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Grade 10 Unit 3 Title: Caring for the Coast: Coastal Zone Management

Key Concept: Time, Place and Space

Global Context: Globalization and Sustainability
Statement of Inquiry: An understanding and appreciation of natural forces is essential in
managing sustainability in all places and at all times.
ATLs: Communicating Skills, Affective, Reflective, Critical Thinking Skills

Task: You are going to write a report evaluating the need for coastal defences at a site of your choice.
This assessment focuses on your investigation skills and your critical thinking skills.

Basic Steps:
1. To find a specific coastal area for your coastal defence report
2. To create and follow an action plan (Criterion B.2)
3. To formulate a research question in line with the use of soft and hard engineering techniques
in managing the coast in your chosen location (Criterion B.1)
4. To document various research methods in a research journal (at least 8 different sources,
with 4 research methods)
5. To create clear and argumentative hypothesis based on the research question.
6. Complete an OPCVL
7. Complete a reflection
8. Ensure throughout that the appropriate report structure is followed, MLA citations are used
and spelling and grammar is flawless.

Potential Hypotheses:
Soft Engineering techniques are the most suited to……
X should continue to use sea-walls to protect its’ coast….
Would soft or hard engineering techniques be more suitable for X
Word count and other specific details:
1. Word count – 1100-1500 words
2. Font style – Arial, Times New Roman or Calibri
3. Font size - 12, double spaced
4. Elements that are not included in the word count:
Title page, maps, tables, in-text citations, works cited section

Potential Layout:
Introduction (Criterion B and C)- 200 words
1. A discussion of the research area in general (coastal erosion and defences) and why it is important
to study this.
2. The aims of the study.
3. A clear and focussed research question – should include some (SMART) hypotheses that you will
4. An introduction to the study area to include a map.

Methods (Criterion B and D) – 300 words

(Selection of sources and application of information)
5. What secondary sources did you use to answer the research question? State the origin and purpose
of them and evaluate them according to their values and limitations.
Origin Purpose Value of O,P and C Limit of O, P and C

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Who wrote To educate, to Who – reliable, knowledgeable, Who – unknown - unreliable
it? inform, to experts. When – out of date
When? entertain, to argue, When – up to date. What – Eg. Newspaper – not
What is it? to defend, to What. Eg. Newspaper – easy to specific enough, simplifies too
Intended persuade…. use language. much for a general audience.
audience? Purpose – specific to your Purpose – specific to your
Content needs? Objective? needs? Objective?
Relevant Content – how it is relevant to Content – how it is relevant to
information/ the demand of the the demand of the
Academic investigation/language used? investigation/language used?

6. How did you use these sources? What sources did you use for background information? What
sources did you use to tell you about coastal erosion and deposition in general? What sources did
you use to help with your specific case study?

Discussion of the research question (Criterion C and D) 300 words

7. What methods are being used to defend the coast?
8. Are they working?
9. Any proposals?

Conclusion (Criterion C and D) 200 words

REFLECTION (PART OF CRITERION B) to include and evaluation of the process and results of the
investigation. (300 words)
Produce a one-page reflection focusing on the following questions:
1. Why did you choose this research question/coastal area?
2. What were the issues/difficulties you encountered in the writing process? How did you handle these
issues? (WWW and EBI with regards to the investigation process including time management, research,
selection of sources, formulation of the RQ, identification of its relevance, link to the concept and the
statement of inquiry, etc)
3. Do you think you have fully met the requirements of this assessment? Explain. ( WWW and EBI with
regards to your final answer – are you happy/confident with your end discussion; reflect on the results the
investigation; any changes, adjustments from the original plan; why?)
4. If you were to start again the writing process in order to better improve the results, how would you
carry out the research? How would you write it again?

Works Cited list

Research Bank (see template attached)

Criterion B. Investigating (FOCUS CRITERION!)

Task-specific descriptors: Where can you demonstrate this
The student:
1-2 i. formulates/chooses a research question that is clear or focused and describes its i. You formulate your own hypothesis
relevance and explain the relevance of the
ii. formulates a limited action plan to investigate a research question or does not follow a research question.

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iii. collects and records limited information, not always consistent with the research ii. your action plan and ability to
question manage your time.
iv. reflects on the research process and results of the investigation in a limited way.
3-4 iii. You have used four different
i. formulates a research question that is clear and focused and describes its relevance. research methods to collect and record
ii. formulates and somewhat follows a partial action plan to investigate a research information e.g. mind map, research
question bank, class notes
iii. uses a research method(s) to collect and record an adequate amount of relevant
information iv. you use a wide variety of sensible
iv. provides a basic evaluation of the process and results of the investigation. sources (at least 8 different sources)
5-6 i. formulates a clear and focused research question and describes its relevance in detail.
iv. Your reflection shows analytical
ii. formulates and follows a substantial action plan to investigate a research question
reflection on the successes and failures
iii. uses research method(s) to collect and record appropriate, relevant information of the research and writing process
iv. provides a satisfactory evaluation of the process and results of the investigation.
7-8 i. formulates a clear and focused research question and explains its relevance
ii. formulates and effectively follows a comprehensive action plan to investigate a
research question
iii. uses research methods to collect and record appropriate, varied and relevant
iv. provides a detailed evalation of the investigation process and results.

