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1- Sometimes the wind turbines are built without proper planning, and this affects the surrounding


2- Despite widespread precautions to kill mosquitos in Nigeria, malaria continues to be a serious

health problem.

3- As humans learned to raise plants for food, they began to establish permanent settlements.

4- The printing press had a profound effect on the transformation of cultural and religious issues in
the Renaissance.

5- Films with a great deal of violence in them are not appropriate for children.

6- Health risks from pesticide exposure are probably small for healthy adults, but children, the
elderly, and people with compromised immune systems may be vulnerable to some types of
pesticide poisoning.

7- Politicians are often vague about what they will do if elected so that no one can accuse them of
breaking their promises.

8- Pol pot, the Cambodian dictator, was one of the most notorious tyrants of modern history,
responsible for the massacre of millions of the people of his country.

9- Nuclear power is a controversial issue in Sweden, and it is expected that the country’s nuclear
reactors will be gradually shut down over the next 20 years.

10- Throughout the world, urbanization has drawn millions of people into desperate poverty.

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