- more effective treatment can be expected.
ence to be effective treatment points for par-
ticular diseases. For instance, for pain caused General regulatory treatment (GRR) of the total
by piles, the REPP should be sought out near Ryodoraku
the coccyx or the sacrum, since it is clinically Specifically, this treatment affects the entire
difficult to locate REPP in the area surround- body surface sympathetic nerves. Since regu-

Abnormally high amperage Organs concerned Abnormally low amperage

Stiff shoulders, rush of blood to the head, asthma, Difficult breathing, cold or numb hands and feet, disorders of the
H1 hemorrhoilds, coughing. Lunge, Nose, Skin skin, dry throat, unpleasant emotional state, pain in the back and
shoulders, coughing.

H2 Stiff shoulders, heart ailment, brachial pain. Heart Palpitations, speech difficulties, oppressive feelings of the chest,
sensations of heat in the palms.

Bloating of the stomach, constipation, heart ailment, dry Heart, Tongue, Palpitations, speech difficulties, pain in the lower part of the heart,
throat, heaviness of the arms and speech difficulties. Eyes, Armpit unrest in the heart and sensations of heart in the palms.

Headache, bloated lower abdomen, constipation, difficul- Small intestines, Headache, bloated lower abdomen, ringing in the ears, difficulty
ty in turning neck, hand pain, rheumatism.' Eyes, Tongue in hearing, diarrhea, rheumatism.

Abnormal urination, ringing in the ears, difficulty in hear- Lymphatic vessel,

Hs Lack of vitality, difficulty in breathing, abdominal obstruction,
ing, slight fever. Mamary duct, Ears, slight fever.
Eyes, Shoulders
Stiff shoulders, toothache, hemorrhoids, headache, ab- Large intestines,
Stiff shoulders problems in evacuation, asthma, diarrhea, dry throat,
normalities of the skin, brachial pain. Mouth, Teeth, Nose, toothache, skin abnormalities.
Shoulders, Skin
Weak stomach, arthritis of the lower leg, empyema, Spleen, Pancres, Weak stomach, abnormalities of the legs, problems in evacuation,
F1 Stomach, Brain, lack of vitality, lack of appetite, diarrhea, nausea, bloated abdomen,
bloated abdomen, nausea, problems in evacuation.
Intercostal space insomnia diabetes.
Insomnia, lumbago, eye diseases, diseases of the reproduc- Liver, Eyes, Muscles,
F2 tive organs, costalgia, abnormal menstrual periods, anger, Reproductive organs Dizziness, incontinence, loss of eyesight, spiritlessness, anal prolapse,
feelings of discomfort. Intercostal space costalgia, decrease in sexual desire.
Restlessness, nervous disorder, abnormal blood pressure, Kedney suprarenal, Decrease in sexual desire, lack of patience and vitality, ringing in.
F3 diseases of the reproductive organs, dry throat, dry Brain, Eyes, Bones, the eus, cold legs and lower back, forgetfulness, problems in evacua-
tongue, heat sensations in the legs. Nasal cavity tion, disorders of throat.
Stiffness in the back of the head, back disorders, lumbago, Urinary bladder, Stiffness in the back of the head, strained back, lumbago, disorders
F4 abnormalities of the nerves of the legs, sciatica, headache, Ears, Nose, Eyes, of the neryes of the legs, sciatica, sensations,of dullness in the legs,
tears, eyepain, rhinorrhagia, cerebral disease, epilepsy. Pituitary gland hemorrhoids, cerebral disease, epilepsy.

Fs Heavyhead, lack of appetite irritability, chills, pyrexia. Gall-bladder, Eyes, Dizziness, glazed eyes, heavy arms and legs, staggering gait, lifeless
Muscles, Head area face, abnormal blood pressure.

Weak stomach, swelling and aching of the joints, mastitis, Stomach, Mind,
F6 dry lipes, abnormally high appetite, fever without sweat- Mouth, Teeth, Nose,
Depression, weak stomach, yawning, swollen face, abdominal pain.
ing. Mammary gland,

Fig. 4. The above chart gives the excitation and inhibition points for Ryodoraku symptoms.

latory treatment of the entire body surface is excitation and inhibition points.
connected with regulatory action of the in- If EAP treatment is given to the head alone,
ternal organs and central nerves, however, the head blood vessels become dilated and af-
this may be considered as general regulatory flux may occur. To prevent this reaction, six
treatment of the autonomic nervous system points on the back [the right and left points of
as well. F4-44 (liver), F4-40 (pancreas) , and F4-34
For acute diseases, REPP treatment gives (kidney) should be stimulated. The addition-
sufficient effects, but for chronic diseases it al treatment of F6-9 also may relieve afflux.
becomes necessary to regulate or reactivate
the entire body, and so GRR treatment should How to locate REPP
be introduced. In such cases, Ryodoraku mea- It is permissible to use dry metal electrodes
surements are made first and then three or to locate REPP when one still is unfamiliar
four excitation points and inhibition points with the technique. When dry metal electrodes
are located. (On the chart, these points would are used almost no electric current flows in
appear above or below the physiological places other than the REPP. So when the elec-
range.) For the excitation points, the cor- trode touches an REPP, a sudden flow of cur-
responding inhibition points are treated. For rent occurs. An REPP or a point of treatment
the inhibition points, the corresponding exci- therefore can be found readily, but the patient
tation points should be treated by using a feels a mild electric shock.
paste of ion granules or stimulating the point Therefore, when a little skill is acquired, a
with EAP (electroacupuncture). Fig. 4 gives moist electrode should be used. With a moist