Criterion C. Communicating
Level Task-specific instructions
0 The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below. Where you can demonstrate this:
1-2 The student: I. Works Cited Section which must follow
- communicates information and ideas by attempting in a limited way to use a style that is MLA and must be arranged alphabetically.
appropriate to the audience and purpose.
- makes a limited attempt to structure information and ideas in a way that is appropriate to the
II. Turninit report with similiarity index of no
specified format.
-makes a limited attempt to document sources of information. more than 10%.
3-4 The student: III. In-text citations using MLA style.
- communicates information and ideas by using a style that is sometimes appropriate to the
audience and purpose. IV. Template that is followed effectively.
-structures information and ideas in a way that is sometimes appropriate to the specified
format. V. All appropriate maps must have title,
-sometimes documents sources of information using a recognized convention. labels, frame, legend, and citation as well.
5-6 The student:
-communicates information and ideas by using a style that is often appropriate to the
VI. Report is very comprehensible (no major
audience and purpose.
-structures information and ideas in a way that is often appropriate to the specified format. spelling errors/grammatical lapses)
-often documents sources of information using a recognized convention.
7-8 The student:
- communicates information and ideas effectively by using a style that is consistently
appropriate to the audience and purpose.
-structures information and ideas in a way that is consistently appropriate to the specified
-consistently documents sources of information using a recognized convention.

Criterion D. Thinking Critically

Task-specific descriptors: Where can you demonstrate this
The student:
1-2 i. begins to analyse the issues of coastal zone management in a limited way. (i) Introduction – you discuss the
iii. describes a limited number of sources/data in terms of origin and purpose and recognizes significance of coastal erosion
few values and limitation and why it is an issue.
3-4 i. completes a simple analysis of the issue of coastal zone management. and
iii. analyses and/or evaluates sources/data in terms of origin and purpose, recognizing some Discussion of research question –
values and limitations you interpret your sources to
5-6 i. completes a substantial analysis of coastal zone management. reach a conclusion. You offer
iii. effectively analyses and evaluates a range of sources/data in terms of origin and purpose, balanced reviews on the methods
recognizing values and limitations of management but can come to a
7-8 i. completes a discussion of the issues of coastal zone management. clear conclusion.

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iii. effectively analyses and evaluates a wide range of sources/data in terms of origin and
purpose, recognizing values and limitations (iii) Selection of sources.






Potential Case Studies

(Please note that these are basic sources for the Investigate stages – not detailed)
They are listed from most accessible to most difficult to find age-appropriate information on so be careful
with how you choose.

1. Happisburgh, UK. (level 3-4)

Source: Geog.2 books.

2. New Forest Coastline, UK. (Level 4 and 5)

Source: case study in the Wider World Textbook page 306-309.

3. Holderness, UK. (Level 5-6)

4. Barton-on-Sea. (Level 7-8)


5. Dubai (Level 7-8)

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Investigation – Guide

You are being given the stages you should expect to complete. It is up to you to fill in the template
below with a comprehensive plan.

The Inquiry Cycle

1. Investigate – Find out what you need to know.

What do you need to find out for this project?

2. Plan – how will you complete this project? Make a plan.

Your plan may include
 Collecting more specific research.
 Coming up with specific research questions.
 Sorting through the research to figure out what section is should go into.
 Include times and dates.
 Time to write the report (knowing that you will have the last week of term to complete it in class –
but that’s only 3 hours!)
 Personal dates that you’ll be away.

You can choose how to do a plan – you can use the day-by-day table plan from the WW1 project or you could
print of a calendar map of the month and fill in dates on that. Use

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3. Act – WRITE UP.
Make sure you regularly consult the teacher guidance and rubrics!


This article by the Royal Geographical Society is a useful asset to my report, portraying the projects in Dubai
such as Palm Jumeirah and The World, which were made using dredged sand and sediment (110 million m³
and 325 million m³ respectively), their effects on the nature of the coastline of Dubai, as well as the economic
effects that these projects had, and the importance of the retaining of the coast in order to preserve these
projects and have them be used for profits. Author unmentioned, the article was written on August 28 th,

The author’s content and information, accompanied by visual representations such as pictures, and labelled
maps, gives an insight into the man-made coastal tourism projects and its various effects, threats given and
received. The main negative impacts described were of the destruction of natural coastal habitats such as
that of flora, fauna, and the Socotra Cormorant, which is a rare sea bird. However, the advantages described
for these projects such as Palm Jumeirah were the contributions to tourism and the economy’s wealth for

The article being published by the Royal Geographical Society; a well-known and credible environmental
organization situated and based in the United Kingdom, asserts the source as a credible means of collected
research. It is to be said however that this article would be classified as a secondary source. The article and
its information are directly corresponding to the task at hand, assisting with the main purpose of the
investigation, being to investigate and write a report regarding coastal erosion in Dubai using various types
and quantity of research, with heavy emphasis on my research question: How can Dubai improve its hard and
soft engineering techniques to reduce the impacts of coastal erosion without sacrificing the appeal of beaches
and mass tourism to its coast?

