Subjective Part 2nd Main (5 Questions)

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Explain the following concepts.

1)Past tense

Past tense is you should to the first something that took place in the past time.

Past tense is for the classified into four types.

1.Simple past tense

This form of tense is used to refer action of state in the past. The time when it happen is either given in
the sentence or understood from the content.

Example;- He went to the bank

2.Past continuous tense

This form of tense is used to express that an action was in progress a specific time in the past.
Example;- It was raining.

3.Past perfect tense

This form of tense is used express that an action happened before the specific time or before
another action in the past.
Example;- He told us that the train had left.

4.Past perfect continuous tense

This form of tense is used to express that an action was in progress for sometime before another
action or time in the past.
Example;-When I arrived, Ram had been waiting for two hours.

2) Strategies for effective reading.

1. Identify the purpose in reading

2. Use graphemic rules and patterns to aid in bottom-up reading.

3. Use different silent reading techniques for relatively rapid reading.

4. Skim the text for main ideas.

5. Scan the text for specific information.

6. Use semantic mapping or clustering.

7. Guess when you aren’t certain.

8. Analyse vocabulary.

9. Distinguish between literal and implied meanings.

10. Capitalize on discourse markers to process relationships.

3) Kinds of communication
There are two kinds of communication.

 Verbal communication
Verbal communication means sharing of information between individual by using word or language.
It can be divided into oral and written communication.
 Oral communication:- The message transmitted through the spoken words is called oral
communication. Here the speaker use words to share his/her feelings, thoughts, ideas, opinions and
expresses them in the form of speeches, discussions, presentations and conversations etc.
 Written communication written communication involves return words to transmit a message it is the
most important and effective mode of business communication.

 Non verbal communication

Nonverbal communication means communicate a message without using words. It can be
categorised into Kinesics, Proxemics, Artifacts and Hepatics.
 Kinesics
Kinesics means use of limbs of the body for communication. It also include to study of posture,
gesture, stands and movement. In short kinesis means the body language.
 Proxemics
Proxemics refers to how people perceive and use space in communication.
 Chronemics
Chronemics refers to time. Time contributes to the success of oral presentations. Planning and
management of time make them more effective.
 Artifacts
Artifacts are Physical objects or material culture.
Artifacts indicates one’s personal beliefs, social beliefs and habits. Messages are thus conveyed in
non verbal manner.
 Haptics
Haptics refers to the study of touch gesture, which includes handshake, pat, high five clap etc. Touch
components are also cultural and situational conditioned.

4)Steps in listening process

The listening process involves seven stages. They are,

1) Stop talking
2) Sensing/Receiving
3) Recognising
4) Interpreting/Understanding
5) Evaluating
6) Responding/Feedback
7) Remembering/Feedback.

5)Word accent

When one speaks English the word should not sound flat, monotone and boring. They should be a
rhythm to English sentences this phenomena is called word ascent or word stress.
Word accent refers to the stress or emphasis placed on a particular syllable within a word. It plays a
crucial role in the pronunciation and meaning of words. Altering the stress pattern can change the
word’s meaning or grammatical function.
For example, in English, the noun “record” has stress on the first syllable (RE-cord), while the verb
“record” has stress on the second syllable (re-CORD).

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