Journal AOA/vol. 72, March 1978 693/55

Scientific medical acupuncture

electrode, however, the electric flow difference hands when inserting the needle. The left hand
between an REPP and other areas is small, is called the pressing hand and the right hand
amounting to only a 20-50 p.A or thereabouts. the inserting hand. The pressing hand always
Thus, to pinpoint clearly a suspected REPP, is kept stationary and the inserting hand is
the operator must hold the moist electrode at left free to make the necessary motions. The
right angles to the skin while keeping the position and use of the pressing hand is im-
voltage at 12 volts. The other knob, meanwhile portant; with the tip of the index or middle
(changeable resistance) , is turned so that an finger, the practitioner feels for the spot. He
electric current of approximately 150 1.1.A flows keeps his fingertip on the selected spot and
through. And if the vicinity is lightly searched brings his thumbtip to that spot so as to make
when the electrode seeks out an REPP, ap- an irregular ring of the two fingers. The re-
proximately 200 pA flows through, which maining three fingers are stretched out and
clearly pinpoints the REPP. In the same area, laid beside them, to keep the ringed fingers
the voltage may be raised from 12 volts to 21 steady in their position. The right, or the in-
volts, and this makes the search easy. serting, hand holds the handle of the needle
It must be remembered, however, that if between the thumb and index finger, and the
the same area is passed over too many times needle tip is placed between the thumb and the
by an electrode, the electric flow becomes a index finger of the pressing hand. The thumb
stimulation. As a result, the entire area be- and the index finger of the inserting hand
comes susceptible to electric flow. should fall nearly perpendicular to the thumb
and index finger of the pressing hand. Middle
Needle insertion and ring fingers of the inserting hand are
The depth and direction of needle insertion stretched and placed steadily to give free
depends on the area and points involved. For action to the thumb and the index finger. The
the scalp, a depth of 1 cm. is used with a small finger alone is kept close to the palm.
slantwise insertion of the needle. At point F4- There are two methods of inserting the
62 at the back of the head, the needle is in- needles, the encasement method and the twist-
serted 2 to 4 cm., toward the eyes. For a nose ing method. The former uses a hollow cylin-
ailment at F4-75, the needle is inserted 1 to drical sheath to insert the needle (Fig. 5) .
1.5 cm., along the nasal bone. To treat a tooth- The encased needle is placed between the
ache, the needle must reach the root of the thumb and the index finger of the pressing
tooth, and for a toothache in the lower jaw, hand with the needle point applied firmly on
insert the needle at F6-41, between the bones. the skin. The ball of the second finger of the
To treat Basedow's disease (at the front of inserting hand lightly taps the needle handle
the neck) , insert the needle 1 to 1.5 cm. For (it projects a bit above the case), which causes
points in the chest, on the front or the side, the needle point to penetrate the skin. When
insert only 1 cm. deep, for safety. At points the skin is penetrated, the case is drawn away
on the back or the hip, the needle can be in- with the inserting hand and is held by the
serted 5 cm.* When treating problems of the little finger of that hand. The needle end or
stomach and bladder at points in the abdomen, the handle then is held between the thumb
3 to 4 cm. insertions can be made. Deep in- and the index finger, and the needle is moved
sertion also can be used on thick muscles in up and down (with a long needle) or up and
the upper and lower limbs. In addition, good down and back and forth (with a short
results are obtained by deep insertion under needle), until the slowly inserted needle point
the knee capsule for treatment of knee joint touches the goal. Various operations can then
arthritis. be done with the needle. Finally, the needle is
The practitioner must always use both pulled out slowly and encased in the cylindrical
sheath that has been kept in the little finger.
• SChnulation of the rear branch of the spinal nerve is good for This last procedure should be done using the
internal organs. inserting hand alone.