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The article contributed insight into the man-made changes to the coast Dubai has made as a financial
investment, and the environmental downside to this investment. Although, it did not provide any specific
statistics apart from the amount of sediment used for the man-made islands such as Palm Jumeirah and The
World, but nothing was mentioned about the specific change and gradual diminish in the coast’s landmass

4.Proof read: ask a friend/family member to proof your work.

Please be aware that you are now being assessed on your reflection.
 This should be a full paragraph stating what levels you think you will get.
 WWW and EBI with regards to the investigation process including time management, research etc
 WWW and EBI with regards to your result Plan
(final Template
answer) – are you happy/confident with your end
discussion. What improvements could you have made?

Scope: What is your research question? What will be investigated? What is the aim? What is the time frame
and theme of your investigation? This may be answered briefly in paragraph format, bullet points, graphic
organizers or a mixture of these. (Criterion B.1 and B.2)

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The goal of this report would be to answer the research question: How can Dubai improve its hard and soft
engineering techniques to reduce the impacts of coastal erosion without sacrificing the appeal of beaches and
mass tourism to its coast?
To successfully answer this research question, I must create a thorough, comprehensible report adhering to the
rubric’s requirements for a satisfactory mark/grade.
The information that I would need to collect would be the development of Dubai’s natural and manmade
beaches/islands and how the associated tourism boosted the economy, all the meanwhile having the
government be posed with a challenge of having to anticipate and appropriately deal with the natural and
inevitable consequences of coastal erosion, and having to invest money and launch projects into solutions to
delay the effects of the erosion, and what impacts (if any) these projects have had in correlation to the appeal
and mass tourism to these beaches, but more importantly to the actual eroding coast itself.

Method: How will it be investigated (how will you find/collect sources)? How will you record your
information (note cards, notebook, typed notes, outline, etc)? Your recorded information (note cards,
notebook, typed notes, outline, etc) SHOULD BE INCLUDED in/attached to your final action plan.
(Criterion B.3)

Plan: This related to scope – essentially you are brainstorming ideas here. Brainstorm your potential thesis,
supporting points, counter-arguments, comparisons, etc. Use this space as you seem fit but it will probably
be various graphic organizers (a mind map for brainstorming). (Criterion B.1 and B.2)

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on coastal
tourism Coastal
Funds erosion's effects
needed for presently

Management Possible future
Future plans impacts of
by the erosion
organizations Plans put in
to reduce place now
erosion to reduce

Rough ideas to be used in essay using research:

The structure of the palm islands along the coast of Dubai has caused some
huge environmental changes: The decrease in the country's marine life,
decline of the coastal land, and irregular sediment transport along the shore.
There is also a dramatic change in movement patterns along the coast of
Dubai because of the stone walls built in the tree islands: Instead of reaching
the shores now, These waves live in an odd way in the current obstruction.
That has led to these decrease of these shores of Dubai.

This economic depression has struck Dubai powerfully. (Bloomberg.)

( Because of its dependency on tourism and business which
has led to numerous newspaper accounts of business slowing and, in some
cases, stopping completely. (Hewitson, Jessie) (Chohan, Heerkani) (the
National.) In the attempt to fight the recession, Dubai has announced several
tax cutting methods to incentivize businesses in this area. (Khaleej period.
2009-05-30.) This combination of an eroding coastline putting threat to
onshore structures and urban planning, along with Dubai's heavy investment
in the tourism sector, puts the city at risk for a natural and inevitable tragedy
like no other. (Mersereau, Dennis.) The anticipated future sea level increase

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would in any case pose a challenge to urban planning, infrastructure and risk
reduction along Dubai’s shore. (Bressan, David.)

Dubai's coastal erosion is likely to be one of the most negatively impactful

occurrences in the Arabian peninsula's history if nothing is put in place to
reduce it. However, the national coastal guard sector is currently working on
a plan to reduce the amount of sand that can be washed ashore by tides.

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To-do list: Create a to-do list that is specific to this assignment and your investigation.
(Criterion B.2)

To-do list Date to be Review/Comments/Remarks Check if

completed completed
1. Conduct research on 5/1/2022 Was completed up to self’s
Dubai’s coastal expectation.
erosion issues.
6/1/2022 Was completed up to self’s
2. Collect and organize expectation.
all the conducted
research into the
research bank

3. Complete 7/1/2022 Was completed up to self’s

Investigation expectation.
4. Complete Plan 7/1/2022 Was completed up to self’s
5. Complete Criterion 8/1/2022 Was completed up to self’s
B.1 and B.2 of the expectation.
write up.

6. Complete B.3 of the 9/1/2022 Was completed up to self’s

write up expectation.

11/1/2021 Was completed up to self’s

7. Complete OPVL expectation.




Complete Reflection 18/1/2022

Submit final work with action

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