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1 For open control system which of the following statements is incorrect? ( b )
(a) Less expensive
(b) Recalibration is not required for maintaining the required quality of the output
(c) Construction is simple and maintenance easy
(d) Errors are caused by disturbances
2 A control system in which the control action is somehow dependent on the output is known as
( a )
(a) Closed loop system (b) Semi closed loop system
(c) Open system (d) None of the above

3 In closed loop control system, with positive value of feedback gain the overall gain of the system
will ( b )
(a) decrease (b) increase
(c) be unaffected (d) any of the above
4 Which of the following is an open loop control system? ( a )
(a) Field controlled D.C. motor (b) Ward Leonard control
(c) Metadyne (d) Stroboscope

5 --------------has tendency to oscillate. ( a )

(a) Open loop system (b) Closed loop system
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) Neither (a) nor (b)
6 A car is running at a constant speed of 50 km/h, which of the following is the feedback element
for the driver ? ( c )

(a) Clutch (b) Eyes (c) Needle of the speedometer

(d) Steering wheel (e) None of the above
7 The initial response when the output is not equal to input is called ( a )
(a) Transient response (b) Error response
(c) Dynamic response (d) Either of the above
8 Transfer function of a system is used to calculate which of the following? ( c )
(a) The order of the system (b) The time constant
(c) The output for any given input (d) The steady state gain

9 The transient response, with feedback system ( d )

(a) rises slowly (b) rises quickly (c) decays slowly (d) decays quickly
10 The type 1 system has ______ at the origin. ( c )
(a) no pole (b) net pole (c) simple pole (d) two poles

11 The value of postion error constant is given by ---------- Kp=lims→0G(s) -----------------

12 The Condition for underdamped case is - ξ < 1 -----------------------

13 The value of Risetime (tr) for transient response specification is ----- tr=π−θ/ωd ---------

14 The expression for steady state error using Final value theorem ----

ess=limt→∞e(t)=lims→0sE(s) -------------


The value of damped frequency of oscillation is ----------- -------



The expression of Maximum Peak Overshoot is ------- ------------


17 The formula for Damping Factor is --------- ζ = actual damping / critical damping -------

18 The Routh- Array criteria condition to check stability of system is ------ each term

of first column of Routh Array formed of its characteristic

equation be positive if a0>0 ----------------

19 Give the Characteristic root equation of second order system s2 + 2ζωns + ωn2 = 0

20 For the second order system the damping ratio is 1 then the poles are ------- both
poles are equal, negative, and real (s = -ωn). ------------

1 A regenerative feedback implies feedback with [ a ]
a)oscillations b) step input c) negative d) positive

2 output of a feedback control system must be a function of [ c ]

a) reference and output b) reference and input
c) feedback and input d) feedback and output
3 AC servomotor resembles [d ]
a) 3-ɸ synchronous motor b) DC series motor
c) 3- ɸ induction motor d) 2- ɸ induction motor
4 A closed loop system distinguished by the open loop system by which of the following
[ b]
a) synchro b) feedback c) output pattern d) input pattern
For the system of the given figure the transfer function =

[ b]

a) b) c) d)none
6 Laplace transform of impulse function δ(t) [ b]
a) 1/s b)1 c) s d) none
7 what is the order of the given system s(s+1)/(5s³+8s²+10s+12) [ d ]
a) 1 b) 2 c) 4 d) 3
8 The characteristic equation of the control system is given by S3 + S2 +2S + 2 =0,
the system would be [ ]
a. Stable b. Unstable c. Marginally stable d. None

9 Spring in force-voltage analogy is analogous to [ d ]

a) Reciprocal of inductance b) inductance c) capacitance d) reciprocal of capacitance
10 Which among the following are solely responsible in determining the speed of
response of control system? [ a ]
a. Poles b. Zeros c. Speed of input d. All of the above
In a closed loop control system with positive value of feedback gain the overall gain of the

system will ___increase______

Transfer function is applicable to _only linear time invariant systems.


Mason's gain formula T(s) = ________ ____________.


Transfer function of is________________ ____

15 Basically, poles of transfer function are the Laplace transform variable values which
cause the transfer function to become ___infinite________.
16 The output is said to be zero state response because __with initial___ conditions are made
equal to zero.
Transient response is mainly due to ____stored energy________.

18 each term of
The Routh- Array criteria condition to check stability of system is ----
first column of Routh Array formed of its characteristic
equation be positive if a0>0. -----------------
19 The magnitude & phase relationship between __sinusoidal___input and the steady
state output is called as frequency domain.
20 Root locus specifies the movement of closed loop poles especially when the gain of
system ___ Exhibit variations _____.

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