The twisting method does not require a
sheath to insert the needle. The needle tip is
held by thg thumb and the index finger of the
pressing hand (Fig. 6) . With the thumb and
index finger of the inserting hand, the handle
is rotated about 1 mm. backward and for-
ward, pressing the needle at the same time
(Fig. 7). The pressure must not be too strong
when pressing the skin with the pressing
hand; it is sufficient to stop any shifting of
skin and to keep the needle perpendicular
Fig. 5. When using a case to insert a needle, the left
while it is inserted. hand holds the case while the index finger of the right
Shallow injection can be accomplished by hand taps the needle in.
touching the needle handle with a negative
electrode or by using an electric needle spring
injector. For deep injections, longer needles
may be inserted by manual needle injection.
Deep insertions allow easier depression of
excitation of the sympathetic nerves. Shallow
depth, with horizontal insertion into the skin,
has a tendency to excite the sympathetic
nerves. The homeostasis of the sympathetic
nerves is strong, however, and there is little
chance of failure.

Intensity of stimulation
The intensity of stimulation depends on a
number of factors. Ordinarily, 200 pA of 12
volts from the negative cathode should be used
for 3 to 10 seconds. Excitation will be de-
pressed, and depression will increase excita-
bility. A stimulation for as short a time as
1 to 3 seconds will produce a regulatory effect.
Similarly, stimulation of just 50 or 100 pA will
produce effects, and stimulation over 30 sec-
onds, even to 5 minutes, has no detrimental Figs. 6 and 7. The needle also can be inserted by hold-
effect. ing the needle tip with the left hand and rotating the
In general, strong stimulation tends to de- needle with the fingers of the right hand. In Fig. 6,
top, the fingers of the left hand hold the tip of the
press excitability, and weak stimulation tends needle to the skin while the fingers of the right hand
to raise it. Homeostasis (the basis of the body's grasp the top of the needle. In Fig. 7, immediately
effort to recover from disease) of the Ryo- above, the fingers of the left hand hold the skin taut
and the needle in place as the fingers of the right hand
doraku overcomes most mistakes in stimula- rotate the needle backward and forward, pressing it
tion. The intensity of stimulation is most often against the skin at the same time.
regulated by the sensitivity of the patient.
Patients with high fevers should not receive
Ryodoraku treatments at all unless the object points even may number 100 because of many
of the therapy is to lower the patient's tem- Ryodoraku abnormalities. In patients not used
perature. to stimulation, it is wise to begin on the first
In adults, 40 points have been stimulated, visit with 10 points. Then on the second visit,
with no side effects. In chronic diseases the 20 points may be stimulated, and on the third

Journal AOA/vol. 72, March 1978 695/57

Scientific medical acupuncture

TABLE 1. STANDARD AMOUNTS OF STIMULATION. stiffened muscles, paralyzed joints, bruised

Patient's Points of areas, and blood vessels.
weight (lbs.) stimulation I would like to conclude with a few gen-
13.2 (infant) 4 (regulate eral rules concerning Ryodoraku thtrapy. The
current) needles must be sterilized with alcohol or by
33.0 10 boiling before each use. Patients should not
66.0 20
132.0 40 bathe for 2 hours before or immediately after
165.0 50 treatment. Neither should alcohol be consumed
for at least 3 to 4 hours before or after treat-
ment. In summer, patients should rest for 20 to
30 minutes before treatment. Patients who are
visit 30 points, until the correct number is prone to fainting should be treated from the
reached. Overstimulation may cause dullness feet toward the head. Finally, frequency of
or fever in a patient, but 1 or 2 days of bed treatment depends on whether the patient's
rest will effect a recovery. For patients subject condition is chronic or acute, the distance the
to overstimulation, weak stimulation produces patient must travel for treatment, and the
the best results. Table 1 gives the standard number of sites to be treated. For example,
numbers of stimulation points based on the treatment may be given every day, every other
body weight of the patient. day, or once in 3 days.
One must be careful not to pierce the lung 1. Gunji, R.: Introduction to simple ryodoraku treatment. Bunkodo
when treating the back or shoulders of thin Co., Ltd., Tokyo, 1971
patients, since pneumothorax may result. Also, 2. Sasakawa, H.: The autonomic nerve reflex on the body surface.
J Autonomic Nery Sys. Oct 64, Apr 65
although no cases of an operator piercing the 3. Nakatani, Y.: Ryodoraku autonomic nerve regulatory therapy.
Aug 1971 (in Japanese)
patient's heart with a needle have appeared 4. Nakatani, Y.: Ryodoraku skin stimulation therapy. Oct 1956
on record, one should avoid forcible or deep
penetration at the back of the heart, and par-
ticularly in patients with heart ailments. In
addition, intercostal neuralgia can occur from
deep penetration between the ribs. Treatment Dr. Saita presented this paper to
members of the American Osteopathic
for this condition can be by Ryodoraku or College of Rehabilitation Medicine at
local injection of an anesthetic. Finally, one the 77th Annual AOA Convention and
Scientific Seminar, held October 9-12,
must be careful to avoid penetrating the eye- 1972, in Bal Harbour, Florida.

balls or mucous membranes. Dr. Saita, 24 Clyde Medical Center,

Park Royal, West Vancouver, British
In addition to specific Ryodoraku points, the Columbia, Canada.
following regions can be used as treatment
points : hypersensitive areas, tender spots,


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